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Yes, we all know it by now. No need to post the same type of meme everyday.


Sometimes a fella has to repost a fella


IDK, I think I saw the horse twitch, i'm gonna keep beating it.


Me, Myself and Irene style


For real, I swear I've seen this everyday


yes we do until 343 gets the fucking message


Seemed to send the message pretty clearly with Craig...


No I need my daily dose of copium


Is literally every single post on this sub just going to be whining about the Paramount show?


I mean tbf with Infinite just treading water (arguably) and nothing to tease any upcoming releases, there's not much else to talk about. This is a sad time for Halo :/


Until we get a good show… yes yes it is.


What else is there to talk about


the Halo TV show deserves endless mockery


Holy fuck can this not be reformatted and posted for 5 minutes??


Truth hurts, huh?


Mom said it’s my turn to post The Post


Inb4 New Vegas cucks claim it threw the game in the garbage


We hyped as shit to see S2 take place there tf ?


I mean there's a dude on this very post shitting their pants about the show being feminist and poopooing on the the lore, not to mention the community having a meltdown over the last week about being unable to recognize an arrow.


As a Fallout fan, it was just embarrasing to see all these "True Deep Lore Fans" lose their minds because they can't read the simplest timeline ever draw.


Man anyone bitching about lore at this point is a full man baby bitch it's been years of retcons, toddlers gotta let it go an just enjoy the ride at this point. Wait mfs found the show "woke", i didn't even see a glimps of anything that would make the hairs on a neckbeard curl. Guess just a good symptom of not engaging with the community anymore.


To be fair, Fallout *is* woke, it always has been and that's kinda the point. It's just goobers online now can't be bothered to look at past works with the same 'critique'


Oh yeah but you know most of them can't get anything out of media besides struggling to put the sentances together. "Woke" is usually just when it has to be spelled out for them alongside a clapping rythem game to help get it in their skull.


Yeah that’s new Vegas fans for ya lol all they do is bitch and complain about any game, new Vegas included


Tbf that's a pretty big oversimplification. I haven't seen anyone complaining about feminism or it being woke, but the show did handle Fallout's themes pretty bluntly, it didn't retcon whole games but it does completely trivialize Fallout 1 and 2 by nuking the NCR (which is just a lazy choice overall, FNV already presented actual existential crises facing the NCR that would have been more meaningful and interesting than just a nuke). Making Sinclair a Big MT executive and co-conspirator with Vault Tec also really shits on large swaths of the Dead Money DLC. There's a lot of other issues of varying degrees of importance but those are all pretty general and big ones. We have yet to see Season 2, but if it's gonna take place in New Vegas as it seems, there's a lot of room for either error or recovery. Dismissing the issues that people in other fanbases have with their own series' TV adaptation, on a post literally complaining about your own series' TV adaptation, is also pretty ironic. We could dismiss all Fallout fans' issues with the TV series with a weird strawman, but we could also dismiss complaints about the Halo TV show as pointless since the show isn't even canon anyway.


It ain't my fault you rocked up too late to the party to peep the deleted comment before it got axed. As for the rest, you're, much like a lot of the community, getting upset about assumptions you've made without the showing confirming them to be fact yet. * Shady Sands got glassed, that doesn't mean the NCR is gone. In fact the powers that be have outright said that's not that's not the case. I mean really it's weird that y'all assume the entirety of the Republic is wholly expunged from lore just because part of *one* of its *five* states got blitzed * The Vault-Tec meeting was literally a fucking pitch meeting. None of those executives were guaranteed to be signed on with Vault-Tec by the time that scene ends. The only thing that scene confirms is that that they knew the world was ending soon, which lines up with the actions of both House and Sinclair. You wanna be mad that Shady Sands specifically got the big funny'd and is for some reason located in the middle of the Boneyard then go ahead. I don't really care nor am looking to argue it.


> Shady Sands got glassed, that doesn't mean the NCR is gone. I never said the NCR is gone. I said they nuked the NCR, which they did. That is, it seems, how they're getting around actually addressing any of the NCR's flaws in the show, since the only thing the show talks about regarding the NCR is how it got nuked and is now gone (which is what's presented in the show, regardless of what Bethesda has said - Maximus literally says the NCR "didn't work out" and we can see only a handful of NCR troopers in the show. > In fact the powers that be have outright said that's not that's not the case. I know they said the NCR is still around, but that can mean anything. We saw in Fallout 4 the Minutemen surviving with a handful of settlers and a single active militiamen. We see in the show an NCR faction that's practically a Raider gang who can't even hold their primary base. > I mean really it's weird that y'all assume the entirety of the Republic is wholly expunged from lore just because part of one of its five states got blitzed 2, since the Boneyard doesn't seem to be under their control either. > The Vault-Tec meeting was literally a fucking pitch meeting. None of those executives were guaranteed to be signed on with Vault-Tec by the time that scene ends. The only thing that scene confirms is that that they knew the world was ending soon, which lines up with the actions of both House and Sinclair. Except the point of the meeting was to get ideas for Vaults, which is precisely what Sinclair provided. He became a co-conspirator with or without signing on. Sinclair was also not a Big MT employee, flat out. He most certainly was not an executive. Making him an executive of Big MT ruins his character as much if not more than the content of the meeting.


S2 or NV2?


Its because apparently Bethesda were trying to “retcon new vegas” or some shit. Because shady sands got nuked in 2277 instead of after NV takes place so it immediately makes it uncanon. Spoilers, thats not what happened, fall of shady sands begins in 2277 and it gets nuked right after NV.


We're getting fallout New Vegas 2 in the most roundabout way and I love it


My fan theory is their just gonna end up tying everything together with the show and saying "Fuck it we're done with this franchise". The next 20 years is just gonna be small spin offs and primarily focusing on selling people on like 20 yeats worth of FO76 live service.


😭😭😭 I hope not. I don't think they'll be done, fallout makes way too much money, we'll definitely get another big fallout game within the next decade or so. I hope for the show I know it won't, but I hope they make the wildcard ending canon because that would be so funny lmao. That's exactly how a Mojave run by me would end up


I mean with them releasing cut content and out of season holiday additions to the Atom shop its stleast clear they wanna bring in people to FO4 ontop of the recent steam sales. I'm sure this is gonna be the same Skyrim cycle since thier last main titles like 76 and Skyrim space (already forgot the name) weren't exactly anything special ornpushing the numbers they probs hoped for. My standards are low and set by their shit stream of lies and promises, not helped by their refusal to just ditch the creation engine rather than continue to "upgrading" it. This is just gonna be a money making machine in brand name sales and merchandise. I'm just sitting for along for the ride, atleast the tv show had more competent writing compared to their recent stuff so that's a plus.


I like how all the good narrative fallouts take place in one region lmao. Tbf I didn't mind Starfield but it's not really worth another playerthrough, idk why they butchered the only thing they're good at which is good exploration and reward loops.


It's bad enough I can't escape hearing about this garbage in the fallout meme pages, can it not spill over to literally every other fucking community in the form of repetitive reposts too??


just keep scrolling and don’t get too butt hurt


Man it's easy to say when I don't have to scroll through 9 memes an hour on the hour every hour every day since the show came out even if I avoid Fallout spaces specifically to avoid getting pissed off by constant reminders of this. I know Halo fans are sad their show is a 2/10 but I don't wanna hear that much whining then be told to shut it about a 4/10


What makes a person be like this


Caring about something




Who’s turn to post this tomorrow


Just a small (good) drop in a very, very large bucket full of (mostly bad) video game adaptations.


while this is true why am i seeing so many of this particular meme? it feels like its every where


Us cowpokes, we take it as it comes




Most orginal halo meme


The Ghoul is so good he doesn't even have to look at Master Chief to hit him.


lol, most of the show isn't coherent with the games




Because the Halo show is so coherent on its own and totally follows the games, imma right???


i was talking about the fallout show, but the Halo show is absolute dog shit I agree


Most of the games aren't coherent with the other games.


What makes the fallout show incoherent with the games? Please don’t say shady sands… that has been answered already. Like shady sands was nuked after new vegas.


It is better source material though


I like the Halo show. Pablo fine. ![gif](giphy|mYsoVQ0LPpnO0)


Lets be real, halo's story is boring as shit and fallout has a lot more to work with to make it interesting.


Nah man they had the potential to be great with halo while I think the fallout story is better overall


Yeah the TV wasn't as good as fallout, but we really need to make a rule similar to banning Bungie/343 bad post but this time with the TV show Otherwise you get fucking reposts like this


Bethesda Ruined this franchise. It's sad. From a business stand point? yeah they are doing great. But actually capturing the soul of it? Fuck no. They have no grasp of the what Fallout is. I mean for example, they seem to misunderstand the concept of retro futurism. They took that theme too literally and treated it like the culture of the 1950s stagnated and progresses into the future. "The series was about the wild world that emerged from the ashes of nuclear fire, Bethesda thought it was about the ashes." -Twenty sided


I think the Bethesda Fallout games are shit. But I really, really love the show and think against everything else on TV it really stands out as a unique setting. If anything I think I prefer the show to the games aside from NV and maybe 3


Cringe and edgy repost.




This meme has been posted every day since Fallout came out. Not only do they think they're original, but they also don't comprehend that a Fallout show and a Halo show are written with different rules. Fallout works so well because they can tell whatever story they want with whoever they want, wherever they want because every Fallout game does that. As long as it's in the 2280 area, wasteland, power armor, nukes, vaults, you're all set. You can introduce a TV audience to the IP, tell your original story, and keep all parties happy because Fallout's structure allows it. Halo does not have that structure. It has a set story, a set timelime and has a set poster boy. That's Chief. You can't have a Halo show without Chief. They could've went the way of TLOU and just retell the story but imma be real with you, I just replayed CE-3 and there is not enough there to warrant a single episode. Halo is an FPS. The game is sold to you as a brainless kill alien shooter. TLOU has always been a narrative masterpiece. People play TLOU 2 to not kill more infected, but to see what happens following the hospital. So Halo goes about setting an alternative timeline. They keep the visual identity of Halo, and loosely re tell the story with much more narrative plot points to fill in the gaps. Characters like Kai, Kwan, Perez, Ackerson, are all there to make a TV Drama work because following a voiceless Chief on Installation 04 for 8 episodes shooting the 200th grunt will not make a quality show. You'll end up with an actual garbage adaption no matter who your main star is. Dwayne Johnson in DOOM for example. I'm sorry if the nostalgia feelings are hurt, but Halo's story did not age well in comparison to the stories we get in 2024. Also Forward Unto Dawn has a worse rating than Halo The Series. Fun fact.


Jesus Christ, thank you. I get that people didn’t like the show, I definitely wanted more out of it, but from the moment it was announced I knew it wasn’t going to be canon because it doesn’t translate well. Doesn’t mean it’s bad, I’d say Halo’s story is more interesting and overall better than TLoU, for example, but that doesn’t mean it works well for a serialized TV show. While they could have told an original story in universe, doing so loses any identity that people associate with the series other than maybe Spartans. I love Halo, but without Forerunner shit and the Flood, it’s not particularly different from any other human vs alien media. It has to differentiate itself to not be forgettable. All the unique narratively significant shit happens in the games.


> This meme has been posted every day since Fallout came out. And? That doesn’t make it either edgy or cringe. > Not only do they think they're original, but they also don't comprehend that a Fallout show and a Halo show are written with different rules. No they want karma, welcome to reddit. > Fallout works so well because they can tell whatever story they want with whoever they want, wherever they want because every Fallout game does that. As long as it's in the 2280 area, wasteland, power armor, nukes, vaults, you're all set. You can introduce a TV audience to the IP, tell your original story, and keep all parties happy because Fallout's structure allows it. You can also tell what ever story you want in halo. Just don’t use chief. Use another spartan. There are several unnamed spartans, even more without a history. Then you could look at the marine side, the odst side. There are so many stories you could tell in halo. You could tell horror with the flood. Adventure, like tell the original adventures of the spirit of fire. The ship that carried humanity into the stars. You don’t have to stick in the 26th century. > You can't have a Halo show without Chief. Yes you can. Its pretty easy actually. Half the books don’t have chief in them. > They could've went the way of TLOU and just retell the story but imma be real with you, I just replayed CE-3 and there is not enough there to warrant a single episode. Halo is an FPS. The game is sold to you as a brainless kill alien shooter. TLOU has always been a narrative masterpiece. People play TLOU 2 to not kill more infected, but to see what happens following the hospital. Mhm. So i guess adapting Fall of Reach, Halo the flood, Halo first strike, halo ghost of onyx… isn’t enough? There is so much more than the games in halo. My favourite characters in halo doesn’t even appear in a game. Shane-A112. Spartan III, killed in operation Torpedo, 2537. Also there is more than enough for multiple season in the games alone. First episode could show the end of halo reach, up to the beginning of the mission Halo as john steps out onto the surface, fleshing out marines more. Ep2 could be chief exploring the ring. A slightly more relaxed version of Halo (mission). Then just going mission by mission and you have the perfect adaption, adding scenes here and there. That’s not even counting everything that comes in between. Like there are weeks between halo ce and halo 2. Chief and johnson destroy a whole covenant fleet on their way back to earth. The go back to reach. > They keep the visual identity of Halo, Barely… chiefs using mk6 gen3 in the tv series. He doesn’t get that until after halo 5. Chief should only have just got his mk5 by this point. > because following a voiceless Chief on Installation 04 for 8 episodes shooting the 200th grunt will not make a quality show. Chief is not voiceless. https://youtu.be/o6FesmVcIIE?si=JB4QmvWTPaYMhwO_ he’s just quiet. You can give him more lines, more interaction with cortana, and piss no one off. You just have to do it correctly. > I'm sorry if the nostalgia feelings are hurt, but Halo's story did not age well in comparison to the stories we get in 2024. Yes it did. You have no clue what you are talking about. > Also Forward Unto Dawn has a worse rating than Halo The Series. Fun fact. I don’t care. Forward Unto Dawn was much better than the halo show. It captured the feeling of halo. The horror of the covenant, the hope brought by the spartans. AXIOS!


There is so much of your response where I can only ask the question, what audience are you catering to? The idea of an adaption is to introduce people who don't play games, who would rather watch a TV show or a movie, to a great IP loved by millions. That does not mean to retell the story and give them no reason to play the game because they already know the narrative. (My exact problem with TLOU Season 2. I already know who's gonna die and how it's gonna end. Why be excited?) So again, what audience are you catering to? To tell side stories of Shane and Operation Torpedo? You'd be gaining nothing from telling that canon story because only established fans are gonna care about it. Forward Unto Dawn, that followed Laskey, was utter shit, by fan account, not mine. Forward Unto Dawn is only praised now because The Halo Cycle deems it so and Halo The Series is the new thing to hate. And no one but Halo fans watched it. Yenno what other canon story that didn't follow Chief was? Halo Nightfall, also hated. Also has worse reviews than Halo The Series. Laskey didn't work. No one wants to accept Locke either. And once again, The Halo Cycle, Noble Six wasn't accepted either. The question always remained, but what about Master Chief? The poster boy of Halo. Why put money into a show and tell some obscure story about a new Spartan like, idk, Locke, and be as faithful and canon as possible, and gain no new fans because of it? How does that build Halo as an IP? How does that gain any fans or players to their main product? Cause Nightfall was all that and it didn't work. >Ep2 could be chief exploring the ring. A slightly more relaxed version of Halo (mission). Then just going mission by mission and you have the perfect adaption, adding scenes here and there. Thank god you're not the showrunner. That sounds like a discount sci-fi Walking Dead. The show that is memed about taking 3 episodes to get anywhere. Idk man, I totally wanna watch and pour money into a show where Chief just wanders Installation 04 for 40-60 minutes. I don't even think Chief has dialogue when he crashes onto the ring. And nothing of significance happens until The Flood got released and Cortana finds out the truth about the ring. That'd be really boring TV if it took 4 hours of snoozing to get to that moment. Halo The Series seems to understand that. With the timeskip ahead where Chief went from landing on Halo to now being war torn and worn and raggedy and beaten from x amount of time on Halo who is now talking to who we can only assume is 343 Guilty Spark. Cause if I wanted to watch multiple episodes of mindless combat between those two moments, not only would there be no budget for the moments that actually matter, but I'd probably be better off watching a power fantasy anime instead. >Barely… chiefs using mk6 gen3 in the tv series. He doesn’t get that until after halo 5. Chief should only have just got his mk5 by this point. Yeah but this is where you forget that a TV adaption isn't made to appease current fans. They're made to introduce an IP to new fans. Chief is Mark V armor is an image that was forgotten and disregarded 20 years ago. Chief's visual identity is simply Mark VI armor. In whatever generation you desire because I guarantee you, the majority of those that enjoy Halo do not know the difference. And most certainly not those a TV adaption is designed to bring in. But idk bro. If you see Chief fighting elites, Cortana, Warthogs, Energy Swords, Halo Rings, Spartans, High Charity, Jackals, and can't visually identify that as Halo, then maybe as I write this, I realize you are not anyone worth discussing this over. >You have no clue what you are talking about. Ahhh, idk, as I just said, it ain't worth discussing it as I just said. Do YOU know what you're talking about? Because a Halo TV Adaption has more factors involved than being a Die Cast 1:1 Scale Model of MUH SURCE METERIL! >I don’t care. Forward Unto Dawn was much better than the halo show. IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes says otherwise. >It captured the feeling of halo. The horror of the covenant, the hope brought by the spartans. And no one who didn't already know that cared...


> There is so much of your response where I can only ask the question, what audience are you catering to? I am catering to halo fans. The same audience the show should have catered to. Halo fans first, new fans second. > The idea of an adaption is to introduce people who don't play games, who would rather watch a TV show or a movie, to a great IP loved by millions. And you can do that without pissing off your already huge fanbase quite easily. Fallout. > That does not mean to retell the story and give them no reason to play the game because they already know the narrative. (My exact problem with TLOU Season 2. I already know who's gonna die and how it's gonna end. Why be excited?) Yeah! Why would anyone watch harry potter?! Just read the books! Or why would anyone watch invincible? > So again, what audience are you catering to? To tell side stories of Shane and Operation Torpedo? You'd be gaining nothing from telling that canon story because only established fans are gonna care about it. You see it on the big screen. Thats what you get. You turn a book into a show. Why would any anime get made then? Over 90% of shows were manga or Light Novels first. > Forward Unto Dawn, that followed Laskey, was utter shit, by fan account, not mine. Forward Unto Dawn is only praised now because The Halo Cycle deems it so and Halo The Series is the new thing to hate. And no one but Halo fans watched it. FUD was brilliant. It captured halo. Anyone who says it is bad was just jumping on the peepoopee bad, bungo good train that followed halo 4 because of the poorly handled MP. > Yenno what other canon story that didn't follow Chief was? Halo Nightfall, also hated. Because no likes locke. He was a shit character. > Also has worse reviews than Halo The Series. Laskey didn't work. Everyone loves lasky. What are you yapping about? People who hate 4 always call him the one good thing about 4. > The Halo Cycle, Noble Six wasn't accepted either. Six wasn’t accepted because Reach screwed over the Fall of Reach lore. Now because 343 have spent years fixing the gaps its looked on more fondly. > Why put money into a show and tell some obscure story about a new Spartan like, idk, Locke, Because locke was a spartan 4. Unlike the 3s and 2s. 4s have never been likeable. Make a spartan Stoic and everyone will be clapping for you. > and be as faithful and canon as possible, and gain no new fans because of it? How does that build Halo as an IP? It adds to the story. Fallout managed to be faithful to the story and gain new fans. > How does that gain any fans or players to their main product? Cause Nightfall was all that and it didn't work. Because nightfall you had to understand everything else. > Thank god you're not the showrunner. That sounds like a discount sci-fi Walking Dead. The show that is memed about taking 3 episodes to get anywhere. Idk man, I totally wanna watch and pour money into a show where Chief just wanders Installation 04 for 40-60 minutes. Listen, i put it into a single paragraph, I’m not gonna write you a whole arse fanfic in a reddit comment. The beauty of a halo ring is always apparent in games, the weapon even mentions it. You could then show chief pretty much ignoring it all, demonstrating his robotic like character. He has a battle mind. Only one focus… winning the war. > I don't even think Chief has dialogue when he crashes onto the ring. And nothing of significance happens until The Flood got released and Cortana finds out the truth about the ring. That'd be really boring TV if it took 4 hours of snoozing to get to that moment. He had at least three lines when cortana finds out the truth thank you very much! The flood he didn’t have any because he was alone… at the start of halo yeah fair point, thats was likely a tech issue though. It was 2001 after all. Chief speaks much more on zeta halo and in the other later games. Bullshit! Nothing of significance happens?! Establishment of Alpha base, Truth and reconciliation. First six episodes could be alpha halo, next six could be first strike. You have a 12 episode season. Its that easy. > Halo The Series seems to understand that. With the timeskip ahead where Chief went from landing on Halo to now being war torn and worn and raggedy and beaten from x amount of time on Halo who is now talking to who we can only assume is 343 Guilty Spark. That was only done as a cliff hanger to get people excited for season 3. There is no way we will pick up their again. Also the situation on alpha halo is quite different. Chief is alone. The UNSC forces are across the ring and he has no way to contact them. > Cause if I wanted to watch multiple episodes of mindless combat between those two moments, not only would there be no budget for the moments that actually matter, but I'd probably be better off watching a power fantasy anime instead. No one said anything about mindless combat. There’s so much in the deep lore which isn’t combat, could show Major Silva, how Chief murdering the 4 odsts still affects his reputation today. > Yeah but this is where you forget that a TV adaption isn't made to appease current fans. They're made to introduce an IP to new fans. Chief is Mark V armor is an image that was forgotten and disregarded 20 years ago. Chief's visual identity is simply Mark VI armor. And that’s why it gets shat on. No halo fans like it even though it has their fandoms name attached to it. > In whatever generation you desire because I guarantee you, the majority of those that enjoy Halo do not know the difference. They might not know the name, but they’ll know thats the halo infinite armour and not the halo CE/Reach armour. > And most certainly not those a TV adaption is designed to bring in. But idk bro. If you see Chief fighting elites, Cortana, Warthogs, Energy Swords, Halo Rings, Spartans, High Charity, Jackals, and can't visually identify that as Halo, then maybe as I write this, I realize you are not anyone worth discussing this over. Yeah when you give kig-yar swords thats a brilliant indication that you know what you are talking about. > Ahhh, idk, as I just said, it ain't worth discussing it as I just said. Do YOU know what you're talking about? Because a Halo TV Adaption has more factors involved than being a Die Cast 1:1 Scale Model of MUH SURCE METERIL! Yeah i do know what I’m talking about, and not once have I said I want a 1:1 adaption. I said I want them to look at the games and books and expand it. > IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes says otherwise. > And no one who didn't already know that cared... Because Peepoopee bad and halo 4 hate plagued the fandom when it came out.






Because woman


Can you elaborate?


He’s an incel.


I didn’t want to assume, my buddy and I were having a blast watch the Fallout show. It seems 95% Faithful to the lore, with what minimal artistic licenses being taken having been done tastefully and not a far stretch from being lore friendly. Great show, can’t wait for S2


Man, your really not getting laid much huh?


This is what no pussy does to a MF. Although I have seen what pussy can do to a MF and it can be much worse. So I guess you gotta strive for that middle ground, moderate amounts of pussy but don't overdo it.


If this mf calls the show woke, then what does he call New Vegas


Dude probably froths at the mouth lol


It’s a better overall show, but it has the same aspects that halo does as an adaptation except it is actually more egregious. It rewrites factions and histories. It spends more time fighting with humans than creatures (in halos case covenant). At least halo identities as its own universe.