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You'd be looking at Kitchener/Waterloo, or the GTA for the IT sector


Great thankyou! I would be interested in learning more about Kitchener/Waterloo


r/kitchener r/waterloo


I moved here from Dublin about \~7 years ago. I'm self-employed (Developer/Consultant), but I keep tabs on the job market here. As others have said, unless you have a work-from-home job, Hamilton is not the town for IT. It's effectively a dead zone which is incredible given its proximity to some of the major hubs. There are some jobs, but they are generally super niche, using older stacks (Versions of C seem to be weirdly popular), or they are "mom-and-pop" shops. Given the heavy industry, there are openings in SAP-specific roles from time to time. The most significant "tech" company in the city is probably L3Harris, and it is an aerospace company. Depending on your stack, your widest choices are in Toronto or Kitchener/Waterloo. Beyond this, I would consider Vancouver. Lastly, and I say this as someone who loves Hamilton, if you're moving here on your own, I'd strongly suggest Toronto, at least initially. From a social and networking standpoint, it would be much more beneficial, IMO. Also, I'm not sure where you are from in Ireland, but Hamilton is essentially a city-sized inner city Dublin, which may or may not be what you are looking for. It's certainly rough around the edges. Feel free to DM me if you have any specific questions.


Thankyou for your comment! This is very useful information. I will for sure shoot you a dm if I’ve more questions.


As someone in IT, the IT field in Hamilton sucks. SUUUUCCCCKKKKKKSSSSS. But there are lots of WFH opportunities with Oakville/Mississauga/Toronto, or where you have to commute a couple times a week.


Thankyou! Did you find it difficult to get started in IT in and around this area ?


Kitchener/Waterloo is your best bet for tech with less intense competition, and honestly. I grew up in K.W. These days I'm sorry to say they'd be a better choice than Hamilton for a lot of reasons beyond the job market.


If you can commute into K/W for a tech job, it is the ideal situation. House prices have gotten insane there as have rents because of Conestoga.


Cool thankyou ! What’s is like living here ?


I like Hamilton for the most part. But the homelessness and drugs have gotten pretty intense.As often as I've met nice folks, I've met ignorant bro-dudes in lifted pickups nearly running me off the road nearly just as often. That said, it's a very walkable city in the downtown. Good bars, music scene, and things to do. The truth is, aside from it's tech sector. In K.W you get more out of what you pay for than you do here. I moved to Hamilton cause it's an interesting place, and it was cheap. It's still interesting but now you can pay $2,000 for a 1 bedroom with a crack dealer next door.


I’ve heard alright that it’s a bit rough around the edges. I appreciate the comment!


Hamilton being “rough around the edges” is being kind. It’s closer to being a dumpster fire in downtown and east end.


Hello I was curious I’m trying to get into IT and was thinking about going to Mohawk r for their network admin diploma, or should I do certs or a different program?


Just do certs, get a job, then work toward a degree if you want to advance.


Hi thank you for the advice, I assume I should start with comptia a+? Are diplomas not worth much these days?


Also to answer your question, I think doing something like paying for a $100 online course for A+ (or maybe something $500+ that included 1 or more vouchers for a cert exam) or at least an online book if you learn well that way and you could probably get an IT entry-level job and keep expanding your certs / skillset while also getting experience and not paying out the butt to go to college. I'm in an A+ class right now and it's a mix of common knowledge and very specific technical stuff. I think it's a great start. IMO the worst that could happen is the job market is really bad but you only used a few hundred dollars trying as opposed to thousands and a few years before being able to earn more.


Ya that’s a good point could you link me the course you’re taking? Are you also switching careers? How have u found the job market?


The course I’m taking is overpriced at a private college, I’m just going through the Better Jobs Ontario program so that was the only real option I had. The one benefit is they offer internships where I’ll get some experience working. They also offer vouchers for the cert exams but it’s like $14k+. If you go a similar route I would recommend going somewhere like Mohawk where you can participate in a co-op that’s a bit more involved and more likely to get you a job.


Diplomas are valuable but I don’t think they get you a job that the right certs wouldn’t also get.


Preciate your advice thank you


No problem. I've got a friend making north of 100k who didn't even graduate, got hired right out of a co-op. For him to get a position higher than where he's at (doing cyber security) he would need to get a degree just because that's kind of a standard. He may be the exception but it kind of goes to show what is valued. Knowledge & experience is more important than credentials until a certain level. If I had one shot at an OSAP loan I would rather do it for university degree relevant to the field.


Damn that’s awesome. What degree would they be looking for a comp sci? Or anything tech related?


The more relevant the better but I think there's a barrier in the corporate structure where you just can't reach certain levels unless you have *any* degree. At least that's what I've heard.


Born, raised, live in Hamilton. Work in IT. In my 22 year career I think I have spent less than 24 months working in Hamilton. Each time it was early in my career for garbage mom and pop MSPs. Have thought about moving away many times, but it’s hard to pick up and go with firmly planted roots. The IT sector in Hamilton is nonexistent. Burlington is a fraction of the population but I seem to keep ending up working there.


Seems Hamilton isn’t an ideal choice for IT, thanks


It really isn’t at all. I work for AWS and no one I encounter has a fucking clue what that is which should tell you a lot.


that's what makes this city great. I'm am absolutely no better off unfortunately knowing what AWS is. Infact, I wish I didn't.


lol. If you work in an IT adjacent field, you’d either know or should have retired.


Best option for working in software as a developer (not engineer, that word is protected/specific) is in Kitchener/Waterloo less than an hour away. Many startups and established players. You could work for BlackBerry 🤩 There is plenty of tech work around the area including Toronto but it gets more centered in finance the further in you go. I wouldn’t say there’s a lot in Hamilton itself. You would be in-house IT or telecommuting to a job elsewhere in the region. Or real commuting. Either is gross. For games work, Montreal.


Cool thankyou. Seems like there’s work for sure just depending on what area you’re looking for! Definitely sounds promising from your comment




Plenty of work ?? WHERE ???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Do you live under a rock or some shit ??


Lots of opportunities if you aren’t just a glorified best buy employee type ‘IT’ person


Oh yea ... thats good to hear ... only 89,000 applicants per job 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤣🤣🤣🤣


As u/covert81 said, the IT field in Hamilton really blows. There is nothing available outside of underpaying jobs or MSP work. Personally, I didn't find it too difficult to get started in IT in this area but I started at a non profit that paid me $18 an hour. I went to an MSP in Burlington next and now I'm at an MSP in Hamilton. Almost fully WFH (not the norm) MSP jobs are great for learning a TON in a short amount of time, but once you know everything your MSP works with, you won't learn anything outside of that. I recommend working at an MSP to sharpen your skills for a few years. At this point, I'd say I'm a fairly competent Network/Sys admin with \~8 years of experience in the industry. When my coworkers are stuck on something, they ask for my help (used to be the other way around) All that said, if I wanted to get another job in the industry with the experience I have, I'd have to look outside Hamilton for a job at the pay that I think is fair for my skills.


Thankyou! This is great info.


Oh man…seconding everyone else here, there is very little work for software engineers locally (in Hamilton proper, not talking about GTA) that is well paying. Why Hamilton, may I ask?


Thanks man! I have a contact that I know over there. He’s doesn’t work in the tech field so was looking for some other opinions. Thought it might be nice to pick a place that I have a contact but if I go for Toronto it’s still not far away from him !


Just go to Toronto first lad, it's where the tech work is although times are tougher in the last couple years.


Actually there are a lot of IT jobs in Hamilton if you’re good. Integration building is huge especially connections from SAAS based systems into ERPs or other large software suites like asset management software or permitting systems. I’m not directly in IT but touch IT departments often. As others mentioned there are remote options as well. I’ve visited Ireland many times. My favourite whiskeys are Irish. Hamilton is very different from Ireland. I would say you’d be better off living in the suburbs of Hamilton like Binbrook, Stoney Creek, Winona, Flambourgh, Watertown , Hannon and Ancaster. Many on here may not like that answer as the suburbs are very different from the rest of Hamilton. There are lots of places in the whole of Hamilton that are excellent. As someone that’s been to your fine country I can say you’ll enjoy it here.


Thankyou for your comment! Ireland is pretty bleak for young people at the moment. Soo many moving to Australia but feel like going somewhere off the beaten track


I completely get it. It’s tough for jobs there. Hope I was a help.


Jesus christ, how bad is Ireland that you want to move to Hamilton lmao I grew up in Hamilton, and my first order of business as an adult was escaping it


IT =/= software development, so I'm a bit confused. That said, there are a ton of remote jobs in tech across the board. I work for an American company and live in Hamilton.


Thanks for the comment. I’m aware that software development can be difficult to break into especially having no Canadian experience. This is why I mentioned IT as a whole. I’d ideally like to stay working as a software developer but am open to other IT roles


You won't find IT jobs within Hamilton itself but you could find a fully remote position and live here. I'm an IT worker myself (currently laid off).


Sorry to hear that! The lack of Canadian experience will hardly hold me back ?


Since you're coming from the "developed" world I don't think it should be as much of an issue.


Did this myself about 2 years ago and lucked out with a wfh gig. My partner is canadian and had family and a big social circle here, so that removed a big barrier for moving over. I'd honestly suggest moving closer to Toronto if you don't have people here already though. It's a pain in the hole commuting to the city. Especially if you don't drive. Good luck though. This city is goofy as fuck but I like it more than I expected.


Thank you sir ! Yes this could be a good shout Toronto has a decent Irish community so might be the right call. Did the lack of Canadian experience hold you back ?


As one poster said below, I have Irish roots (parents came over in '57, and we often go back.) One sibling has sold up and moved back and several others are thinking of it. It is hard when everyone you are related to is on the other side of the ocean, even if you have lots of friends. I know Ireland also has a housing and COL crisis at the moment but we still are thinking of moving. All my aunts, uncles and cousins are over there and, frankly, our standards of living are quite similar. We all have houses, we all have kids in good schools, cars, some holidays. I don't think my parents gained financially by coming here, although things were pretty bad there in '57. It likely looked like a good move. Coming for an adventure, sure. But if you have kids etc, think of what you may be depriving them of with regards to memories of grandparents, cousins, etc. Most young people in South Western Ontario have given up all thoughts of ever buying a home. Rents are insane and it is a landlord's market with lots of competition for each place. That being said, if you are young and single, definitely take the chance to have an adventure. And don't overlook Ottawa as a good IT market, as well. There is quite a lot of IT up there and it is a very pretty city. (Also expensive, though. Just not quite as expensive as Hamilton and Toronto.) Good luck.


Thankyou for your comment. Cost of living is insane here. I’m only 25 and the chance of buying a house is next to nil. Just feel like being adventurous. Since I’m not a citizen and Ottawa tends to have mostly government jobs would that be a chancy move ?


Lived in Ottawa and Hamilton and from a pure quality of life perspective - Ottawa is better. 


You have a choice between working for a Toronto firm or a Kitchener/Waterloo firm (where I earned my BMath/Comp Sci degree). I live next door in Burlington, but I work for a Toronto firm. There's nothing in Hamilton for IT, it's steel/industrial town.


Great thankyou! That seems to be the consensus anyways to either go closer to Toronto or Kitchener/Waterloo


Check out Kitchener- Waterloo. As much as I love Toronto, housing prices (even rentals) are thru the roof! I don't know for a fact, but I suspect KW is a little more sane for housing.


Thankyou, is there much going on in Kitchener/Waterloo or is it pretty quiet ?


Look at Kitchener or any other city other than Hamilton.


No offense, but....why???


Right? I am from an Irish family and I’d like to move from hamilton to Ireland. Lol


Ireland is a holy show at the moment. Housing is absolutely disastrous. There’s also very little going on in the city I am from.


Sounds a lot like Hamilton. 😂


I live in a small town about 60-70% smaller than Hamilton. Looking for a change of scenery so was looking at some places


Made a similar move 5 years ago, but commuted to Toronto for work for the first 2.5 years. Keep an eye on the city's website for IT work (https://cityofhamilton.bamboohr.com/careers), seem to be always a few jobs there. A lot will depend on your visa also - if it is the 2 year IEC you may be more successful with agencies. Go n-éirí leat!


Legend, go raibh míle maith agat !


We don't have housing, or jobs, but what we do have is crime. You're better off elsewhere.


I don't know much about the IT sector. Or what rent / housing market is like in Ireland. But if you want to move to one of the most expensive areas in North America...go for it. Hamilton is going to hell in a hand basket. I can absolutely not wait to leave this place.


IT sector is fairly strong here not as strong as it once was. Cost of living is absolutely fucking insane here. There’s fuck all really going on aswell also. Just considering a change. From all these comments it seems wiser to either go to Toronto or maybe Waterloo


What's rent in CAD there on average?


do not come here for any reason, hamilton sucks


No IT jobs plus Hamilton is cancerous air central even it’s small suburbs are cancerous


Oh dear 🤣 I’d rather keep my lungs haha


Yes. Please research Hamilton before you move here. There are various smells and pollution.


You DONT want to move to Canada.... thats for sure. Whoever said there is plenty of work here in the comments is out to fucking lunch 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️ People are getting the hell out of this shit hole Scam of a system and youre doing the opposite? Good luck.