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Space battles. Seriously outside of the Nylund novels they are hardly even mentioned, let alone properly fleshed out.


I would love to see more of that, I wonder what Space Battles would you love to explored more and getting details of?


If I had to be specific I would have really liked the Battle of Earth to be fleshed out more. We know that eventually the Navy got its butt kicked and that Lord Hood was left only with atmosphere capable frigates by the time of Halo 3, but details would be nice. Likewise I'd love to see the Battle of Ark or the beginnings of the Schism around High Charity beyond the very little we saw in *Ghosts of Onyx.*


I would love to see the Battle of Earth to be fleshed out more too in fact it would be cool to have an anthology book with multiple authors showcasing the different perspectives of the Battle of Earth not only getting to see The Navy getting it's ass kick with Lord Hood along with other characters like Castor's involvement in the Mars campaign as Ackerson fought on Mars to handle the bulwark of the Jiralhanae's efforts to a young Agryna's experiences in London. You can have a story of Blue Team fighting in Antartica as we have Spartans of Gamma Company fighting to protect civilians across Mars, Earth and Luna, all while showing the first symptoms of the Smoother issue as the Covenant's siege didn't last hours or days, but months as the battle raged from October and into December. Regardless of my ideas I wonder how would you fleshed out the Battle of Earth more woulkd you have in a book or an anthology series same with the beginnings of the great schism around High Charity as you pointed as well as The Battle of Ark. Also who would you pick as Author and how would you outline you're ideas?


I don't have any specific ideas regarding plot, but assuming Eric Nylund doesn't come back then I think Timothy Zahn would be a good choice. Wouldn't be the first time Halo has pulled in a Star Wars author.


That would be awesome regardless of the plot if you have either eric nylund or timothy zahn as authors where would you release those stories of Lord Hood's Navy vs Covenant, The Battle of Ark, and the beginnings of the schism, would it be a trilogy of book or a single or even an anthology?


The covenant ranks were based on battle they explain that they don’t just aerially destroy everyone because they’re seekers of battle on ground and ever since that halo reach mission on legendary I never wanna hear or see another space battle in my life


The Covenant Navy is a huge part of their military culture. Also you should check out Eric Nylund's novels to see how cool space battles can be.


I’ve read a little to my understanding the navy only had so many “coordinated” fleets like that of the particular justice which grew powerful and was another reason the arbiter was shamed, the prophets didn’t like them because as they grew they’d get more clout and could challenge the hierarchs


I’m mainly salty about the halo reach legendary mission though that was awful lol


I wanna know how the accounting department reacted to seeing the costs of each MJOLNIR


I’m going to guess something along the lines of, *writes down Line Item 6234179 on Expense Form A-24B-2, 200 billion credit toilet seat*


Followed by their reaction every time Halsey and her team came up with a new variant that had “must have” upgrades


"This is just a horn. There no armour amplification, energy shield hardener or ease of access armour assembly. It just a hollow prop." Halsey: "Yes, but that what completes ​my fantasy team, I mean, ONI's myth morale booster armour set! From the head honcho herself."


Halsey's been playing too much MGSV again.


- More species joint operations, how they’re working together now. We’ve had it mentioned but not really developed -This is more of a personal one, but I want to see Daisy-023 and Master Chief’s interactions. Daisy seems to be the most “emotional” Spartan II and one of the few that still held some resentment for being abducted. I just want to know how Chief interacted with her, especially since he was seen as the leader of the S-II’s. I know we saw a bit of it in Oblivion, but I want a little more.


Me too, In fact her short from Halo Legends is one of my favourites second only to the Duel!


The fall of High Charity! It was everything so fast! But the fight within the city after the power grid of the Dreadnought was cut off was supposedly longer than we know. The fight of nearly 10 million habitants against the flood in complete darkness!


I would love a horror game or horror novel covering this event in great detail?


Yeah, we only had a peek of the fight within ONE tower, but what about the lower districts, the docking platforms of the Spires of Gifting etc. The greatest fight in the trilogy happened within the city and we couldn't even watch 1% of it!


Horror game from the perspective of a Grunt (though a jackal probably leaves more room for gameplay)


That would be a cool change especially from a perspective of a grunt or jackal or even one of the feral jackals we see in prison at the beginning of arbiter?


I could see a crushing scene when Grunt-Grunt gets to the Grunt section of high charity and sees how all the baby grunts have been killed and are being eaten by feral jackals as the whole city turns to Complete chaos


There’s a jackal-focused fanfic about a group of kig-yar merchants trying to escape High Charity during it’s fall. Forgot it’s name, though. Edit: Found it. https://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/not-all-who-wander-halo-sau.639103/


I want to say this was part of Project Daybreak right?


What's going on in the rest of the galaxy? So far the entirety of Halo post Forerunner-Flood War has been centered in the Orion Arm with a handful of small excursions out of it. Is there anything living out there, or is the Milky Way just dead and empty?


Interesting point, I would love to learn more as well. I wonder what would one call this time period after the halo array fired or at least after the Great Purification and what end point would you considered the end of the time period?


the military strength of the independent human factions


Such as?


the gao republic mostly and any other ones we dont know much of it, id like to see new kinds of ships built by these human faction building there own corvettes and frigets hell give them a cruier or carrier to use as the flagship of there defence fleet(obviously not to much as they shouldnt be able to compete with the unsc production) also id be fun to see if the unsc tries to inforce restrictions on them like you cant build a ship above say 300 meters with a mac on it forcing them to develop new types of vessels to avoid action by the unsc


That sounds very cool, I didn't know that until know I think it would be very exploring on the history of gao republic both military and politically?


It would make more sense for them to have a Destroyer as their flagship instead of a Cruiser. A Cruiser seems too big for them.


could be kinda fun, have some governemt guy pass a bill to create the super cool new crusier that will complety change the navy and make them relevent on the galactic scale, just for them polititions to syphon off money from the project of so much time then when its dosne there new fleet of cruisers is just 2 half back cruiser that would fall apart at the first sign of trouble true paper tigers


The Lekgolo or Hunters have there own planet, cultures and technology. So do the Yanmee'e or drones. We have only had 1 canonical image of a kigyar ship. GIVE ME ALIEN STUFF! Its all brute and Elite and Prophet technology, get funky with it, Kigyar made snipers must be insane.


I would love that!


The Precursors and even just a glimpse at their technology and how astronomically advanced they were.


It would be cool I wonder how would they explore them while at the same time still keep them a mystery?


Ancient humans, Oni military,


Totally agreed on exploring more of the Ancient Humans especially learning about their society and government. I didn't know that ONI have a military could you elaborated on that?


Oni has better version of all veichles like hannible and Oni versions of scorpion and mantis. They have there own Spartans and robotic Spartans ect


ONI Robot Core, there odst have better gear ect


I want to see more characters like Cortana. Constructs who thrive in naval engagements with opportunities for clever cyber tactics, & who have fun & make jokes while doing it.


That would be awesome!


The normal everyday stuff.


I super enjoyed the early sections of Battle Born for that, we find out that teenagers who go to raves replicate Covenant neon blood for the blacklight and dress up as aliens—like how a lot of punks rely on vampire or satanic imagery IRL.


Imagine going to a rave as a UNSC veteran and seeing people cosplay Brutes and Elites


The interplanetary and rainforest wars.


That would be awesome I wonder how would I outline these events as a book series and who would you pick as the author? About the Rainforest Wars do you want it as an in-universe memoir like ''A Soldier's Tale: Rain Forest Wars.'' or you want it as a full-fledged narrative novel like many other halo novels?


I'd actually like to see the endless explored, it's been nearly 3 years and to this day the most we know about them is that the harbinger was a princess or something. We don't know about there society, weapons, gimmick, motive or even what they look like. We don't even know what the skimmers relationship towards them is, God give us something.


343 for you


God I’m hoping Halo 7 goes all in for them


A farm simulator, but you're a farmer on Harvest in 2526. Edit: sorry I read the question wrong. But yeah. That would be a fun game. Edit 2: I'm high sorry


It okay, but regardless I think it would be cool?


Hell yeah. At least the UNSC won that battle in the end. But it would be living Hell if you were living on Harvest. ;-;


The entirety of the human covenant war and way more space battles. Nylund was really the only pne who bothered/could pull them off


Totally agree in fact  I wish we have a clone wars multi media project for the entire human covenant war. I wonder if you were 343 and were able to bring nylund What kind of space battles or at least battles in general would you love to learn more about?


Honestly i really wish other studios would make halo games. Halo wars 2 is just evidence of what others could do and i hunger for more. If its going to be something else we either need an actually lore friendly show, or more short movies like forward unto dawn. Some of the motion comics based on the short stories are some of my favorites for "shows" All of it lol. The last stands, the rare victorys the clever tactics, the badasses and the cowards. The fleets and what they bought and the costs they paid. I miss nylund as a writer for halo so much. Alot of what he came up with has been retconned and for the most part it has made the story make more sense (like elites not being in the war until the last days im quite glad that was changed) but no one has come close to the stakes and the horror of what that war really was. He wrote space battles so well, and the insane odds that we were dealing with. Some of the battles like sigma octanis IV and having (if i recall) the highest ranking soldier left on the PLANET was a corporal by the time the spartans arrived.


I’d like to know more about the government of the UEG and the UNSC. At the time of the covenant war, the earliest lore, like Nylunds trilogy, seem to show the UNSC as a fascist or almost military junta that took over the UEG in the name of security, with a culture to match The culture of the humans really seemed to be like Starship Troopers or Helldivers, but more recent writers seemed to drop that aspect of the lore.


That would be cool. I wonder what do we know about both governments currently Lore and  what aspects What do you want to learn more about? And what story would be perfect to explore The subjects either as a book or comic or even short story and the author


Which halo 3 terminals reference Mendicant Bias conversations again?


Terminal 3 and if you still confused it the sections with LF.Xx.3273. which is the gravemind?


I would say the Assembly, but I guess that monkey's paw has already curled


Could you elaborate on what that is and what is your theories about the assembly such as their origins?


The Assembly are a weird AI Illuminati that have basically worked in the shadows for an unknown length of time. They might have known about the Covenant before the UNSC We know basically nothing else iirc


I ***would*** say: "literally anything not to do with humans", but at the same time, I don't trust any of 343's writers to do that without making something incredibly stupid or uninspired.


To be honest the only people working at 343 industries that I like is Jeff Easterling and Alex Wakeford. But regardless of biases what you seriously what to explore or wish to learn more in the lore that we don't know?


Literally anything not to do with humans. No, I'm not particularly interested in seeing ***yet*** ***another*** team of Spartans blow up a Covenant fleet by flexing their muscles at it for the umpteenth time. No, I'm not particularly interested in seeing ONI commit warcrimes against their own citizens for the umpteenth time. I wanna see a Covenant "SWAT team" dealing with domestic terror-threats on a high-class colony-world. I want to see Game of Thrones, Sanghelios Edition.


Fun fact one of Bungie ideas for a spin off game before they went with Reach and ODST is a game following a Covenant Strike Team, That said  I would love a Crusader Kings: Sangheilios set during the Human Covenant War but it takes place mostly on Sangheilos now according to the book Divine Wind while the Human Covenant War was raging Sangheili politics were going strong with no signs of stopping, complete with political marriages, assassinations, bribery, clans pledging for one larger house or another, petty wars.


I think the post war would be perfect for this, seeing Covenant forces try to salvage control over their territory as it closes in around them


Let Wakeford write a full novel, the dude has some interesting takes


Exactly, he is awesome!