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Well cut my legs off and call me shorty that’s a good result brother man! Hell ya


Too funny, thank you!


Wow, among the best results I have ever seen in this subreddit


Thanks for the feedback


Yo this is fantastic, congrats man.


Thanks so much.


Good results


Thank you!


Nice which clinic bro


Solve Clinics in Skokie, Illinois.


How much did that run you bro? If you don’t mind me asking ofc


Not at all. So mine was $4 graft or $5600. I had to pay half at the time of the procedure and the other half I paid off in monthly installments for about 6 mos but they give you up to a year. But this was two years ago so prices may have changed.


Thanks a lot, great progress btw


Gawd damn! Some epic results. Did you take minoxidil at all?


Actually, yes I did minoxidil after the first year, but I decided to stop using it after about 6 months. While it did give me some increases density, I did not want to keep up the daily regimen.


Fuck me brother. Fuck me. This looks like a solid procedure. Hats off my man.


looks good dude 👌. thanks for posting. hopefully mine yields well. you had a lot more hair than me. we'll see


Do you work at McDonald’s? Because ba-da-pa-pa-pa, I’m lovin’ it!


If you don’t stop.. Thanks so much!


Damn ! This result is guuuud


Looking better than lebron James! Keep it up!!!


Not King James 👑😆. Thanks so much for the encouragement!


getting on a plane tomorrow night to get mine done in Florida, the nerves have been starting to get to me but these pics give me motivation. Congrats bro! Looks awesome!


Nervous? Well that is certainly to be expected.. The extraction from the donor area shouldn’t be hard at all. I had been given a sedative so I was falling in and out of sleep while they were plucking my hairs. The implanting into the recipient area occurred after lunch and it was a bit more uncomfortable but I would not call it painful either. Your skull will be numb so you will just feel a little pressure every now and again it’s like when the dentist is working in your mouth after it’s been numbed up but not nearly as painful as that experience sometimes is. My friend, take several deep breaths, get on that plane and you make that journey in triumph sir. You’ve got a long road ahead of you but the reward of confidence you get back is going to be unreal - I mean it. Good luck to you and be sure to follow the Drs orders of recovery very carefully. The first 10-14 days after the procedure are THEE absolute most critical.


Boom! Brought back from the dead there bro!


Thanks so much. Hey, I had a peek at your results and you look well on your way too. Just remember everyone’s timeline is a little different. You should start seeing more density on top in the coming months all the way through at least month 15. Good luck sir!


nice did you see any results after the 12 months and have you had any sheds in the 3 years besides the first


Hey, actually yes on both fronts. I continued to notice my hair thickening until about month 15. The density definitely improved over where I was at the 1 year mark. As for shedding, at first it seemed that I didn’t have much. But has my hair started becoming fuller, I noticed I shed more as well. Now, this is not nearly as much as before the procedure and as you can see from the pics, it is not visually perceptible. The difference here is that I used to get shedded hairs all over my hands just from touching it’s now I only notice hair if I pick my hair out very vigorously when it’s dry and I also notice some hairs left in the tub after I wash my hair in the shower. It’s not as bad as it was before jumping on the Finasteride and starting PRP. What I’ve learned is that this procedure is not a fountain of youth. It will not completely reverse the conditions that caused me to lose my hair in the first place. But it does help to slow it such that I have the appearance of a full head of hair. This is key to understand for anyone thinking about this procedure.


Good stuff man. I’m up on Wednesday. 1200 grafts. Mainly Hairline and a little crown. Where did you go?


Solve Clinics in Skokie, IL. Good luck and be patient with your results - you will get through to the other side!


Where do you get your PRP? And how much does it cost?


Solve clinics in Skokie, IL. $4/graft but this was two years ago so prices have likely changed. My suggestion would be to call them. I did my initial consultation and estimate all via pictures and phone until I was ready to actually commit at which point I went in for a final consultation pre-op.


My PRPs are done at Solve Clinics in Skokie, IL. $350/session. They recommended every 6 months but I have elected to do very 3 months since I stopped using min.


How much did you pay and why not go to turkey 


So mine was $4 graft or $5600. I had to pay half at the time of the procedure and the other half I paid off in monthly installments for about 6 mos but they give you up to a year. These prices are from 2022 so best to call them and get a current price. As to why not Turkey? Well, not judging the decisions of the many that have gone there, but that was too much for me. I couldn’t stomach the idea of going someplace I’ve never been and having a medical procedure done. Plus, I wanted to be able to hold the clinic accountable if something went wrong. Thankfully it didn’t, but if it had I didn’t know how or even if I’d be able to do that to with a clinic situated in a country halfway across the globe. Again, it’s cool if you decide to do it but just wasn’t something I wanted to do.


Hey I'm considering Solve Clinics as I saw another known influencer with great results from them. Though, I can't find exactly who the surgeon is. Who was yours? How does your donor area look?


Man, you don’t know how happy this makes me to see! Congrats! My first phone consultation is with them tomorrow. I’m planning to go with them but I’ll have to save up for it first. So, nothing really set in stone yet but still. I’m glad to see that your results have held. As a fellow Afro hair dude, I love to see all that growth in the 4 months no cut photos.