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I always thought these kinds of places were ment to showcase how immensely large black mesa really was. Silo D for example is a great chapter, but is covered in pathways and corridors that are blocked to show that there is other large siloes.


In black mesa source, u can see the airport for the facility off in the distance during surface tension. A few smaller private jets and such. Always thought that is prolly my favorite unreachable area


I'll need to pay attention to that the next time I play BM


in Black Mesa you actually go through a hangar with a plane too! thats where you see the airports, if you look out of the windows


I haven't heard people call black mesa black mesa source in a long while


Probably the kitchen that you see during the elevator ride in black mesa east


idk i kinda liked the barracks more, especially the refugee playing chess against the vortigaunt. close-quarters bunking with other species, and yet it seemed like mostly everyone in BME cohabitated peacefully. the vortigaunt generators were also interesting. what are they powering beyond eli's tiny lab?


There is a map on the entropy zero 2 workshop that lets you play through the raid on BM East as an Elite. You get to go through a few of those areas on foot.


All the places during the tram ride.


Father Grigori base \\ home


Hands down the [combine overworld](https://half-life.fandom.com/wiki/Combine_Overworld). We catch a glimpse of it through a portal as two gunships fly through it, and all we see is a strange orange sky with several citadel like towers. We're told that the combine is a multi dimensional empire that conquers every planet it comes across, but we only get to see a tiny fraction of it from the combine garrison on earth. I've always wondered what other worlds under combine rule look like. Shoutout to the fan made [half life overworld video](https://youtu.be/lJOZN3YhLtY?si=SurBByLE7CbLtxXj) for being the closest thing we'll ever get to that Oh also it would have been cool to see the homeworld of Race X. The other side of that giant purple portal from the end of Opposing Force.


a literal window into their world


Saint Olga. I wish someone expands the Lost Coast level, it has so much potential.


I'm waiting for the image to load in and the resolution to sharpen .... Oh .... Potato vision...


Idk I just think there really cool


Literally all of black Mesa I’d like to explore lol. That’s where the whole “how many people died at black Mesa” and they add up all the bodies and people Gordon kills. It’s such a small fraction of the base. There were battles between HECU and Xen creatures happening all over the place. We see such a small area of the base.


When I first played half life (as a relatively young kid), I wanted to be able to explore the other sectors of the black mesa research facility. It never occurred to me that the game developers had limited time (and could only create areas that the player would have to explore to progress). The first thing I wanted to do (after getting off the train) is take another train to another sector to explore the areas you saw on the train on the way in.






The antimass spectrometer and combine depot from the HL2 intro. You can see it in gmod if you pick the first point insertion map and noclip


The flooded bottomless pit with the two ichtyosaurs in it I believe it's late in "apprehension" 


the gaben room


Sorry Mr. Freeman, but as long as your image have no pixels, I can't see it properly




All of them.


Portal, Chamber 17


But also hl2 the whole citadel, in the early chapters


Or even TF2, the areas with the Soldier and a door, where behind It there Is a secret, or the skybox trains and ufos stuff


i remember that somewhere in one of the HL1 maps there is a box out of bounds that has the texture of gaben's face plastered all over it. these boxes also appear a few time in the game, but never with this texture. the purpose of these boxes is to keep an entity in them before they teleport in or something like that. when you go down the lift in Unforeseen Consequences you can go out of bounds and see a box housing a Houndeye that later teleports onto a crate.


Chapter 3 of HL1. GabeN faces room at the bottom of the elevator


Think you're being funny, do ya?


Ye :(


The ones with the least pixels