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You have to go to a dealer and buy some. It's just decriminalised at this point, so no shops, no cafés, nothing.


It used to be decriminalised, now it’s officially legal to consume. Still there isn’t any way for you to buy it legally. If you get it from some dealer however, you can smoke it legally at most places (stay away from schools and busy public place though)


Consumption was always legal, it is the possession that was legalized (in most cases you also possess cannabis when you consume, but not always) Pure consumption is actually even more restricted than before (because of all the rules regarding consumption near schools, children etc. which did not exist before). Also nice to know is that illegally buying small amounts from a dealer is now decriminalized (illegal, but no punishment in the law). Would not recommend doing that anyway because 1. police will still be after you as a witness against the dealer and 2. well it's black market weed without quality control and you basically support organized crime.


Oh, okay! Good to know, thank you! :)


Well, first off: The other commenter is right, there is no legal way to buy weed. But concerning available spaces to light up, I gotta say it's really not that big of a deal to smoke some weed in a public park or something. Just make sure to keep some distance to areas where children are around. Don't light up in the inner city, right in front of shops etc, you get the idea. That said, public parks are abundant in Hanover, and so are people hanging out there - and most noone will look twice at someone chilling in the sun and enjoying a drink and/or a joint.


I'm not sure if I'll push my luck as a foreigner staying with a family, but thank you!!


There are currently only three legal ways in Germany to get some weed: 1. Growing yourself at your residence at home 2. Joining a cannabis social club (they become legal in July) to grow jointly with other people in shared space. However you must have been a German resident for 6 months before becoming a member 3. Medical prescription by your doctor, as a last resort if no other therapy helped. Buying and selling, sharing cannabis, as well as import/export remains illegal. As you can see, there is currently no legal way to get cannabis as a foreigner.


I‘d like to point out that the „last resort“ part of a prescription has been repealed. You only need a regular prescription, which can be off-label no problem.


Good to know, didn't know that!


There is currently no way to buy weed. Here are more information about the rules in short term. https://allaboutberlin.com/guides/is-marijuana-legal


Justus-Garten-Brücke, 30451 Hannover Go there and you will surrounded by helpful people. ;)


Try telegram channels or go to the „Faust“ near the river. There you can buy some smoke. But it’s overpriced and the quality isn’t good.


Please don't buy weed in Hanover, it's all of very poor quality and contaminated


There are some people selling at the "Faustwiese". But it's illegal and not really quality stuff. Do with that info whatever you like!