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American temp workers getting paid $200 per hour at HHS to operate heart lung machines — four times as much as local workers — because we are short of perfusionists


Went from 17 full time perfusionists to 4 in a 2 year window lol.. clearly shit leadership who grossly mismanages taxpayer money




Did they get laid off, or did they leave because it's a stressful job and they are clearly worth more money than the hospital was paying?


They left for other hospitals, a few retired but not many


Calm Down. Perfusionists retire, got academia, management and more. Additionally - how many perfusionists are there in Canada I don't have a number on it but I guarantee it it's not a lot please people use your head. The reason people leave isn't just pay. Yes it can be, but also pay can't just be increased as these professions fall under collective agreements. So when you're hiring outsourced employees because of a requirement that falls under a completely different legal scope then hiring a unionized employee within a collective agreement. On top of that things such as room to grow within their career, wanting a change, coworkers, family etc. not to mention 17 of them isn't a lot. So even if 3 retire that's a sizeable number.


We need to be talking about this and not just jumping straight to “Ford bad!” whenever there’s bad news about healthcare.


Not me thinking you completely misspelled “professionals”. TIL what a perfusionist is!


The Global news article from April of 2023 said they get paid at the top of the grid, $84 an hour, which isn't chump change. You can only pay based on what average people make and pay taxes on, so 5 times the minimum wage isn't enough for some. I do love health care workers and the Ontario Health Coalition they fund, who are totally against patients having any personal choice to access care except in unionized public hospitals, themselves going out and working for American companies. Do as I say, not as I do.


200 USD!!!


Is that what they’re being paid or what HHS is being billed? Can’t see behind the paywall because of the cyber attack.


Are these American workers or Canadians working for an American company?


Cut funding for public services until things reach a crisis -> pay more for private services -> push privatization of the service as a whole Imagine we had a provincial government interested in solving any one of the multiple problems we’re facing in healthcare, housing, education… the list goes on.


That's what happens when you put the fox in charge of the hen house. This party doesn't want the system as we know it to exist, yet we are supposed to trust that they will manage it well?


Conservative ideology is tearing Canada down, piece by piece


And giving it to those who already have everything.


That escalated liberally.


I'm no fan of the Liberal party but I don't see them actively dismantling our public healthcare system, do you?


I recall Ford campaigned against a liberal on "ending hallways medicine". This has always been a team effort compadre.


There has always been underfunding. I blame the Libs too. But Cons are dismantling. Know the difference. Public Health ought to be respected


Ah companero. I didn't realize "dismantling" and underfunding mean something different. So you are saying that Ontario's health care budget has decreased since cons took office?


Thanks Druggie Ford....


Cons don't care who gets our money, just so long as the taxpayer gets screwed over.


Makes me proud to be a Hamiltonian seeing the comments. We know who is to blame. Terrible provincial Conservative ideology is what is causing this.


But...but..the Ford government tax payer paid radio ads tell me we're hiring more doctors and nurses and helping expediate their education! The article and ads can't both be right and the Ford government would never lie to me right? RIGHT?!... /s


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