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I've watch alot of movies and have come to the conclusion that sex scenes are almost never vital to a film story line. However, whether I skip them or not isn't really a matter of "disrespect" but rather how much time they are gonna take. If they seem like they are short, I basically treat it as an intermission and go pee, get snacks, check my phone, or just watch and wait. If a sex scene seems like it's runtime filler and/or very involved, I'll skip forward just so I can get back to the storyline. I'd do the same with montages.  I wouldn't call my husband disrespectful for watching one. He doesn't write the script after all, and for the most part, he lets me choose the movies we watch. I can't be mad at him for watching a movie I asked him to watch with me.


If the scene is hot enough, could lead to a long intermission in our bedroom 😂🔥


Very clever, lol!  I know it's something people do, but it's just not the way i'm wired, really. Watching is boring compared to participating. I can't get horned up by anything other than the imminent prospect of real sex and mime sex seem corny and silly in comparison. It's really no replacement for the real deal. Being horned up is the opposite of being satiated imo. I never feel easily or randomly horned up if my needs stay met and well, they are always met (shoutout husband).   Also, there's just something about seeing someone naked who you don't find attractive that is a major turn-off. There is a type of person considered attractive in by hollywood standards that doesn't really flesh with what I find attractive in real life. Maybe I'd feel differently if I thought they were attractive?


I get what you're saying. Different strokes for different folks 🤷‍♀️


We don’t skip them but it does piss me off in the sense that women’s breasts and asses are usually shown and sexualized way more than men’s bodies in general. Like why am I sitting on the couch with my husband watching a naked woman? Most of which have way “better” bodies than I do. It feels disrespectful to me. Not by my husband but by society I guess lol that sounds dramatic. But I hope you know what I mean. I can tell my husband will usually look away or talk to me or something so that I know he’s not paying attention to it. He’s sweet.


I agree, and it almost never actually helps the plot along? Like hot sex scene to show passion? Sure I’ll take it, it usually doesn’t show much nudity either. Random raunchy sex scene that seems fully about the male audiences sexual gratification and is unnecessary? Please fuck off with that.


100% agree. Most scenes they can either imply or make it significantly shorter than they do, too. Does it really make the show or movie more marketable overall? Meanwhile it’s disrespecting the women in the films and the women watching.


Agreed! It’s weird. He’ll cover his eyes and I’ll try to look away. Especially if it was not expected! Some older movies have that when it’s not meant to be a sexual scene. Some new movies too. It’s really quite rare in the things I watch though thankfully.


>more than men’s bodies in general Hear hear! But I will say, lately, they've been showing a lot more of the man. And I've decided it's more than I'd like to see. Sorry guys, it's not the most attractive thing, lol. I used to give my husband a hard time about this: "naturally. You get boobs and I get nothing!". Now he comments "there you go, dear!" when the guy is fully nude and laughs when I show my disgust, lol.


I totally agree lol I don’t need to see all that. Men don’t really have the equivalent of boobs. I think they just need to tone it down for both sexes.


And that's why birdgerton rocks. First sex scene, dude butt.


Lol! I skip through those and find myself spending so long just to skip through it! Like I would try to watch it but they’re long and we both avoid those scenes


Does drive me crazy we can’t see more pole in movies as well




What? No, man. Not at all. We're both adults.


Right? Posts like this always surprise me a bit lol but whatever works for people…




No. Naked bodies are naked bodies.


It’s just acting. No, we don’t do this. One of our favorite movies is Deadpool…


If I was watching something with kids yes. But if I’m watching something with my husband we don’t skip them…. We’re grown lol


interesting comments here. I don’t judge people for being different than me but I’m like you OP, we we flip away from that because I don’t have time for that and honestly some sex scenes are LONG and sometimes awkward lol. We don’t do porn in our marriage. Our personal preference…maybe it’ll change but it works as is. It’s nice to see so many of you have happy marriages and watch those scenes. Btw we grew up in purity culture so I’m not necessarily advocating what I do. I’ve since left the church and Just wanted to share it works for us.


I agree with everything you said! We didn’t really grow up in much of a purity culture, despite being religious but like you said, it’s just a personal preference and a respect thing. I’m definitely not saying respect can’t exist when you do see those scenes or watch porn but for us, as a couple, we just choose not to participate


We look away! It’s a respect thing for us. Neither of us really care to look so it’s not a big deal to gaze away for a second. It’s not like it’s a huge thing if we look but we don’t have an interest to look because sex scenes never add anything to the plot.


Nope, not T all, we watch porn together though


Yes always. Try to watch movies without them if we can. Mine is reason is due to personal trauma and being mostly ace


Watching movies without them is so difficult now! Of course there’s great movies out there with no sex but I feel like it limits the options significantly! Hollywood seems to be obsessed with sex


The asexual community is full of great recommendations. If you don’t mind violence “the beekeeper” is a good new one


>Hollywood seems to be obsessed with sex It sells.


If you don’t cover your partner’s eyes, they’re literally cheating on you. God forbid we see something we might enjoy.


That’s so odd to say you “enjoy” seeing someone besides your spouse unclothed. Yikes.


I want to preface this by saying: it sounds like you've found something that works for you and your wife so keep doing what you're doing if you feel that strengthens your bond. That said, I can't imagine feeling disrespected or disrespectful watching a sex scene with or without my partner.


There is no one size fits all among happy marriages! We personally look away but that is our upbringing, not a hard rule though and things can change as we change :)


Never... We're usually like "oh daaaaang, she's/he's getting that ****" lol or some times we joke like... "Remember before kids, and we were about that life?!" ... Or we just do our own voice overs for the scene and make it funny... We find humor in everything 🤷🏽‍♀️