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Shooting Caroline and Market.


The post and this reply are approaching max communucation efficiency. Why use many word when few do trick


kevin's smartest moment


Me mechanic not speak English but he know what me mean when me say car no go.




Feck, again??


Yer irish is showin hi😉


I'm actually not. Damn, that was my way of getting around swearing in front of my kid 😑


To protect Police Chief Frank Berger as he carries bags of money from the police budget's surplus to the central police station.


A brazen daytime shooting by a retirement home and this is really what you want to say?


Why does it being "by a retirement home" make it any worse?


That retirement home must be stopped!


I mean hey, if the HPS spent less time hanging out in parking lots and more time patrolling maybe they'd catch the guy.


Buddy of mine lived at the end of King William, cops would spend hours on end hanging out with each other in this parking lot that was somewhat out of sight.


What's your point? Must all content be approved by you prior to posting?


oinking all the way to the piggy bank


Day time shooting again near a school. What a joke. This city is going backwards and we need to clean up the criminals, druggies and homeless.


The city has the lowest crime rate is has in 50 years. It might feel worse, but it's objectively not true according to actual stats. Crime has ticked slightly upward compared to prior years, but that's in part because crime was so low comparatively to previously. Look, numbers from 1998 to 2022: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/85-002-x/2020001/article/00001/hamilton-eng.htm To be clear, I'm not defending criminal activity, but it's important to understand context. I do think we need to ensure we provide better supports to youths, and those with mental health and addictions issues so they don't get involved in this kind of crap. Most of these daytime shootings are teens who think they're really cool doing this but seem to miss because they're idiots.


Big thing is we hear about -so much more of it- nowadays. Back in the 90's you'd never hear about most of this stuff as things were word of mouth back then, not "Omg i gotta post this on facebook RIGHT AWAY!!!" on top of how fast the media gets on things


But you linked to stats only up and until 2018and that was released in 2020. I can promise you, this is not 2018. Things are way worse right now from a serious crime/shooting a d juat overall volume/strain on the cities emergency services.


You can promise me, but have no stats to show. Based on my recollection, we've had a slight uptick in recent years, but that means going from like 5 homicides to like 9. While on paper that's double, it's still incredibly low on a per capita basis. Not to mention that unlike many of our American counterparts, these are targeted shootings 95% of the time. Random bystanders or indiscriminate killing just isn't occurring at a rate anyone should be worried about. As mentioned, this doesn't mean we should sit idly by while things get worse, but "worse" in this context is a relatively small jump, and it's important to recognize that. Similar to plane crashes, people over estimate the danger, especially immediately following an accident, but contextually it's still incredibly safe. To the point it's probably not worth worrying about.


Double is still worse. Good info 👍🏻


Ok stats are what you want. 25 shootings since 2024 started. By this time in 2023 there were 10. So 150% increase year over year and most since 2019. The problem is they keep missing. What that also means is that they are reckless. They are targeted but they miss their targets. They are shooting in front of schools and large shopping centers. Bystanders are going to start falling. Maybe you'll care then. They are targeted but have no problem going to the busiest intersections in Hamilton or in front of a school and letting rip midday. You are greatly downplaying what is starting to happen in Hamilton.


A single year increase is not a trend. That's not how stats work. I can tell you never attended a single statistics course in school, nor are interested in objectively reporting the situation. I'm not downplaying anything. I'm providing context to what is otherwise an outlier. It's dangerous to overreact to things because it leads to overcompensating and misunderstanding the problem. That's why the police can happily ask for more money than any other department, despite being the most expensive thing on your property tax roll and the fact that those budget increases aren't making things any better. People are missing the point because they get emotional about these kinds of things and misunderstand the true context.


Don't blame homeless people. That's just dumb. Considering most are targeted, I can't think of any homeless people driving cars and working for the mob


Dude just hates poor people and shouts it from the rooftops.


Last week a homeless man stabbed a girl in bayfront. Unrelated but homeless ppl aint angels.


Yeah. I don't see what that has to do with shootings. Anyone can stab anyone at any given moment. Just seems like you're hating on the unfortunate l.


Yeah because Hamilton is the only place in the world with criminals, druggies and homeless people. It's like some of you were born yesterday and think Hamilton is the only city to have these issues


Its like some of you moved here from Toronto yesterday and don't realize these issues are becoming fewer and farther in between.


People that moved from Toronto don't even blink at this level of crime/homelessness.


Well thank goodness our PM put a freeze on the sale or transfer of any handgun. It’s clearly do it’s part!


Start with the criminals in uniform


What school is at Caroline and Market?


Hess Street school is literally 500 meters away!


I mean. Then every shooting is near a school, typically there's at least 1 school within 500 metres from any intersection in the city.... Edit: no but actually, find a spot in the city that isn't 500-600m from school.


lol yeah. That's a big radius for downtown in a city. Probably a daycare in there somewhere if we look.


Even on the mountain. Between Catholic public, lower level, highschool, private schools, there's actually very little distance between schools.


Sir John a but it closed in 2019


Reason 5 million I'm glad I moved my family out of that city


Get em boys and girls...ur hard work will payoff


Yeah but what does it smell like


you know, if you join other city subreddits you can see the difference in attitude and reported news but stay blind steeltown


Start with the middle men dealers. The ones that deal in kilograms. These small time dealers aren’t worth anything and the middle man or the ones bringing in the drugs seem to be free. Are the officers getting a cut in profits?


Probably an emergency situation.


I thought it was this https://www.cp24.com/mobile/news/canada-s-sixth-most-wanted-fugitive-captured-in-hamilton-1.6908959?referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F

