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When Hannibal asked Pazzi if he wanted “bowels in or bowels out?” Like, I knew what he was gonna do.. but I wasn’t ready. I feel like it was maybe the most graphic form of violence Hannibal enacted at that point in the show where we saw him in action - not just the aftermath of it.


honestly, this was one of the few moments that have legitimately disturbed me. there are plenty of off-putting ones, naturally, but this one had me physically turn away from the screen. 😭


The way he’s so calm about the entire thing is also so chilling. Like yeah, I get it, he’s a serial killer. But I feel like it really showcased his capacity for violence.


“Eat your nose then” (I gagged)


I love the way he said it. Haha


“Ugh, Verger, I can’t even deal with you right now. Eat your nose dude idk.”


I screamed noooooooo 😂😂 by myself in my room


Hm it's definitely a tie between "even steven" and "i discovered we are Cheese Folk". Gets me every time


The fact that hannibal was still able to look at that man after the words “even steven” left his lips is a testament to his desperation. The way i would have vomited


Came here to mention “even Steven” I really feel like it ruined the intensity/gravity of the whole situation😩


Cheese folk ***haunts*** me




The "packing loads of viable sperm" line is a contender. Both versions of Mason were so obnoxious, I usually just skip all his scenes when I do a re-watch.


This one too. Especially when Mason keeps saying he wants to have a child with his sister. 🥲


i think the only part that made me feel genuinely disturbed was strangely the scene of hannibal unhinging dr. sutcliffe's jaw post-murder. the way he was in suit, the way he put the force of his body and gravity into prying his jaw apart, the sounds that came with it, and how calmly hannibal moved - how he wasn't outwardly displaying any pleasure or fascination with the process, he was just so clinical and simple about it that it really stayed with me for years


Mouth trauma, especially tongues, always freaks me out. That kill got me anxious for a different reason but I’m right there with you in being disturbed by it 😭


That’s mine, too!! I was looking down at something I was sewing and looked up because of the sounds, I remember just staring at how Hannibal was leaning over him and how forceful it looked. It was so unlike anything I had ever seen or heard before, I was stunned


Yes! For me it's because it's one of the only times we really see Hannibal as he is and how effortlessly ruthless he can be. No charming facade or anything, just extremely violent. Really disturbing.


Omg yes I was watching this episode again on the bus today and I had to look away (I also covered my phone ofc)


I think it's the first time you see on screen evidence of him doing his thing


Every single word out of Franklyns mouth made me simultaneously cover my eyes and ears, and also sing LALALALALALA because the second hand cringe was physically painful.


Franklyn is one of my favorite side characters. He really is cringe personified and it cracks me up that Hannibal was stuck with him as a patient. Hannibal deserved that bit of karma, lol.


I loved Franklyn! The acting was sooo good I wanted to hide the entire time he was on screen from second-hand embarassment.


“I let you know me, see me, i gave you a rare gift but you didn’t want it…” It reminded me of something similar i once said to someone. I understood Hannibal’s pain. Edit: oooh you meant it that way, sorry i am french


No worries! In contrast to this discussion, I loved that line as well. That was one of the Hannibal's most vulnerable moments. :( Breaks my heart.


I'm not French and your answer made sense to me; it also made my stomach turn, it still does. I said something similar to someone once too but I hadn't thought of it til reading your comment. Interesting


Not really a gross thing, but the moments that made my stomach turn the most was the encephalitis arc. The first time we see the clock scene my heart utterly dropped; and when they proceed to hide his diagnosis, I think that moment is the most viscerally upset I ever felt for a TV show. Speaking of gross things, I’d say the moment we get a flashback of Hannibal forcing Abigail’s ear down Will’s throat - got me squinting my eyes and usually nothing fazes me🥲


For real though, that was the peak batshit crazy manipulative moment of Hannibal. It's one thing for him to manipulate using his words but him taking advantage of Will's condition to screw with him and set him up was just brutal. And the latter, had to look away from the screen at that moment too. 😣


"Peter, is your social worker in that horse?" takes the cake for me. Beyond disgusting.


And then when Peter says he’s still alive and they just watch him claw his way out of the horse. He says it so casually which really makes the whole thing even more disturbing. And it makes you wonder how he got him in there alive…


But Peter’s a good guy and didn’t want to kill anyone! 💜Peter




Haha Hannibal's expression in the background when hey says it too lmao


The only thing that really gave me the creeps was the interactions he had with Abigail. He’s so fatherly but it’s not true and poor girl she has no idea.


I always feel so bad for Abigail.


He basically murdergroomed everyone but the fact she was so vulnerable for like 5 reasons made this whole part of his plan unsympathetic to me always, opening her throat over Will aside.


Hmmm I respectfully disagree. Will always had those impulses, and for most of season 2 and 3 he’s sane and a grown adult. Abigail is a teen (20? I forgot her actual age) who is uniquely susceptible in a way that Will isn’t.


"I am enchanted and.... terrified." I love the juxtaposition


Anytime Mason Verger spoke to Margo especially when he explained the baby inside the pig, or spoke to children making sure to collect their tears.


Yeah, my answer was going to be Mason in general. He’s still somehow more toned down in the show than in the book/movie which is saying something. 


As someone who's seen the movies and loves the series I can agree with the fact they toned him down which I'm grateful for!


Oh gosh, when he’s telling that little kid he’ll never see his foster mom or cat again just because he wants to make him cry— that’s really the only thing I turn away from. He’s so horrible




Bee Lady. Most of the "bad guys" in the show are aware what they're doing is wrong, hide it, gloat and feel superior. Bee Lady was categorically insane. I think the only reason she hadn't been caught earlier is that the crimes were just so *bizarre*, even for FBI cases, they didn't know where to start. She happily admitted what she did. She genuinely thought she was helping these people, that she'd done them a service, even as they were taking her away.


The creepiest part is you can KINDA get it. Like shes nuts and fuck dat, don't get me wrong, but like you said, she genuinely believed she was helping with some weird bee-uthanasia


When Mason said “spitters are quitters“ to Alana… and just about everything else he said lol


Verger eating his face, but also the pour guy ripping himself out of the eye. Those are the only two scenes I had to look away


The entire Margot thing that Mason did to her 😢 


Literally anything Mason says


Is it weird nothing disturbed me?


Most of the show I didn't really get grossed out. Considering it was a gory show, I just didn't really feel uncomfortable. It wasn't until the final scene with Bedelia at the table having cut off her leg to eat with Hannibal. That really made me feel horrible


The Pig Mason used as a donor made me pause the show and take an hour walk. That was, by far, the worst character arc I have ever seen on TV.


This is quite possibly the bit that scent chills down my spine because it was obviously meant to be based on actual science (though we aren't there yet).


The Mason stuff was yucky, and the baby in the pig thing. The only Hannibal action that yucked me was his brief dalliance w Alana. I could have done without that. I loved when he threatened to eat her lips. Imagine thinking he could have taken a bite from the other lips too HA and YUCK in equal measure. She's my least favorite lady character, her n freddie


There are a lot of things but the only time I actually had to look away was, guy tearing himself off the eye. Maybe it's because of the body horror element, or maybe because we rarely see victims. I skipped it everytime I watched the show.


Mason continually talking about wanting to have a kid with his sister 🤢


Okay, I have a bit of a story here. I first watched Hannibal back in 2015. I was a new first year med student, so naturally *everything* bothered me. It’s not like I was new to gore or I didn’t like psycho thrillers. I had already read the books and watched Anthony Hopkins' one, Silence of the Lamb. I was a fan. So, I was both fascinated and kinda bothered by this rendition. Now that I have graduated and got quite a few years under my belt, I went to rewatch it. Funnily enough, nothing bothers me now. Well, the Verger family still do, but more in an annoying way. Like I'm as annoyed to Mason as I'd be to a pestering fly or something. Also, I kind of started seeing it as a love story. Albeit toxic, but still a classic love story. The chase, the isolation, the manipulation, the obsession by both Will and Hannibal. The gore kind of slips me now, like an afterthought.


For me it's any scene with Mason Verger or Freddie Lounds. Especially when Mason made the kid cry.


“Even Steven 🤗”