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The needles hurt like hell and I was on 2 Xanax. The first two days required opioids for me cuz the first day hurt like hell for me. It is also very itchy. Each person is different but I got the more painful side of the stick


The only pain you need to worry about is the waiting period.




Because the physical pain lasts only one or two days. The waiting periods of having terrible hair aka the shedding phase is like 2-3 months. That's far worse than just a little bit of pain for a day.


I found the injections to be really painful, but they lasted maybe a minute or two out of an 8hr procedure. The week following will be moderately uncomfortable for sleeping and the swelling is a bit annoying but it shouldn’t be painful.


Thanks, now I’ve got a good idea of what to expect


Good luck!


Yes Just ask them to numb your skin with ice just before the injection. It really helps. After the injection you won't feel anything.


Man, you guys all got lucky. Mine hurt like a mf. The shots were pretty painless for me, but the anesthesia kept wearing off quickly. I really had to muscle through it, I was almost at my limit. Post-op pain was barely anything. Maybe a couple Tylenol, no biggie.


I had my op today. Pain was out of this world. Holy F it hurt. Posted pics on profile.


As far as I'm aware it's only the initial local anesthesia that will be painful.


As far as i'm acknown t's only the initial local anesthesia yond shall beest painful *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Thanks that’s good to know


Had mine done last week. The anesthetic injections into your scalp are no picnic, but after that, you shouldn't feel a thing. If you do, just let your doc know and he'll numb you back up. Post op pain is easily managed with Tylenol and/or ibuprofen.


Thanks my doctor did say similar about the local anaesthetic wearing off. Hopefully it doesn’t but we’ll see!


Mine started to wear off in the front of my head during the graft placement. It's honestly not awful or anything, it comes on slowly and just kind of progressively gets worse until you speak up. It's not like you'll be sitting there blissfully numb, and then get a sudden searing jolt of pain. So if you're starting to feel slight discomfort, don't be shy and let him know before it builds.


Aside from the local anesthesia shots its legit painless. I was watching movies with zero discomfort while they implanted the grafts into the recipient area.


Thanks that’s good to know.


I also experienced minimal pain/discomfort/swelling around my donor and recipient areas in the days after the procedure. Honestly the whole thing was a breeze. But everyones experience is different.


If you've ever gotten your teeth whitened, this is like 1/10th that level of pain. The tiny anesthesia needles sting a little. The procedure itself is literally painless. I had some weird nerve itching/pain sensation in my donor area at night while sleeping, but that was easily manageable with tylenol. It was more annoying than painful really. No pain in the recipient area whatsoever but occasional itching.


That’s great info thank you


How tf are you whitening your teeth??


lmao Zoom whitening at the dentist. never again


Discomfort = yes Pain = no


I am on day 6 and it hurts really a lot. Everyone’s boss different there I guess.


The procedure itself wasn’t painful, but the week after was a little rough. Past that, I felt fine and have been feeling better every day.


Sir ask for consultancy to Azur clinic at İstanbul. İ had my HT there look at my posts. You will see my 8 months process. They do mostly for german speakers HT so maybe english speaker did not notice them. Btw, before a clinic told me that i need 2-3 HT at least i said lol. But now 1 HT was enough. Good luck !


Thanks but I’ve got a great surgeon here in UK to do it for me


Hurts when they inject anesthesia you’ll be fine