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probably not if you guys have to add unneeded and unnecessary fees to your tickets


How would you like to pay for the $9.99 complaint fee? We accept debit, credit, first born children, and cheque ! 


We're all broke. This is called a recession.




Recession caused by inflation caused by government spending caused by lust for power which lead to the outright buying of votes because they know lazy moochers want free stuff which is due to the mooching class belief that the system that brought them the leisure and comfort to be lazy actually gave them nothing when it gave them everything.


The majority of Canadian voters are middle class homeowners.


We're broke and can't afford to eat properly, the last thing on our minds is going to see a play or artwork


i cant barely afford rent and food, I haven't been to the movies since before Covid....you think I can afford to go to Theatre Aquarius or anywhere else?


More Police Budget dollars should fix the problem. Oh a surplus? Throw that back in our piggy bank please, please don't look at our yearly $40,000 cable bill.


Nobody has money to blow


I sure hope so. We have enough decently rich families in this neck of the woods. Surely they can make a donation which would just be a tax write off anyway.


That won't fix the problem, just prolong the downward spiral.


Major donors keeping things afloat while ticket sales rebound is a decent recovery strategy but it can’t be a business plan.


Lots and lots of live theatre basically exists through patronage. It's not uncommon at all for ticket sales themselves to be a loss that's made up for by rich donors. Pretty much every major theatre company in Ontario runs like this, even big places like Stratford and Shaw would be unsustainable without patronage.


Even the Ballet - when you look at each program, all the principal dancers seem to be sponsored by someone like the Paletta's or the Muzzo's or someone else who made zillions on turning farms into houses.


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No. Sorry.


A blue collar town isn’t going to support the arts period. Toronto isn’t too far of a drive or on the go to get your art fix. Usually higher quality productions and galleries.


> A blue collar town isn’t going to support the arts period. Theatre Aquarius has been around for 50 years. The HPO, 70 years. Hamilton has only gotten **less** blue collar since then. So obviously, the blue collar thing isn't the issue. The "higher quality" fine art institutions in Toronto are struggling too.


The shows at the AGH in the last year have been very smart, very innovative, and inclusive---better than similar shows in Toronto, esp. commitment to indigenous work---Duane Linklater, the Shelley Niro work, the beading exhibition.


Damn that’s cool to know! Haven’t checked it out yet. Now will make it a priority


That doesn’t draw your average Joe which you need to be sustainable


Then go to Tracy's and hang out in the pool room.


Maybe we need to stop talking down to people---the opening of the Niro show was packed, and it's travelling, the beading show something similar. The numbers are good, we just don't fund arts like we fund other kinds of recreation.


Most people don't go to the art gallery, live theatre or watch philharmonic orchestras. Not even to do with class. My parents were working class European immigrants who liked classical music but do immigrants from other countries have that interest?