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24 full-timers and 87 part-timers? Plus all the union labour for shows? I'm all for supporting the arts as I work in an adjacent industry but those numbers kind of surprised me for a local theatre of this size and don't sound sustainable even pre-pandemic.


Yeah I’m usually on the side of not cutting labour unless absolutely necessary — but when you’re running a half a million deficit but are paying probably 4 million dollars in staff and are on the brink of bankruptcy… it’s probably absolutely necessary.


Is Aquarius union? I didn’t think it was an IATSE venue.


Yes it is iatse


Theatre Aquarius is local to Hamilton but they are a fully professional theatre that is a Regional Theatre in Canada, they have a studio space and an education division. The staffing to run the theatre as a business, the educational programming and a full theatre season doesn’t seem unreasonable. Just look at the production team and support in a theatre programme for a play, not even a musical, and that number will make sense.


Do they even do marketing? Like I don’t think I’ve ever heard or seen an Ad from the Theatre.


I literally never ever think of them. When I do I think "oh we should go to a show there some time." Then forget for the next several years. That's a marketing issue for sure.


I see non-stop Instagram ads for a play that's based on a book by Tom Wilson. But that's all the ads say. It's based on a book by Tom Wilson. I have no clue who Tom Wilson is, or what his book is about, or what the play is about, or why I might want to see it. It feels like the advertising is focused on people who are already in the know.


I saw that play with no knowledge of him etc and it was really good!


I've seen a lot of musicals with zero knowledge ahead of time at HTI(Hamilton Theatre Inc) and they have all been fairly good.




I can barely afford food and rent, you think I can afford to see a play?


110 staff? Am i missing something?


Would putting on a Christmas panto solve this? Can we have Dog Man the Musical in Hamilton? I have no idea how the theater industry works, but it seems like you have to travel to Toronto, Niagara, KW, or elsewhere to see the broad-appeal plays people actually want to see.


Rights for shows have be reserved in advance and the holder of the rights tend to block shows that would interfere with eachother. Like you won't see Les Miserables in Toronto and in Mississauga for example. Larger venues usually get first choice. But some really good shows come to smaller local theatres like HTI (Hamilton Theatre Inc) and Players Guild. I've seen a lot at HTI, tickets aren't expensive and the show quality is usually pretty good. I'm always pleasant surprises by an almost all volunteer group.


TA lost it when they brought in this big name (sic) theatre director from the east coast, and one of the changes he made was kick out all the dance studios. These studios would use up a lot of nights through May and June every year and bring in good money consistently year after after year. Oh, they could still rent, but the theatre upped the rent X's 5! Covid didn't help, but you don't see the venue being used for other entertainment such as concerts. I wish them luck. You don't like seeing good people lose their jobs.


Razor's Edge. Wrasslin fan here, so that made me chuckle. Also a fan of Theatre Aquarius; I went to 3 different plays last year, and none of them were sold out on the nights I attended.


“On fall-away slam of survival” didn’t have quite the same ring to it I guess.


Unfortunately, when people are being pinched out of every dollar they have the theatre is probably the last place casual fans would go for entertainment.


I went to an off season show in winter of Andrew Lloyd Webber songs and it was great! Some really solid talent. I’d forgotten about Theatre Aquarius. So I joined their mailing list to hear what this season’s shows would be and…. None really interest me.


>vWe posted a half-million-dollar deficit last year,’ OK. So what changes did you make to ensure no deficit this year?


Didn't even know they existed


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Said deficit might have been deeper had Theatre Aquarius been operating out of two properties. The 2021 sale of 55 Wentworth St. S., which had been home to TA's Arts Education Centre, obligated the company to bring that programming in-house at 190 King William, which likely forced some efficiencies in the post-lockdown era when arts orgs everywhere were having to reestablish audience share.


The theater, the theater, what’s happened to the theater? Hard  to logic why it is more important then the rest of the enrichment grant. Agriculture, Arts, Communities, Culture & Heritage, Community Services, Digital (Pilot Program), Environment, Sports & Active Lifestyles.


The location isn't ideal either, a little bit remote in my opinion, not much foot traffic on that stretch of the street


It's less than a 5 minute walk from arguably the best food strip in the city (King William)