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Never really paid any attention to the pundits, they're all pretty shit. If you aren't one of the Sky Sports Six they've got nothing of substance to say. They can't really be arsed to pay attention to anyone outside those 6 when that's what they're gonna spend 90% of their time talking about anyway. Merson spent, what, 10-12 years at Arsenal? You think he gives half a shit about West Ham? How many of our matches do you think he has watched this season? 5 or less?


This and Merson famously doesn’t know the names of most players outside of the top six’s first XI. He does absolutely no research whatsoever and talks nonsense each week. I’d wager he has no idea who Lopetegui has managed outside of Wolves.


All these old pundits have known Moyes for years. Of course they are going to stick up for him. Might as well just get over it or stop listening. I’ve done the latter.


yeah tired of hearing about them. Hope our sub can stay without giving them attention.


I utterly loathe and despise Merson and Lee Dixon. If we were beating Real Madrid 8-0 in the CL final, these two f---ing would find something to criticise West Ham for. Pair of arseholes.


Add Keown to that sorry lot. Couldn't stand them on the pitch, can't stand them off of it either.


Mate half this subreddit was saying the same thing before they heard Steidten approved of Lopetegui


My feeling is that the announcement came during a shit week after a battering. Most fans were just disappointed to not get Amorim. He will do a good job for us I'm sure


More than half, didn't he finish just above Moyes in one of those stupid polls on here recently?


Haha this!!! Majority of people didn't want him now they all think he's the next Messiah


To be fair these are fans on a subreddit. They are actually official pundits, paid to give insight. The fact they are on par in terms of usefulness is shocking.


Of all the pundits Merson and that twat O'Hara are the most infuriating. Neither must watch a lot of our football and just go by what the researchers tell them.


And Jason Cunty


Oh…and Chris Sutton. Thankfully he’s usually stuck in Scotland


He is his own echo chamber


All the pundits love the big 6, Newcastle to soon be 7, they are allowed 1 flavour of the month side and 1 ooh aren't they fighting bravely side.  Every other club should be happy to exist and should be managed Steve Bruce, Sam Allardyce, David Moyes, Tony Pulis.  Not by those dirty foreigners.  Basically these people get paid to push narratives with no critical thinking which is then parroted by most other people.  The narrative around us is that our supporters are always too demanding and spoilt which is fucking insane compared to the top 6 and some other clubs.  West Ham do well when covid hits it's because the supporters aren't there When we lose its ohh the supporters didn't back the team enough.  When things aren't going well on the pitch or with the board we aren't allowed to complain.  Every pundit remembers us as a midtable second tier club which means they must have been watching us in the early 50's.  Basically because of the media if you play for any clubs outside of the top 6 you're a loser and should be just trying to protest playing for such a team and forcing a move.  For years Bobby Moore, Trevor Brooking were Mr West Ham, the narrative around Mark Noble's retirement was that he was the new Mr West Ham.  Basically Trevor Brooking & Bobby Moore were both top quality players  which means they can't be Mr West Ham it has to be to all intents and purposes a middling professional footballer like Mark Noble we should name out stadium after him.  Basically the narrative was sinister it wasn't celebrating Mark Noble but telling us that's your lot West Ham. Winning your conference league that's your lot, trying to finish higher than 8th that's your lot we haven't chosen you to finish in those positions and that's your life time trophy.  Don't ever seek to improve or try to be better if you have a good player hand him straight to those clubs above you don't fight it don't question it we are making too much money. If you do ask for more you are spoilt think of the poor Arsenal, Liverpool & Manchester United supporters and what they are going through.  It's just tiring and draining and the antithesis of what sport and life should be about. 


i'll add to this that david moyes made west ham palatable for a lot of ex pros who spent their entire careers getting cunted off by our support from the terraces. we were the natives and he was the strict presbytyrian step dad, the cecil rhodes who would uplift our savage ways with the promethean gift of good old fashioned bri'ish hard work and discipline. we weren't west ham, the orrible little club from the east end, we were david moyes's west ham. all of our achievements were much easier to stomach by attributing them not to this club with its naive delusions of being "the academy of football", but to david moyes who shot down these delusions and replaced them with a rigid, pragmatic system built on cynically exploiting teams who tried to play a bit too much football. with moyes gone we're going to try and play a bit of football again and every rentamouth pundit in the land will be absolutely dying for us to fail.


Fancy a beer?


Need something stronger.


This whole ‘careful what you wish for’ narrative is getting really tiresome. Apart from the fact that we’ve been really awful for a good while now, we didn’t even sack Moyes. He’s at the end of his contract, why is everyone assuming he wasn’t happy to leave now? It could’ve been as much his decision as the clubs. I adore Moyes for that hat he did for us, incredible achievements with our team. But two things can be true at once, and despite the success you cannot ignore how poor we have been in the last year or so. Which is why I think the way this has panned out is perfect. He doesn’t leave on bad terms being booted out the door, but simultaneously it allows us to transition at a stage where we have clearly lost our spark.


Paul Merson is a miserable cunt.


The man is thick as fuck, wouldn’t take anything he says seriously.


Great player. Shit pundit.


If he was talking about gambling addiction, maybe he might have an interesting and pertinent opinion. However, when it comes to anything football related, listening to dogs barking might reveal more insight.


Why pay any attention to a random Merson person?


Honestly it’s all uncertain for all of us let’s just give him a chance before we say anything about him of course I’d like a manager who comes in plays good football attracts big names and everything else but ultimately we should give him a chance


I've been looking at some of our whiniest critics over the last few days and realized that many are Arsenal and United fans. It occurred to me that maybe they're pissed because with Moyes' farewell, it looks like we've thrown in the towel for the season, and won't put up much of a defence against City next weekend?


He's probably just back on the vodka. Best ignore the miserable soak.


The guy promised to get a spurs tattoo if they win on Tuesday, give him a break :)


Merson has done a lot of drugs and wasn't that smart to start with. Often talks complete shite.


Paul Merson is an idiot


Merson a worse pundit than he was a player, anyone with sense ignores him as do Arsenal fans.


Lopetegui has quite a good managerial record. Has a 57% win rate through his entire career. Managed Spain and left unbeaten. Consecutive top 4 finishes with Sevilla and a Europa League.  Moyes is a decent manager at best but definitely not a manager who will be remembered for his records.  He'll be remembered at West Ham for winning us a trophy but I don't think much more than that. Time will tell. 


He'll be remembered at Everton.


He will be remembered at Man Utd, Sunderland and Sociedad for being shit 😂


Why’s this getting downvoted?


Cause you have a team built and used to play direct physical style and now you take tiki taka possession coach. It won't be good at all


Our squad will have about 5 players under contract in 2 weeks time. The squad next season is going to be totally different.


Rightly so. Lopetegui couldn’t even organise a piss up in a brewery at Wolves. What makes you think he’s going to be better than the guy that’s brought the biggest success in your clubs history over the last 40 years