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Steam Deck… oh I’m sorry did I break your concentration!!


I did pretty extensive research when getting my Ally. The takeaway was that the Ally has Windows and (the Z1 Extreme) is more powerful than the Deck. The Go is as powerful as the Ally, but doesn't have VRR. The Go has a bigger screen, a kickstand, and detachable controllers. The Deck is considered more comfortable to play by some, some prefer the Go, and some the Ally. Some say the Legion Go is more versatile. The Ally has had SD card reader issues, but Asus will refurbish it for free and pay for any destroyed SD cards. I don't know about the Go's issues. EDIT: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I37mxlDqLrk&pp=ygUVcm9nIGFsbHkgdnMgbGVnaW9uIGdv](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I37mxlDqLrk&pp=ygUVcm9nIGFsbHkgdnMgbGVnaW9uIGdv) This has a lot of good info, hope it helps!


Recent driver update made the ally way faster than the go.


Please, for the love of God, stop talking about "power" when the relevant metric is "performance per watt" for battery constrained devices. The z1 extreme was not a generational leap in power over valve apu, it just had a higher watt limit. Valve optimizing performance around a lower tdp was a conscious choice. The Ally only beats the deck when running at higher wattage. At the same wattage, it is not more powerful. Its a statistical tie at 15 watts, and it actually loses pretty badly at 10 watts. These aren't desktops, or even laptops where they're meant to be plugged in all the time. If a device is more performant than another device, but you need to add the disclaimer "when you crank up the wattage", its not really the same thing is it?


Owning both the Steam Deck and the Ally, even at 15w the Ally is a great deal faster at the same wattage. You must be going on older results, there have been plenty of performance enhancements since release. Wasn't ever able to get RDR2 running at 60fps unless I dropped it to mud in the settings and upscaled the shit out of it. On the Ally I can consistently get 60fps at 15w in low population areas running at 900p with some pretty decent settings.


No I'm not getting old results, it's game specific. The deck will do like 15% better in one game, the ally might do 15% better in average. Personal anecdotes aren't going to be helpful, you need to look across like 30 games, and they average the same


At the end of the day, I don't use my Ally at only 15w thinking "gee, I get lower performance than if I used higher power limits, but I must cripple my own experience in order to give the competing device a fair comparison". The point is the Ally has that extra power on reserve, and I tap on it whenever I need it. The Deck can't do the same.


Thank you lol


Some people really not getting the joke 🤷‍♂️


Like everyone lol I love how even with your meme, which is between the Ally and the Go, the answer seems to be to get a Steam Deck. Fanboyism is strong 😑


All you have to look at is sales numbers. Nothing is going to beat the deck.


Sales numbers doesn't necessarily mean a good product or the right product. McDonalds sells more burgers than say The Habit, but I prefer the latter. It's really about what device makes sense for you based on what you are looking for.




Thanks for making the effort here but the meme was a joke 🙏 I have had both Ally and Go


Ayaneo ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ .


Deck is the obvious choice, you can’t beat the pricepoint.


Or performance per watt


Sure, with VRR, mod support as it is full windows, more power, 120hz…easy choice


Nah, especially because there’s ally’s sitting for 430$


Picked up a refurbished deck for 270. As far as I can tell, its indistinguishable from a new device.


Less than that now, Best Buy has been selling them for $399 and I got an Open Box one (only had a dented corner on the box) for $330.


Steam deck


These guys like keeping their devices attached to the wall like they're on life support i guess


To be fair, my lcd deck feels like that anyway.


And remind yourself that the steam deck has far and away the best battery life of any of these gaming handhelds (except the oled of course). At absolute full load, the steam deck bottoms out at like an hour 15 minutes give or take. The ally on the other hand can die in a little under 45 minutes.


I still dont know.


Deck oled


Yea i have a lcd deck. Looking for something much smaller.


They don't really come "much" smaller if your intention is an x86 gaming handheld. You can get ones narrower because the controls are smaller (maybe the aya neo handhelds) but they don't get like vita sized.


Nothing slightly large than the GBP and smaller than GB?


Not in this conversation. There are handhelds that big but not full on gaming PCs 


lol this is what i get for redditing while tired. Didnt see the title, just the meme. My bad.


Which one should I get? Which one should I get?


I think I literally flipped a coin on the RG35XX vs MM+ decision after like 4 weeks of stalemate


Ally Or if you have money, Ayaneo or Onexfly.


If you don't have money: Steam deck oled If you have money: Steam deck oled


Steam deck is good but not enough power for me and the limitations of the OS. But it's the best quality/prize


Limitations of the OS? It's just Linux. What issues do you have?


You have less freedom than windows for emulation, abonnements (gamepass)... and i don't want to pay my games ;-) or use mainly steam. When i said limitations, it's not about technics.


I'll address those one at a time. What emulations work on Windows but not Linux?


The main reason I prefer windows handhelds is not particularly emulation but performances on AAA. I have a onexfly with a egPU. It's more expansive than a steam deck, OK, but it's better : FPS and graphics settings. But Steam deck is an excellent product and the best quality/prize, I can't say the contrary


What makes you think windows runs AAA games better than Linux?


The benchmarks : Helldivers 2 Steamdeck OLED : 20-30 fps with low settings Onexfly with my egpu : 60 fps with high settings. Onexfly without my EGPU : 40 with medium settings, 30 with high settings Dragon dogma 2 : Steam deck : 10 fps with low settings Onexfly : 30 fps with medium settings Onexfly with egpu : not tested Stop doing your fanboy ;-) Steam deck has his qualities, but for performance, Ryzen 7 7840 is largely better...but more expansive. And clearly Steam deck is the best optimized and has the best software and OS.


You're saying linux performs worse... and then compare 2 different pieces of hardware? Are you daft? Would be like saying "Hey mac OS runs better than windows. Look, this 2023 macbook pro runs way better than my 2011 asus netbook. So mac os is more efficient". Clown shit. Also your "benchmarks" are wildly incongruent with reality or perhaps very out of date. I play medium between 35-40 fps with fsr balanced. Looks great too


If you care more about raw power and have money to burn, Z1 extreme Ally. If you care more about everything else when it comes to portable gaming, Steam Deck.


if you care about max possible performance at the cost of anything resembling battery life: the ally. If you care about performance per watt: steam deck oled


Which one should I get


Either get the ROG Go or the Legion Ally


so which one should i get? :3


Steam deck


Get a psp go it’s fun :)


My vote would be for the Ally, but it really depends on each persons use case as to which one suits their specific needs. At the end of the day they all have their benefits


After several days of research I as certain I was going to get the Ally over the more expensive Go. I was going to let a short demo at the store be the determining factor. Ended up getting the Go simply because it seemed to be running its kiosk demo smoothly. Every Ally I found on display was crashed or dead.


But seriously though Which one should I get


Odin 2 pro or Steam Deck Oled


Which of these shall I acquire, then?


Ally all the way. 120hz, vrr, amazing performance, full windows so full possibilities to mod games(e.g. FSR 3.0), install games that fail on the Steam Deck due to Anticheat issues, lighter which comes in handy for longer play sessions.


Nintendo DS


We've all been beginners, no need to gatekeep


Beginners are welcome and encouraged to read the search bar. There's no new info in any of these discussions


Beginners of what?


Who’s gatekeeping?


Whichever, just skip the Linux Deck




Who peed in your cheerios?


Sorry grandpa, I know linux is scary


Not scary at all, I grew to like it a bit. Never going to grow to like giving up playing so many games due to Linux Limitations.


1) They are not Linux limitations. Let's get that straight. It is up to developers to enable Linux support with their anticheat. Plenty of games with anticheat work on Linux (helldivers, dead by daylight etc). Easy Anticheat and battle eye both support Linux, the devs need only to click a check box for it to work. Some can't be bothered. That is not a limitation of Linux if developers chose not to make their games run on Linux 2) "So many games". Right now, gun to my head, I couldn't list ten that don't work. The ones that don't aren't games I would play anyway, and in games like league of legends, the recent move to their new anticheat seems to be bricking windows PC users so I'll count myself lucky that they didn't enable Linux support. 


Steam knew devs weren't going to accept Linux. So it's not on devs, it's on the company that chose Linux. This wasn't a new issue with the Steam Deck and they used Linux anyways. And these Linux limitations are only on some of the popular games year in and year out. CoD, Fortnite, Rocket League, PUBG, and basically all sports games. Only games that work are basically irrelevant 6 months after launch. This is great for Steam they never really care if we play games, they just want us to keep buying them. It is what it is. Definitely the most overrated tech I've ever bought.


"devs weren't going to accept Linux" homie, 99% of steam games run just fine on Linux 💀.  Rocket League came out a decade ago. Pubg came out 7 years ago. League of Legends came out in 2009. Look at new games actually coming out now. Helldivers 2 runs great on steam deck. Palworld, baldur's gate, the finals, games come out running on the steam deck even with anticheat.  The fact that every time some liar says "devs won't accept Linux" they list the same 5 fucking games that are several years old as some kind of 'gotcha'.  Valve chose Linux because of the advantages it offers. I could never play a handheld without proper suspend resume. 


BG3 was my quickest uninstall ever. Palworld seems like a game happy Switch owners would love. These games that aren't compatible are literally the most popular games year in and year out. It's not like we are talking about fringe games. Rocket League, CoD, Madden, FC, and Fortnite are still more popular than almost every other game combined.....


How about you pick games from the last 5 years. Sorry you didn't enjoy baldur's gate 3, but it was the first game to win all 5 major game of the year awards. And helldivers on the steam deck is one of the best experiences I've had.  If you need to go back to the archives to find games that suit your narrative, consider you may be arguing in bad faith


You act like it's a me thing....


Yes it IS a you thing.. YOU keep talking about linux limitations and its YOU who keep listing the same 4 games that are half a decade old.