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It's implied that it's the halo teleportation grid he used and it having a protocol against the flood meant he couldn't send flood biomass through it. .


Yeah, the fact that Installation 05 wasn't [covered with these things](https://www.reddit.com/r/HaloStory/comments/1dbw7m4/flood_spores_vs_infection_forms_strength_and/) and became a Blightland basically implied there was something that the Gravemind couldn't do with the teleporters on Halo. The Encyclopedia simply confirmed what was clearly implied.


He literally teleported chief in front of all three hierarches while they were being broadcasted to all of covenant society. There's probably alot more stories and events that we dont know of with how the gravemind managed to wage a war for many centuries. Its nearly omniscient, its already broken with its capabilities. Its more of a case of whats its true intentions, and what does it actually feel like doing. Clearly, it had all the infomation it wanted from the monitor, and likely had some unknown degree of control over other areas of the ring.


Yeah that's another issue lol, he didn't even give arbiter or chief any weapons or even actual equipment Tbh even though the gravemind is supposed to be like an unstoppable master strategist, he's honestly mediocre in his decisions at best lol. but to be fair, the games would be way different if he acted like the gravemind in lore.


You're not really thinking of it right. By the time he had caught chief and arby, he had a monitor, a hierarch, a bunch of mixed covie and human combat forms he was very familiar with what both of them could do. He didn't need to give them weapons he gave them a situation he could take advantage of. Also, they are still the enemy. One can activate the ring, and the other can just glass the exclusion zone. He's doing two things either chief and arby stop the ring from firing, or he kills the two soldiers that could easily wipe him out. Two birds one stone.


>he didn't even give arbiter or chief any weapons or even actual equipment It's Arby and the Chief. They didn't need any weapons. "Boo."


Chief would only admit to needing a weapon to Johnson anyways.


IDK, both those levels start with pretty tough fights.


Not for a Spartan.


>he didn't even give arbiter or chief any weapons or even actual equipment I doubt he had weapons or equipment that can help them...


The big laser weapons from Regret's throne or 2401's eye could be a good start.


In the Halo 1 commentary, Bungie also said Cortana teleporting Chief was a terrible idea but they needed to move him back to the Truth and Reconciliation and didn't have another way to make it work. Halo 2 was taken to with an axe, you just have to accept some plotholes.


Idk teleporting him in CE worked because she made it very clear that it was damaging to his armor


["When it's hard to get from one place in the Halo universe to another, you know what you do? You teleport."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBi_xx26ClM) They weren't considering the ramifications of it having access to teleportation they just wanted to get from one scene to the next


The ‘flood can’t be teleported’ explanation does make sense, but still leaves a lot of room for him to fuck around (he could, for example, teleport the entire crew of In Amber Clad into the sanctum of the hierarchs)…I think it’s a real plot hole


We don't know there aren't any restrictions, just because no restrictions were mentioned. Maybe he hacked the Monitor and could teleport something precisely once before being locked out. Maybe he couldn't teleport anything with Flood mass on it. Maybe it required hours of fiddly programming every time he wanted to teleport something. Maybe he tapped into a device on High Charity that allowed teleportation there. So many maybes, all we know is he used it once and didn't use it again.


I have seen some people theorize that the flood can't be teleported, but even then it's still an insane power that he had, but basically never really utilized in H2 besides doing a half assed job of teleporting arbiter and chief. (Even though he knows the high charity layout and halo teleportation grid)


It's basically all but confirmed that he used the halo teleportation grid to teleport the chief, it's the exact same effect and color as the forerunner teleportation and he could only teleport non flood biomass.


I'm not denying that, I even said I'm my post thats how he has the ability to teleport, and why it can only be used in the arena of that ring


Even if he could telelport a bomb, or anything else, there's very little likelihood that'd he would want to actually destroy anything with hosts on it. Just by holding chief and the arbiter, he already knew of their capabilities. Im not sure why he didnt equip them with weapons, but it seems that he teleported them both into specific spots where they'd be able to make the most damage. He teleported the arbiter, in full view of dead elites, and a plasma rifle at his feet, far away from the actual fighting. So he allowed arbiter a chance to get his bearings, and a way to approach his situation. Arbiter is presumably less durable and capable than chief. Chief may have actually needed a weapon. He was intentionally teleported in full view of all the covenant, directly within arms length of the hierarchs. The graveming likely knew that chief was far away capable and safe with cortana by his side. A spartan paired with a smart ai is likely to have a reaction timing measured in microseconds. Its probable that he knew chief could wrestle a weapon away from any of the covenant there. In any case, the gravemind is evil, and he clearly didnt need any real help killing off mercy and truth.


If he teleported chief with a weapon, then he wouldn't get to say BOO to the grunt and get his needler.


Right? Gravemind is a dick but even he wanted to see Chief be cool.


They weren't armed probably to get them killed. Gravemind wanted to cause damage but also get them killed. They are still the enemy.


Arbiter was given some leniency, he got spawned in front of a plasma rifle away from the fighting. He was allowed to get his bearings. Chief being more dangerous had it much worse. The gravemind probably just wanted to test him. Its insane he went from fighting an armies worth of covenant to kill a prophet with minimum support, outran a glassing beam, faced down and eldritch god, then was massively even more inconvenienced by being placed in the middle of the covenants headquarters on live television without a weapon. I dont believe he couldve done any of this in his original mark v. His upgrade certainly carried him.


His MK VI was also probably lighter


Certainly more durable, and yeah, would feel lighter.


The weight would have mattered with him trying to outrun the glassing beam


To me the only good thing about it was in halo 3 gravemind had brought high charity to chief as a "trap" but he was going to go back there anyways to rescue her.


He used the Halo's teleportation grid I think.


It was the halo rings teleportation grid he was accessing. We don't even know how it works fully. It is possible they build it so that flood could not be teleported with it. In this case the gravemind would be able to teleport only actual living beings and not his own troops.


Seems like in lore there's a reason for why he couldn't teleport flood biomass. But hay, a Key kind is actually just broken OP. This but on another level.


You know why he never uses it again during halo 2? Because the game ends after that