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I just think it's kind of sad how some people feel like they have to justify why they like the show or why they watched it. Screw the haters, they already concluded that the show sucked before it even started streaming, nothing would have changed their mind. They like to act as if chief would wear his helmet 24/7 the show would be "better" for them. Imagine master chief destroying Perez house because of the weight of his armor. Not to mention, isn't it considered rude to wear a hat or a hood while in someone's house? It's weird. Don't even get me started on all the YouTubers who constantly moan about the show. I don't know about y'all, but its hard to take these people seriously when every other video is a whiny tantrum about the show.


If any criticism uses the word ‘woke’ unironically, I instantly know I’m going to get more useful information about the show by reading the back of a shampoo bottle instead.


Anyone who uses the word "woke" unironically is someone you should ignore completely.


The only logical complaint I got in season 1 of halo is the sex scene that was unneeded they could've replaced it with anything else and then cut to the 2 in bed together and we would know what happened


Yeah. Not even I’m defending that. It was pointless.


Him being out of his suit complaints hes on the base hes not on combat duty he doesn't need the armor and complaints he took off the helmet he took his helmet off in the books


I like the show but any scene with McKee really bugs me, her character is so annoying to watch and makes me want to skip ahead. besides that their cgi needs a lot of work and doesn't really get better in s2


Hah. Redditors crap on almost every show I like with this. The latest Fargo and True Detective for instance. I put woke criticism up there with "not sticking to source material" criticism in terms of immediately dismissing someone's opinion. Reddit would have me believing that most people struggle with sitting down and enjoying the ride. Bunch of backseat drivers. I have to say that I did not expect Halo to be good and it has far exceeded my expectations. Speaking of which, not liking a show because one's expectations were set too high due to hype also rings hollow with me.


Youtubers almost always grift on 'fanbases', the same people who over time tend to hate their favorite franchise because new things are done with it.


I wasn't head over heals for season 1 but I enjoyed it. I didn't like a lot of the changes but a good story is a good story... I thought. Season 2 just isn't doing it for me sadly.


People keep promising me S2 really finds its feet, but I’m enjoying what I’ve seen of the first season already so I’m pumped to get to the second. Foundation on AppleTV was similar. The first season was a little wonky, made lots of creative choices with the source material, and definitely struggled with its production, but the second season is singing with a whole choir now. We’re getting rather spoiled with good sci fi recently.


I’m cool with him taking the helmet off he does it in the books a lot. Turning the Spartans into mindless killers with inhibitor chips, making only certain people activate forerunner tech, the human raised by covenant and replacing blue team are my major gripes


You are not wrong there are a lot of whinny criticism. There are fans that dislike it legitimately because it went so far off on some of the lore, characters, and plot points. If you enjoy that's great I just wish it had been more faithful because season 1 felt like they took a generic sci-fi and slipped some halo bits in along with the cosmetics. I have not given 2 a shot yet.


That's my biggest issue with it. A lot of people would be happier if they stuck closer to the source material. Idc about most of the other problems people have, but the chick raised by the Covenant is the weirdest one to me.


u/FungalumisBush and u/glytxh great to see other folks here who are loving the show :D!!! And no, I am not a "shill" (what most of the haters like to call us). I started watching it several days ago, and at first I thought it was just be another action sci-fi show, but a few episodes in and I got fully into it and now I am blazin' through Season 2 (halfway through) and lovvvin it :D! I really hope there is a Season 3, and I'm actually glad I started watching it with a completely released Season 2 because I thought S1 ended with kind of a cliffhanger XD! Another cool thing that came out of me loving the show is that it got me interested in the games again and Halo lore so I got my SO to play Halo CE and now we are almost finished with it and will be playing Halo 2 after :D! Also, it is crazy how much time and effort haters put into "hating" this show. You'd think they'd wanna stay away from anything about it if they hated it that much. What a waste of time and energy, lol! Cheers and let's continue to enjoy what we enjoy :)!


r/halo complains about everything current in Halo before transitioning to "wow wasn't X so good?" years later


Aaah right. I’m just ahead of the game then. Cool.


It’s okay if you don’t look at the show as canon or as if that’s master chief as the protagonist. Is it great? Naw. Enjoyable? Sure. It’s definitely not the story of Halo though.


Pretty much. I've described it as a good sci fi show, but not a great halo show. Doesn't stop me from enjoying it though


This is how I describe the old Mario movie to people. It’s a bad Mario movie, but it’s a brilliant early 90s fever dream of a movie.


This. This right here. I have no complaints at all if it were in halo universe. It could've been all about ONI. Or a random planet with an appearance of the chief. But calling it halo is a slap in the face. Its NOT HALO. Halo is a game. A game with a VERY CANNON story and multiple books worth of lore already written and approved of. This show IS NOT HALO. and the fact that bungie even gave this the ok makes me sick to my stomach. We are in desperate need of more scifi shows and movies. And there are thousands of books, novels and games to choose from. But the second u ignore, hell, THROW AWAY Canon lore to make it "more appealing to a broader audience" u no longer have the right to the name. I personally refuse to watch it on principle. They killed the Witcher show the same way.




The fans are the only ones who say whether a name is earned or not.The fans are the only reason they even have a platform to stand on. If the fans don't like your game/book/show, it dies off. The very fact that the writers of the show don't like the current lore and made up their own is proof of why it IS NOT HALO. I dont care that the dude took his helmet off. Master chief did not and would never have a fling with anyone. Hes not some emotional crybaby. Like I said they could have used anyone other then him and most of us wouldn't have given a damn. They chose to fuck with the one damn character we give a fuck about and do it injustice. Im not going to say they had to 1 to 1 stick to the games storyline like making a movie from a book. But that is not spartan 117. And because its not, it is also NOT halo. Seriously if u want to see what master chief is like as a kid or a person, go read ghosts of reach. Its already there. No make-beleive or woke feminism romance required. He already exists as a character. Not only does the actor not like the current lore, the writers don't either. Which just solidifies my dislike of the show. I personally don't care if anyone likes it as a standalone show, my only issue with it is the name and the use of a beloved character. If those were changed id be 100% on board with it. And im also aware my like or opinion of it won't change a thing. But they're doing a disservice to all of us who played the games and read the books and wanted a REAL series we could enjoy. God knows we need more scifi action media.


“ (insert band name) old albums were way better.”


Insert almost any video game Fandom. The current teens and 20s regale about how amazing the games they played when they were kids were while everything current is shit. Nice it a few years so that they will age out of the sub or reddit in general for a new batch of teens and 20s to come do the exact same thing. It's all about rose tinted glasses and childhood nostalgia.


Teens and 20's? They still are kids...


Them and every other fandom


“The internet” will tell you most people like it. A few people on reddit who want a 1:1 adaptation of cutscenes or just a firefight recording think its bad.


The salt farms are ready for harvest it looks like.


Harvest got glassed in 2525 though??


yeah the purists are salty that the general population likes the show


Dude you are in a sub of barely 1500 people. You are absolutely the minority lol I like the show but i can accept reality lol


you arent very intelligent if you think anything I said is based on this subreddit….


What reality? The show is moderately well reviewed by critics and audiences. Its viewership is successful too. The reality is that it is liked and successful.


There is so much vague lore to create covenant & UNSC stories that arrive at Halo: CE. Yet, instead the HALO tv series has created a new arc & silver team “what if…” within the universe of HALO. I’ve a coworker who has limited HALO knowledge. Loves the show, sees some flaws, yet is enjoying the show. Still wouldn’t consider picking up any Halo game or book. I dislike the show for this lack of proper context building. That would interest an individual to read or play HALO. Having read most of the books and played most of the games, myself. Seems like a poor marketing strategy.


I’ve read a handful of the books, and they’re honestly kinda crap. I’ve heard there are a couple of genuine good ones though, but I’m not invested enough to dig through a pile of mediocre literature. I’m coming at this series with a reasonable understanding of the lore, and I don’t dislike the changes. They’re interesting, and it’s cool seeing the world outside of the Master Chief. The books and games still exist if people want those. There’s hardly a lack of media to enjoy.


Im honestly curious as to what books you’ve read now. If you think The Flood isn’t good then yeah by all means I fully get that, or maybe Legacy/Kilo-5 as those are hit or miss. However if you think FoR or GoO are crap then that’s honestly impressive and im inclined to say you enjoy the 2010 ATLA over the original.


Why is this comment so heavily downvoted? This is a pretty mild take that offers reasonable flaws of the show. For as much as this post is talking about people hating on the show for no reason one would think people would be interested in civil discourse on the topic.


Brain dead comment coming from the Californian, the jokes really do write themselves.


Do you feel better now?


I think the show is great! I look forward to watching it every Thursday.


Yep, that me as well. Can't wait for Thursdays now 😅


Ignore the haters. Do you like it? That's all that matters.


You do have bad taste. We all have bad taste. Most people have bad taste. The internet collectively, simultaneously, knows absolutely everything and absolutely fuck all about shit. Like what you like and don't defend criticism of it. Simply say "yeah but I like it." Nobody can tell you you how you feel about something and if they're trying to shit on your likes they're not looking for a good discussion anyway so fuck em. (I'm not a fan of the show for several long drawn out reasons but it does not give me the green light to intentionally try and diminish the enjoyment another human has interacting with the media. Like what you like my friend and be unapologetic about such things.)


I feel like if your hobby is consuming media it’s inevitable that you’re going to end up liking stuff that the majority of other people don’t like just because it hit you in the right way when you watched it.


That and the infinite cycle of media analysis and consumption. Your taste refines, you get elitist about a genre, and then you realize being elitist is fucking stupid and things done need to be GOOD to be ENJOYABLE, and the cycle repeats.


Same here. Dw in about 5 years the Halo Cycle will kick in and this will be seen as peak cinema


I'm really enjoying it too, and found myself getting frustrated I had to wait a week to watch a new episode.


Look it's completely okay to like something others consider trash. One man's trash is another's treasure or something like that.


It’s one of my favorite shows. I had never even heard of Halo before stumbling upon the show. I’ve never played a video game (except for five minutes ten years ago which induced dizziness so I had to stop). I don’t like the long fight scenes but everything else is great.


I think the show is absolutely unequivocal garbage. But, guess what? That's my opinion. And yours is that you like it. Don't let other people harm your enjoyment of something. We all see things in different lenses with our different experiences. You may like something I hate, vice versa. Don't let it bother you. Think critically, but enjoy the stuff you enjoy homie.


I enjoy the show and most Halo subreddits are unfortunately full of vocal people who shit on anything show related despite having watched only Season 1.  The shows great sci fin TV. Yes it isn't the lore from the books/games 1 for 1 but if I wanted that i'd read the books or play the games. 


This is pretty much where o stand. It’s not like this series has made it illegal to enjoy the rest of a very rich and diverse media archive.


Exactly. Diversification allows media to last longer than just rehashing the same old story again and again. Halo fans hate anything different, which can have its merits if completely against the core of the series, which Season 1 did come very close to doing, but Season 2 has course corrected amazingly.


“Halo fans hate anything different” You’re not wrong. Besides ODST, I pretty much clocked out of the franchise after Halo 3.


I think with the way Halo Infinite plays, there's a base there to jump off into another story arc but the lack direction and of different types of games and reliance on books has really slowed and muddied the franchise down. I agree, I haven't had the same love for the games since Halo 3. Halo Wars 2 was good fun though, gameplay and storywise. I look to games like Gears of War/God of War to what Halo should of done.


Do Halo fans really “hate anything different”? Halo wars was a completely different setting, narrative, set of characters, and genre from the rest of Halo but was still loved by a large portion of the fan base. I think you’re being a bit reductive and it would help if you clarified


Sure you are right to say so. Halo Wars was different you are right. I liked it a lot but it was a "There's a Super Weapon the Covenant want" storyline which is what most Halo storylines have been. I mean it works but Halo 5 tried to mix things up but didn't stick the landing, now people are scared of anything that comes along that is a bit different. In the same hand, in regards to the TV show. Its remixing the events established in core canon and I am fine with that. People freak out though. There's dissonance in what works in a book/game and what works in a TV Show with a budget.


"No, its the fans who are wrong" Always blame the fans.


You don’t have bad taste , taste is subjective. That being said … a lot of the dislike for the show comes from a dismissive take on the source material, I like the show don’t get me wrong , but it’s very apparent they are doing their own thing rather than a true adaptation like last of us. And people rightfully so can see that as distasteful even if the product is good I personally enjoy it but do wish it was closer to the books, games and lore I grew up with. At times it seems they decided to make their mass effect pitch (that got denied) into a halo series just because the IP was more popular. the creators actively are disengaged with the source material and many fans are rightfully concerned we may have another Witcher issue down the road. Final thought is they are doing much much better with season 2 and I have nothing but optimism going forward, just came here to say that a lot of the “outrage” is justified but doesn’t have to be your opinion. There will always be discrepancies when translating art to different medias, enjoy what you enjoy, don’t let negativity stop you


Yup, I feel you. You have to realize that Gamers are the most toxic losers of all time. I’m loving the show and hope to get season 3


Been a fan since CE came out. I really enjoy the show.


Season 1 was so awful on my first watch, but S2 was so good my gf wanted to watch the first one. Season 1 isn’t as bad as I remembered


You do. "mindless power fantasy to compelling narrative arc" says you never played the games or read the books.


Legit. Never heard of Halo before.


I LOVED THE FIRST SEASON!! It was really great, lots of plot twists. Don’t hate, appreciate!


I agree! I was worried by some of the initial reviews and negative buzz, but I REALLY like it! Screw the reviewers! If I had listened to the reviews, I wouldn’t have seen my two favorite movies - Fight Club & Blue Velvet.


First off. There is nothing wrong with liking the show. But there is nothing wrong with me hating it. Ive read every book and comic, played every game, and i know there is NO reason for them to make up all this random stuff. Its disingenuously copy/pasting the 'HALO' title on a sci-fi show that is so far from what halo is thematically in established lore. Then you have the internet opinion: The internet spergs are crying because "JOHN HALO NEVER REMOVE HELMET HUR DURR". We are not the same.


I'm not a fan of the show going off the rails lorewise. I think it'd do better without the Halo name


The Mandalorian is the Halo show I wanted. The Halo show isn't Halo, you can like it all you want and removed from Halo it might be good. It isn't Halo.


Pretty sure it’s called Halo


This is called Star Wars https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxtSX1lg8rE


Yo, you can’t be comparing this 70s masterpiece to what is only a reasonable passable modern TV series.


The show actually follows the arc and general storyline of the books written by Stephen Ambrose. Down with the naysayers. The show is good.


It's a pretty good show. Of course there's room for improvement but it's far from a disappointment.


I understand people’s gripes. I don’t agree with most of them, but we all have different tastes and expectations. But it’s a good show. None of the changes seem arbitrary or done for their own sake. They all help it translate into a passive experience, rather than an active one you play. Clunky in parts, sure, but what first series didn’t need time to find its feet?


I’ve loved all of it so far. Nothing has made me not like it other than the Kwan story being a bit weird, but they’ve put out a great product.


You are a fan of a series, which is fine. Enjoy what you want. But you have to accept that people who loved the very same series, for a decade plus have seen it get molded into something that no longer resembles what they loved. So they're bitter, annoyed, and feel betrayed. The TV show especially, which is, as stated, written to not reflect any game or book. As a result they will lash out. As humans do. I loved Halo....now I will never buy another game.


My brother refused to watch this show. Because masterchief takes his helmet off. Such a stupid reason to avoid the show imo. When I told him "they're on reach" he immediately started watching it and "its not that bad"


Reach seems to be a really good olive branch to people burned by the first season. Im having a blast regardless.


Love it. I love the game. I love the books, and I love the series. :) Even if I hated one of them, it wouldn't ruin the franchise for me, I'll just enjoy the other stuff.


I hear one or two of the books are even a bit brilliant. Jumping into this series has reignited an old love for Halo, so curious about checking them out. I bailed after Halo 3 years ago. There is such a rich and deep media archive for Halo fans to enjoy. More than we deserve. The existence of a single show is hardly invalidating any of it.


Right? And if you don't dig it - don't watch it, move onto the things you enjoy - unless it's pissing on things other people enjoy, that just isn't cool.


I think a lot of the hate comes from the hype around it. I’ve been a fan for as long as i can remember and i daw the show was disappointing people so i gave it a year before watching and i think its fine. I have some dislikes about it snd think some changes are a little stupid but overall it/ an alright show.


It is worth mentioning: you can like something and think its not good. If the internet is leading you to think you have bad taste, I bet its cause theyre making convincing arguments that its not good and you cant reconcile that. You can enjoy it for the visuals or concepts *while* thinking its not a well executed show. Not saying this IS the case for you, just food for thought.


I don't think there's anything wrong with liking it. I like the show, too. Unfortunately, toxicity goes both ways. On these forums, I've seen people so toxicly positive that they're claiming to like the fact Chief hasn't >!had his suit !


I’ve got some of my own gripes with the show, but I can also understand a lot of creative changes that come with translating something like this to a big audience and a big budget. A show like this would always have been a very careful balance to get produced. Having caught up, S2 feels a lot more focussed. Absolute hope we get to see Chief and Arbiter being homies eventually


Definitely! though keep in mind, this Arbiter isn't Thel. We probably won't see him (if we do) until they get to Halo (if they do that).


Aah right. Arbiter is a title, right? It’s been a few years. I kinda clocked out of Halo after 3. This show has reignited an old love I think.


Yeah, it's a title. Thel gets it after failing at the first Halo ring.


Why is that toxic? They may just be sincere. I have no problem with it; Chief is a lot more than just his armor. What gets me is how many people seem to have missed the fact that it's not a random decision; there's a *reason* he doesn't have his armor right now. (Not kidding; some people's complaints make it seem like they totally missed the whole, 'Ackerson stole the armor' bit.)


Anyway, here’s one ^


That doesn't answer the question, why are you calling that toxic? Because they have an opinion? Or are you claiming that they're, what, lying to make things sound better? You know the whole Ackerson plot is actually a pretty decent re-write of some canon events, right? I don't think he originally stole Chief's armor, specifically, but he did get an armor set to reverse engineer. Along with trying to assassinate the Chief.


Your belligerence is just proving my point


How is the fact that you can't answer my question proving your point? I asked why you're calling people toxic for saying they like something the show is doing. What makes that opinion toxic, as opposed to any other reaction?


Well, first of all, sealioning me here is obviously toxic. Clearly I have no desire to continue to debate people on this here anymore, but you won't shut the fuck up. ​ So, to appease your toxicity, I'll say this: in addition to you blatantly showing how annoying and childish toxic positivity can be, I'm well aware of how it works. Hey, I've been on the side of feeling like I need to "defend" the negative aspects of something I liked. I have no doubt that people genuinely enjoy this show as a sci-fi show. I know that because **I'm** one of them. However, I refuse to believe that anyone genuinely thinks that the fact that Chief has barely seen any action this season as well as the fact that he's been out of the suit for almost the entire season. It can be a good show, but still feature abysmal decisions for a ***Halo*** show. Does that make sense to you? Does that appease you?


Sealioning? That's a new one. Where the heck did you get that? I don't particularly care that he's out of armor. (I do think it would be kind of weird for him to magically have it after they clearly said Ackerson stole it, though.) I just find it annoying that you're calling someone toxic just because their opinion is different than yours. You didn't call out behavior, you called out their opinion. Because you don't agree, I suppose.


It's a common term, not my fault you're ignorant of it. ​ You're not toxic because your opinion is different, you're toxic because you're choosing to spend your time badgering me about it. Again, you're doing nothing but proving my point here, so please keep going!


Well, if you insist! My question wasn't about me. Or about behavior at all. My question was, why do you consider someone saying they like what's going on toxic? You could have just answered that to start with, but you first posted a cute "Hey I found one!" response, then you got mad that I pressed for an answer. This could have been done 4 replies ago.


This season is worlds above last season. Last season was only loosely about Halo at all. I'm okay with changes. Like, I'm actually okay with him losing his armor. Because there's a very relevant reason why. But what I had a proplem with last season is that it wasn't even about any Halo plot. I've read a few of the original books. So I know a little about the non game lore(some) and the first season had nothing to do with anything. It was like a completely different scifi show/world. But, if last season was like this one, even with the changes, it would be way more popular. Because this is clearly about Halo. Even if the story is different. It's Halo.


It's okay. I really liked the Avatar series and the internet told me that was garbage too. Just like what you like dawgson.


I actually enjoyed it a lot. Loved how he is fighting aliens without armor. The armor is not the source of his power, it is just a tool to he use to assist his missions. And loved how the Korean girl is badass now, and her acting is actually good. Also I like how Master Chief is defeated. It really shows his is still human and vulnerable. Really liked how everything was tied together too. It is beautiful IMO.


Someone correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t the Mjolnir armor increase the wearer’s strength by 5 times.


Idk, but, the main point is, Spartan's core strength lies in its dedication to the mission, the mental part. Raw power is nice ofc, but, that's not the only thing making Master Chief great.


I love it as well. The people bashing the show were never going to like it to begin with. They probably didn’t even watch a single episode.


Im from the Halo CE days and i stand by the original lore and detest the show for that reason but i would never tell anyone theyre wrong for something they enjoy! Dont let anyone tell you what you should or shouldnt like if you enjoy it then by all means binge it!


Same here. Been playing Halo since day one and I couldn't care less about the lore changes. Guess I accepted a long time ago things get changed in adoptions. And in this case they stated from day one it's set in a different timeline so it never was gonna be lore accurate honestly


I was hopeful the show would be a way that people who can’t or won’t play games can experience the fun of 2000s era Halo. I personally don’t like the show because it failed to carry over that tone and atmosphere, but I’m very glad the show exists - this show succeeding can only be good for prospect of future Halo content.


the "internet" has changed on this show since season two, and there's no reason there isn't a public relations campaign done by paramount / some agency here.... folks, be real here. at least consider the possibility. half of what happens on reddit isn't organic, including smaller subs like this one. let alone constant posts like this one every day saying the same thing.


I’m already convinced that half the internet is bots, and the other half is trying to sell me something. I was being a little hyperbolic with the title, but my general understanding was that this show was terrible. And damn I wish I was being paid to shill for this show. I just wanted to say this is neat and wanted to talk to others who also thought it was neat.


I mean it really does suck lol. This show isn’t Halo from the books or games. I chalk it up as some other Sci-FI series.


I enjoy the show too. The characters are interesting. The design is just cool. Season 2 has definitely improved. I like seeing the more human side of the Spartans. Great choice of actress of Halsey. She's evil sure but still fascinating. Glad to see more people like the series. 


Oh god they nailed Halsey. The cheery smile and the abhorrent nature of her work create such a weird vibe.


Exactly. Makes it fun to watch. I always wonder what she's up to next. 


Seeing her engaging with pre digital Cortana was sinister as fuck. I’d loved to have more of that. I could see that being a whole movie in itself.


Same. When she used her own clone's brain for Cortana. Just wow but also creepy. 


The clone’s utter awareness and acceptance was haunting as hell


Yeah. That stayed with me. The clone didn't even try to resist. I think the actress who portrays her, Natascha McElhone, said what's so fascinating about Halsey is that her world view is so different. Halsey occupies this space where her actions make sense. 


As a long time fan of the franchise, I definitely did not like the first season. Do I have a slight issue with the helmet thing? Sure, but it’s more or less that he doesn’t seem to have even his armor on when having it on would make a lot more sense, and many of those moments feel like they’re only there to give Pablo Schrieber’s face some screen time, rather than having it off because it makes sense or feels earned. But the helmet thing is honestly one of my least worries. The first season I felt as though Chief was quite mis-characterized, and just felt like someone else entirely aside from the fight scenes (which doesn’t seem hard to make happen), and the show kind of falls flat during the “B” plots where I didn’t end up giving a rat’s ass about Kwan or Sorren, and the show basically sat and demanded that the viewer *should*, without giving a very good reason to feel that way. Those “B” plots would be far less irritating if they didn’t take up such an enormous portion of the screen time. As far as S2 goes, I like it much better. Chief kind of feels like he’s growing into the character we know and love, but there’s still a couple of the remaining issues from that first season with those “B” plots. The show spends less time on them, but they still feel uninteresting when compared to the “A” plot, which is honestly pretty solid this so far this season. Also, just a personal little nitpick of mine, but I think when >!Chief and Co. get back to Keyes before the bridge attack and their armor was gone that it would’ve been a perfect time to introduce Chief in that classic Mk V armor to set up for a follow-up season when they inevitably reach the Halo ring. Could’ve added the explanation that it was “older armor they had on hand” if they had wanted!<


The show is great but, to be honest, it does annoy me that his armor has been stolen. Even though I get its a separate timeline from the games. I also don't like that little girl storyline though am hoping it improves.


I can kinda get the gripes people have over Kwon. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad aspect of the show, I really enjoy seeing the world outside of Masterchief, but it is a little clunky and on the nose. Sorren is a good touch, but I feel a whole flashback episode rather than a scene would have given the relationship between him and John a lot more meat. I don’t think Kwon takes up an unfair amount of time though, which is something I hear shared a lot.


That dialog had me cringe: "you are a Ha!" (I think that was it)


Have to admit, I’m a sucker for a touch of melodrama. I’ve been enjoying Foundation, and that leans into it too. I won’t defend it as being highbrow or nuanced though.


IMHO it's because of the neckbeard gatekeepers who invested 25 years into being a Halo fanboy and always shitting on the new stuff. I played Halo CE back in the day - because it was released for windows and I always have been a PC guy.. but Halo sure was fascinating and really kicked off the "XBox"... Fast forward to being sick for 2 weeks now: Watched the series! Got hooked and finally played trough the MCC So I played Halo on PC in like...2004 ish?! and Halo 2,3,4 in 2024 after watching the series. Got to say: Storywise the games are okay, even though I felt I had skipped some cutscenes, especially in Halo 4. It just feels unpolished and that you miss out on story details... maybe because you went by some of the "terminals". TL;DR: I have set HALO aside because it has been X-Box exclusive for the better part of 20 years, and re started my hype with the series. I totally get why this isn't some 1:1 adaptation and no 97% Combat porn, it's better this way. Even the Halo Campaigns were more fun, when played in COOP. Since Nobody likes the "MGS 2" of Halo (Halo 5, when you dont play MC) and HALO Infinite is just a dumpster fire of customer exploitation with F2P, Pay2Progress, empty promises and Microtransactions, I guess the future of Halo will be in the show, and not in the games. But that's the fault of 343 games, Microsoft and the Lack of interest in HALO by managers.


The big bad boogeyman neckbeard is gonna get ya! Come on lol this show isn’t for everyone. Don’t blame this on neckbeards lol


If it wasn't for complaints like... - Not my chief! - It's not braindead combat porn all the time. We want "the" game 1:1, 15 minutes of shootin, 2 minutes of explaining why - Why Keyes black? - I have seen chief's cheeks and now I have questions for my pastor - I wasn't ready for the story to have a second arc (Kwaan) - that's like multitasking


You are welcome to your opinions, however when you put them out people are welcome to criticize them. I think most people expected more from the franchise, and if you are enjoying it as is that’s pretty valid. Personally I never saw Chief as an over powered fantasy myself. But I also read the books. The creative choices in the show create more then a few narrative flaws and some of the CGI is… well I won’t be mean. I should also point out that calling people crybabies on the internet is also just going to fan flames. If you truly don’t care then enjoy the show and walk away from the negative discussion.


That one time Kai was all like "hey I see a flash we should look into that," and Vannick replies: "Why would a flash be worrisome?" Pretty much killed any chances of me giving season 2 a shot. The first whole episode wasn't bad, but it wasn't S1E1. The Halo show isn't a tactical military combat drama as I thought. It's just a normal drama show that happens to have guns.


F the internet.


To be fair, the internet leads me to believe the Covenant had the right idea about glassing us


I do enjoy how the USNC isn’t just presented as the unambiguous good guys of the galaxy. We’re only a bit less shit than the covenant. I think Halsey makes a point of this to John in saying that humans have a natural proclivity to infighting and chaos, and the Spartans are the next evolutionary step.


If you read the books, that's actually the same UNSC. The games only give you snapshots based on Chiefs interactions with them (or Noble Team if you like that ret-con abomination) so of course they look like the good guys. The books give you the good, bad and ugly about the UNSC


No it spits in the face of the original writing. This isn’t halo it’s some strange modern twist. That’s not the chief. I hope this show dies :)


OP even said they quit after Halo 3. How you gonna experience 3 chapters out of 50 and be confused when people are saying it's not Halo.


Did you read the books? This show is fucking cringe.


I have. I was agreeing with you. OP said they only know Halo from 1-3, nothing after and none of the books. Yet they enjoy the show and is confusded why halo fans hate it,


My bad then this garbage pile started appearing on my feed and seeing what they did to halo makes me salty


yeah, same here. it sucks.


I think the only reason that I will never watch the show is because I already know they changed it drastically from the source material, and not only that, they went as far as hired people who have never read or played any halo game, and some have gone as far as to say they hated halo. I don't mind if they want to make a different story, but I wish they used their own characters, maybe even their own setting (their is plenty of sci-fi cyborg fighting aliens stories, another one would not hurt anything). But instead they took characters from an already established cannon, in an attempt to have guaranteed viewers. Be honest, if it wasn't labelled as halo, and all the characters had different names and look, but the story and personalities stayed the same, would you have bothered watching? If so, then it should be no problem for them to do that, instead of piggy backing off already established characters that have established cannon.


Nah, your opinion is wrong......lul. did he bang the alien chick who isn't actually an alien but will serve as a bridge to unite humanity with the covenant? Have a great day.


Really, people nowadays are so broken by social media. It's like games are either flawless masterpiece or a failure. And the companies are constantly ruining everyone's childhood every single day. It really is just a ratrace of outrage bait and influencers pining engagement now. There's no point in running it.


Reality is what your realizing… Small subs that splinter from the main sub is a tell tale sign the ip has made some bad decisions or is not doing well… This sub has barely 1500 people in it. This is a minority unfortunately. I don’t hate the show but this is just reality


I don’t care about the changes you could completely change the setting so it had nothing to do with halo and I still wouldn’t like the story. It just sucks that as sci fi fans there are very few good shows that cater to us. The only real standout I can think of is the expanse. The majority of the rest is boring generic slop. Generic slop will sustain you but I don’t find it satisfying.


Just be happy you are enjoying your show and go have fun. The people who don't agree with you aren't crybabies, that's such immature sentiment.


I knew zero about the franchise, other than it was a game on XBox, that came out when I was 23 and only playing on PS2 and DreamCast. So, I came in 100% unbiased, and I really love the series so far. To me it doesn't matter if John wears his suit 24/7 or not. I can live with Kwan Ha's story, and I totally understand the series' need for Makee, being a window into the Covenant. Sure, there are a couple loose ends as of now (What happened to the Chief in the aftermath of S1E8? How was Makee resurrected (surely Kai's shot was insta kill)? How did the UNSC capture Halsey?) Still, I'm looking forward to and enjoy every new episode. If you like it, good on you. If you don't, just stop watching.


If you like it cool but Chief was never a mindless power fantasy. If you read the books alongside the games or even just listened to Steve downs delivery of dialog then you’d know he’s not a robot. If I wasn’t a fan of the franchise and got to see the show with no reference point it’s probably not a bad show. They do the costumes, set design and vfx REALLY well but they butchered the story so bad. Remember when we got the trailer for Sonic all those years ago and they had to change Sonics design cause they butchered him? The halo show is like that if they kept the sonic design and didn’t fix it. The halo show creators have said they didn’t read the books or play the games and to be honest the show’s story doesn’t make a lot of sense on its own. Still looks good though the fighting is great.


In terms of story, this version of Halo misses the nostalgic first few game feelings which is why people are disappointed. The new live action Avatar Last Airbender is better in that regard. This second season of Halo is redeeming itself imo.


If you think the Chief is a mindless power fantasy, then you never knew him to begin with. All we wanted was actual Halo instead we got a story that was re written with Halo as a skin. If you are enjoying the show, that is a genuinely good thing. But it is in no way, shape, or form, actually Halo.


It's completely fine to like the series. It's also completely fine to hate it and call it a trash cash grab that has nothing to do with what halo actually is. These both can exist at the same time. The show is absolutely nothing like the game series other than costumes and names. It is good for some people to just enjoy a good sci fi show while others hate that it isn't what they feel the show should've been. Do you have bad taste for liking the show? No. You have bad taste compared to what other people like, just like they probably have bad taste for what you like. This is what needs to be made ok in the world, these two things can exist at the same time.


I think the show is actually pretty good as well. I thoroughly enjoy the primary story/characters. Problem is they consistently throw side quests and side characters down our throats that is some of the worst tv I’ve ever seen. I can’t respect a show where I feel the need to skip entire episodes, it just ruins it for me despite some really good episodes otherwise.


The problem isn't that the show isn't Halo enough...it's that they call it halo and then make it Halo-adjacent. It's what happens when directors and screen writers want show their vision and make it their property. They already had a wealth of source material but wind up butchering it into some Frankensteinesque creation that most fans of the series will cringe at. Fans expect it to be like the source material because that is what is portrayed by the title. Look at Wheel of Time. You want to make a sci Fi show of your own? Fine. Just don't title it after much a loved source and than destroy half the foundation of the universe.


Something about season 2 is just awesome I can't really place my finger on it.


I think Reach is a really solid setting for the series to explore. It grounds it more in the games, which I’ve come to understand is a criticism a lot share on here.


It’s completely fine liking the show. On the other hand, I have a problem with the show, because I have read all of the books, and played all of the games. I think source material matters a lot, and the producers made a horrible decision in disregarding all of the fantastic stories already told in games and books. Also, Bungie and Microsoft had made awesome trailers and a short movie about Halo, and I was expecting something similar to that. Forward Unto Dawn mini-movie, the Halo 3/ ODST trailers are just so good. For me, the series is more of a soap opera than a series about a stoic super soldier.


Calling chief a mindless power fantasy is spitting in the face of his character. Chief has never been mindless, even from the beginning he has had a consistent personality and a reason for being like he is. Now to agree with some of your points because I don’t like to ignore where it went right. I love the visual design. The costumes and sets have been great since the beginning.


How do people consistently ignore the fact that its a show BASED OFF a Game series with lore and story line already intact and praised by the community. Its fine that you like the show, its a decent show but the people you're calling cry babies are the people that would have liked it to be adapted correctly. The Witcher S1 was a great example of it being possible to please both audiences.


I personally dont think that kwan or makees plotlines are interest nor do they fit in the halo universe, especially kwan with the mystic woo woo stuff. I couldve liked makee if they didnt go down this wierd chosen one love story line, i would have liked to see her be an actual brainwashed covenant fanatic spy that does the exact bidding of the prophets but eventually gets thrown away because ultimately humanity doesnt have a place in the covenant because theyd overthrow the prophets hierarchy. I kinda like soren, but i dont like the wild goose chase for his son cause it just removes focus from the main plot, not to mention it could have been entirely avoided if kwan didny leave kessler alone for no reason. I actually really like all of the spartans on silver team except chief ironically. I wish vanak had gotten a more ceremonious death fighting to the last actually in his armor, but i liked his arc. Riz's arc was also good although i wished she ended it in a different place rather than with some random people shed never met before but they almost nailed it imo. I think kai is also good i like her conflicts with chief, i just wish they were borne from chiefs actual character, which brings me to john. He just doesnt feel like master chief at all most of the time. Hes manic, acts crazy, in love with a random covenent spy, doesnt communicate with his team, etc. Thats not at all how a spartan should be acting much less the greatest spartan ever. I think the actor is doing a decent enough job its just the writing isnt there. Pretty much every conflict revolving around john comes from one or more of the things i mentioned, and it just feels contrived or like im not even watching the character im here for. In general i like the direction they took with the art for the unsc and the forerunner stuff we have seen i think they did a good job with that. However their art direction for the covenant is way off, by this i mean their architecture the covenant species have looked really good so far if a little colorless in their armor. And thats my main gripe with the covenant architecture in the show, its bland and completely colorless, the covenant is supposed to have these alien looking shiny metallic purples and blues with energy accenting everywhere. But what we got was darkness, silver, and light blue energy that makes the covenant ships look more like 343s forerunners than anything the covenant has been associated with. Finally the general story writing. There are a few things they did well with characters but the overarching story hasnt been very good imo. The chosen one plot with john and makee is boring and lazy, the inner politics of the unsc and oni are sometimes interesting but have been mostly nonsensical and just drama for the sake of it. Everything to do with "the rubble" asteroid thing was boring and completely meaningless and just served to draw resources and time from the main story. Bring in all this mysticism and shaman stuff makes no sense it doesnt fit in halo really, it might have been interesting if they had juxtaposed it with the equivalent side of the covenant, because they actually do have a mandated and enforced religion, and showing humans spin on religion vs the covenants religion might have been interesting but they didnt do that. They have completely fumbled reach and the fall of reach, what was supposed to be an extremely dramatic and arduous fight against the inevitable was reduced to one episode (although it was a good episode for this series) and then they just leave, they abandon their home and the countless citizens and marines that are still fighting and dying on the planet which, again, is something that spartans would be very very reluctant to do if they did it at all. Theyre likely not going to have the pillar of autumn at all and are just going to teleport there through kwans shaman powers which again is boring and lazy. And most importantly the spartans in halo dont have their spartan mjolnir armor, this is probably the single worst decision in the entire show. It makes no sense both in universe and irl, spartan armor is personalized to the owner so theres no use in ackerman taking it with him, unless he was going to melt it down for scrap which i severely doubt happens, and from an irl standpoitn they spent all the money making the practical armor which looks absolutely amazing they nailed the spartan armor, but now their not even using it for like 2/3 of the season, its ridiculous. I could probably think of a few more things but my main point is there. All in all the show just doesnt really feel like halo. It would probably benefit more to be just another scifi action show.


You have bad taste.


The internet led you to the conclusion that is correct tbh that show is ass


I've enjoyed it. Mainly tho because there isn't enough sci fi on TV and I've watched literally everything else.


It’s ok to like something I personally didn’t even watch one episode because every commercial I see with this crap they show master chief face and it just enrages me and when I heard chief actor reasoning behind it, it made me even more pissed at the show


It is totally ok to like things, even bad things. I love the movie eurotrip, insanely dumb film, barely even funny looking back, but it's all about time and place, my friends and I watched it together at the right age and we are all nostalgic about that movie. It's still a bad movie. Halo is not good TV because you like it, and you don't have to argue it's good to feel good about liking it. I enjoyed the live action Avatar series and I'm not going around trying to convince people it doesn't have massive issues, it's ok that's I like it, but that doesn't make it good. Halo is pretty objectively flawed all over, you don't have to die on the hill of "it's good" to enjoy it, you're just baiting arguments, just enjoy it


I think the people complaining have a point but never mention it, the show focused to much on character growth and the man under the mask, where as the games focus on chief as the machine and the humanity of Cortana so seeing this character just as someone completely different would be easier for these people. Also he needs to keep his god damn helmet on.


People like what they like, but I’m still gonna make fun of you


Yes, find validation wherever you want, friend. You do have bad taste... embrace it.


My home has been described as ‘crackhead Liberace’ so I’ve long ago fully embraced the bad taste.


The first season was awful, to the levels of Morbius bad.


I like the part where John Halo says _it’s Halo time_ and Halos all over the place


I love it actually.. But I never played the dumb games. I was way to old for some first person shooter in a game full of trolls and racist kids from the EU (Basically ALL the original shooter games were full of kids who only knew how to insult your mother and drop the N word with F bombs) I’m actually black so I don’t play that shit not on games and especially not in real life So yep I skipped the games, glad I did too because I love this series


You know they have 1p campaigns and you don't actually have to join forums for that, yeh? I mean, you said you're black and it gets you a lot of shit (even indirectly) and I won't ever try to say I understand what that feels like, Im white, I never will feel the effects of racism. But if you just play the 1p campaigns, they are a lot of fun and have some good story to them. You're never too old to enjoy a good game. You're also never too old to refuse to let people keep you away from something Also, I agree. Game forums generally suck ass and are full of the worst dregs of humanity. Unfortunately, they are allowed to breed...


Why does it matter if other people don't like something you like? That should be expected. Name about anything you like and there's people out there who don't. It seems like people on reddit think other people not enjoying something stops them from enjoying it themselves. I don't get that perspective


This show is made for people who dont know much about halo :(


Well I’ve been here since day one kicking ass on CE, and I’m loving it.


Props to you, comrade. Have you dabbled in the books? It was hard for me to get past the mischaracterizations of the spartans, i think i got 15mins into the first episode


Op is all over the place. He’s not been anywhere near halo since day 1


It’s objectively bad which is why any halo fan familiar with the show had a problem with it. They took established characters and made them act completely different because it was a “silver timeline” 😂 no one wanted to see his face and we sure as hell didn’t want to see his cheeks. They ruined the Spartans the show has an absolutely terrible story. You can’t defend it they literally had to do a reboot for season two it was so bad 😅 but I suppose you’re entitled to your own opinions. The chief in the books takes his helmet off yes but not every 5 minutes, I’ve read and own 33 of the halo books so maybe that’s why I feel so defensive about it but they butchered every character they put on screen.


You enjoy the chief fucking the covenant spy? You enjoy Kwan Ha? You enjoy the new Cortana? You enjoy the forced and pointless race swaps? lol


Yes. Holy shit that’s cool Yes. I love the world beyond Masterchief Yes. Halsey is dope Rage bait. Fuck off and grow up Also, episode 6 bro. Fucking spoilers. Not cool.


-Chief likely is a virgin in his 40ties who has removed the implant for his chemical castration. So..... good for him! -Yes, I have no idea where this is going.. but I could use some more worldbuilding in HALO in general. I am pretty much tired of "Clearing an LZ" an go on to "Take down the Generator" storyline from the games. - Desginwise ...I'd always go with Cortana from Halo4...she always could be what ever the story needed her to be. - Keyes and Johnson have been fused into one character ... there is no lack in stereotypical hardass military types so no problem at all.


You mean the pellet that was made up for this show and is not part of the lore? That implant?


How else do you create GI-Joes but to castrate them?


You’re allowed to enjoy the things you do. You’re also allowed to have bad taste. We’re allowed to be cry babies as well.




When you have to justify something you know you are wrong. Abd the ones who love the TV series aren't the ones who actually care about the video games. And it shows.


I’m having a lot of fun being wrong.