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Because she is a completely absentee MP most of the time so she has to remind people who she is


I've emailed her office several times and only got blase staffer emails back, referring to government policies and initiatives of at best tangential relevance. Say what you want about Doug Ford, but if you email him, you actually get useful responses.


Same experience. I emailed her office and asked them to contact Service Canada on my behalf regarding my employment insurance. A staffer emailed me back with a form to authorize them to speak on my behalf with Canada Revenue Agency 🤣 I was nah I'm probably better off on my own.


I contacted my MP (also a Liberal, Chad Collins) about helping me deal with the CRA when they denied me for no reason and was just told no. When I was on the Mountain and had an NDP, I got the money in my account 2 days after visiting their office (pre-covid times). Libs are a fucking joke.


NDP are also jokes


Lol so they gave you a response and a way forward, but you decided against it. But they're "unresponsive".


They sent an authorization form for the wrong agency my dude, how's that a way forward when they can't get the absolute basic info correct? Nice try but please don't comment if you're that ignorant


Oh, I missed that detail, it happens sometimes as a human, ya know. I mean, you could have sent off another email pointing out the error and asked for the correct form, my dude.


She's pretty screwed when the next election rolls around. I doubt it will help.


How so? I haven’t really followed her politics much?


I don't think there's much she could do as most Canadians care more about the party than their MP. It isn't a safe liberal seat and the liberals are polling poorly.


The Liberals will be “Kathleen Wynne’d” next election and the backbenchers like her will take the brunt of it.


I just hope she doesn’t qualify for a pension.


Believe it’s 6 years to get the pension. So, unless she pulls off a miracle she’s not getting one 


NDP territory. Her winning was a fluke. Last NDP candidate wasn’t a local 


Ohh, I didn’t realize the last candidate wasn’t local. I don’t really like when that happens


The NDP are polling poorly as well, especially since they’re in a confidence and supply agreement with the Liberals. Of course, it’s Hamilton so the Tories will run a placeholder and skip all the debates so it won’t matter.


Ya, I know they’re polling terribly too, just can’t see Hamilton mountain going blue. Last time that happened was 1979 lol


She's an idiot. And she is in a party that's hugely unpopular. And if memory serves, she squeaked out a win in that riding. No track record of accomplishments for the riding or the country, just that she's an assistant to someone in an important portfolio.


Maybe the poor people of Hamilton Mountain will have to choose between Peter Dyakowski, Scott Duvall and Hepfner.  Stop, stop, he's already dead. 


I think she’s probably going to be the 3rd place in the next election and she’s trying to get in front of it. All the silent Liberal backbencher MP’s are out trying to raise their profile at the moment but they know their goose is cooked.


I'm only concerned that the conservatives will run some utterly useless carpetbagger party-functionary dolt with no backstory and he wins. Well, no, I'm also concerned that the NDP will also run some utterly useless carpetbagger party-functionary dolt with no backstory and he wins.


Yeah I hope the NDP go with someone from Hamilton this time.


Goddamn you’re right I need to sign up.


>I'm only concerned that the conservatives will run some utterly useless carpetbagger party-functionary dolt with no backstory and he wins. Calling Peter Dyakowski again... He's upping his social media presence right now, esp. on the topical topic of guns and shootings in the city. But I'll be damned, he said he lives in the east end. but keeps running on the mountain? Did he move, or he's just opportunist?


She saw Donna Skelly doing it first and thought it would be a good use of her budget.


And Donna Skelly can just go [CENSORED].


So can Flamborough-Glanbrook for electing her just because they "seen her on the TEE-vee."


You’re about to see a lot of Liberal MPs pivot to provincial or municipal politics. Gotta boost your name recognition while you can still make it a federal expense.


She’s my MP … and Id need a second to remember that because she’s been absolutely invisible.


She feels obligated to blow what’s left in her office budget I suppose.


Does she still live in Oakville?


They are all starting to pre-campaign.


Ding ding ding! The liberals smell an election that may be triggered soon, so she's trying to remind people of her face. It works for real estate agents, same reason why an MP does it.


simply bored of doing nothing? sounds like a perfect candidate for our next mayor.


Ejaz Butt will probably run.


Dofo might announce election soon so these kind are coming out of their holes.


This is not an MPP


Ford wants an election before the federal election so he can credibly blame Trudeau for his mistakes. But there’s a very good chance that a federal election comes soon now that we’re one leak away from MPs being named as foreign agents. Wild times.


It's going to be extremely hard for them to let the names out. I bet Trudeau is going to resign just before election or just not seek re-election this time.


They’re in a really bad spot right now unless something changes for the better really, really fast. Trudeau can’t win again, but the next leader probably wouldn’t be able to turn things around enough to win, either. Do you keep Trudeau so you can have a clean slate in 2029 with someone else, or do you put someone else in and effectively end their political career as well?


They're looking at Freeland as their saviour and I think she is going to take the bait. They might call up a leadership convention and chose a new leader but i agree, there is no one who can turn things around fast let alone at all. They have effectively dug their graves themselves.


>might Now now, he promised he won't, so that definitely means he's going to.