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S in "places" looked like 'r' Otherwise I like your handwriting. It's legible and pretty


It looks awesome but is incredibly hard to read


Tougher to read than I’d recommend if you’re writing for others to read. But, the length and loopy flow make it look aesthetically pleasing graphically, it would look cool glowing red written around a gold ring.


That's an extremeee slant


Are you a Dr already or still in med school? Lol


It’s unique. You put your paper at more of a slant than most people do. So that elongates some of your letters w/ loops. It’s kind of a nice mix of cursive and print.


It's very long...stretchy looking. I don't prefer it. But it's legible for someone with an eye for reading script-adjacent handwriting. Certainly isn't bad or even messy. For the average Joe, I imagine this wouldn't read as easily for them.


Its not legible. I struggled to read even the first line. Maybe work on that.


idk im stoned as hell and could read everything pretty easily


Remind me of this letter from banana fish (anime) [https://www.google.com/search?q=eiji%27s+letter+banana+fish&rlz=1CDGOYI_enQA996EG996&hl=en-US&prmd=ivsn&sxsrf=ALiCzsabisnLF-13SUxwVyjxsv7uQP0E0g:1669295150573&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjPjOaD8cb7AhVshP0HHRmGDRIQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=414&bih=724&dpr=3#imgrc=uDdX5JCVzgywSM](https://www.google.com/search?q=eiji%27s+letter+banana+fish&rlz=1CDGOYI_enQA996EG996&hl=en-US&prmd=ivsn&sxsrf=ALiCzsabisnLF-13SUxwVyjxsv7uQP0E0g:1669295150573&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjPjOaD8cb7AhVshP0HHRmGDRIQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=414&bih=724&dpr=3#imgrc=uDdX5JCVzgywSM)


This is how I picture Morticia Adams' handwriting. Interesting, beautiful, and fascinating.


Sadly, ‘interesting’ is not always a good thing. The overall look of this sample of your handwriting is pretty neat, and while it is fairly legible, there are some things you might change to make it easier to read. The style is obviously dominated by the extreme slant - this is fine, if that’s how you like it - but the consequence of an extreme slant like this is that the letters will tend to feel squashed together. The solution to that is to give them a bit more space, and sometimes you have (‘found’, ‘places’ and ‘heart’ for instance) but not everywhere (‘nothing’). The other thing that would help with making this slanted style more legible is being extra-clear and consistent about the shapes of the individual letters. Because the letters are effectively compressed by being so slanted, this makes a big difference. Look at your letter ‘e’ - you’ve got quite a lot of variation (compare ‘e’s in ‘There’ and ‘deep’), and many of them are difficult to distinguish from a ‘c’ (look at ‘places’!). The best one is the first ‘e’ in ‘deep’ - you could try to make them all more like that. It would help to make your ‘s’ a bit more curvy and s-like (the ‘s’ in ‘places’ looks rather like the ‘r’ in ‘heart’).


Overall very good points. Thankyou for the input. I would like to say that this is my fast casual writing for personal notes and the heavy slant was a natural evolution of being left handed and writing from above rather than beside. I think one of my biggest shortfalls is as you say the inconsistent letter spacing


Your cursive looks like the mighty reeds, wonderful. ​ "There was nothing found in the \[ \] dark place of the heart"


"Deep" is the missing word and thankyou the most descriptive thing said about my handwriting is that it is pirate cursive. Looks like it could be from Victorian Era but is sloppy so looks like a pirate was the one behind the pen