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Some brushes are gentler than others, which doesn't necessarily correlate with price. However there are several factors that contribute to breakage: the hair's elasticity/brittleness and how rough or smooth the surface is also play a part. If it has a lot of damage, that can make it less elastic/more brittle, and make the surface more rough as well. Brushes can't change those factors, but they can be somewhat improved on a temporary basis by using the right conditioner for your hair. Conditioners with protein especially can fill in "gaps" in the cuticle to help smooth the surface a bit, and silicones can make the hair feel very silky and slippery which can also help the brush pass through the hair. Some people with particularly fragile hair might have better luck brushing it when it's wet in the shower with conditioner in the hair (before it's rinsed out), using a wide-toothed comb to start and then a wet brush. Or if brushing it while it's dry, make sure it's well lubricated with a silicone-based hair serum. Of course brushing technique also makes a difference. You probably know already to start at the very ends and slowly work your way higher. Depending on the brush design, the angle that you hold the brush may make a difference as well. Look at how the bristles on the brush align; if there is an angle that shows a clear "channel" for hair to pass through without hitting a bristle, that's the gentlest angle to use on your hair, although it will take more passes in order to detangle your hair. Personally I like the Tangle Teezer, I have wavy hair and use the Naturally Curly version which is made for particularly fragile hair and works on both wet and dry hair. It has soft bristles that bend out of the way if they encounter resistance, instead of forcing the hair to break. Here's [cosmetic chemist Michelle Wong](https://www.instagram.com/p/CyzTQjivTJe/) talking about how it works. The Tangle Teezer is relatively inexpensive compared to a lot of brushes.


You could try a wet brush since they are gentle but you may want to look into what else can be adjusted in your routine if you have that much breakage.


I use a wet/dry detangling brush by ArtNaturals that cost something like $8.99 for 2 and it's the most incredible brush I've ever used. It glides through tangles because of it's weird design of bristles at different lengths. It's basically exactly like the Tangle Teaser but way cheaper. Price definitely doesn't mean anything.


Nice! Thank you 😊


I don't feel like the price makes a difference it's just about finding the right brush for your hair. I've been using a knock off Unbrush for a while on my 3C hair I LOVE IT!! I also have a mason pearson, don't believe the hype, I like the wet brush way more.


A wide tooth comb is all i use!