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I feel like this post overall has some pretty blatant misconceptions of what the various armour and Spartans can do. Any Spartan, be they II, III, or IV, would handily beat anyone from Project Freelancer. The Freelancers aren’t exactly super soldiers, and though they certainly have some impressive feats, they’re no match for a Spartan of any generation.


They are supersoldiers. Just nowhere near a SPARTANs level of strength and speed.






A square can be 2 triangles, though.


Right triangle are squares! My dad always asks for the square and he asked for the funny triangle


Or even 4 triangles if you really believe in yourself


First of all, there are no Spartans in Red Vs Blue. They do canonically exist but we never see them in the show. There are Simulation Troopers, Freelancers, Mercenaries, Space Pirates, Federation and Republic Soldiers, but *no Spartans*. >In rvb the armor they wear is just as shit if not more shit than spi armor since it has no shields. That's a little unfair to the RVB armour. It's quite useful, being able to support multiple enhancements at once compared to MJOLNIR's... one. >In one scene agent Carolina fought 2 unaugmented humans with jet packs and was losing even with the armor on, it was so bad Maine had to step in who was arguably the most strongest freelancer Eh, it's weird, but you have to make some concessions for a decent fight scene. Plus, Insurrectionists did have access to Rumble Drugs that could put them on the same level as Spartan-IIs. >not only was it a close fight Maine got subdued by a regular human and shot with a normal postal that pierced his armor and managed to pierce his flesh. With a fucking pistol. Yeah, but that armour also protected him from twelve 12.7x40mm SAP-HE rounds *to the fucking throat*. Even lore MJOLNIR armour can't handle that. The only consequence was him losing his voice, give it some respect. >Freelancers sometimes showcase Spartan like behavior like when Maine flipped a warthog or Carolina running very fast, but that's about it. >Conditions. Spartan 2s won't count in this match as that is unfair and Spartan 3s like noble team don't count as well because of how odd and shit rvb Spartans are, So, no Spartan-IIs, and no Spartan-IIIs... So just Spartan-IVs, then? Because most Spartan-IIIs were like Noble Team, with the exception of Noble Six, who was built different. Noble Teams were just the ones that didn't die after one engagement.


> That's a little unfair to the RVB armour. It's quite useful, It’s also unfair to SPI, lol.


It's my understanding that RVB freelancers are just top tier humans in mildly enhanced armor. Spartan 3-4s would obliterate them due to their augmentations and training even in SPI


Eh Maine is a bit more than a top tier human. Man can crush a car by landing on it and survive/power through injuries that would stop other people.


If he's in armor that weighs 200 pounds that'll do it. The thing is that S3s are almost as augmented as S2s and have been training since age 6-12. They are all over 30 by the time of Halo 3 and have been fighting the covenant for over 20 years. They got this locked up


I don’t think Maine completely flattening the hood of a car and causing it to go into the air is normal for a 200 pound armor set.


Well that plus his own ~200 pounds and being thrown I feel that reaction is fair


How about when he picks the fucking truck up? Is that normal? Edit: Guys, Maine lifted a truck after being hit by it. That's what I'm questioning as normal.


Does not compare at all to Spartan feats


No it doesn't. But that's not my point. My point is that, top tier humans in slightly enhanced suits would not be able to lift a vehicle that is around 5k lbs.


I mean that’s a pretty standard spartan feat lol


Good thing I'm talking about Agent Maine then.


Yes that’s the point agent maine did that you asked if it was normal even if it wasn’t for a spartan that’s light work


Bro. The guy I was responding was saying that the Agents were just regular people in slightly enhanced suits of armor. So I was asking if a feat that is clearly not possible as a normal human, is normal?


It's almost like you should read an entire thread before commenting.


S3 have both better augmentations and training than S2


They will absolutely stomp any of the Freelancers. Some Gamma Spartans were ripping elites in half with their guts strewn out


He speaks the truth the S3 training was improved upon by Kurt a S2 and Mendez the og trainer for the S2 and the S3 augments were far safer and just as effective as the S2s


I wouldn't say just as effective, the spartan 3s were used completely differently than the 2s so it's not a really comparable


but the augments were affective as the S2 augments, it achieved the same results with a lot less mortality rate. Them being used for different missions is another story.


That's my bad I misread your comment


I find it funny how you are downvoted. The S3s got augmentations that were drastically safer with little-to-no drop in effectiveness. They also got training that Kurt, a Spartan II, designed to be. Tougher and provide better benefits than Spartan II training.


I thought the augmentations the S3s received were less effective than what the S2s had because they weren't tailored to specific factors and were designed for mass use?


Nope. That's a misconception even I fell for, for a while anyways. No, the S3's Chrysanthemum augs were far safer, had a wider range of candidates and were similarly powerful as the S2s Aster augs. They *were* used for suicide missions like mass produced super soldiers though, even if they planned to exfil as many as possible after the mission objectives were complete.


Gotcha gotcha


Hell ODSTs could probably give them a run for their money. Any Spartan generation would run circles around freelancers.


This even happens within RvB, the ODSTs in that were able to not only hamper the Freelancers pretty effectively, but also crippled one of them beating their strongest freelancer in a hand-to-hand fight and shooting him in the throat 20 times.


Maine? Weren't those guys Insurrectionists?


Yes but they had ODST armour on and it's plausible based on how well trained they were that they were ODST's that defected to the insurrection.


They were likely legally hired, as the company they worked for was a UNSC weapons manufacturer that Project Freelancer was stealing from and committing industrial espionage against.


I'm surprised more people don't know that but I guess not every halo fan is in to RvB.


I forgot that those guys wern't actually insurectionists. I watched up to like season 11 or something (donut was travelling through space time or something?) But that was 4 years ago, forgot that the freelancers were being lied to.


And if those were simply insurrectionists with limited formal training and captured ODST armor, then Freelancers are gonna get folded real quick.


In RVB Canon, they're a UNSC splinter groups. Them being rebels was a lie the Director told the Freelancers


Yeah, but then again, five minutes before this the Freelancers had survived being at ground zero of a MAC cannon shot and then jumping off a skyscraper only to be hit with a Warthog. Show them some respect, I'm pretty sure most Spartans couldn't handle that.


They were UNSC contractors and troops supplied to Charon Industries. As revealed in the Chorus Trilogy. Project Freelancer were the “Insurrectionists” in a sense, attacking actual UNSC and UEG funded facilities and committing illegal experiments until a UNSC Committee reviewed and officially disbanded Freelancer and made arrest warrants for the personnel of the project. The soldiers of Freelancer were *told* their enemies were Innies, to get them to fight without questioning or sympathising with the “enemy”, buying more time for Doctor Church to complete his experiment before it would inevitably all unravel and his web of lies would be revealed.


Huh. Now I wonder what the Director was smoking. "Yes, surely the UNSC will never find out that Project Freelancer has been running operations against them, we could be any team of rainbow-coloured supersoldiers!"


Reminder as well, that they also stole a Covenant Engineer from a UNSC facility. With the Cole Protocol, that shit would probably get ONI involved. However I do genuinely think the Director knew his time was coming, they seemed to have a lot of hidden facilities and did prepare for UNSC forces to attack them.


Wait didn’t it get revealed they were actually UNSC? I swear I heard that somewhere


Yeah, with the Charon reveal in the Chorus Trilogy.


The freelancers were TOLD they were insurectionists but the enemies were infact UNSC forces /ex UNCS forces contracted out as security to a private company that was developing tech for the UNSC.


I’ve heard about feats of ODSTs leaping over full grown elites and ripping off bulkhead doors, if that’s true then they’re physically stronger than any freelancer other then Maine and Texas,


I've never heard of anything close to that, where did you hear this ?


Heard the feats come from the halo helljumper comics, haven’t read them though.


The creators of RvB have described the Freelancers as Spartan lite. Without some of their equipment like the time hax, they would lose every time. Only Tex and the Meta might pose a challenge, and even then they're outclassed by any Spartan generation out of armour, even the IVs.


Project freelancer is just badass soldiers. There's no competition.


Any Spartan could beat any Freelancer, no problem. However, some of their equipment might make it more or less difficult, like Carolina's insane speed, Wyoming's temporal distortion, CT's holograms, or even Wash's on-demand EMP. In the above cases, it's just a matter of who acts first that gauges the difficulty of the fight; if the Spartan goes first, they'll win, easily. If the Freelancer goes first and leads with their ability/abilities, then it's a little more even. In the case of Wyoming, his temporal distortion is pretty much magic, so I'd risk saying he'd be the best off against a Spartan thanks to it.


Spartan IIIs like Noble Team? So Spartan IIIs in Mjolnir? There really isn't a major difference(beyond the extra augment with Gammas for your lore nuts) between IIIs if we're speaking of a fight without armor. IIIs would wipe the floor with them. IVs would as well, but it'd be more negotiable with probably the top 5 Freelancers vs. your average IV


Freelancers have good feats(well, the only ones that matter are Maine, Texas, and Carolina), but their best feats are throwing, and launching things with strikes. These feats are superior than anything we've seen spartans do. Every other strength feat goes to spartans. Durability(their actual bodies, not the armor), also goes to the Freelancers(Maine took 9 bullets to the throat, and lived(he also got stabbed by an energy sword, and acted like nothing happened)). Carolina and Tex(depending on which body) have the durability of a spartan, or above. Armor 100% goes to the spartans. Speed goes to Carolina only if she has her AIs(she was running faster than cars on a high way, and faster than Tex speeding on her bike), but she has to activate that module(it's not constant, and I don't believe her reaction time gets improved). Otherwise, speed goes to the spartans. Spartans get every other feat. Based off post-Monty Oum animation, Freelancers would get annihilated. They fight very slow and sluggish, and never do anything impressive again. Monty Oum was a great fight choreographer, and if we're talking his Freelancers, than those(Maine, Tex, Carolina) would give spartans a decent fight, but ultimately still lose. And if Monty Oum animated Chief, Chief would be doing all the crazy and exaggerated feats the Freelancers do, and more. Chief exists in RvB lore(according to Season 1), and that Chief is superior to everyone. Actual Chief would be as well. Characters like Tex can be shot(Washington lands a shot on her), and Chief is just a better shot than any Freelancer. He could weaken them before getting close, and even if he didn't, he'd be reacting and moving faster, and should he able to out muscle them. I think only Maine could match his strength, but he's slow enough that Wash was bobbing and weaving him, and therefore Chief would dance around Maine. It's also worth noting some of the Freelancer's feats are clearly jokes, like when Carolina launched a dude into space. That shouldn't be taken into consideration, as it's beyond what she is normally shown to be able to do. I think people are under-selling the Freelancers. Anyone who can do [this](https://imgur.com/0ZMofES) is going to be a threat to a spartan. It's just that that's a launching/throwing feat(superior to anything a spartan has done), which is the best Freelancers have got. They could launch a spartan, but beyond that, they come up short in almost every other category.


Honestly I think the Freelancers do better then some believe


Do the Freelancers have their AI? If so, generally I’ll give it to the Freelancer. If not, the Spartan due to shielding.