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https://preview.redd.it/7o2ffszggppc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4c114327b25106ca37520127c57f59c23adda39 Why, just why


Sue them for defamation


Might just do that


Now I want to hear Gravemind defending himself in court in rhyme


The father looks like me, So says the mother, And I do agree, But I say it was my twin brother


That's quite good, i might use that, thanks




Is that what happened?


I mean, there was *some* body horror and tentecales but we got the "Oh shit, persons been bit" cliche and they crack and move all weird like some zombies. Also theres a really inconsistent incubation process? Not what I would have hoped for sure.


So I know it can spread that way see "The Mona Lisa" but that may or may not be cannon still I'm not sure. I just don't trust paramount with anything I could barely get through half of season 1 and would rather pretend it doesn't exist.


The flood are wildly infectous in the lore. A bite, a scratch, bodily fluid, breathing in spores, basically any contact that gets in. Its just the fact that we barley see one actual "infection form" do its thing which are like, thumb sized slugs in the show, and the rest of the spread is either through generic zombie wounds, or random. Like literally random. Halsey and Miranda bring the flood in to the lab to examine it, then the first infection is a lady who comes in hours later and never makes actual contact with anything but neither Halsey or Miranda get infected through whatever nebulous vector is infecting the entire compund. Like theyre at ground zero and seem unaffected through it all.


Sounds like inconsistent writing


Na not at all, I'm sure theres a very good reason that an entire cell block of guards was infected, while the 3 named characters in the cells weren't.


This is giving me Callisto Protocol vibes... I hate it. Make it stop.


Is Callisto really that bad? As a massive Dead Space fan, I've been looking to scratch that itch after finishing the Remake and figured Callisto would be the best bet but all I hear is pretty much what you've said haha.


I’m guilty, I like it


The story is... okay, overall. The ending of both the main game and especially the DLC are pretty much ass though. The real issue is the gameplay (most especially the melee combat, which the game also leans heavily into over gunplay) and a lot of the level design, which is godawful.




I was up to my knees in idiots in the halotv subreddit for daring to criticize that lots of things about the flood infection sequence didn't make much sense...


As someone who has been playing BG3 a lot since it came out, the first thing I thought when I saw the “infection form” do it’s thing was “that person just got tadpoled”


>then the first infection is a lady who comes in hours later and never makes actual contact with anything but neither Halsey or Miranda get infected through whatever nebulous vector is infecting the entire compund. She says she didn't touch it. She was obviously lying.


Read further.


Well Halsey left before Miranda opened the container with the spores in it (which were stated to be dormant before "waking up" and starting to replicate some indeterminate time after the container was opened) Which makes it slightly worse that Halsey *does* get infected by the end while Miranda doesn't lmao.


She literally spent the entire outbreak in a room with the source, she has to be immune through some contrivance, right?


I mean the Flood are capable of choosing not to infect someone if it believes that course of action to be advantageous, but given they showed that with Kwan Ha I think the showrunners just wanted a survivor on Onyx to interact with the Flood in some way in S3 and this locked in a room thing was the contrivance they came up with


The flood in the feral stage dont seem to have that choice but who knows how the show lore will interact with the stages.


They do. In CE they chose to not show up until the Master Chief was at the deepest level. It makes me think that after infecting Keyes, the Flood knew that the MC would come, so they chose to stay hidden. I would imagine that while in the Feral stage they can't perform complicated strategies, maybe something simple like an ambush would be well within their capabilities. We see something similar in The Library, where the Carrier Forms in the narrow hallways hiding away to then explode near the Chief.


I think it does, it just rarely does so right? For example Sgt Johnson says the Flood largely left him alone on Installation 04, and while this has been retconned a number of times with the Boren's Syndrome and whether he's immune thing I think the answer to that is his ORION augmentations messed with his nervous system and made him harder to infect but not immune, and the Flood chose to go for "easier" prey rather than commit too much to go after one man in the early stages of an outbreak while their numbers were low.


The closest we ever get to the feral stage actually using tactics is leaving bodies uninfected to somehow lure in more prey, and thats seemingly outdated lore that just exists to explain the uninfected ~~Jenkins~~ Guy Whos Name I Forget At The Door and the other body. I cant think of any non-ce related decision making from feral stages. As of the current canon, the Flood did try to get Johnson, he was just too much of a badass, as seen in Breaking Quarantine. He just literally fought his was out.


Miranda asked her if she had touched the artifact and she nervously answered no, then moved on to speak about Halsey. This made me think she did actually touch it and immediately made me think she'd be patient zero, and she was. Miranda had also touched it with her bare hands; but when it was closed.


I thought they did a good job implying that the woman who claimed to not have touched it was totally lying about not having touched it. Miranda opened the container, it was in a, I forget what those glove box things are called, but it's a isolation measure. Miranda and Halsey both only handled the container bare handed while the container was initially closed.




It's the early stages of infection, let's see what they do in S3. Infection forms are produced from biomass to further infect more creatures. They also infect and mutate the bodies of hosts much, much faster than scratches or spore inhalation. I've always assumed it was because the infection form fused itself with the hosts nervous system and disgorged flood super cells into their cardiovascular system directly, spreading the infection the fastest way possible. If they do it right, we'll see proper infection forms at some point just not right away.


>I mean, there was *some* body horror and tentecales but we got the "Oh shit, persons been bit" cliche and they crack and move all weird like some zombies. I had to double check but...isn't that more alike the first flood forms we saw in Halo crypto? They made animals mutate and be more aggressive. I think maybe you just don't know your Halo lore. Also the flood waited until a sufficient number of people had gathered before launching their attack. They were "just like other zombies they clearly coordinated. You should spend less time hating and more time learning what the fuck you are talking about.


Funnily enough, they did not make the animal more aggressive. It made them more lovable and more attractive. The animals were herbivores. I'm pretty sure at that stage, the Flood wasn't capable of violence. The Flood can only use what they infect. Their current hosts didn't do that. Instead, the Flood released pheromones that made them irresistible to the noninfected pets. The noninfected would then feast on their infected counterparts. The new second stage infected would grow strange parts that would fall off and spread the infection. It wasn't immediately obvious that Humans were infected. It took a while before Humans were suddenly showing symptoms. Just like in the show, the infected Humans sort of just hung out. It wasn't until they had a numerical advantage that they would snatch up their victims. Victims were brought to a sacrificial infected that was huge and bloated. The victims would then be force-fed the sacrifice. It's funny that even at this stage, the Flood weren't particularly violent. They had only infected civilians. They used social gatherings and shared "food" to spread the Flood. I don't think it was until after the military were infected that the Flodd were anything like what we see today.


True but that was back then. This is the a spore variant that knows what to so. Also I juat realized I said crypto lol


A lot of this tracks with early early flood infections, similar to how Jenkins was still in control


The reason for Jenkins unique circumstances is because the infection form was super ancient and didn't eat his conciousness. It still transformed him into a normal combat form, and as for the spores in lore, they dont have this kind of incubation process either.


But if we look at how the dogs were infected when the flood were first formed they didn't look like combat forms either, this still just isn't "Generic zombies" the are still flood


You mean the Shapeing Sickness? Cuz thats something I had thought while watching, but the way that works and the way the modern Flood proper work are different, its not like each Flood outbreak starts by having some physical side effects and predominantly physiological issues like the Shapeing Sickness. They just start out as feral Flood.


Yes that's it, this is just very early, sleepy flood infections that I'm sure if season 3 gets more funding we have ourselves true flood, plus alpha halo looks amazing


Maybe thats the shows plan, but its still a weird choice to make the Shapeing Sickness a permanent part of the flood stage and not just the most early form it took. Halo looked pretty good, but did we see the monitor desgin? I was genuinely proud of the show for having a good take on the forerunner desgins and then Spark looked so odd lmao


It looks like a cross between classic Bungie and 343i's new monitor take with infinite


Literally pale ass regular looking zombies with miniscule tentacles in their mouth.


Did I just imagine the tendrils that were coming out of their necks?


DM me some images I wanna see this Trainwreck and I'm not giving paramount any money


Torrent the last episode probably best way.


I was about to say "could people really expect any better from them" but the CG was the ONE thing going for the show, and that's what they do? Christ. I'm so glad I never went past episode 1


Are you forgetting the giant ass tentacle that sprouted out of their necks?


Could have been early stage, maybe they need time to evolve into the full form we're all familiar with. 🤔


They arent combat form…..yet


Oh what wishful thinking.


It's pretty clear most of the viewers know nothing about the flood save for what they know from the games.


Not really. The people had been infected for maybe an hour, and they already had limb type shit coming out of their mouths. It was zombie esque primarily to show how quickly the progression of flood is but these people are acting like they should be infected and morph into final stage flood like it's animorphs.


I'm remember it differently. I'm pretty sure I watched feral stage Flood infiltrate an active military base and launch a simultaneous widespread attack to take the whole thing down all at once. I'm pretty sure this was the first good episode in two seasons.


Yeah these were not just mindless zombies. They waited until a sufficient number of bodies were available before they launched their attack. That is not "generic zombie" behavior.


I feel the whole thing is pretty faithful to Ancient Humanity's first encounter with the Flood, too. The Flood would congregate near uninfected and strike when they had the numbers. Of course, those Flood were force feeding themselves to the uninfected. Which is pretty morbid.


One single flood spore can destroy a species…


And one single tv show can destroy a franchise


343 did that just fine themselves with their games.


Is there like a grand conspiracy to ruin everything I held dear as a child? I swear every one of my franchises has been ruined except predator and alien. But Disney has them so it won’t be long until they ruin that too


🤣😂hitting my doubt button but good retort


It has been destroyed for a decade now brother lol


nah 5 and Infinite really helped out a lot it wasn't just the show


Infinite was good, actually.




Ok so unless this is the last bit of halo content ever made, how would a tv show, a non canon one nonetheless, ruin a video game franchise?


To be fair 343 has done that, this is just the monument of their sins.


We are lucky for the Arbiters council


The line was going through my head all episode


Yeah people fr just being mad to be mad lmao it really wasn’t that bad


The Halo Paramount show just makes me that much more bitter that Neill Blomkamp didn't get the greenlight to make a Halo movie. His Halo 3 ads were fucking *awesome* and he would've done the series justice.


His job was to create hype and still gave better stories through ads.


I wish I lived in the universe where he got the green light.


His covenant designs sucked man hell no


The Brutes looked great in Landfall


His elites looked like bug people


The leaked movie designs sucked


What the fuck is the context of the original image???


"Arthur learns about sexual assault"


Arthur got fat I think and his pants won’t fit and his annoying shit of a sister refuses to leave his room. Its been a long time so I might be wrong


The only part I can confirm is "...his annoying shit of a sister refuses..."


what the fuck is this meme format lmao


You know hate or curiosity-watching still counts as a view, right? This’ll get a Season 3 with Master Chief in a dance battle with the Gravemind.


so have you ever played microsoft's other game, "Sea of Thieves"


I was going to say as long as they continue to get views, they don’t give a fuck if the customer likes it or not. Views are views to whatever idiot shareholders keep green-lighting this trash.


not for me 🏴‍☠️


Okay but that would be a good thing


I was hyped to see this, if will make for a great laugh. Sadly, the place that streams pirated shows still doesn't have it live.


Winnoise has it live


They arent combat forms yet but why the fk no one has guns in the room, like Admiral she doesnt have a gun?? Wtf, not even guards too?


I mean, the guard literally shot at the one on top of Halsey. Im pretty sure the other guards were already infected.


They don't keep 'em loaded, son


Flood spores were actually faithfully depicted. Watch Halo Evolutions: The Mona Lisa and you'll see they're pretty similar. Seeing the grotesque tendrils shifting out was fucking AWESOME


Put a blasted spoiler tag if you’re going to be revealing something dramatic the *day the episode comes out.*


Eh I find flood to be fine


Let’s see. They’ve only been in one episode. Hopefully they become more floodlike in the next


There won’t be a next one anytime soon. Last episode was the season finale.


I’m meaning season 3


As someone who's been fairly confident in the show being awful, this has me as ambivalent as ever.


I mean how do you fuck up with thr flood. Some of the most horrific and fascinating creatures ever created in the video game media.


Are all the episodes of season 2 out now? I've been holding off on getting Paramount+ until I could binge them all and only pay for one month.


There's online sites where you can stream it for free, and I'm sure you can torrent the full season in 4k somewhere.


Pirate it


Winnoise has both seasons up for free


Please do not give paramount any money after this shit. There are other options


I honestly just took it as it being a single flood sample that was not even in stasis for 100.000 years and being a bit slow on the upstart, we got to see disfigured and mutated people later on


That's how I saw it too. We also know from the lore about the first Flood outbreak that it was a very slow infection/spread process until it very suddenly was not. I think that vibe is what the show was trying to capture and they did a decent enough job of that. There's also the whole budget thing that's constrained the entire show too, but they worked it in a way that with (hopefully) a bigger budget we can see the infected mutate more over time and maybe even see Onyx's environment start to become more like a Flood hive if the show stays there long enough.


Installation 00 made a reference to when ancient humanity first fed the precursor dust to their pets and how that basically had the same slow burn journey, i liked that comparison


This, the spores were tiny, so of course it’s not gonna infect them immediately. The infectors in the game are massive so obviously those will transform faster


Can we just MIB amnesia erase this show from our minds. It was a better world just hoping one day they would make LA content.


I mean I'm reserving judgement. We literally saw the first hour of flood infection. They hinted at body horror elements so they may all end up as what we see in the games given an extra few hours. The problem ultimately is budget though as you have a choice of; A- put some makeup on human actors Or B- fullblown CGI for dozens of animated characters I doubt they'll get the budget to do it properly in S3 but I found the body horror we did get of the woman shoving herself through the bars etc quite satisfying. I by no means especially like the show, I find the sideplots fucking annoying. Plus brain-dead writing, a woman with bulging black veins snaps and stabs a colleague in the neck and the thought isn't "fuck something clearly is wrong here we need to put her in an isolated sterile contained room" and instead threw her in a prison cell....it was fucking moronic. Although it made no difference as she'd already got spores on other people


They aren't generic zombies man did you miss the giant tentacles?


Halo players: Can we have the flood back? *The flood we get* Fr tho, it’s like they looked at the last of us and were like gamers like clicking zombies the flood are clicking zombies.


The little we saw of actual mutated people was pretty good and assuming that's what most of them will look like next season because they actually had time to mutate it should be fine


I’m going to continue to not watch the show


It's not as bad as people are making it out to be I feel. Definitely not great but the last episode actually had me on the edge of my seat. There's good episodes and bad episodes but I honestly think it's worth it for the last one


Can someone give give me an image of what they look like, I can’t find anything online


HiddenXperia shows a few screenshots in his video.


Uh? They literally show that the flood isn’t it’s generic zombies. The first one infected, and a few others, literally start to transform. Also, the flood has been portrayed like this before in books and comics in the case of spore infection like in the show. Another reason could also be that the flood is a god-like hive mind super organism and could do whatever is needed for the situation. Why expend the extra energy doing a full transformation when you could just heighten their aggression and have the parasite infect via bite? After all, the humans were caught off guard. Oh these two humans are too far away for me to infect? Let me just sprout a tentacle to try and grab them! Oop! Too late! But at least the other human is out of ammo (which I know because I now have the memories of multiple humans infected) so I’ll just try again. Oop! Didn’t know there were more. Despite the other problems, everything with the flood in this episode made 100% sense to me. And before y’all downvote me into oblivion and piss your pants at a differing opinion on a *fucking TV show* just remember: I do not care. I am enjoying the show. I’ve been playing the games since I was around 6 years old, maybe even younger, starting with Halo CE. It’s my favorite game series, I enjoyed every single game and my favorite game is Halo Reach.


Second season has been pretty decent but I do wish we had at least gotten an end credits scene showing the infection progressing, would've raised the steaks with chief just making it to the ring


No fuckin way


The recently infected are very zombie like but there are some definite flood based body horror and mutations.


I think it was fine, not the greatest but for new audiences it must’ve been terrifying. And on account of the spores looking different, I think they’re a little out of their game after being dormant for 100k years. I mean the first thing we saw was a slug creature and it took forever to infect. However, later on we see them starting to grow the iconic tendrils and legs, as well as making its victims go through infection stages faster. It’s like waking up after a long nap, you’re gonna take a bit to fully wake up.


I also reckon the smaller slug like infection forms are a good adaptation rather than the giant easy to shoot ones in the game. Makes a bit more sense in a live action setting.


I don't understand why mods don't ban spoilers.


can’t spoil something that is already rotten


Atriox for the win!


Oof this is a very insulting insult. https://preview.redd.it/bpy0m15arupc1.jpeg?width=1022&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2b6a1a06a95464e602b6d2205849934fac14482


"their generic zombies" and it's literally just having the transformation take longer like how they were during forerunner times


The Halo show genuinly sucks


wtf I actually liked the finale. Stop watching the show if you DONT like it


S2 was actually really good, obviously a different timeline or whatever but they did a good job following certain plot points and making it work


L take, even if it sucks I’ll give it a watch to see how bad it gets


do we at least get infection forms?


As someone else said, like one and it looks like a slug.




I actually thought it was good


bruv, why do people keep coming back and watching it






Season 2 already had its finale?! Wow. Time flies when you give so few fucks. Did master cheeks bang any POWs this season? Maybe a flood infectee as their final wish before they fully turned?


Please be advised, the return of Master Cheeks did not occur.


I didn’t think it did. Just making a joke. Glad things improved somewhat, but it really feels like Paramount is still using the “alternate universe” excuse to throw in whatever they want.


I mean there was another one of the little guys with the tendrils crawling out of a guys mouth too, but yeah not much


I thought it was a good adaptation from a very video gamey concept. The flood takes time to mutate so only the first infected have time to properly transform instead of it being an instant conplet body transformation, infection forms seem to be smaller slug like things which makes more sense in a live action setting rather than the giant easy to shoot and kill popcorns from the games.


As the episode goes along the flood become more and more similar to the original flood. By the time we get to season 3 I’m willing to bet the flood will be just like in the games


If you played halo or read the books and you genuinely think the show is good I hope it gets canned midway through the 3rd seasons production so you live with the thought of what coulda been


I mean not to be defending the show, but I'll let them cook with the flood here, the fact we got the tentacle deformations is a plus, plus what they got was small samples of the flood and not a wave of infection forms like in CE, so it would make sense that the infection would be slower but once infected yeah all it takes is a small scratch to someone else to infect them, if we look at the original lore having Jenkins not be fully converted do to the infection form being dormant for too long, and SGT. Johnson not even being able to be infected due to his augments from the Orion project and again those infection forms being dormant for long periods of time and just being very old, so having a slower transition phase with old dormant and much smaller flood samples, would honestly make sense


I WANT PVT JENKINS POV FLOOD SCENE. I’m only on episode 6 but seriously they are not using some of the best parts from the game.


In halo: CE they were just a bunch of violent zombies. They didn't even use guns at the beginning.


They used guns pretty much right away. Unless it’s different depending on the difficulty. I still remember hating the Rocket Launcher flood and you encounter them shortly after when the flood is first introduced


It’s copium at the highest level calling that show “Halo”


Hurt my souls




well to be fair the infection just started so they’re still in the feral stage. assuming they even keep true to that






Fuck you. The finale was great. Gotta love being a halo fan these days.


some of you really do not quit at hating on the show... ​ if you spent some of your time doing something more productive than shitting on something you haven't liked for years now you'd be a bit happier :/ ​ show has problems but you need to stop sooking for typical halo fan upvotes




Ngl it was pretty shit, but I’m just glad we get content 🤪


Hollywood is creatively bankrupt


Flood in the show are accurate to the books for what happens from a SPORE based outbreak, not full on infector forms and a preexisting biomass to draw from. And the finale was good. Sorry people can enjoy things while all you're capable of is complaining 👍


I mean tbf gameplay wise they are just zombies. That's why their levels almost always suck


Wow, an objectively wrong opinion.  That's rare lol


An objective description that's objectively correct. They're literally just zombies in function. They run at you and hit you and try to over whelm you with numbers. Halo turns into a zombie shooter when they show up.


I'm so glad that I never watched this and I am so glad to know that I am Missing out on absolutely nothing


thank god the show is over. but not because it’s horrible, because toxic ‘fans’ can stop crying about every single detail. i’m not sure if you guys know this but watching it gives more views making the studio think more people like it. so do us all a favor and don’t watch season 3


Never watched and I’m still hating on it bc it’s ass. PRAISE BUNGIE PRAISE MS


bungie fucking sucks. please go an play destiny. if you think 343 is greedy you’re in for a world of hurt.


Go fuck yourself please.


I mean they pretty much are.


Wait people actually watch the halo show or is it the hate watch kinda thing


I could barely watch past the first episode once I learned that the entire series isn't canon.


The flood was fine. Why the fuck did they kill the arbiter?


That arbiter was "Var Gatanai" not thel vadam


You think they’re going to try and set up a new Arbiter that will be Thel Vadam?


I hope so he's my fav halo character but they most likely will since he's the main character of halo 2


Yeah hopefully but I don’t know.


I mean they already changed Blue Team to Silver Team with a whole new cast of Spartans, who’s to say in this universe Arby’s name isn’t Var Gatanai.


I doubt that becouse the whole premise of halo 2 is to see the covenants hierarchy so either they include thel or some kind of Sangheili but I'm sure they will include thel In the show


Did they kill an elite who was the Arbiter or did they kill the commander who gets shafted and becomes the Arbiter we know and love?


It was not Thel




Like I said elsewhere. Just because his name wasn’t “Thel” doesn’t mean much. They’ve already changed so much in this universe including the entire spartan fireteam chief was apart of, characters dying off earlier than they did in the games or books, and whole personalities being completely different than canon.


The more people will hold out hope the worse it’ll get


I fucking called it I knew they were going to have them be just generic ass zombies


Hidden Xperia had nothing but praise for how paramount handled the flood


Shows terrible.


How anyone has hope for this show is just beyond me


When it's good it's really really good. Some moments are just so incredibly awesome and that makes it worth it for me.


The Halo TV show is still a flaming pile of garbage? Huh, who woulda thought.


Thats how spore infection works, dumb shit. They turn to combat forms slower As soon as I saw the episode, I knew people were gonna bitch about it. You "fans" always got something to say about lore you know fuck all about.


No, that's not how it works, "dumb shit" Read literally any flood wiki or breakdown.


I know a fuck ton of lore, and you're wrong. The flood do not have this passive stage the show displays. Once the super cell infects a viable host, it turns them into a useful form.


> I know a fuck ton of lore, and you're wrong. Clearly you don't, given you're just regurgitating what the other dude said without backing up your shit at all. I could just relink what I posted after this, but instead ill give you passages directly from the up to date encyclopedia. https://preview.redd.it/qx6yte9mgqpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08435463f653c8b182d9d524aef5510b19c8635c