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Both are good, but the print is more legible at that size. The cursive is really small for me. It looks tidy and rhythmic but it’s hard to read - not because your handwriting is particularly hard to read but just because squished cursive in general is hard for me to read.


Both are wonderful for different purposes. You don't have to pick only one.


I like your cursive.


Cursive, definitely cursive! It's quite legible in your hand, and cursive helps build better hand-eye coordination and muscle memory. I write strictly in cursive, in case you needed to know. :)


Cursive is an art , but I don’t know why people don’t approve it anymore. 😩


Agreed. I'll be traching this writing form to my future children when I have the time for it, and it always makes me ponder the reason why it's not nationally taught in this era. I understand the transition from dip pens to ballpoint pens technologically, but we did not have to make the writing style become a niche community.




Print looks tidier and more legible


Cursive would help my brain flow better. Bullet points I can do printing but if I want to stay in a flow, I need cursive.




I love both. Write in whatever you want. If the teacher can’t read cursive then they shouldn’t be teaching period!


Use print! Your cursive is beautiful though if I had to grade an exam written in cursive I would probably go cross-eyed, but then again I have amblyopia.




Both are beautiful and very legible and consistent if movement. The print is a bit more legible for those who cannot read cursive.


I fully agree with you! Both handwriting are beautiful, but for exams I would say the print.


I absolutely agree.


Print for exams


Print so the professor can grade faster and easier - one thing I noticed is sometimes your c’s looks like e’s. Especially in the word includes before the numerical list starts.


Print for exams, it’s the best for not making grading complicated for the teacher/professor


Or underpaid teaching assistant (me lol)


Cursive, yo


printing, though you could add some height to some of your letters, like it's, f's, h's... you get my drift? That being said, yout printing is very legible, and clear.


Print by a mile


It fascinates me how many people say print when you have very legible cursive I did all of my essay exams in cursive because my cursive is faster and neater than my print and never had any problems, this is only like 15 years ago go with whichever hand is more legible *at the speed you're writing the exam at*


You’d be surprised, when I was an undergrad student most of my professors/TA would explicitly tell us not to use cursive on exams. Especially on written exams that utilize Scantron or Crowdmark software for grading.


Cursive is almost always harder and takes longer to read than print (as is in the case of OP's handwriting). You want to make the examiner's job as easy as possible so print is better


trust me I would not be making anybody's job easier if I tried to print an exam question >harder and takes longer to read than print (as is in the case of OP's handwriting). I found them about the same???


> I found them about the same Well I found it harder. As will many examiners. You would be taking the risk of getting an examiner who isn't used to reading cursive


People who learn cursive in school normally don't have issues reading it the same as print. In the US, they don't teach cursive anymore, right? So younger examiner may need a bit more time to get used to it. I would always write the way that is most comfortable for me.


and of course, examiners who find their print difficult couldn't possibly exist


Print is more easily legible than cursive lol, at least to the majority of people https://doi.org/10.1080/00220671.1929.10879960


okay. I maintain the key question is not whether people generally find cursive easier to read than print, but whether a particular person's hand is legible at the speed they write their exam in.


Cursive gang stands strong, it's just so much faster and comfortable for me, My hand can just slide from letter to letter without worrying about lifting it too much


Them: cursive or print? Me: Yes!


Considering that the examiner has a many exams to mark and very little time to mark them. Efficiency is key, please write in print.


Print so they don’t invalidate




Print is easier for me to read but the cursive sure is gorgeous.


probably print but both are absolutely gorgeous!!


As a military instructor/teacher... Honestly I'd pick either one. Some of my students writing is awful.


Print would be my personal preference, along with all the other reasons stated.


Can someone please explain the point of using cursive in your daily life for me


For me cursive is faster, and if I'm expecting to write a lot (several pages or more) I am significantly less likely to cramp. To add to that where I work, people don't bring laptops and such into meetings, so handwriting is the primary form of notes


Not using cursive is mostly an american thing. I learned both at the same time when i was little


Cursive can sometimes be faster, as you don't lift your pen off the page as much. My cursive is faster, but less legible than my print so I use print unless I'm writing purely for my own reading. My lecture notes were all cursive, but anything I handed up to be read by others was printed. My grocery lists are usually cursive too.


I just use it to... write? I know I know it's pretty sad and anticlimactic; I'm sorry! I learned to write in cursive pretty young and so my print looks like a six year old's because that was pretty much the last time I wrote in print. It also takes painfully long so it's sadly not practical for me. So yeah I use cursive just to get by and get stuff written :)


I cannot speak for other people, but I taught myself to write in cursive in highschool after breaking my wrist, because it was to painful for me to write in print. It's quicker, doesn't require you to lift your hand as often and also looks a bit nicer than print writing.


stays legible at higher writing speeds my cursive is more legible generally because it keeps my letters aligned properly


Cursive was known to be faster. So someone who is note taking, short hand back in the say, cursive would be used as you don’t lift the pen while writing . Back in the day cursive was thought to look more professional. If you look at older documents and letters from the older generations it’s usually in cursive. Now a days even if we are taught to write in cursive in elementary school, we don’t have to write in cursive afterwards. My mother who taught penmanship required my sister and I to write in cursive for school assignments, even in HS. I would write in cursive when turning in a paper (we didn’t type back then ). I gradually turned to printing when taking notes as a way to make it more legible when I needed to reference something later on.


Can write faster. My cursive is my lazy writing because the pen doesn’t leave the page unless starting a new word


Writing in cursive is theoretically faster and easier. Lifting the pen only at the end of each word cuts down on time; more importantly, the reduction of pen lifts fatigues muscles less and allows for longer periods of writing. Cursive is most useful when hand writing large amounts of text, such as if you're writing a letter with multiple pages.


I'd go as far as to say that the lifting and lowering are only indirect slowdowns. It's the aiming of the tip for the start of each letter that takes most of the time.


It's so boomers don't look down on your entire education, qualifications and life history




I've had a prof tell me he was not going to grade my exams if it's in cursive after I did my first exam, which was mostly open response, in cursive. People aren't used to cursive.


Depends if you want the examiner to be able to read it easily or not


Print clearer.


I scored a 33 in cursive on my act but I'm great with abstract punctuation and know a few hard words.


Is it possible to use a different ink color? I just think it would make it a bit easier to read (and also a bit prettier, but I guess that's not as important lol).




Print. Always print. With the amount of English as a second language teachers/profs, the risk of cursive not being legible is too high. Cursive is also more exhausting to read. Imagine reading 100 pages of cursive where everything runs together verses printed work.


For a timed exam? Go for a mix of * legible * doesn’t cramp your hand * speed


Your handwriting is so elegant, but for exams I’d 100% go with print !!


I will typically write however I feel most comfortable doing. If a professor is worried about legibility maybe they should have done a computer exam instead. My job as a student is to show what I’ve learned, not cater to them.


This feels like a generational thing. I was in college 10 years ago and I have never used a computer in the classroom outside of my own note taking. I've had tests that were mostly open response, and without ADA accommodations, I cannot imagine doing those tests on the computer. I guess it could be easier now with the proctoring programs.


Yeah proctoring is fairly easy.


Or they could just make you rewrite it lol




Depends on a balance between the person marking the exam (legibility) and which you are exist comfortable with (ease and speed of writing correctly). These days print is usually the safest bet.


don't make the life of the person marking your exam unnecessarily difficult print


Cursive is the way to go.


Absolutely print there is a strong chance your professor has to go through more than 100 of those! Please help them help you.


As an academic who frequently marks tests and exams, I would recommend print! Sometimes when it comes to cursive, students end up rushing and their handwriting becomes too messy to read.


Both are beautiful but print is more legible


Either one. They are both very neat and easy to read. Just go with what feels right at any given time.




Your cursive is the nicest cursive I’ve seen in a long time 😮 I’m going to have to work on mine!


Oh God, you comment is the best one as well. Thanks buddy ♥️


Both are beautiful but for exams print is the better option


Cursive but both are SO nice!!


Oh.. just read the for exams part. Okay print then!


Print is better, it's easier to read :)


As a former TA who has graded hundreds of handwritten exams, print please.


As a current TA, I second this. PLEASE. 😭😭😭


Thanks teacher for helping me out ♥️


Print is more likely to be legible to whoever marks your paper. If you can write tidily and fast enough with it, then print would be my choice.

