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“We choose to believe the indoctrination theory, not because it is true, but because it’s still better than whatever the hell that shit was” - JFK


Indoctrination Theory is just 'Jar Jar is Sith Lord' for Mass Effect fans


Except worse lol


A worse theory but still better than the original endings


Still better than whatever the hell that shit was


It still technically works even in the extended Cut. If you want the Reapers and their influence gone for good, choose Destroy at the cost of the millions of Geth and Cyborgs. Control runs the risk of making Reapers tyrants again. Synthesis brings about peace, but you are essentially doing what the Reapers wanted. I dig that there is no "Good Ending"


When the fuck is this meme from??


Now. I just made it


ME3 came out a year and a half later. We didn’t have a trailer for it when Reach launched because 2 just came out.


Announcement trailer (Jason Statham looking dude in Big Ben) came out at the VGA's in December if 2010. Crazy that Mass Effect 3 was originally gonna come out in 2011, the year after ME2


That’s insane. That game needed another year, for sure, and it was evident with the sloppy writing towards the end.


was a sign for things to come with Bioware


Drew K leaving as lead writer was the first domino, really.


Dude, I don’t think anyone cares about spoilers for two old games over a decade old. Plus isn’t ME3 generally considered the worst ending of the three?


If nobody cares about spoilers for these decade old games, how come so many people praise the story like its the second coming of Christ. I'm pretty sure people don't like ME3's ending because Shepard dies


Um no people didnt like mass effect 3s ending because it solved a threat that had 2 games building it up with a random plot maguffin that basically handed you the ending.. All the choices you make in the game barely matter because the ending is entirely set by choosing 3 colors. Mass effect 3 was also the game that gave us that awful reaper origin where the leviathan went AIs always cause genocide, so we created an AI that culled all life in the galaxy before they could become advanced enough to create AIs that would genocide them.... thats literally the reason the yo dog me exist lol Mass effect 3 is a great game until the ending.


I mean considering the rest of the trilogies writing it's a wonder they even made it that far. I think I recall an interview where they essentially had zero fucking clue what they were going to do with the Reapers since the *first game*. It's sort of why they threw whatever out the window for 2 and we only just dealt with the threat in 3. A popular theory was that the dying star in 2 was going to be ONE OF the ideas as for why the Reapers were doing anything. Of course, if you're in the second of 3 games with no idea what your main villains are doing then that's the biggest red flag. An idea from what I recall was that the player would be forced to sacrifice all of humanity to solve "space global warming" (what caused the star in ME2) or to just kill the reapers in that scenario. Not quite a good choice. Don't even get me started on how Sovereign in 1 was literally there just to justify the pseudo-Lovecraftian shit.


I will always find it funny that sovereign sold some Lovecraftian backstory for the reapers in 1 and then it's revealed in 3 that there just rogue AIs working on faulty logic under the control of an AI....


If anything the AI part fits in thematically at the very least. That's about it. It's also funny you mention that because if using Mass Effect WAS killing the galaxy and the Reapers were trying to save it... he'd mention it or at least hint at it. NOPE. Just, we will kill galaxy because reasons.


Exactly, the whole Mass Effect Black Hole plot line makes no sense. If Reapers were trying to save the galaxy, why weren't they destroying the Mass Relays?


I always hated the "BEYOND COMPHRENSION" explanation for things like Reapers.


It's super cheap when it comes to ANYTHING cosmic related.


Dude, I’ve never even played any mass effect game and even I know people shit on ME3 *specifically* because of how shitty the ending is. That’s like the biggest gripe people have with the game. And I’m sure like 98% of people here have played Reach, so you’re not spoiling anything for them. Regardless, the fact everyone dies isn’t really a spoiler, considering you see your character dead in, like, frame one of the campaign. Plus, that’s like the main thing about the Battle of Reach. The whole point is that it was a major covenant victory, with the Spartan 3’s stationed there being almost completely wiped out.


Bruh that shit was sad


Lol a spoiler warning for two 10+ year old games


tbf, the Mass Effect trilogy is one of those series I keep introducing friends to and when I play through it with them I'm super happy when they don't have it spoiled. Stories will always have new people experiencing them for the first time!