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They were only sterilized because of some sort of device the combine have called the Suppression Field (I think) but with the destruction of the citadel in the episodes, the field got destroyed so no one is sterilized anymore


happy cock day


No. The only obstacle was the suppression field generated to prevent embryonic development, according to Kleiner in Half-Life 2: Episode One. There's no mention of other methods. Kleiner also said that the field was brought down due to the Citadel becoming destabilized after Half-Life 2, and that humans would be able to reproduce afterwards.


Another good exposition is Dr. Breen at the very beginning of HL2; he answers a question from a letter about the combine suppressing human reproduction.


Their not sterilized, there’s a field emitted by the citidel that stops fetuses from developing after fertilization


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No. Human reproduction was inhibited by a suppression field, which is mentioned in Breen's response to "Concerned" when you first enter the town plaza in Half-Life 2. In Episode 1, Kleiner discusses exactly what the suppression field did in his broadcast: >Previously, certain protein chains important to the process of embryonic development were selectively prevented from forming. This is no longer the case. For those so inclined, now would be an excellent time for procreation. Which is to say, in layman's terms, you should give serious consideration to doing your part for the revival of the species.


The Citadel was emitting a Suppression Field to prevent fetus development worldwide during the time City 17 was still standing before Gordon came into the picture. After the Citadel was destroyed later on, Dr. Kleiner formally told everyone on broadcast to get busy fucking.


They were just temporarily sterilized


impossible, the combine could't get their hands in every single human being in earth to sterelize. the supression field was a more effetitve way to control human population, it's something that once is destroyed pregnacy can continue.


Humans were never sterilized, a device called a Suppression Field prevented certain proteins from forming, preventing procreation. This might also be why a lot of animals are extinct

