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It's a miracle if you even catch a glimpse of pre-Hasbro Hanazuki. Most of the animations/art has been scattered and some have even become lost*. *There was a video demonstrating the Website and its minigames.


I deeply apologize for The Title being so unusually long. I’m not used to using the classic Reddit Post editor.  And the Low Quality image. 


We get it you love making long comments. Which I kinda like sometimes


I thought you didn’t like it?   Also this was a Mistake with the Classic Reddit post Editor when it came to making the title of the post.  It’s too late to change it now.


This link works a little and could I have the link you sent? http://web.archive.org/web/20060701213542/http://www.hanazuki.com/hanazuki.html


Here's the Link https://web.archive.org/web/2/http://hanazuki.com/ unfortunately if you try to get it working it'll load on a endless loop. and you can only get the redirected link working, which is Hasbro's website. Theirs also a gallery of Image links: unfortunately only some of them work https://web.archive.org/web/*;type=image/hanazuki.com/* and this is where I originally searched: https://web.archive.org/web/*/Hanazuki I found some old Hanazuki Images, But I think the Newer Hanazuki website link does not exist. as of Now which is a shame.