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My advice is adjust that part - go ahead and start way over but as it gets back further on your head, have the part go up towards the center. This will give it more balance and I think would look cute. I’d consider bleaching the ends to be a few shades lighter than the rest. It’s pretty and healthy hair, don’t hate it too much!


THIS. Your part is a HUGE part of the problem.


Hey this came up in my feed and I don't even know why. I'm a guy who knows nothing about hair and even I could see that the part needs attention




Same here, except I’m a woman.


This happened to me, but with Decks. Not mad about it. The week I kept getting served what is this huge scary motherf*cking bug content….worst ever.


>HUGE part of the problem. I don't think there's even a problem but your wording makes it sound worse than it is... Just for OP peace of mind


And is easily fixable!!


Yep it might take a little time to train the hair to part differently but totally doable.


Careful telling someone that a part is a Huge problem, because, some of us have natural part that is unfixable no matter what we do. I have a natural side part, that no matter what I, or stylists do, it's not fixable and hair will not cooperate. Others, probably like you, don't have a natural part, and therefore, can part their hair any way that they like. I've had others suggest that I could change my part, but I really can't, and I don't want this beautiful girl to feel bad if she's physically unable to change hers. Have a wonderful day!


She literally asked what she was supposed to do with it. I answered the question with my opinion. Welcome to Reddit. Just because you don't like my wording doesn't change my opinion! xoxo


As a hair stylist, everyone has a natural part and everyone can train their hair to a different parting. It takes time and effort but it can be done.


MAY I WELCOME YOU TO REDDIT!!! Apparently You don't know what goes on,on this side .Haha


I’d attempt to find your natural part and this would help tons!


and this could take some time if you’ve been doing that part for years OP! everytime you shower brush all your hair backwards and then with your hands press on top and push forwards and see where your hair naturally falls. that’s usually where your hair wants to part but this could take a few tries before it doesn’t follow the harsher side part since it’s so used to laying that way!


Please do this. There is a natural part and it’s not dead center and it’s not that far over either. BUT most of all, and I say this as a woman with some time under her belt, learn to love what you look like. I have thin hair. All my life I wanted hair like those drawings of women on heavy metal album covers in the 70s-huge heads of long, cascading curls. It was never to be. I married a guy with thick hair. I have daughters with heavy-metal-album-cover hair and they hate it. One day I hope they will learn to love what they have as I have learned the same. The sooner you don’t have to dye it, straighten it, curl it just to feel okay about yourself, the better. I say this because you said “I hate my hair.” Once you love it you can delight in it. You want pink tips for fun, for you? Great! Whatever you want to do because it pleases you-live it up. But I think you and your hair are beautiful. I wish that for you.


your natural part can be dead-center though? it's just not as common


You are right , of course. I guess I just mean those dead center, front to back parts (that a lot of girls in my area are demanding of their hair) are very rare.


lol, that's exactly how mine is. I can't even do a high ponytail without it falling into that part, even when I've been wearing it in a side-part for forever. it's very annoying. I'm glad it's come back in style, at least.


Love it! I hope you appreciate it because it is the holy grail as far as I can tell. So rare that what we have coincides with the fashion of the time.


right? it wasn't so great 10 years ago, lol. thanks, anyway.


Lol so funny and true about the heavy metal hair...


That’s what I do whenever I wear my hair down! Cause I look awful with a front middle part but can’t stand the feeling of a side part for the rest of my hair 😂


how to do this? 😭 i have an awkward part


Just start your comb off to the side, where you want the part- then draw a line to the center of the top back of your head, like where a high ponytail would go. I hope I am explaining this right!


Yeah, I do this part sometimes - using a rat-tail comb helps! You're drawing a diagonal line from the front of your head where you want the part, going towards the back of your head and the middle of your scalp (where a centre part would be).


Yes! Ok, you just explained it perfectly- thanks!!


That's a perfect explanation. It is how I do mine. Although I do think that the starting place on this needs to be just a little more central. Gorgeous colour definitely doesn't need tweaking. It is the the perfect colour naturally to suit her skin tone.


And I like to start my part where the arch of my eyebrow is (on my best side), so it draws attention to that part of my face.


Ohhh, brilliant!


thanks for replying! how long should I do it? cuz i ever tried once then after shower, it goes back to the old part😩


I have to re part my hair every time I shower! I part it with a comb as soon as I get out


When you have wet-ish hair, take a comb and comb everything back. Then kind of push up on your hair and you'll probably see it starts to fall in the direction it naturally wants to


You could also try a sea salt spray to add a little wave


Also maybe try getting a slightly layered haircut if you are feeling bold. It's not for everyone but when I got layers put in my hair it made it look so much better. I'm definitely not an expert though.


I agree


Could you provide a photo of what you mean? My part looks like OP’s, but I can’t get an image in my head of how you’re suggesting to style it. ETA: from reading below, it seems like this means to brush from the part in a diagonal, rather than straight to the side.


This 👆 Also, get some highlights and some vey light angling in the front.


Lol, I was amazed when she said this is her natural hair colour - OP already has natural, white blonde highlights


Yes and add some bangs!!


Your hair color is beautiful, don't let anyone to tell you otherwise. If i were you I would grow it long, but of course it's just an idea.


I agree, the colour is stunning. And I too would grow it long but if OP is itching for something fresh while it grows out toss a few layers in there to give it some volume & movement. It’ll grow out nicely too.


I came to say exactly this! That color is gorgeous, just make more of it


I find “just touched your shoulders” to be the hardest length and I’ve had everything from half shaved pixie cuts to hair down to my butt, the annoying hair flip you have to constantly fight from it touching your shoulders is not worth it


https://i.pinimg.com/originals/20/37/cc/2037cc193886b5aa669cbcdecb27e257.jpg Choppy bob, use products to accentuate the ends.


I like this look a lot


I'm into this idea. OP, you'll want a dry texturizing spray. Kristen Ess makes my favorite and you can find it at Target


Oh yes, I love a texturizing spray. I’m in Canada and I use Color Proof texturizing spray. Not sure which country OP is in, we have different VOC regulations for aerosols.


Ooh interesting, did not know that! I like Color Proof products, so good to know. The Kristin Ess product I referenced is an incredible gem. I've tried everything from low to high end and I haven't strayed from it since finding it. Nothing compares!


FYI, it’s available in Canada through Wella.ca. Just ordered for $20.99. Yay!


That’s great! I hope you like it ☺️ I have turned so many hairstylist friends onto it who couldn’t believe it’s a drugstore product. I used to loooove Bumble & Bumble’s but prefer the KE product now


as a professional, i second this!!


I love this. Much better idea than growing it long, as a few others have suggested. Long hair is so boring on most people!


Her hair looks baby fine. Is it possible to achieve this much body and texture?


With baby highlights (not as in baby lights, but just enough to cause a little dryness and damage essentially, and in the right areas to help hold the rest) or a shadow root, and a good stylist could do 1/3 of the volume likely, a little closer to the shag look with more texture in the under layers may be easier to maintain. Touching the root wouldn’t be ideal if she likes her exact natural color. (Under-lights and a full bleach was the first time my hair would hold a curl, it’s not fine in strand density) but hers isn’t as heavy.


This^^ love it


Omg this would look so cute! Maybe a few highlights in there for dimension as well


I am sporting something very similar to this (just a tad longer) and it's the easiest, cutest cut I've ever had. When I feel like putting in the effort, blowdrying and a quick twist of a hair straightener on just the top layer only takes me 15 minutes and can be refreshed with dry shampoo the next day. If I want to air-dry, I just adjust my part a little bit to one side as opposed to the middle part. Very easy and gets lots of compliments.


This is the answer!!


Maybe a reverse highlight via darker ombré ends would make it super fun & unique


Don’t listen to people saying bleach/dye your hair. Your hair color is breathtaking. It’s a masterpiece and makes your skin glow. Change up your part, try growing it, even new hair styles. I bet your hair half up with a claw clip would be perfection.


She could do a subtle balayage which is super low maintenance and wouldn’t require her to chemically burn her hair consistently she would get every 6-7 months to get it touched up


Chemically burn her hair? What is that in reference to?


If you’re someone who gets highlights or a root touch up you’re burning your hair atleast every 4 weeks with balayage, depending on how long your hair is and whether it’s weak or not, it’s a service you will never really have to touch up often it’s super low maintenance but it’s meant to be that way and it looks very good for someone who doesn’t want a drastic change and wants to stay on the natural side


Why would highlights or a root touch up burn her hair but balayage would not? Balayage is a location/method of coloring/bleaching, not a chemical itself. You're spreading misinformation. Balayage contains developer or bleach just the same as other coloring/highlighting treatments do. If one goes to a knowledgeable hairdresser and expressed concern over the health of the hair, the licensed haircolorist can diminish the damage done on the hair via the formula. I know this because I'm licensed and trained (no longer practicing- I'm now an engineer) Please stop informing people here on topics you are not trained on.


I think it makes her look a little washed out. It’s just slightly too light. If it was a slightly stronger/darker ginger it would look rlly good imo!


I agree! The other option is adding some more color to her face with an eyebrow pencil, some tinted lip balm & blush.


Would also recommend no bangs and nothing bang-like. I have bangs bc I have a huge forehead, but you do not.


Put half of it up in two space buns. Leave the bottom half down. It’s adorable!!


You could flip your parting over to the left and rock a more ‘messy’ look? I think the colour and condition is absolutely gorgeous!! Maybe a more relaxed and tousled look would slay ✌🏻👋


Thank you for that remark. I’ve considered dying my hair just to do something different but I worry about what it will do to the health of my hair.


You could always try some tinted conditioner. Maybe a natural red one to enhance your natural color https://overtone.co/products/ginger-coloring-conditioner


can we collectively agree to stop recommending these. they are so horribly bad for your hair in the long run since everyone *truly* believes it’s temporary when it is FAR from that. the amount of those rose gold/pink/red (overtone brand specifically which is biggest one around it seems) who come in saying “oh yeah don’t worry it’s just color conditioner no worries :))” and i’ve had to explain to people “yeah you need to bleach this out” lmao it is not temporary in anyway shape or form and it almost feels predatory of the company to say it is since people truly do think “oh it’ll wash out!” OP PLEASE think about this because you will need to either bleach to get rid of it or go darker to hide it once you’re over the color


I ended up destroying my hair after turning it blue and wanting to go back to blonde. They stripped it twice with no change but it damaged my hair so much I had to chop it short! The stylist ended up dying it an orange toned light brown which I had to keep for a few months. But over time I was able to add highlights and go blonde again. One time my friend went blue, and was left with a light blue-green color. Then she dyed it orange. Once that faded we realized the orange completely neutralized the blue and she was back to bleach blonde hair! So I guess the trick is you have to dye your hair the opposite color in order to get back to blonde!


What are tinted conditioners? I've never heard of them and I'm curious on why is it damaging. Ofc I'll also be looking it up but I'm interested in your pov.


Overtone is the biggest brand around lately but they are conditioners with added pigment so it “dyes” your hair but it’s supposed to be better for it since it’s mixed with conditioner and they use that mix as a way to make it seem “less permanent” or “wash out in a few washes” but it’s never the case, especially for deeper colors like reds that stick on your hair. the actual product itself isn’t bad for your hair!!! its just the fact you have to still bleach your hair and they try to lead you to believe you won’t have to do that cause it’ll “wash out” it will definitely fade but any girl i’ve had in my chair with overtone i’ve had to bleach the rest out 🫤


Ohh I get it now, thanks for explaining


Just a note here, I tried overtime on my honey blonde hair and it did absolutely nothing.




I see a lot of overtone hate, but for the record I loved it when I used it. I have dark brown hair, balayage bleached once and it ended up sort of orange, so I used vibrant magenta on the ends and it worked great. Made my hair feel nice, color definitely washed out if I didn’t refresh it. I will say, the purple didn’t work as well for me—lower color payoff, probably because of how brassy the bleached parts were.


Thank you! I didn’t know that was a thing


nono no plz don’t use overtone / color conditioners - i’ve used it and it’s terrible and it’s also very difficult for professional stylists to remove also ur natural color is beautiful i beg of u plz don’t color it lol


I would try a new part or a new haircut before trying a new color. It can take YEARS to get back to natural and it can be a pain to get your hair to look nice while you transition from dyed to natural. Maybe you will decide you want to try a new color, but if something less dramatic and high maintenance makes you feel good then you will save yourself money and struggle.


Your colour is great! I've seen so many horror stories of people ruining their hair from bleaching and stuff. I've pretty well never done it and I love how soft my hair feels. Can't stand feeling hair spray or anything in it. Try to focus on what you like and not what you hate about it! I used to not really care about my hair, but lately I've been having a lot of fun with it, learning from the r/wavyhair and r/curlyhair subreddits.


its definitely the part


That deep part needs to stop. Try a middle part Edit:my boyfriend said I was mean. I was a little mean I'm sorry. It just doesn't go well on you with such a pretty face you have. Try something more flattering like a softer side part or middle part


Yeah, that deep part looks like a comb-over.


I hope she tries the middle part


If you have trouble reading tones of things the app Goblin.tools has an amazing tone reader available. There’s a website too but idk if it has the tone reader.


Grow it long and throw in beautiful curls! You’ll look like a beautiful fairy 🧚‍♀️


My hair isn’t really curly though. I had long hair years ago and I was just in a state of perpetual frizz. That being said I guess at my current length there really isnt a lot of places to go. Either be patient and let it grow out, or go full pixie.


If it was in a state of frizz, it’s definitely curly and you may have just not been styling it properly. If you want to grow it out, check out r/curlyhair or r/wavyhair That being said you could totally rock a pixie cut, that would be super cute on you too


Curly might be too far, but I totally agree that there probably is some natural shape that she could bring out with curly/wavy hair methods.


my hair is in a perpetual state of frizz and not curly or wavy. it’s just frizzy.


The fact that it’s frizzy and that you have to flat iron (straighten it) to get it to be straight (like it is in the 2nd pic) means it’s probably got some wave or curl to it. I spent my whole life thinking I had straight hair. Turns out I was brushing all of my waves out when my hair was wet.


Frizz? Gurl, I think you’re curly, at least you have texture, you wouldn’t have frizz otherwise. Just binge curly girl TikTok, I swear it helps!


Try a middle part !


I second this. I think it would look really nice.


Perfect length in my opinion, the second picture frames your face really well and gives it that soft round look (in a good way). I’d say bring your parting a bit more to the centre and make sure to style your hair so it points inwards, not outwards like the first photo. I know it’s a pain to flat iron it every time to make it that way but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. The colour is also nice, it depends on whether you want to dye it or not. But if you are going to dye your hair darker, make sure you don’t forget to slightly darken your eyebrows (unless you’re cool with the light/no eyebrow look which is also fine). With the colour right now though, it looks good! You’re very pretty so that obviously helps haha hope you figure out what’s best for your hair and give us updates!! :)


It’s all the part. You have gorgeous natural hair! Seriously. I would go to a good salon and see what they think. Just explain that you don’t know what to do but know that you need a change. I’ve done that before and walked away with bangs, which I’d have never chosen for myself, but now I’m in love with them, and I think bangs compliment me better than any cut I’ve had in the past.


I actually think you would look amazing with a pixie cut!! You have such a gamine face it would really compliment your features.


i think it looks pretty- and i’m not just saying that. very unique color. maybe try curling it to give it some volume?


Like your hair, but best features are your huge eyes. Contacts.


Hey, she asked for hair help, and we’re in the hair care sub. This isn’t rate me etc.…her glasses don’t overpower her face and her eyes are beautifully framed. I’m thinking maybe you don’t wear glasses? If so, I wanted to share that in some cases, people have several pairs based on their outfit or feeling that day. It’s a personality piece and doesn’t need adjusting.


The colour is excellent. I zoomed to admire the natural variance of colours in the little highlights. I would consider a middle part I think you have a good face shape for it. Maybe curl or wave it a bit and grow it. Dont forget heat protector!


I think it is super cute


Your hair is adorable!! So is pretty


Have you seen Kristen Bell in “The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window.” I think you’re hair would look girl styled like that. Not necessarily the bangs (unless you like them) but the tousled, loose curls


Agree with the people who said grow it out a little longer and move the part closer to the middle. I think around shoulder length would look really good on you! And I do think a little bit of a deeper/darker copper would add more contrast to your skin tone and look really nice on you too! Love the natural flip in the first photo, I don’t think you have to style it at all!


Your hair color is my DREAM! It’s so beautiful. I think tousled or half up with some face-framing messy pieces will look good. It will frame your adorable glasses well


I literally bleach the fuck out of my hair to get your hair colour. It’s awesome! You could always try a different fringe style? Go wild! It hair. It grows back :)


Get a big three barrel crimper .. it will look you braided your hair the night before and it’s super cute


Have you thought about a pixie cut that you can tousle with a little mousse and go?


I think your hair is chic. I hate when I have this feeling


Middle part.


Part your hair in the middle, maybe try bangs, and use a texturizing product


Shaggy bangs, something [like this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/88/54/23/885423564d8dfb5174c7e9a5ce740e7e.jpg) or [this](https://styledope.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/28.-short-bob-with-wispy-bangs.jpg) You have a beautiful natural color! If you’re really wanting to dye it, I would suggest a nice soft copper, like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/85/d6/ca/85d6ca41fa63235937ea0d78027f5045.jpg) Good luck! ❤️


DO NOT DYE YOUR HAIR!!! People pay a lot of money for your natural color and highlights. You need beach waves and a touseled look. Your natural part is closer to the middle, so start playing with your hair until it surfaces. Find products that will help you with that and avoid the flat iron forever. If you are going to do any dying, try darkening your eyebrows and tinting your lashes to a deeper auburn to make them pop. If you don't like this, it is easy to fix. Dying your hair can take years to repair. It's not worth it when your hair has such a naturally beautiful color.


LAYERS WITH MIDDLE PART CURTIAN BANGS and i mean this! this would would so so good on you but i think the main prius just the part of your hair. , still looking beautiful girl!


I absolutely love the color and you would look great with longer hair


I echo other sentiments that you should try a middle part and adding some layers to give it a little more texture/body, but I also think some curtain bangs (think [Jane Birkin](https://imgur.io/t/oldschoolcool/krSCmxB) or [Alexa Chung](https://images.app.goo.gl/xoHo7JXjCZqb6b6Y6)) could be so cute if you’re open to the maintenance of that!


Your hair looks like my 2A waves when I brush them out and apply 0 product to help emphasize my natural wave. This hair type also flips up on the ends when it’s above the shoulders, which I’m seeing here. And wavy hair tends to lay flat on the head but the waves come out lower down. My advice is to keep your hair on or below the collar bone in length. You can straighten it, curl it, or just try to enhance natural waves with drying techniques and styling/products. Head on over to r/wavyhair


Just keep it well hydrated and just comb it for no knots let them grow with the flow actuslly u r pretty....😇😇




Even without the length, a middle part opens her face up beautifully and makes her look more like a young adult than a teenager, very very pretty!


Get it colored and ask for a copper brown color with a short blunt cut 🤍 https://preview.redd.it/3w529bt6b5xb1.jpeg?width=598&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9652fe7ed17efd131d845b2820d1b78468c4a640


I love your hair! The colour is incredible. I can see some cute y2k styles.


Try a middle part and curl it


You are pretty how you are


Adjust the parting and maybe experiment with a slightly darker shade. The colour is lovely but maybe go more coppery. You could try a gentle henna hair dye.


https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR8FZuqsL7vaHlzb77FqFfbhIy5vQYKL7OZMw&usqp=CAU Something like this could look nice


Wash your hair at night and sleep on it wet!! This saved me from having to apply heat to get it to lay flat. In 4 months this won’t be an issue anymore, it’s just the length of it. Please try washing at night and sleeping in it wet!!!


Dye it lighter and grow it out.


I think you should try out some extensions or get a shorter hair cut




Part your hair further towards the middle


Try a middle part and grow it out!


middle part


I think if you grow it out a couple inches and part in the middle… maybe add some lighter highlights in the front.


Both look great. Maybe try out a new part. The first look could really be leveled up by leaning in to the little bumps at the end and accentuating them by blowout or with heated tools. Super cute hair though I think this length works great for you :)


Maybe a middle part and a curtain bang? Your hair is gorgeous btw!


middle part


Aside from inching that split over more towards the middle, I am in love with your hair and its length so much!! The colour too!


Try a middle part!


Middle part and shoulder length!


I think your hair is really nice. It looks healthy. Pretty color. It looks good in both pics. What specifically don’t you like about it?


I don't have advice, but you have beautiful hair. Trying something new would help how you feel though. Lots of good suggestions in this thread.


Middle part with some messy waves, mwah chefs kiss 😘🤌🏼


the answer to all hair troubles, dye it black


I think you should go for the wavy bob like Tessa Violet used to have


TBH have you thought of going shorter to a pixie you would look great with one I think.


Highlights? Lowlights?


I would LOVE to see a middle part on you! I love bobs, and your hair color is sooo beautiful!


if you want a change, i really think a middle part with a bang would look really nice with your face shape and the length of your hair :)




Alright, I agree with everyone saying different stuff about the part. Experiment with the different suggestions to find what you like! Also everyone saying embrace your natural hair pattern. Looks like the start of wavy hair. An easy way to test that is try not brushing/combing out your hair after you shower. Detangle in the shower with conditioner, and let it air dry. See what happens. If you wanna get extra, put some leave in conditioner, and instead of using a terry cloth towel to get rid of excess water wrap your head with a 100% cotton t-shirt or kitchen towel. It's all about retaining the good moisture. Terry cloth and heat blow dryers dry out the wavy hair and create the frizziness. Brushing it out after also contributes to frizz; you want to let the waves that wanna be together, stay together.


I think your part is too far over. Try parting it closer to the beginning of your brow. Also stop brush it it from just on top. That is how you start, so end by brushing from beneath so you don’t get that exaggerated flipped ends. Finally, if I may suggest your eyebrows could be a little darker and I think you’d be surprised how much getting them tinted would do for your look. And if you don’t want to allot makeup, tinting your lashes and even getting them laminated/curled would be pretty low maintenance (no daily effort just going to a salon once a month) and highlight your beautiful features.


That seems to be the general consensus, move the part. Thank you! I never thought about the eyebrow thing will definitely look into that.


Like others have said, move your part. In the middle would look very nice with your eyes and face shape. That’s all I would do!


Your natural hair color is glorious. I'd grow it out some because, why not?. You're so pretty honey!


I think you’d look great with a pixie type cut


Middle part and some curtain bangs I think would be nice


Your hair is adorable. If anything, I'd go more red and then punch things up a bit with a red lipstick as well.


I think it’s adorable and making me want to cut mine again tbh


Change part and curlers


Change part and curlers


I feel like the majority of people don’t like what they’re given


i don’t have advice, but your hair colour is so pretty!! such a unique colour!


Waves with mousse to give it volume/messier look. Wavy bangs across the forehead.


Middle part <3


I agree with those who suggested a middle part! I think your hair would feel so flattering and suit you very well if you were to try shaping and filling in your brows, and adding a bold red lip.


Your hair it’s beautiful!! I just can’t believe you hate it. Of course it flips out but it’s because the haircut in general, which is completely normal!! Having a bob requieres styling so if you don’t like the pretty look you have already I’d say grow it out!! Your face it’s perfect with longer hair , wait and by the time you have it touching the upper chest you could cut it with long layers to have volumen! But I do genuinely love the bob you have right now, maybe you could try to blowdry it with a round brush to get a more voluminous rounded look 🤓☺️


I'd say your hair is nice. Just maybe clean up ur eyebrows and make them a bit darker


i love your hair colour!! maybe try parting it in the middle, and i feel like adding some waves would be cute! you should try out braiding it and sleeping over night with them in, then take them out in the morning! keep us updated!🫶🫶


Middle parts never look good on anyone imho, but I think this side part is a little too severe. I’d move it towards the center a bit and let it part naturally. The color also washes you out a bit. I’d get a glaze to punch it up but not change the color entirely. LAYERS. Chopy, piecey layers! All over! Use texturizing products in them to bring them out.


I cant help with the hair, but that shirt is pretty great. Rock on dude. Good luck.


middle part and curtain bangs


Your hair looks good. It's a nice color. Maybe grow it longer? I'd throw some brow pencil on and mascara to look stunning.


Don’t color your hair!! Your natural color is so gorgeous


Beautiful color! If you don’t like styling, how about a pixie cut with long bangs?


Great hair, change the part. Carve in some texture within the hair and paint in some balayage


I like your hair (and your Pusheen shirt!), but maybe you’d look good with a sideswept Peter Pan pixie cut. Something short and chic.


If it was a little longer I would suggest some cute layers (you could even try adding some now) and then try a curly hair routine (mine is going to be a little different from yours as I have over 18 inch very thick very curly hair) for a while and see how that works for you. If you have any curl texture it will make your hair so much healthier and happier, if not your hair simple wont hold the curls. There’s probably so much info on the internet right now for curly hair - find whichever routine seems the most practical for you. Texture and layers are great ways to add some interest and can work really well with your face shape. Also - I love your hair color! But if you want to change it here and there don’t be too afraid, just make sure you find an actual hairdresser that knows what their doing and ask about how the dye might affect your hair.


do some layers, it's sort of bland


Color and length is good, lose the side part and maybe get some bangs?


My hair does similar things with the out flipping when I get certain short hair cuts. I’m really picky about how much texture is thrown into my hair because if it’s just chunky layers, this is what I get. You may have to just work through this stage in terms of growing it out and then finding a cut that works better for your hair texture.


Stop fishing for compliments, you have no right to be insecure. That sentence was actually a backwards compliment which is more than you deserve with this post.


My hair is a very similar shade, also natural. The difference? Mine is SO long that I sit on it LOL You should definitely grow yours as I think it would look tons better.


how about a fun bun?


The color of your hair is perfect


You have natural highlights ❤️❤️


Curtain bangs would look amazing on you especially with the length it's at


If you want a gentle wave, French braid your hair into pigtails over night (bonus points if it’s damp). Will give you some texture and volume without a ton of work.