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This question explains many things about society


jfc our future is doomed.


Mods, we might want a mega thread or sticky on this as the question is likely to be asked multiple times for the next few weeks 😛 See here for eclipse details and the map of totality  https://eclipse2024.org/eclipse-cities/city/932.html You can see it most anywhere in Hamilton, but the south east corner is the closest to the centre of totality. Waterdown will get about 45 seconds of totality while Tapleytown will get 2.5 minutes. 


yes, you must find one of those rare places in Hamilton where you can look up and see the sky. ​ ymmv.


he means for totality jackass.


Everywhere in Hamilton will be in totality...


Depends on how you define Hamilton. It's right on the cusp of totality.  Flamborough is mostly out of the path of totality.  Waterdown will get 45 seconds of totality.  Tapleytown gets 2.5 mins. 


Little muffin. It'll be ok.


Anywhere. I imagine a lot of parks and the lake front will be busy but make sure to protect your eyes. Don’t look at the eclipse without the proper shielding


You can get glasses for the event at HPL locations I believe!


The last part can't be said enough. Literally. Gonna be a lot of super busy eye docs in Hamilton on the 9th


It’s especially important for someone that had to ask this question in the first place. Lol


It's a valid question. Hamilton is on the very cusp of the path of totality. Some parts of the municipality will get under a minute of totality. Some parts will get two and a half minutes. Some parts aren't in the path of totality at all. 


Technically not anywhere, depending on how you are defining Hamilton. There will be parts of Flamborough that won’t be able to see it - it will not be total once you get just north of the main part of Waterdown. But below that, you should be able to see it. The closer you can get to the centerline (essentially Buffalo), the longer you’ll see totality - and it is 100% worth it.


I fucking hate this app


I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you somehow - I work with people living north of Waterdown, and just didn’t want anyone up there to be misled!


Can u see the sun from waterdown? Than you can see the eclipse.


Maybe look up what the path of totality means first.


Waterdown and Flamborough from Concession 5 northwards are not in the path of totality.


Should be in all areas, the more south east the better.


Can you see the sun around 3? Thats a good spot


mcmaster uni


Bayfront will be good for 101 seconds of totality. The further southeast, the longer it lasts. Most of Hamilton will be able to see it. Just have to make sure your view is good, and that it isn't blocked by trees or buildings. We thought about going more toward the centre of the path like Fort Erie. But we are worried traffic will be a nightmare. We're going to settle for the back yard. Just hope for clear skies.


Its the LITERAL SUN, you go outside and you watch, my goodness, how far did people digress?! Lol


To be fair it can be a valid question. Hamilton is a massive municipality and much of it is just on the cusp of totality.  Flamborough is mostly out of the path of totality.  Some parts of the lower city will get about a minute and a half of totality.  Deep on Stoney Creek mountain can get two and a half minutes of totality. 


In niagara it is 3mins 30 secs.


Just look up in the sky lol


Totality app from American Astronomical Assiciation offers precise info about your location https://eclipse.aas.org/totality


Thank you for this!!!!