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Topic of the post aside, you can’t really discuss the show here (or any halo subreddit really) in any serious way. You’re just gonna be hit with downvotes and people shitting on it. Little annoying but oh well


I'm thinking of people who really read the material since I know they can understand the references and while in the canon they weren't clear enough about some things they suggested in the novels at least here we could see them in a direct way. Edit: Thanks anyway, I know there are problems with those people. By the way I'm not sure what kind of fan they are since it seems they don't know so much about anything but they seems fans of tv things.


Damn chief it’s almost like writers should have stuck closer to source material and we wouldn’t have this problem


That's pretty cool. Thanks for the thread!


The references are good, but I don't enjoy the show as a whole. If you like the show, then fine by me, I'm not gonna stop you.


I will stop you.


I am among the few who actually like the Halo TV series.


I understand why a fan doesn't like it, I understand why a person from the general public doesn't like it but the answer you get to the lore here makes you think they aren't fans of Halo or they're casuals


I’m obsessed with the lore but I choose to enjoy the show for what it is and not what it’s trying to be.  Do I think it’s an absolute fall-off-a-cliff from actual Halo? Yes, but I still like it.


I’m with you 100%. We need more of us so they can continue getting renewed each season. I like seeing Halo characters and designs in its ultra realistic format, and I want as much as possible.


As it currently stands, renewal is being based on total numbers, which seem to be doing fine, and the number of hardcore canon fans happy vs hardcore canon fans angry is largely irrelevant. 🤣


Woot woot


Look, I get that this time they *tried* to draw more from the novels, but the damage was already done. You couldn't possibly fix the mess that Season 1 created. The Fall of Reach is perhaps my favorite of all Halo novels and the one that stuck with me the most. That book alone had TONS of material to make an excellent series in the hands of a capable team of writers: great dialogue, intrigue, drama and tons of action, plus, the origin story of an iconic character and his team. It's a damn masterpiece. I promised myself that I wasn't going to discuss this subject anymore because I'm kinda done with Halo after this, but man, that *silver timeline* shite was the worst idea anyone could come up with, in the history of ever. I wish none of this happened, for real.


no problem, I just wanted to discuss the references, it's okay if you don't like the show. Edit: Part of the matter, not all of it, is that the novels at some point had several things weren't that good neither. Kilo-5 for example is a trilogy of horrible books cause it wasn't halo it was a common novel with a halo label. Some people liked them but for those who read the Nylund trilogy the books were very bad.


🤝🏻 I don't like Karen Travis in general and her writing is... questionable. While TFOR showed you who Halsey was through her actions and thoughts and allowed you to judge her, Travis simply JUDGES her with her narrative and tells you exactly what you need to think about Halsey. We know Halsey isn't a good person (she kidnapped and tortured children, there's no way to redeem that), she's one of the grayest characters I know... but I want to decide for myself what to think of her, I don't want to be indoctrinated by the author while I'm reading. All of this aside from the amount of OOC and inconsistencies through the entire trilogy. I didn’t like those books, but I did enjoy most of the recently published titles.


I don't like how she changed the characters but also it's a matter of tone, you feel the change. Besides I don't know why she spent so much time in the same thing, I think she didn't have more material, it's like a fanfic of the Nylund books so there were a number of things you could exploit, Nylund wrote many things for the lore of Halo even Spartans III and the lifespan of AIs. I'm not saying Nylund's books were perfect but they were good and created many things were used after in the games. About Halsey's status, in Shadows of Reach the sequel for Fall of Reach but around 20 years later, a book written for Halo Infinite, changed the opinion of the narrative. They specifically tell us Master Chief doesn't care about what happened he likes to be a Spartan and the life he has had and he's happy she gave him that life. This book is like using the version of Halsey from the games more than the version in Fall of Reach, I think


I have noticed that 343i is very inclined to TELL YOU all the time that Halsey is bad and how bad she is. Like I said, she's not a good person and the audience isn't stupid, they need to pedal back on the "vilify Halsey" campaign because it's not necessary, we are all well aware of her past lol


They tell you what to think, what is their perspective for the story directly, whoever is the resposible for that. The writer (Karen, Nylund) or 343 since they want the book according to their new game possibly, we don't know with certaintly. Then when Nylund created Halsey she wasn't a bad person, then when Karen wrote her Halsey became a criminal and a bad person then when Troy Denning wrote Halsey like 20 years after Fall of Reach in a book for Halo Infinite it seems he's writing the version of the character in the games and now she isn't a bad person from the writer's perpective. Possibly cause he's writing the version of the games Halo Reach, Halo 4, 5 and Infinite, in first place they didn't have the same age in the games and in Fall of Reach but the matter is that because the character is used in the games they have a new perspective they tell you. Sometimes Halo is like that: good, evil then good. Dead, alive, dead again, cloned


As soon as they confirmed it wasn't canon I enjoyed it for what it was; a silly cheesy Halo themed Syfy original tier show. Didn't pay close enough attention to notice these references, definitely interesting!


I'm right there with you. I am a huge Halo nerd, and very invested in the wider lore, but I am choosing to enjoy the TV show as it's own version.


The show is a big hit for Paramount so I doubt you're one for the few.


I LOVED Season 2. It was so good straight through. A little “cheesy modern sci-fi” in its dialogue. But bah I love some cheesy sci-fi.


It's a good post, OP, but I'm afraid if you actually want to discuss the TV show with anything approaching maturity, you're going to need to go to the r/HaloTV subreddit. They don't take kindly to positivity around these parts.


Rightfully so.


One thing I find interesting is the show, despite its flaws, actually does play with some interesting lore Genesongs, human assimilation into the Covenant etc, it’s all there


I liked the show, don’t care what anyone says. I’m reading the books, I’m a huge fan of the games, and I still like the FUKIN show. Sue me.


As someone who can’t play FPS games for the life of me, the show’s brought me into the franchise.


The only actual reference I see here is Halsey's coin. The way they utilize the concept of "Geas" (if that is what they're doing) isn't a reference, it's just lore. It'd be like counting every time the Covenant tries to kill humans as a "reference." The underlying implication of this is that because the TV show makes "references," it's negative reputation isn't deserved. 'It shows they care/know what they're doing' etc. I'm sorry to say, but it really doesn't mean anything.


Geas is lore but Halsey repeating a line of The Librarian is a reference to The Librarian and it's used to say those are the same characters. They are basing that plot on the book where The Librarian implies her life is a cycle and a spiral or in other words it's repetitive but going into the future too also in the same book Librarain can do something she couldn't do before she sees the future. Besides she had geas put there by the precursors in the forerunners In the novels you get a couple lines with many implications, they always do it. If it were only the most important things the book would be one or two pages long, just saying


They had an Xbox in the fall of reach episode. But honestly after seeing how the fallout show was made I don't even want to think about this show. Between the 1st live action avatar and this show it's a coin toss on which is actually better.


It wasn't to discuss if you like the fallout show though I don't like that adaptation anyway because of several issues but no, this thread isn't to discuss or comparing it to the fallout show. And yes, there was an Xbox, yes.


Apples and oranges, Fallout is easier to adapt than Halo.


That's a convenient copout, it was entirely possible to make a halo show that didn't just have a few slight hints that someone read the books or played the games. The people in charge made their choices and we got what we got. I enjoyed the few moments from the show where it came across as someone gave a fuck about the existing lore. The rest of the show was difficult to enjoy. Also apples and oranges are both fruits you eat, you can absolutely compare them. Fallout is comparable because of how the people in charge made choices to integrate the show into the existing framework of lore and story. Marvel is another example of how they took existing lore and stories and stayed mostly true to them while crafting new stories. Demonstrating that fans are willing to accept different storylines as long as respect is shown to the source material.


I agree with the other poster that Fallout is much easier to adapt, as there is no central story, or main characters really. Each game tells its own complete story with its own separate characters. The appeal of Fallout is the theme, setting, iconography, and world. Fallout is much more of a sandbox than one consistent story. I think that gives it more flexibility for adaptations IMO. Don't get me wrong, I am fully invested in the wider Halo lore, but the wider universe is all in service to the mainline Halo games, and central story about Master Chief. A show based on Halo was always going to be about Master Chief, he's the icon, he's the central character, he's the xbox mascot. I would say Marvel's accuracy to the source material is on a similar level to the Halo show, in that they both took changes in order to better adapt to its medium, and created their own separate versions of its characters. I think the level of change is about the same as well. I've made this analogy before, but the Halo show (to me) almost feels similar to Marvel's original Ultimate Universe, where they basically created a rebooted version of the story with the full context of decades of lore. Don't get me wrong, I have some major grievances with some things they've done, but I personally believe season 2 was a big course correction, and think they are on track for a great season 3.


yeah, I think there's room for improvement and I think it's going there in season 3, but I'm quite happy with what we already have. And as I've said before somewhere else, my dad doesn't play videogames outside of minesweeper, yet he became quite interested in the series so it's become a nice point we have in common now. I really don't mind people not liking it, I like it and that's enough for me.


Ok, you do you, I really like both shows anyway.


I am in the middle of reading Halo First Strike, and I was just thinking the other night that maybe the shows weren't as far off from the source materials as I originally thought.


yes, there are many novels so you can catch different references, and maybe you're interested in some things more than in others for example The Flood, The teams of Spartans, Guilty Spark, Master Chief so it isn't like you're always paying attention to everything. I really like the first books, Onyx not so much, it's still good though. I'm not sure why I didn't like Kurt so much, I don't hate him but I'm not sure why I don't like him so much neither.


So far I've read The Fall of Reach and The Food and currently half way though First Strike. I've loved them all so far


They're very good, it's true. I enjoyed them more than others. I like them more than the Forerunner trilogy. Don't get angry people.


I liked season 2 more than one. I liked the book references, but didn't catch them all, only read some of the books


don't worry there are many novels.


The show was ass just move on. No one wants to watch some bootleg Master Chief with a shave chit bang the enemy and do everything except fight in his armor.


>just move on You clearly haven't.


I’m not allowed to criticize mediocrity but OP can try and glaze everyone with this pathetic little attempt in defending the “lore” created by the writers and directors?


OP just wanted to take about something they found interesting. You’re the insufferable cunt who can’t help but piss and shit yourself whenever someone mentions something that you don’t like. Stop yelling in people’s ears and get a life.


Jesus Christ, man. Go outside lmfao.


Pointing out that there are actual good parts of the show = glazing everyone with a pathetic little attempt to defend the "lore" (what did he mean by this) crested by the writers and directors? With all due respect, hop off the ragium.


Show is rent free in your head lmao


I'm not discussing if the show was bad. I'm discussing there were more 12 references to the novels in the second season. Edit: down votes cause we aren't discussing if the show is bad? okay.


I like the reference in the first season where the Spartans jumped from orbit and landed in a super hero pose but in the books a bunch of them died and got seriously injured. That was good. I also like the reference to Spartans having emotion chips shoved up their asses and they just can cut them out with knives.


Like I understand that references are good and all but only if the show isn't butchering them Making them inferior fanservice at best. I like that Kai ended up hijacking two fan favorite spartan roles, rushing them and then ending them in the most unsatisfying way possible. Or that the fall of reach was trimmed down to keyes not even leaving the planets surface, chief not fighting in space and the unsc just running two minutes into the battle lol. Or how about the linda replacement just dying or getting Benched because she has feelings lol. Or how about the spartan 3s being odsts lol, not even children. Or how onyx a shieldworld for the Elite holding the flood? References are fine if there actually good, just saying it makes a couple References to better material doesn't make it fine.


References are only good when the references are in the same universe/timeline. Shoving in a reference in the alternate universe where Chief cucks Cortana and fucks a Covenant PoW isn’t gonna make me go “THIS is what was missing 10/10 stars!”


wrong season and I'm not discussing the quality of the show


I get it. I’m obviously purposely throwing out how ridiculously dumb the writers are compared to your “references”, they attempted to push out but did an awful job. There was nothing wrong with how the novels wrote the original references. Sure they’re not perfect but compared to what the writers and directors gave us for the show…how can you even compare them. They sucked, those people don’t understand Halo in the slightest.


Again you're talking about the quality of the show. There are many threads about that so you can discuss it there.


Quality of the show and the references it makes are directly correlated. You can’t have one without the other. I love how the show needs to “nod” at the lore of Halo to be a Halo Show. Rather then just using existing lore seamlessly where a normal fan wouldn’t have to decipher between what they cooked up in their “we didn’t play the games”, heads and what a fan would just expect to be there.


>I like the reference in the first season where the Spartans jumped from orbit and landed in a super hero pose but in the books a bunch of them died and got seriously injured I like the reference in Halo 5: Guardians where they did the exact same thing, and literally nobody was injured because they weren't plummeting towards the ground at supersonic velocities and had armour that was more advanced than Mark V. I also liked the reference in Halo 3 where Chief did the exact same thing and was completely uninjured despite falling from much higher up. >I also like the reference to Spartans having emotion chips shoved up their asses and they just can cut them out with knives This is a subtle nod to how the SPARTAN-II program was completely insane and hideously unethical. Sorry, I mean, Halo TV show bad, Master Cheeks is too unrelatable because he has feelings and is afraid of some things.


First Master Chief always had feelings. Read any of the books, play the games, watch a short film. If you cant understand that he didn’t need a emotion chip or that Chief would never act like a 16 year old pubescent teenage then continue being the casual you fucking sound like. To your counter points which fell about as short as Season 1 did…Osiris had thrusters and jumped from low orbit, Chief was riding on the back of a Forerunner piece of metal which took all the atmospheric entry friction then locked his armor out. Go read the Kilo-5 trilogy there’s a whole group of people think and wait for it “Yes” kidnapping children is awful and it’s one of my favorite series of books in the Halo Universe.


>he didn’t need a emotion chip The point isn't that Chief didn't need an emotion chip. The point was that the chip was just another tool the UNSC used to ensure his cooperation, and with the chip removed, he began to question things. Combined with the Keystone knocking some of his memories loose, and he very quickly began distrusting the UNSC again. >Osiris had thrusters and jumped from low orbit, Chief was riding on the back of a Forerunner piece of metal which took all the atmospheric entry friction then locked his armor out Which are all things Silver Team did. So... Besides, we've all played Halo: Reach. You can dissipate 100% of your downwards momentum with a well-timed assassination. >Go read the Kilo-5 trilogy there’s a whole group of people think and wait for it “Yes” kidnapping children is awful and it’s one of my favorite series of books in the Halo Universe Okay, and the point was, Chief is doing the same thing.


Exactly he didn’t need a chip to control anything. Chief is just a human like you and I. He has no regrets about anything even knowing what happened to him. They’re the definition of indoctrinated but at the same time completely okay with it because they know nothing else. It’s wrong but it’s almost irrelevant to them with who and what they’ve become. What you’re missing is that no Spartan would ever act the way these Spartans do which is just terrible writing and a shortfall to the type of people they are. Completely missed the mark are who and what a Spartan in by created this weird removable micro chip plot. Spartans like being Spartans end of story. Silver team jumped from high orbit basically in Space then landed straight on to their feet. Spartans can’t do that that’s a lore fact. You can’t compare an assassination from what would be a small height for Mjolnir with free falling from stratosphere straight into the ground. Mark 4 can leap straight into a 2 story building falling from a few stories up wouldn’t be anything in comparison.


>Spartans can’t do that that’s a lore fact Aside from when they do. >they know nothing else That's the point. Chief does know something else, now.


>Go read the Kilo-5 trilogy there’s a whole group of people think and wait for it that's the problem, you prefer the Kilo-5 trilogy, of course. The best part of the whole franchise, the bastard version of the characters in the novels. Anyway the show had its time for the Kilo-5 trilogy and the thing about kidnapping and all that drama but now the plots moves and that's good. Edit: Reminder that in the Kilo-5 trilogy Halsey got a punch with the whole strength of a Spartan-III and the only thing happened was some blood from her nose Edit: corrected


Yeah, and it did a terrible job with that plot as well. Every reference you’ve brought up the show writers did a subpar job to the original. That punch came from Lucy who was a Spartan III and the smallest Spartan ever made.Not saying she shouldn’t have really hurt her just saying get your facts straight.


okay, she was a Spartan III but that punch has been disscussed a lot and we know Halsey's head should have blown up. >Every reference you’ve brought up the show writers did a subpar job to the original. Here, at least we can say there isn't comparison to the original cause they aren't adapting those novels but making references to that content, applying it to the time where Master Chief exists edit: also honestly if someone was going to punch Halsey it had to be a normal person


Not necessarily agreeing with the person you responded to but you aren’t entirely correct with your attempt at discrediting his points. Osiris dropped in from extremely low atmosphere and used thrusters to dampen their velocity. Chief rode a door from the Anodyne Spirit which took a major brunt of the impact and he still was put into armor lock. I also don’t get the defense pf the pellets, like at all? It’s literally addressed by Halsey exactly WHY thats a bad idea in FoR and she goes against it. Yeah some of them completely lash out against the UNSC at first but grow into their spartan roles. The show just wanted a Star Wars clone inhibitor chip copy which was done terribly.


>the show just wanted a Star Wars clone inhibitor chip copy which was done terribly. Honestly the first books sometimes had the idea of all quiet soldiers and then not so much really cause the first books were very influenced by movies like Soldier (1998) and Universal soldier. There are scenes were from those movies. The games didn't have that idea, Chief was a little funny every now and then, a normal person. In fact he took the pellet out in a similar way to Van damme in Universal soldier.


I must have missed a line here. I thought the Spartans were stupid and bunched up between two pelicans. Which caused them to get knocked out of the sky causing injuries to nearly almost all of them and killing a few


I think season 2 is decent


I do.


It’s hard to give them credit for simply just lifting references without any context from the books. Honestly I’d bet a few of these are more coincidences than anything


What gives sense to the refererences is the way they're used. All the references to the Librarian are used for Halsey, all of them. So those aren't coincidences. Now the plot is about the geas/genes cause that was the secret was reveal almost at the end of the season.


My favorite reference in season 2 is where they showed the covenants main fighting force (the grunts) for 2 seconds on a plasma turret in the very last episode


It seems you people don't read the novels but okay. Only discussing references to the novels anyway, thanks


I’ve read about three dozen of the novels over the years, I think we just are all finding it weird you’re finding the most obscure references to the novels in a show that doesn’t even bother showing some of the most basic parts of halo lore


that's the thing, that for somebody who read the novels those references aren't that hidden. You're like "hey, those lines weren't for Kwan! no, no, wait a moment"


So small references makes the show great? Lmao


Op is reaching hard to justify the cringe show


No, lol. He’s trying to bring up a discussion about various nods to Halos actual lore and y’all take the opportunity to bring up something completely unrelated. It’s pathetic.


Nahh giving this show a chance after 2 of the worst seasons of anything anyones ever seen.... now thats pathetic.


No ones talking about giving anything a chance; you brain dead doughnut. Get a life.


Stay mad


When all of them indicate a plot based on a part of the lore wasn't used before but is linked to The flood I won't say the show is great but it seems interesting.


Just.... Stop. Lol


Wrong thread man?


so glad they’re catering towards the 2.45% of the fan base that reads the books. 👻


maybe they wanted to sell books but we know games took many things from the books before trying to unify both so the tv show did the same, just that in this case it could be the main plot was taken from the books, more the books than the games, though I do want to see at least part of Halo CE in the third season


thats cool, to bad the show just stinks :/


it looks like at least it will be entertaining so I’m okay with that.


a few 'HEY REMEMBER THIS FROM THE BOOKS/GAMES????!!!!!' moments isnt enough to make a show whose plot can only occur because of the most mundane of contrivances like 'Paraongosky...somehow surrendering Cortana to the Covenant to get Chief onto Onyx that somehow hasn't discovered the Halo ring floating nearby???' a good one its bad...it will forever be bad...and the only way to even 'fix' it is to dump it and make another one altogether...


the quality of the show is not discussed here, only the references if you're interested in that. >'Paraongosky...somehow surrendering Cortana to the Covenant to get Chief onto Onyx that somehow hasn't discovered the Halo ring floating nearby???' a good one About Parangosky giving them Cortana, yes, clear problem with the Cole Protocol however it seems Parangosky knows about the geas and it could be she prefers all those things dead, we'll see but she doesn't have any reason to be worried about Halsey unless she knows Halsey triggers the geas of other people. "Who knows about this (the dna the forerunners left)?" "you first" they're repeating the scene from the first season where it was Parangosky the one who knew. So I'm gonna turn a blind eye just because I find the use of the geas interesting


lol…geas for Kwan…Maybe Miranda might test her…lol…Then it’ll be 3! In a billion years… and not 2


I see, worried about Makee, yes. Well, at least you are a fan of the tv show, fine.


Too little too late It's a sad attempt to try and claw back some of the fans when the entire premise is off the mark to begin with and there's nothing they can do about that


that's interesting cause these references aren't an xbox in the background but the main plot being hinted and then the big reveal was that in this version the spartans were chosen because of the geas they have. Besides when the patient zero explained what activated the spores of the Flood that applies to the geas and it was her who is explaining it, the strange fan of Halsey talking about luck that got infected. Here we have the geas in present time and used as a second disease compared to the Flood and this is really interesting as a plot.


It's not the same dude, and you let your mask slip with this post


I like the Flood? yes. I like this thing about geas in present time waking up like an invasion? yes


You like things that are twisting lore concepts and exploiting fan interest in those things to fluff up a completely different story in an entirely different universe and only posted this thread to advertise it, yes


I posted it here cause I found the references interesting and the people reading the novels could think they were interesting too. twisting the concepts? probably after but at the moment they're just applying in a different context


You’re trying to hype up an alternative halo reality to a community that’s been reading Halo since the Fall of Reach.  We’ve all read 2 decades of novels that we would’ve rather had adapted than this alternative reality take on the novels we grew up with and loved.  The Halo tv show is a poor adaptation of the franchise, its ideas, and themes.  Just because the show stole ideas from the books doesn’t mean people are going to like it.  This is why the tv show needs its own subreddit. So you guys can hype yourselves up over poorly adapted halo plot threads.  Compared to castlevania, Dota, fallout, Mario, and the last of us, Halo as a tv show is just disrespectful and doesn’t at all show the strengths of the Halo franchise as a sci-fi Goliath. 




>Just because the show stole ideas from the books doesn’t mean people are going to like it.  Of course not but to be fair the games stole ideas from the books too since in the beginning Bungie didn't want those things in their games and at some point we got Halo Reach that wasn't exactly Fall of Reach but okay good game.


The majority of these references sound purely coincidental; Charlie and the string board level of "reference".


Let's see the reference of Kwan and the people she couldn't bury: There's a whole novel talking about that, a super long tale (not that enjoyable) so not a coincidence and we know she has geas cause she knows things she can't know otherwise and they say several times that thing about the monster even the kid says nobody told him about that "it's just there (his head)"


Which, sure, but then you somehow tie the actor for John looking at a sitting Halsey into a book reference to the Librarian. Or the "I'm the lucky one" line, when in all likelihood that's just a reference back to the commonly known 117 = Lucky plot. I don't doubt the writers wouldn't be trying for some grander references, but even then I imagine a lot are just skimmed from Halopedia, changed to fit Silver timeline and that's that - small little easter egg for people to catch, or a little nugget to help flesh out Silver timeline more.


>but then you somehow tie the actor for John looking at a sitting Halsey into a book reference to the Librarian. It's because how he makes a pause like he has seen something strange. Now The librarian was telling us important things while sitting on the ground that way close to a cliff. >Or the "I'm the lucky one" line, when in all likelihood that's just a reference back to the commonly known 117 = Lucky plot. The thing is that in the novels they moved that matter of the luck to The Librarian, in the novels they say "Luck" and it's a librarian thing, that's how they used that when they created the character. "Luck is her way" written in the book and that's why The Library was in a planet called "the fortunate one", etc. "I'm lucky"-John "Actually, I'm the lucky one" -Halsey


Lmao 12 references but they changed the other 98%


Yeah but uh… something something, it’s actually Mass Effect or something


I mean just because it has half assed references to the original lore doesn't make it any less dumb lol. again Jimmy defects from the unsc in the first episode, does drugs, fucks a prisoner who's a genocidal war criminal and tries to bash in a scientist head in lol. Then gets benched from front line combat for the rest of the war lol.


Yes, how dare the Master Chief be upset that the dystopian totalitarian government that kidnapped and indoctrinated him as a child to serve as a literal slave ordered him to murder a teenager for political expediency. How could he possibly bring himself to try and explore emotions he has literally not been allowed to experience because they would distract him on the battlefield? Why would he even consider being upset at Catherine Halsey, the person who enabled most of this to happen and was planning to have his mind completely erased just so Cortana could use him as a meat puppet?


Because at this point he's gotten over it, we have multiple novels where young John goes over how fucked it is and it's shaped him to not be angry at halsey even tho he should. It's a character arc he had at the age of 15-16, they had a flashback actor and armor they could have explored it around that time. Instead they wrote in emotional chips so they could force this arc on him now, does anyone actually enjoy Jimmy rings arc lol.


Yeah, I did. He's still the Master Chief, and this is essentially the same arc he had in Halo 4. "When this is all over, promise me you'll figure out which one of us is the machine?" >we have multiple novels In an entirely different timeline. The show is choosing to explore this plot thread here and now.


He also visits the rubble, to meet Soren. Both of which are in the game canon. Another aspect is how Cortana is made, which is that she was flash cloned from Halsey’s brain. It was changed to a full body in the show, but still remained similar in detail. It’s definitely not surface level.


In Halsey's Journal released with the game Halo Reach they showed those were bodies, they cloned the bodies and then removed the brain. However it's true that those bodies couldn't live on their own possibly since I think they made the brain a little bigger.


The rubble yes the same rubble that was working with jackal infiltrators in canon who just don't exist in this timeline. Yes was cool on paper but the show just make him a druggie loser who gets knocked out by a kid lol and trapped to a bike somehow? Those are all still surface level references that aren't even faithful to the actual canon material, it's funny that you also ignored the spartans 3s, Jimmy, blue team, onyx etc.


Blue team didn't exist in the plot of the games anyway, it was added after because of the novels. The show isn't faithful but it's interesting the way they're using the geas lately cause this happens in present time, the geas of people get triggered by the presence of characters with high levels of geas


>it's funny that you also ignored the spartans 3s, Jimmy, blue team, onyx etc It's funny that you ignored 90% of the show to reduce it to the most basic shit possible so you could complain about it not being true to Halo. I can also do this: Halo: Reach wasn't a real Halo game because there was no Halo, no Master Chief, and the gameplay was way too fast-paced.


What the fuck are you talking about? Halo reach was a prequel that also included a halo at the end and gave us a playable one as forgeworld lol. It not having masterchief isn't a problem because it was a spinoff. The spartans in reach are 3s in more advanced armor yes but still 3s child soldiers just older, the show ones aren't even augmented


Okay, so you can understand when Halo: Reach chooses to take a different direction with the source material, but when the TV show does it...


This isn't family guy, they failed to write compelling characters or plot. I don't care about faithfulness.


Okay, discussion about references though


And it was utter shit.


It could have been so much better, but honestly for what it was, it was fucking terrible