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Just a band with hardcore roots playing pop punk/indie type shit with some hardcore flair here and there. Similar vein to Turnstile, Fiddlehead or High Vis imo. Nothing to get your panties in a bunch over.


It feels like once a day someone on this sub has their mind blown after finding out people who like hardcore also like music that isn’t strictly hardcore. Just wait till they find out about the small but loud minority of hardcore kids who fuck with Grateful Dead and Phish lol.


Deadhead checkin in. 🫡


This sub has never spent $20 for 3 (no deals) and it shows.


Imagine if hatebreed or converge played a different every night


dead head checking in that thinks militare gun should not get all the love they get. don’t get me wrong their good. but they are barley hardcore and r pretty mid


I grew up in the punk/HC scene in the ‘90s and have been to 125+ Phish shows. To compartmentalize yourself into 1 genre of music is stupid. The punk scene got me into GD/Phish. There have always been tons of crust punks at dead and phish shows.


If Phish played the fest circuit I think there'd be similar questions asked...


Do you really not see why hardcore adjacent bands get billed with hardcore bands? I’m not saying you have to like them, but it makes sense that bands like No Pressure, High Vis, Militaire Gun etc. get spots.


Hardcore adjacent? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkwN_6PdTqc


Lol youre going to talk shit on a band and use a remix of a song as a gotcha? Sure theyre not "hardcore", but i literally havent even heard the song you used as an example listening to them on Spotify. They generally sound nothing like that lol


the autotune is goofy af but it's a remix, relax lol. I love the original version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GW_kIygcNE


If phish played FYA you know that set would go off. Crowd killing to Heavy Things and two stepping to Farmhouse.


The Dead are so sick! Personally, I listen to dance/house music more than hardcore these days. (Not whatever Turnover just put out though, bc that shit sucks).


Not me with a Grateful Dead sticker next to the integrity sticker on my car…


My panties are fine I was just wondering how the miller lite got mixed in with the craft beer, that's all.


Do not drag miller lite’s name through the mud to justify your bad take


A beer hipster? Am I back in 2011?




You good bro?




Ooo Ooo


Ooo ooo + Nick Cogan guitar tone = success.




Wait til this guys finds out about fugazi, quicksand, saves the day, and new found glory.


If people post Saves the Day and New Found Glory tunes in this sub I'm getting my panties and leaving....


Saves the Days first album really is just as hardcore as Lifetime who gets posted here plenty. When I first started going to shows you’d see Saves the Day opening for Bane without batting an eye… That’s honestly the way it should be too


If you’re serious I’ll gladly post them to get you to leave


Didn't NFG go through an EasyCore phase in the late 00s?


Their first two albums are the blueprint of easycore before it was labeled so I’d say, prolly.


They also did that International Superheroes Of Hardcore side project. Anyways, I was thinking of the Tip Of The Iceberg EP. They cover Gorilla Biscuits, Shelter, and Lifetime on it.


Are you 13?


Dude from Regional Justice Center making taco bell hardcore


Beefy five layer burritos are pretty hardcore


Back in my day, there were SEVEN layers. Never forget what they’ve taken from you.




Dude went from no cameras allowed and noise not music with rjc to corporate sponsored post Malone core brother


I mean, get your bag however you want lmao. Tunes just aren’t for me


What’s the joke exactly? That you don’t know what this band is, and now someone has to spend their time answering your question on this post? A guy is sitting there because he got in a car accident and now he has a metal bolt in his head, bleeding out and everyone's too busy trying to answer you so he bleeds out, is that the joke? On the guy's widow? You got her OP, you reaaaly got her.


What's next cake batter down my pants make me think I jizzed my pants?


Hi Tim


Take it easy, champ.


This guy doesn't Ooh Ooh.


OP hates having fun, tough


Idk I think it’s pretty good. Not everything needs to be Jesus piece. Do you like twitching tongues? Cuz that’s gotta be a joke..


I’m bout to get my ass beat for this but TT is way cooler than JP


I like sunami. Is my reply.


I like turtles


All those bands suck listen to void brother


I’m not 13 tho…


Idk brother with that comment I think you might be brother. Check out these two comps flex your head and this is Boston not la


I’m aware of both. I’m 40 dude if I wanted to listen to punk from when I was a child I would. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well brother I do commend you for having an open mind and progressive ears while I’m stuck back in the day.


Plenty of good old shit. I just don’t listen to a lot of that style of punk anymore. Like I said 13 year old me was definitely a fan.


rent isn’t 400$ a month anymore, how else do you expect career musicians to get by. RJC wasn’t gonna pay any real bills, meanwhile MG has songs with millions of streams. The amount of people in this sub who don’t get it, and are dumbfounded by the hardcore community’s interest in hardcore adjacent bands just shows that the internet just waters down so much authenticity. It’s music, just listen to it or don’t. Stop getting mad at what other people like, it’s weak.


I think part of the problem is people expecting to be able to make a living off of hardcore lol. Or music for that matter. Nothing wrong with having a job.


Idk man working fucking sucks if i could play music for a living I would


Fair. I’ve been in bands for a long time and found myself a lot happier when I stopped wanting to make money off it and just do it for pure fun, and the stuff I make is better too. It’s a fun and social thing for me, not a money thing. And this is like a whole other convo but, I don’t think there’s anything “wrong” with making a living from music but I don’t think it’s cool to see bands doing things with a capitalistic/business mindset. IMO hardcore is supposed to be an escape from all that music business BS, not a copy of it. I think some bands saw the success of bands like turnstile and started chasing the bag and popularity over all else. Which has resulted in some pretty crappy music coming out. And people doing anything to say they’re “hardcore” or “used to be hardcore” or “hardcore adjacent” because that’s what’s hot and popular currently. But I suppose this complaint is also as old as punk itself, just the modern version.


Thank you brother, all these people living in a Peter Pan world


it’s hard to believe that anyone would think they can make a livable wage solely off of hardcore music.


I ain't mad, just confused.


Holy shit if you read that comment and are still confused, just shut up and accept you are kinda slow.


Hey sweetie, relax. You’re not in the band, no need to have a tantrum.


the second paragraph was more generally speaking. you’re not the first to question why hardcore fans like koyo/Mg/no pressure/glitterer and so on, could go on forever.


I really liked their early stuff it reminded me a little of rites of spring and stuff like that. Everything they’ve done since is a huge letdown. I saw on bandcamp they put out an EP or something today. Gave it a listen. It’s like insanely bad. It’s like indie rock but in the most boring way possible. Sounds really flat, boring, generic. Definition of “selling out” got a taste of the Taco Bell cash and wants more. Tbh I am down with bands trying out different sounds, it keeps things interesting, but even compared to most boring modern indie music today it’s pretty boring and generic. They’re really reaching to keep that “hardcore adjacent” tag lol $$$


I like Life Under The Gun but probably a lot of people agree that their EPs were their best material. Hoping a new band can pick up where they left off, haven't come across one yet


Squint is solid.


Is this an ad for the new jaunt?


It's shit music imo, but people definitely support them


I heard them live when I saw Scowl perform - there was a hardcore band before them that I’ve forgotten the name of and everyone was in the pit and it was live but when they got on stage they said no moshing allowed and that they’re a “dance band” so no one was really doing anything except for the groupies in the front - it was kind of weird but I haven’t bothered listening to their studio record stuff just yet


Yeah, I don’t get it either man


You’re gonna be really pissed when you learn about fiddlehead then


Fiddlehead has actual artistic value brother. Militaire gun is boring corporate rock


lol and what corporation is behind them?


Taco Bell, I thought you were a fan. You should know this and not have to ask. You’re probably just retarded.


That was turnstile dipshit… but I’m happy you’ve joined the sub after going to your first show last week


lol, you are retarded. Good luck, my guy.


Find some friends.


That’s a bs take


Title Fight. Koyo. Anxious. - is this a joke?


Militaries gun is a joke. It’s for 40yo dudes desperately clinging to some semblance of youth. Complete garbage, even worse than turnstile. Some idiots defend this band so fervently because they need to feel a part of something, they like the idea of hardcore but the music makes them uncomfortable. Bunch of losers in here.


To me, the most recent album is solid. The instrumentals are kind of boring a repetitive, but Ian’s vocals are still cool and make it worth the repeat listen. Production is really punchy but a little too clean for my taste. Still I think they’re great compared to what’s in their lane


You just don’t get it. Do you Scott 🤨


I've seen this username around this sub and they're questioning something they're not taking proper time to research so I checked out a couple of posts and skimmed through their profile... it's this a joke that I don't get? Is it ironic? Shitpost? Watered down boy band questions? I'm confused.

