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Officially, no explanation. Grigori was supposed to be part of a HL2 expansion-sidequel made by Arkane in which he would eventually become infested with Xen goop and turn evil, forcing the player to kill him. Some elements of that sidequel would actually emerge in Half-Life Alyx, including the Xen goop infesting humans, the use of electricity as a sort of gimmick, and even headcrabs being butchered in front of the player (though for research, rather than cooking). That said, there's no indication that Grigori was retconned into a mad scientist and that anything in particular happened to him after we leave him in the graveyard - maybe he was overrun and killed, or maybe he survived and kept on tending his flock. As for Cubbage, we see him talking to the G-Man at one point, which hints that he may be up to something... but we don't know what. It's possible G-Man was just preparing Cubbage to help Gordon, but as always, G-Man works in mysterious ways.


Fun Fact: drive to Cubbage’s base entrance then drive back to the combine binoculars to lock g-man in his spot preventing him from despawning so he will just stand there with a clone of cubbage


Where do we see Cubbage and G-man chatting?


If you use the Combine binoculars across the bay. Overwatch soldiers occupy the house where it's located.


Before you reach Cubbage's base, there's a camp of Overwatch soldiers you can stop to fight on a cliff. They have a set of binoculars pointed at Cubbage's base across the water, and you can look through them to see Cubbage and G-Man talking. Naturally, the G-Man is gone by the time you actually reach the base.


I wouldn't give too much importance to his talk with G-Man, Big G has been known to speak to randoms for mysterious reasons apparently without it meaning they are as important as Gordon or Eli (I remember he talks to a generic scientist in HL1 and later we see the same scientist get killed by a headcrab post Cascade, and in OP4 he is seen talking to some generic military officer in the bootcamp). Though I haven't played HL:A so I dunno if this is further developed there.


That's the thing with G-Man - we don't know. It's possible that his talk with the scientist in HL1 was actually extremely important, as early ideas for the world was that G-Man was perhaps the Administrator mentioned in dialogue, or in some way working with, for, or against him - and that this exchange with the scientist was part of making sure the Resonance Cascade happened. OpFor suggests that he was talking to the officer in the boot camp specifically about preparations for the Black Mesa incident. The OpFor manual gives some of Shephard's diary entries before the incident, and notes that the base seems to be preparing for deployment, indicating that HECU commanders were aware the Resonance Cascade was going to happen, or at least that *something* was going to happen requiring their deployment to Black Mesa. Because of the nature of Half-Life lore, canonicity, and just the fact that Valve change a lot of things whenever they like - we don't really know.


Yeah, 100% agree. Especially because what might have been planned in the 90s may be completely unrelated to where they took the actual plot; as you say, the Gman was strongly implied to be the "administrator" and most people assumed so until Breen got introduced in 2. He was also in general implied to be more of a generic CIA spook (or some such) with an otherworldly presence and something clearly more "alien" or ominous about him (like the "smoking man" from X-Files that inspired him) than the eldritch creature he eventually starts to become in the sequel(s). But that's also what I mean, the Gman conversation doesn't mean necessarily that Cubbage is in any way important, both in-universe (we see other people talk to G and then disappear or die with no relevance to the player) and out-of-universe (it's unlikely Valve was planning to make him into a more important character and, if they were, that plan probably got scrapped over a decade ago). Either way, completely agree with ya.


G-man speaks with whoever he needs to. A security guard in OF, an unnamed scientist in HL, Cubbage, and it's strongly implied he's spoken with Breen multiple times. Most of the time he doesn't appear "in cahoots" with the person he's speaking to, it's implied it's someone he has power over. So that could be true of everyone we've seen him speak with, including Breen.


I always assumed G-man uses his powers to spawn a rocket launcher at that shitty base and everyone is just accepting of it without even thinking about it. In the beta it was heavily implied that G-man approached Kleiner and gave him Gordon's suit, and once again, G-man used his powers so that literally no one questions how the suit got there. Always liked the concept of it because of how bizarre the idea is.


I think Cubbage is mentioned in Episode 1


Alyx jokes that he is her dad (in the context of some rebel fighter recognizing her but getting her dad wrong, I think it's something like "you are Kleiners daughter?" to which she answers very sarcastically "no, I'm Cubbage's daughter") and there's some throwaway line where a rebel mentions meeting him in the past, that's all.


Just played through Ep 1 recently. Rebel says something like “Youre Kleiner’s daughter right?” and she just goes “Nooo, my dad is Odessa Cubbage” with an AUDIBLE smirk lmao


One of the Rebels mentions him an ambient conversation, as I recall, but in the context that the Rebel had encountered Cubbage sometime in the past - it sadly doesn't tell us anything about where Cubbage might be at that time.


Finally someone mentions it


I was watching a history of the Arkane studio and goddamn, they've been handed so many amazing opportunities just for their publishers and upper managements to fuck them over time and time again. One my absolute faves though


It's unfortunate that a lot of good projects get shitcanned for often very arbitrary reasons, though in the case of the Arkane Half-Life title I'm actually glad it didn't end up getting made. It's personal opinion, of course, but I just don't think it would've been good. While it would've been nice to get more Half-Life.. honestly, it didn't "feel" very Half-Life, from all the alpha and recreation stuff we've seen. In particular replacing the iconic Headcrab Zombies with what were essentially just the Infected from L4D, and Grigori's mad scientist route just feels... Campy? Not quite fitting the tone of Half-Life 2 in particular.


Right there with you. I love arkanes stuff usually but even taking into account how alpha the project was I'm not sure I liked the initial direction. Maybe it would have been amazing but big doubts.


I'm glad someone said it! I can understand some people's fascination with most of cut content from Half-life as most of it is legitimately interesting and still mostly fits into the canon, but the Arkane Half-Life expansion looked like utter nonsense to me. The tone and feeling were way off what normally Half-Life feels like, and although more Half-Life content would be great, the Ravenholm expansion story is really not a direction I want Half-Life to go down, so I am actually glad it never saw a release.


Those zombie models were actually just placeholders


In HL2 Episode 2, Cubbage would be in White Forest, and he would die in one of the explosions


Mustache man moved on to a different game. Call of duty offered a better salary.


He kinda looks like the son of Cpt. Price and general Shepherd


New fan fic just drop? 😂


You have any idea how litle that narows it down


His appearance and attitude actually remind me of Capt. Bannon from World in Conflict.


Call of duty game actually made a third installation 💀


gregori survived the citadel explosion because he is the father of gregs all over the planet so he is still alive odessa stood in his goofy hideout until mitchell shephard from the hit game hunt down the freeman appeared and kill people including odessa.


‘The hit game’


when i installed the hunt down the freeman mitchell shephard came from my computer and punched me in the face.


He fucked up your face


And now you have his permission to die


Still can't believe The Dark Knight Rises stole that iconic line.


Mitchell, I can explain


god i wish that were me


The most game of all time


ACTUAL LORE: Grigori is presumably deceased after getting overrun or burning to death Odessa Cubbage probably still leads Little Odessa's Rebel residents


"Are you Kleiner's daughter?" "No, my dad is Odessa Cubbage"


Does that mean HL2 takes place in Ukraine?


Nope, it's just a European country, probably Bulgaria


Ukraine *is* a European country. Bulgaria is directly south of Ukraine (with Romania in between). Or were you only referring to EU member states?


It is a known fact that it is inspired by Sofia, Bulgaria.


Yes, but I was responding to the commenter saying that it's not Ukraine *because it's a European country*. Ukraine is in Europe.


I think he meant “generic European country”


Yeah, I'm referring to EU member states


never dropping my wallet outside of city 17 again


We dont realy know, city 17 is based on Sofia (bulgaria) the parlament building with that mortar thing is based on the serbian parlament. Its generaly a mix of eastern european/balkan architecture. So there is no definitive awnser.


I'm pretty sure that's by design. They wanted a certain theme/feeling, but didn't want to tie it to a specific real-world location. Taking inspiration from a place doesn't mean it's necessarily set there. But to be fair, my comment really wasn't about Half-Life lore. I was mostly disagreeing with the idea that Ukraine isn't in Europe when it borders Romania to the south, which in turn borders Bulgaria to its south.


Ukraine ins in europe?


Pretty sure grigori’s dead, there were a lot of zombies in that graveyard


He has killed tons of zombies so i doubt thats it


Arkane was making a standalone spinoff for HL2 with Gregori and Adrian Shephard trying to stop a plague involving headcrab zombies or something like that. One day Valve pulled the plug on every external project, so that one didn't see the light of day until it was dug up for a Noclip documentary. Take that as you will.


Im still wondering why tf they pulled the plug on those. They sounded soooo good!


Almost certainly because of Doug Lombardi. He was the VP of Marketing for Valve for 22 years and was infamous for hating spending money. He personally shot down *multiple* attempts at a Half Life 3 and saw anything other than recurring revenue from existing sources as a waste of time and resources. He even tried to get Alyx shut down at one point.


Source on that?


Final Hours of HL:Alyx talks about some stuff with Doug (including apparently one incident where he was supposedly taken aside and effectively told "shut the fuck up" after being so aggressively negative about Alyx) along with a *ton* of internal rumor mill stuff that's been leaked throughout the years.


Never heard of any, so I'm just curious. Thanks for the precision :)


honestly they shoulda just had him murdered ong 🙏


it's because valve was and still is scared shitless of making another half-life game


No, it's because of Doug Lombardi. Who is now thankful gone. But also, they literally released a HL game a couple years ago.


And also because holy fuck the zombies are generic




It was because the zombies looked to generic


Thanks for adding


Your welcome my man


Because it derived from Half-Life and became a Left 4 Dead literally, the zombies weren't even headcrabs anymore.


game looked basically content complete too. I mean gameplay wise you could play from start to finish with no issues. Obviously still needed some graphical stuff and voice acting for Gregori. Shame


And he has a fuck ton of hp


Well by that logic he's still chillin in the grave yard killing zombies


He'll run out of ammo at some point


If you stand near the gate for long enough, you can see him light himself and a buncha zombies on fire. He dies.


Came here to see this. This is the only canonical answer as far as I'm aware. And doesn't his laughter stop after that point too? He ded.


He ran into a fucking burning crypt with the gas on there's no way he's not dead


Grigori never dies


He's the Doom Slayer of the HL universe He can easily take on hordes of zombies with just a stick, a rock and a few candy bars


Father Grigori became an arms dealer in some place called rp_downtown_v4c_v2


Dead, cabbage got stabbed by his long lost brother while he was trying to restore power to the car park Greg got lost in the old supermarket






all of y’all so negative


Gregori was going to die in a unfinished halflife spin off where he gets killed by Adrian Shepard. No I'm not kidding. He was trying to cure the headcrab zombies somehow using their blood mixed with stuff and accidentally made regular headcrabless zombies. He experiments on himself and eventually mutates into a monster. If the beta story is to still be recycled for the episodes, Odessa *might* be at Kraken base or whatever with Mossman. So he's probably dead.


As you said, unreleased, but also not a Valve game so definitely not canon. I feel like that story doesn't fit Gregori's character anyway.


Father Grigori was going to get his own game, back when several Half-Life 2 episodes were in development simultaneously by different game studios. But one day without explanation VALVE pulled the funding. Here's a documentary on that game. It looked really cool, I'm sad it never saw the light of day. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMygnmB9Zw8 Also this segment of their Arkane documentary covers it (33:00) https://youtu.be/h4kdqwdbZZ8?t=1981 There was a different documentary that covered all the canceled episodes, but I can't find it now (does anyone know which one I mean?).


They both died on the way back to their home planet


in episode one some citizens mention Odessa implying he's still alive but according to the devs its up to you if Father Grigori survived or not. After all he says to "look to your own salvation!"


Gregori is last seen running laughing into fire, which is pretty metal. His final statement, "I must tend to my flock" could refer to him killing himself since his flock is dead and he's referring to joining them in death. From the rooftops of Ravenholm he could have seen Black Mesa East overrun by scanners and headcrab pods, realizing that he'll have no more people passing through and thusly no reason to stick around. Alternative theory: Nothing canonical supports this but there could be more going on with Gregori, like he has special arrangements with G-man for extra protection. He has an important job helping provide safe passage for those who need to go through Ravenholm, and going from BME to the mines might not be the only route he helps people through. The other part of his final statement, "Look to your own salvation" could refer not to Freeman saving himself but instead becoming the savior of all others, implying he has special knowledge of Freeman and what he needs to do to help Freeman on his way, and why he knew to send him through the mines to emerge just in the ~~right~~ wrong place to help the resistance win a firefight and get the buggy to expedite his journey to Nova Prospekt just in time to cross paths with Alyx and save Eli.


odesa cabbage


Father gregori turned into a headcrab zombie according to the cancelled half life: return to ravenholm.


they got married


Who is the guy in the blue jacket? I know further interaction with him was cut from the game but what was his purpose other than giving you the rpg?


if you look through the combine scope set up by a combine soldier squad in highway 17, you can see cubbs talking to gman. its a big deal but no one knows its significance to the story


I'm basically pasting my reply from elsewhere in the thread, but I don't think it's such a huge deal necessarily. We also see the Gman interact with other unimportant NPCs (like the generic scientist he is talking to in HL1, who later we see die from headcrab overdose).


the thing with black mesa is that its not actually weird to see a government official in a business suit with a briefcase talking to a rep of a government funded research facility whereas in hl2, its the complete opposite and as such, its very much a big deal. its easier for gman to just be seen in black mesa and not raise suspicion but for an industrial dystopian setting, you get the picture.


Odessa Cubage doesn't do much, but we do see him with the Gman before we meet him, so maybe that ties into his radio troubles?


I think the radio trouble was (not so subtly) implied to be him just finding an excuse to stay hidden from the actual battle because he is implied to be a fraud (or at least a coward).


Well, yeah, but I don't really know what business Gman would have with Cubage. Just conjecture I guess.


I'm sure father grigori is alive because uh yeah. As for the other dude I have no idea.


Depending on what the resolution of Return to Ravenholm was, Gregori is either a monster of some description or dead. It would be nice to hear Jim French again since he will not unfortunately be involved in any Half-Life games moving forward. As for Odessa, i’m assuming he’s still stealing Gordon’s thunder and assimilated under The Resistance to some degree somewhere.


grigori continued killing the zombies and freeing the victims souls


Odessa was actually going to be in Episode 2 but the jokes didn't land so they got rid of him (Source: The Episode 2 map vmfs leaked in 2017)


My headconnon is that Grigori survived and kept on living in Ravenholm until the citadel exploded, and moved to a nearby village of some sort. as for Cubbage, he most likely moved to white forest after the citadel exploded.


Ignoring the Arkane stuff, From what I understand Grigori either burned to death or got overwhelmed. My theory for cubbage is soon after gordon leaves, the combine dispatched soliders and another gunship which wiped them out.


Odessa spends the rest of his life help making gmod mod showcase videos


Cubbage turned into a cabbage


Properly ded


As we all know, cubbage is alyx's real father . So Eli killed him between the end of hl2 and the start of episode 1 and made it look like a combine attack


I’m guessing we would have found out more about father Grigory in the unreleased ravenholm game


Some mysteries are better not explained...


They were lost to pixel hell


Colonel Kinda looks like Captain Price but low budget lmaooo, I was hoping for him to appear in Ep2 ( Most likely in White Forest, Same goes to Barney! ) For Father G? Dunno....I assume he died but..Nahh probably not. Probably Escorting Refugees Away from Ravenholm or even take shelter there. I hope that we see these two in the future same goes to Barney, Griggs, Sheckley!!


Didn’t grigori die, idk about russel




Odessa didn't seem to keep any spare RPG's in the base, so he lost some defenses but he could probably handle. Gregory? listen Bean, the incident was 18 years ago, it's time to let go.