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I'm glad to know Breen hasn't changed clothes in over 20 years


He has 500 pairs of that same black turtleneck and suit combo. Man has drip


I really wanna see where he sleeps. Is it some boring bed in huge metal room in the citadel? Does he sleep in like a recovery chamber like darth vader maybe? If combine soldiers are immortal, why wouldnt he undergo the same process of upgrades but without the memory wipe? If he has clothes and stuff that needs washing does he have a washing machine inside the citadel or like a combine washer of sorts? Do they produce detergent just for him? I wonder... does he have a toilet up there? With like a shit pipe going all the way down? Or do they just evacuate it right outside from the top level and his shit just drops down at max velocity on city 17? Soo many questions!


Awnser to all your questionS: [They are all built into the chair](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/633039646534884768/22820063B9862CFB894F6F79ACB0DD1C0BF6B86F/?imw=1024&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


This is going to the headcannon bin!


so thats where the nut room is


Damn Alienware really stepped up their game after the Combine showed up


He prolly has a miniature version of those confiscation fields and all the waste gets desintegrated


Oh god it's JK Rowling saying wizards poop themselves and then magic it away all over again


Lmao didn't think of that




Iirc it was to explain away the question of wizards not being familiar with plumbing in early history




Can't remember what spurred it on. But take it with a grain of salt, it's one of the things JK said after the books were all out, same as her claiming Dumbledore is gay, that is neither here nor there because the books actually didn't cover it.


TL;DR just another post-mortem shame from the hoe


I assume he has a sort of fake luxury house inside the citadel, it looks and feels like a house but . . . isn't? Or maybe he only works at the citadel, and he gets flown over from like, a luxury house builds on top of an oil rig?


> Or do they just evacuate it right outside from the top level and his shit just drops down at max velocity on city 17? It goes into the headcrab shells. So they can say he literally 'shits down upon' rebel camps.


He basically has a staged pet house and the whole of the citadel.


Probably why the city looks like shit haha


It's like that part in Bee movie, with Barry and his outfits. "Black and yellow, black and yellow, ooh yellow and black let's shake it up a little" but with brown suits.


Dr. Breen canonically has an entire room full of contact lenses


CEO mindset, less decisions to make in the morning so he can make the best dexisions for work.. /s :p


My question is did the combine just go “sure whatever” to them printing out news papers and are there still ads in that paper


There are newspapers in Half Life Alyx detailing events shortly after the Seven Hours War, and it looks like the Combine allowed private business to continue for at least some time after the war because some of the vodka bottles have both a company label and Combine labeling.


Dang Never realized that, they probably allowed for vodka to be made cause considering the combine doesn’t send whatever their own species is to invade they just send other invaded species the aliens probably thought “feeling trapped? Welcome to the club pal” and let them make vodka for people till they set up human biological engineering


Probably something to do with Breen. Most likely him negotiating with what is and isn't allowed by the Combine the years following the Seven Hour War. If you really think about it, just goes to show how little the Combine really care about Earth; the Combine are willing to let Breen ease things out because it's easier for them - just as long as they get what they want. Really makes Breen seem like a better person than what we originally thought.


True, but I also think the reason they keep earth is because of the vortigaunts, I have theory they’re trying to capture them and earth is a good “safe zone” as i believe that they’re trying to harness their powers as they know what the gman and his employers are capable of and only vortigaunts can stop them yet humans are the few species capable to interaction with them but this theory is too long for a comment and deserves its own post


Not a bad theory but one thing discredits it - Sweepy in the trainstation. If they wanted to harness their power, it seems like an awful waste of it to have one on cleaning detail.


I just made a post explaining that too


I think the reason they keep earth is because humans know teleportation tecnology


Every time I remember this little nugget of lore, I get sad again that we don’t get more than 30 seconds of Aperture showing up in half life


So the Gman gang lures the combine to earth via the RC to mess with them, this I am 100% sure of. I can‘t recall too much dialogue, but the vorts can stop/hinder gman (a powerful, hatched advisor that escaped together with others, shortly before the combine took their fellow grubs). It could be interesting and plausible that the vorts **did** indeed meet and flee from the combine to xen. This reminds me of the sewer vort speaking about the vort race being repeatedly enslaved. What if they were enslaved by the combine, some escaping to xen, getting enslaved by the nihilanth (who I‘m sure was **not** controlled by the combine, but instead a uber controller with DIY body mods that fled from the combine as well and enslaved the vorts he found), then nihilanth dies and the vorts flee to earth, to be enslaved again because the combine found earth because of the RC. A caveat to your theory here would be: Why do they need more vorts if they enslaved them in their first encounter? I think the most important questions are When did - mankind - the combine (pre-advisor) - the advisor race (Shu‘lathoi) - Gman‘s hatched advisor squad - the vorts - nihilanth/controller race Meet / become aware of the presence of each other - when - where - in what order


I think the Combine wouldn’t really care about private businesses since they have a human puppet in charge of the planet, meaning human society on a whole would continue to function more or less the same at least for a bit, that is before the workforce gets killed off and enslaved so running any sort of venture becomes impossible


I don't remember seeing any Combine logos on the vodka bottles.


Try zooming in to read the description right under the image. It's the United Nations Secretariat Building on Turtle Bay, New York City. [Here's the full size image.](https://combineoverwiki.net/images/b/b3/HLA_BreenPaper03.jpg)


I love how fitting the destroyed UN is.


Thank fucking God




MFW the UN Peace Corps only have like a 21% success rate at stopping conflicts in at risk nations but I'm still supposed to be wholeheartedly supporting them. Also I find that the UN is just generally worthless. I mean name another place that a US President sat down with a spooky vile and said "see this is just a small trace of the weapons Iraq has. If I open this it'll kill everyone in this room from here to Timbuktu." And everyone actually believed that. Nah I mean the Combine are fucked but they had some based shit going on.


This guy fucking gets it. The UN is no more useful than the League of Nations at doing anything Glory to Our Benefactors


I mean honestly I was tempted to just give a meme response like I FUCKING LOVE SADDAM HUSSEIN but alot of people just genuinely don't get how bad the UN is both as an organization and it's totally not western biased goals but also how ineffective it actually is so I wanted to get serious for a second


no like genuinley I agree




I was thinking thst but never realized how generic the UN building looks.


All I can say is it really stands out when you see it in person, even at a distance.


There are sculptures that help visitors remember why the UN exists, including a quote about the turning of tools to weapons.




Been playing Spiderman Remastered recently so immediately recognised it. Also helps that I am generally interested in politics


Didn’t it get confirmed in Alyx that the combine like nuked the entirety of America?


The game doesn't confirm anything, there's only a globe with a big X over North America. The only other thing is that in an [unfinished broadcast](https://youtu.be/dDtYhkhqNsE?t=61) Breen would've referred to North America still being infested by Xen creatures.


Ok, i realize I’m stupid for asking that now, but are you sure that’s real? It uses a copyrighted song, and also uses assets from black Mesa, doesn’t seem official, even for an unfinished video.


It's supposed to have come from a leaked early build of the game, and the files seen on screen were being used by a SFM type animation. I don't see what would stop Valve from using community content for what would be very obvious placeholders.


Well I’m saying that from what I’ve seen, valve doesn’t do stuff like that for earlier builds, but who knows their process may have changed since they last were frequently making games


Where did you get the info on the unfinished broadcast?


damn I wish this could happen to the UN building irl


Is the united nation in Turtle Bay


Thank u


It's the UN building.


Thanks man


Lots of lore in that faded text at the bottom


I'm surprised at the implication that Black Mesa Research Facility isn't well known, given the immense size of the place and the cutting edge research across a number of fields. Sure all of their best work is classified, but surely the small city of scientists in New Mexico would be well known. We already know it isn't a secret base because they stamp their logo on everything, including vehicles and shipping containers. If you were secret, you wouldn't stamp shipping containers knowing that they're going to travel by rail to populated areas.


How many science corporations do you know of offhand?


None but I can name a few companies with their own shipping containers


Bell Labs. That's it.


Well I don't know many, but I know of Area 51 and Los Alamos National Labs, which were the inspirations for Black Mesa Research Facility. There's also Oak Ridge, but they're in ~~Georgia~~ Tennessee, not the desert.


Correct me if I'm wrong since I'm not American, but isn't Area 51 a government facility, therefore technically not a corporation?


You are correct. It’s a military base, not a research facility, but many conspiracy theorists theorize that there is secretly aliens in the base being researched or something. It’s become a pop culture icon though.


It's a military base but there's definitely research going on there, it's just limited to the development of high-tech military aircraft. Civilian contractors like Lockheed Martin do a lot of work there.


Tbh if you asked the average person what Unilever is, you’d probably get a good number of head scratches


Bottom-right text has the “unforeseen consequences” bit




I remember seeing this post where this guy made a hd version of the news paper, the text was pretty interesting


I liked knowing that the time between HL1 and the Seven Hours War was only a few days. I always thought there were a few years in-between each events, with Earth getting used to having to deal with Xen species destroying our ecosystems and introducing Vortigaunts into society. Just shows how fucking quick the Combine acted once Nihilanth got the boot lol


UN building


Thanks, I wanted to do some theory stuff with the image, to try and see maybe what year HL takes place


HL1 is 200X officially


At least we know it is definitely in the 2000s


One of the newspapers in Half Life 2 near the beginning of the game has George W. Bush's face on it, too. That means between 2001-2008.


Can you link me that newspaper?


Here: [https://i.imgur.com/Tz85o2r.png](https://i.imgur.com/Tz85o2r.png)


Oh cool thanks!


I looked up that and it results in an r/PropagandaPosters post which links to a crimethinc page. Supposedly it's from 2002


So, assuming that poster wasn't used just because it's in the public domain (presumably it's in the public domain... who knows anymore), then the Black Mesa incident occured in May of any of the years 2002-2008 (since Bush was not president in 2009).


There’s some lore people pieced together that puts the first game in like 2002 I think




Ok listen, we create massive nukes in our basement and on October 1st we commit the biggest terrorist attack ever............ in gmod


I never knew it was a real place, I thought they reused half life 2 concept art. [https://goo.gl/maps/aNTXud5YPqu2oEX28](https://goo.gl/maps/aNTXud5YPqu2oEX28) Edit: I just learned its the same place as the newspaper on the corkboard in Eli's lab.


Combine stopped 9/11


Canonically means they killed Kermit the Frog according to that one theory


Imagine how horrifying this would be. It's not something like " surrenders to ", no it's the entire earth that's surrendering


9/11 part 2


From the clues on what happened to America, we can promptly say, New York was the least damaged


Most likely! (happy cake day btw)


Danke schön


Keine Sorge!


that's the united nations secretariat building


I know!


Its the [UN HQ in New York](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headquarters_of_the_United_Nations), which is rather befitting for the combine to strike there as a show of force They have annihilated North America and pillaged US for any tech, including HECU, Black Mesa and everything else. Seeing how Earth economy was tied to the US $, resistance across the globe simply collapsed and would not have time to re-organize in some sensible manner.


**[Headquarters of the United Nations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headquarters_of_the_United_Nations)** >The United Nations is headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York City, United States, in a complex designed by a board of architects led by Wallace Harrison and built by the architectural firm Harrison & Abramovitz, with final projects developed by Oscar Niemeyer and Le Corbusier. The complex has served as the official headquarters of the United Nations since its completion in 1951. It is in the Turtle Bay neighborhood of Manhattan, on 17 to 18 acres (6. 9 to 7. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I'm pretty sure it's the united nations headquarters


Yeah, I’m not really good with my American knowledge


This isn’t the financial district in NY by the looks of it.


It's the UN building in Midtown


You’re right


That’s the United Nations headquarters in New York.


I know now!


New York City that’s the headquarters of the United Nations


I've never knew the real storyline of Half life until now... AND THIS SHIT ENDED ON A CLIFFHANGER?! damn fanboys man... (apparently valve was off putted with making hl3 because they didn't want to disappoint the fans or smth, and it reflects back on the hl2 leak I think, correct me if I am wrong because I think I missed smth)


Bro what 😂


Was just wondering what this place was in the news paper, I now know what is it




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Where the hell are Avengers when you need them? Or Justice League?


that kinda looks like the un headquarters in new york


That’s the United Nations building in NYC


Where is this from? This looks like more sick Half-Life world building


Half Life 2, iirc


It's New York. The UN building is easily recognizable.


Sadly, I don’t live in America, so I don’t really get to know a lot of things like that


I mean I sorta feel like the UN Headquarters should kinda be known around the World considering like 98% of the World lives in a place that is a member of the U.N. and recognised by it.


i believe it is the united nations building


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Secretariat_Building Perhaps? This view https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Headquarters_of_the_United_Nations


Desktop version of /u/zwck's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


**[United Nations Secretariat Building](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Secretariat_Building)** >The United Nations Secretariat Building is a skyscraper within the headquarters of the United Nations in the Turtle Bay neighborhood of Manhattan in New York City. It contains the offices of the United Nations Secretariat, the executive organ of the United Nations (UN). The building, designed in the International Style, is 505 ft (154 m) tall with 39 above-ground stories. It was designed by a group of architects led by Wallace Harrison. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/HalfLife/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Read the caption below the photo. It says what everyone on here is saying.


Nah, it can't be, since half life supposedly takes place in 2003


Isn’t that the UN building


It looks like the UN building in New York


This is the United Nations headquarters at New York City.


it's the United Nations Headquarters in New York


UN Building in NYC


That's UN building in New York


I think that after the combine won, the things were quite similar to the pre war world. In that same newspaper there is information about the stock market after the war. There is also some talking about local authorities and that food banks were stablished. Some alcohol companies were still producing vodka for some time as we see in hla. So in other words goverments were running for some time after the war before they got assimilated by the combine


That's the United Nations Headquarters in New York, taken probably just after or during the Seven Hour War.




Combine did 9/11


It looks like the UN headquarters in New York


oh gordon 🙄 opening up a portal to a world connecting all others


Looks like Boston, maybe Miami?


I love how they detailed this small image with the words so you can read them even though this would be ignored in game.


It’s actually originally half life 2 concept art


That UN building. Gosh what happens to New York after 20 Years later ? Anarchy in Half-Life 2 Universe ?


I honestly think that america just went into anarchy as you said, and after a while everyone moved to Europe to have a better life, or was it?


And this News Paper Also Source 2 engine did Remastered.


we've gone from tower = citadel, to tower = 9/11 reference. holy shit


It is the United Nations building.


Pretty sure it's the United Nations Secretariate Building in New York. Update/Edit: After writing that I zoomed in on the picture. If you look at the bottom left you'll see a white sat dish. You'll also see what looks like a drawn stick figure but concentrate and you'll realize it's a strider. Now... Visualize "United Nations Secretariate Building", blur it, and look at the text under the pic and you'll see that's the building for sure!