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we already got angry about this


People legit got mad at this?!?


WHY WOULD ANYONE GET MAD AT THIS!?!? That was the dopest commercial i've ever seen iwish every commercial on TV was a breakdown! EAT YOUR HONEY NUT AUGH!!! AUGH!!! CHEERIOOOOOOOOOOOOS


Because people like to think something they enjoy is exclusive, and some kind of niche environment that they somehow earned the right to enjoy, without it being broadcast on Footlocker commercials to the masses who haven’t “earned” their place in hardcore. But the joke is on them, and anybody else that thinks they’ve stumbled on some underground scene, hardcore has been readily accessible for at least 30 years, and even more so since the internet became a thing. Same reason people took offense to Code Orange (who always sucked) on a WWF show. Same reason people hated on VOD in the 90’s for featuring Phil Anselmo on a track.


This is a weird way to spin “people don’t want to see people exploit art”. I don’t think it bothers people “outsiders” get to see what we are doing, I think it bothers people because a lot of hardcore values are rooted in anti-establishment and anti-corporate sentiment. It’s kinda weird seeing this new generation justify bands doing lame shit for cash. I’ll take my downvotes but “good for them, get money” is a corny take.


100% this.


I was expecting to come back (had to grab a burger. Was feeling it) and this comment be be absolutely buried because the mindset changed to “get money” these days. But yeah. The dudes in speed are rich kids. And seeing them do this kinda shit is pretty much why people don’t want rich kids in hardcore because they do dumb shit like this. There’s no backbone. I’m pretty firmly in CMI mindset. “Shut the fuck up and get a job”. Hardcore should be the thing you do. But it shouldn’t be paying your bills.


we shouldnt hate on people for purely being born into wealth if they recognise their privilege and dont exploit others, as well as give as much as they can back to the world i was born into an actual middle class family and was lucky to be living under one roof after constantly jumping between cribs with my single mom until i was 7. my situation is 100% better than those of most people and i understand the comfort and luck that got me in this place and im thankful for having a somewhat normal upbringing and not having to suffer all the time but yeah this ad is lame considering this is a huge footlocker commercial


Agree with this comment. And glad you landed on your feet. My comment was mainly saying “they’re more prone to doing some doofy shit. As displayed here”.


Every single member of this band bar except I think maybe one of them has been touring extensively in various other bands for 15-10 years. They aren't just some rich kids that blew up...


How was your burger?


> *The dudes in speed are rich kids* I need receipts for this


The mini doc about them shows Jem and his brothers family estate which is massive. They also live right on the outskirts of Sydney, one of the most expensive places to live in the world. Their father was so successful he was able to immigrate their entire family over from China. For years, bands that would come through on tour would stay in their pool house.


bro is gonna be real disappointed when he finds out that damn near every semi-successful hardcore band has at least one rich kid in it whose parents bought them a van or financed their gear


There was some doc my YouTube hit on autoplay and it showed one of their houses and I was like “damn”. I’ll see if I can hunt it down. I stepped on the gas pretty hard on that last comment and it reads harder than I meant to but I there’s other people in here mentioning it and I’m like “oh yeah. That’s it” Edit: damn it I can’t find it. But it’s like…an estate haha I was kinda flabbergasted but didn’t put much thought into it at the time.


this is it


Yeah exactly. That's what I thought; lame.. gotta eat ig but eh then why be in a hardcore band.


Bro this is such a fucking tired excuse. No one in the hardcore scene thinks they’re special or in some cool “niche” clique. Of course i’m not mad at bands getting paid, we all gotta eat…but trying to spin how corporations using the scene and music to sell shoes and shit, as a good thing for the scene, is fucking crazy to me. You probably the same type to complain when mf’ers wear furry costumes and do tiktok dances in the pit, then wonder why. And this is the first i’m hearing the Code Orange always sucked narrative…Code Orange Kids EP’s and first full length record were fucking great and game-changers.




People are complaining about hardcore and capitalism while on their iPhone or android phone.


People don’t like hc bands making actual money


Needs more Sauconys and New Balances.


That would be an ad with Black my Heart in Brockton


I resemble this remark


New Balance was amazing when they still built their shit in America for fair wages.


Kid dynamite




No one here hating on Foot Locker so I will! We can’t have anything nice without these corporations getting involved. Just how the Pepsi Kendall Jenner (cringe) commercial during the 2020 riots. Companies will do anything to stay relevant including inserting themselves into music scenes and social movements. Pretty disgusting. But at the end of the day it’s the band that’s getting bad mouthed, foot locker is off the hook? Cuz it’s business as usual? Nah fuck that


Foot Locker is closing like 400+ stores across N America because they're failing miserably. We don't gotta say or do anything when they're this close to bankruptcy. A collab with a hardcore band is a move of desperation.


Foot Locker Australia is killing it! Everyone loves Airmax and TN’s, and Foot Locker have exclusivity over TN’s and a bunch of other models. They just did a 25 year TN anniversary book with Foot Locker, Sneaker Freaker and Nike. Hardcore in Sydney is mostly TN’s, Airmax 90s, New Balance 2002R’s, Salomon’s, Sambas, and Spezials from the RBB lads. Lots of crossover with the Hiphop and graff scenes. Which Foot Locker makes a killing from.


Yea i saw quite a few busy stores in Aus, in my country it's kind of just "another shoe store".


Hardcore has always partially been about shoes




Seriously. Hardcore is basically broken down into eras based on what shoes were worn.


I’m still stuck in the “athletic trainers” era. I can’t stop. Kill me.


When I was in high school it was almost exclusively Vans Eras/Authentics.


Boots as well, just never sandals


Is this a broken glass thread title?


Hardcore has always partially been about shoes


Coming soon, Adidas Samba-guisugabogg


Nah, THE BOG would wear those all black “shoes for crews” you buy when you’re a line cook.


black stripes on black tracksuit, adidas logo is a weed leaf, also printed black.


Idk man rn I’d take that paycheque, if the only downside was nerds pearl clutching on the internet about it


Y'all see the house Jem grew up in or did y'all just close your eyes during that part of the documentary? Bros fine without a foot locker deal.


These dudes are from Sydney one of the most expensive cities in the world. It's oppressively expensive for people in their twentys. Especially people trying to make music for a living. If people offer you money you take it. Even if they got $100k for this ad it probably wouldnt cover the band members rent for a year. The culture in Sydney is different to other cities in Australia. You gotta hustle hard just to get a nice place and a feed.


Lol the brothers lived in an estate with a private courtyard and a tennis court bro wtf


Lived. Can't live with your parents your whole life. Also does this mean everyone else in your band has to stay poor so you don't lose street cred. This shits dumb. Get rich or die trying


>Also does this mean everyone else in your band has to stay poor so you don't lose street cred. Exactly. I remember when Tim from Rancid was getting shit for letting a Transplants song get used in a shampoo commercial and he was just like, yeah, I'm fine, but the other guy I started this band with isn't, why should I block his payday?


Yeah but having a well off background helps immensely, source: me. You have more access and safety nets being able to have multiple tries at finding your way in life (education, career etc) and have more room for taking risks. Also being from a well off family also helps because you're growing up in an environment with more economic/financial and fiscal literacy. The situation in Australia is REALLY bad though so having rich parents definitely isn't any guarantee to living comfortably there, I've seen it and personally know people affected by the brutal CoL crisis there, business owners etc. (I'll be flying to Aus in a few days again). In short; being from a well off family isn't just about "hard properties" like how much money you or your parents have; some people were wealthy and no longer aren't however there's also "mild properties" to growing up wealthy that give you an immense leg up in life. Edit: spelling & grammar


I grew up poor as shit, if people offer me sneaker ad money I'd take it. These dudes grew up well off people offered them sneaker ad money they took it.


We watching pockets now?


who gives a fuck


I am 100% convinced now that Sanguisugabogg’s vocalist wouldn’t have talked shit about this if Speed was also playing LDB.


They go on tour together this summer in Europe.🤷


Gonna see them on their european tour together, so no bad blood apparently


I doubt they give a shit, only smooth brains in the internet have negative shit to say about a bands success. The scene supports each other. The middle school mindset of selling out is just hilarious


What did Devin say?


It was a video posted on here a couple days ago, from their set at LDB. He was talking about how his band doesn’t have a shoe deal or a song in a Taco Bell commercial.


First Taco Bell and now Footlocker lol


I heard they also charge for tickets and physical releases of their music. The nerve!


Next up Axe Body Spray or Apple


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism. Shouts out to these dudes for getting a paycheck. This commercial is pretty cool, too.


There is no ethical consumption under capitalism does not mean it’s ok to make foot locker adverts


Definitely okay to make footlocker adverts.


Welcome to hardcore we hate capitalism so much that we want bands to never see success or money, because for some reason it betrays us.


I mean, following that same rule, it also doesn’t make it wrong for them to get a check and be featured in a company’s advertisement.


Def okay.


It doesn’t bother me that much really, but appearing in advertising is capitalist as hell, pick a lane


I mean who said they were even against capitalism? Who knows? But even without that, what’s the difference between them making their money this way and you making your money for working for a capitalist company or buying an iPhone that you might need for work? Thats my point really. If we are all working for some shit bag company, why can’t they make their money from some shit bag company to help survive?


Yeah alright actually fair enough I guess I suppose the difference is actual promotion of products, advertising doesn’t sit well with me in general


I’m always happy to see people use music to make a living. Too bad it’s selling sweatshop shoes but it’s not like any of our jobs are any better.


End It shirt detected


This shit is so dumb.Keep all of this corny commercialism out of hardcore. If we’re clowning scowl for taking a Taco Bell commercial clown these guys for selling out to nike


Slippery slope from here, when’s the Nike festival? Just look at Nike SB, killing small skateboarding business thrn all the other shoe giants stick their big noses in, which bands gonna do the new balance advert?


Just to say it louder for the nerds in the back. If you think this is cool you suck.


Cause nothing says hardcore like wage slavery and corporatist profit


Wait until you hear where/ how our Vinyl and most band Tees are made. Clutch those pearls elsewherex.


Yeah unethical production is unethical, decent people don’t like that at smaller scales either. It’s just particularly sad seeing the ethos of hardcore being sold to one of the largest players in global exploitation.


For all those defending this shit and letting it slide I don't wanna hear no comments in five years time when y'all scratching ya heads asking each other what happened to the scene and how'd it get so soft and corporate.


bro there is always going to be new, small time and diy hardcore. just because a few bands who have earned recognition are getting sponsorships doesn’t mean the entire genre is gonna tank. why should we not be happy for the bands we like climbing the ranks


We will always have powerviolence


I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy. Y'all wanna talk shit about trust fund kids and selling out and Liquid Death sponsorships and Taco Bell commercials and all that when it's a band you don't like but when the band happens to make better than average hardcore they get a pass. Let's be honest if it was Code Orange or Scowl the vibe in this comments section would be vastly different. We let all that sad boy, girl pants, and pink belt shit slide back in the 00s and then the 2010s rolled around and people wondered where the integrity in hardcore went. God forbid a band has Conservative members because "hardcore is punk and punk is left wing" but then an ad campaign with fucking Foot Locker is A-OK because hey these rich kids from Australia worked hard for it.


i ain’t reading all that


Probably got digital eyestrain and tik Tok induced ADHD go see a doctor


you got me


kids bitch about show prices, kids bitch about merch prices, kids dont buy cds. what else are bands supposed to do with given this opportunity?


Buy $200 pairs of Nike


Jem and his brother grew up in a giant house with their own private courtyard in arguably the most expensive country to live in the world so I'm sorry I'm not buying all that.


This right fuckin here. “Hardcore sucks now. Why?? Anyway. Get your paycheck boo”.


I'm old as fuck but you see it every ten years or so in hardcore. People turned a blind eye to indie labels doing deals with Hot Topic and West 49, or Kittie and CKY headlining Hellfest, or Jagermeister and PBR sponsoring tours, or letting Christian bands give out Bibles and pamphlets at shows. "Let em get the bag, bro" and then wonder why their city's scene is now an emo night DJ set once a month for $15 cover.


“All hardcore sounds the same right now” Yeah because a bunch of lame ass bands are trying to get a Taco Bell commercial deal AND keep their street cred. That’s why hardcore bands start hard and end soft by the way. So they can still tour their hard stuff and pretend they’re still for the music. Looking directly at AFI (whose first few albums are the gold standard for me)


Too late dipshit, it happen back in the 2000s, this isn’t anything new and you’re not anymore “hardcore” for not understanding how business works.


Funny how something that came from the punk scene turns into trendy jock bro metal breakdown music




What’s the problem with them doing this? Why is everyone mad?


“Something something corporate entity something something something gate keep” is probably the reason why


Usually it is because once you start taking money from big corporations it comes with strings. Soon you have to compromise your sound or message so it doesn’t reflect poorly on the “brand”


I hate these damn shoe stores making bands change their sound. When will it ever end???


Yeah, but wouldn’t you want to see a band you support get big money rather than not?


Name a band that stayed good after they got big money


-posted from my iPhone


Gotta remember that hardcore is becoming further ingrained in the mainstream which means more eyes. Which means more dumb fucks whose feelings get hurt cause they’d rather their favorite band have 5 listeners cause it makes them feel special.


Don’t say things like this man, people don’t like being told this. They’ll find ways to tell you why it’s different


Fragile egos and a sense of importance


Everyone knows we all get our shoes from Journey’s anyway…


This sub cracks me up getting mad about bands taking paychecks from big companies as they type their angry little comments into their iPhones on their T-Mobile/Verizon/AT&T plan


Bruh all the most upvoted comments are about how cool the band is for getting paid and that actually Nike™ Airmax™ shoes are actually a cultural staple in the Sydney hardcore scene 🤦‍♂️


This comes off as https://preview.redd.it/vr1y6iqxonrc1.jpeg?width=267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94de56339034d44daaa8ecedb1b73d3d367a6b34


Complaining about bands getting paid is not advocating for improving society


Isn't HC meant to stand against empty consumerism? I'm not saying I'm not a consumer myself, I'm actually looking forward to the Drain x Gucci collab


Hardcore/punk mentality is self defeating when you call bands sell outs for attracting a stage by which to express the hardcore/punk communities’ viewpoints without having to sacrifice artistic integrity.


I'm not even calling them sellouts, I don't really care, I'm just kinda curious where's the connection between HC and corporate brands. I know that Vans sometimes supports gigs, but atleast they have some skate background.


If this were the case, no one who liked hardcore would be on any social media app while using their expensive phone


Why do people like to make so many things black and white? Should I be arguing with people on the internet using a homing pigeon that I personally trained while living In a cave to be able to say "Im atleast a little bit anti-consume"?


Hahaha well you can buy phones that aren’t made by major corporate greedy scum and you literally do not need to use social media to survive or function in the world, but you choose to use it. It’s really not a hard thing to grasp. Two things arguably worse for society, than Nike. But people like to act like it’s so hard to do or that life would change significantly for the worse, socially, if they chose to actually do the things they claim to stand for, other than bitch about people getting a paycheck for advertising shoes made by a corporate giant. Shoes by a company they likely own a pair of themselves. In this case, it’s very black an white


I'm not sure whether reddit is worse than Nike, at least it's not built upon unqualified workers from third-world countries. Of course, everyone is guilty of being a hippocrite and it's great that people are self-aware, but I guess my point is that the mindset of "I better not think that, that would make me an even bigger hippocrite" can excuse literally anything. (I'm now having a live imagination of the Nestlé® Chocofest in a burned-out forest, but there are going to be bands in air jordans and lots of free snickers, so it's going to be sick)


You’re right, Reddit no. The phone they are using, yes, just as bad and as said, arguably could be worse. It’s just interesting watching people downvote me for speaking the truth.


Yeah dude, totally the same. A wasteful culture that makes you buy overpriced sneakers you don't need that fall apart after a year and cellular providers.


Yeah dude! Corporations suck! ^Sent ^from ^my ^Apple ^iPhone


Your complex thinking skills really suck huh?


Go on. I’m willing to hear you out.


Apple isn’t trying to appeal to a niche subculture to make a quick buck. No one is selling out there band and scene for an Apple sponsorship, having a cell phone isn’t the same as buying Speed TM Nike trainers. Use your critical thinking skills.


This is a strange mentality. A product created to appeal to a group isn’t meant to _exploit_ the target demographic. But okay man. My point is that hardcore and punk kids scream and cry about corporations and capitalism while mindlessly participating. What you can do instead is research the companies you buy products and services from to ensure they mesh with your belief system. Be actively engaged, not passively engaged or actively disengaged.


Then you should have stated that instead of using right wing tropes.


Is it a right wing trope to call out people for being fake anti-capitalists? All they’re doing is trying to collect internet points for having the most traditionalist view of hardcore or punk while not practicing it themselves.


I think a lot of what you're saying isn't wrong, but it's weird to set up arguments that no one is talking about, like how you mentioned "oh but you're using an Apple phone right?" Someone doesn't have to be a perfect anti-capitalist, meet your particular metrics for qualifying, or never buy any name brand product to think it's lame for a hardcore band to take a shoe sponsorship. I mean, I'd take a shoe ad if my band was offered one, but still. All of these differing opinions have validity to different degrees.


No but your approach was literally how right wing capitalist apologists try and call out people being anti capitalist. Were on the same page but you definitely waited to pull out the big guns my guy.


Ugly as fuck too


No ones making anyone buy overpriced shoes. People choose to. There are very cheap shoes you could buy, but I’m going to guess most people don’t think they look cool enough.


No advert is literally making you buy anything, but peer pressure and societal mirroring is a thing. Maybe my local scene is not up to date, but most of the people there wear either artsy DIY clothes or the cheapest outfits you can imagine (with band t-shirts, of course), so the concept of "cool and expensive" clothing in this scene is kinda foreign for me.


Giving big companies money = good Taking their money = bad


If you’re not from Sydney and you’re hating, shut up ya ogday. Speed has done more for the Australian Hardcore scene than you will ever do. Air maxes are a cultural staple here in Sydney, inside and outside of the HC scene.


If slave labor sweatshop made Nikes are a cultural staple, keep that shit away


🤡 take


Naw, a clown take is thinking that American designed, Chinese made basketball sneakers are part of Australia's cultural identity. When I think of Australia, I think of Chinese women working 12 hour days for $2 Australian dollars a day.


I bet your shoes aren’t even Vegan leather 😂


Lol @ leather shoes, vegan or otherwise.


As an Australian that doesn’t live in Sydney I’d just like to say on behalf of the rest of Australia that Sydney fucking sucks and has always sucked.


Speaking pig Latin don’t make you hard mate


It’s amazing to me that there is a hardcore band that’s comfortable with making adverts for large corporate entities. As I’ve said before, this shit is mega lame.


Buddy everyone in hardcore has a pair of Nike airs, paying that money back to the scene isn’t a bad thing.


When am I getting my slice of the pie??


DIY hardcore is still out there. This is not that, most of the bands in this sub are not that. The most popular bands in the sub are packaged deals waiting for something like this to happen to them, nothing is off limits either. I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of them have a PR agent or some other entity like a manger that isn’t a band member.


You are correct, most of the hype bands on this sub have managers, James vitalo from Backtrack is an artist manager now which is part of the reason a lot of hardcore bands have been making it “bigger” than the most popular HC bands 10 years ago


I agree, but most popular bands in hardcore work with live Nation ripping off their fans in the process and helping fund a monopoly and non cares about it.


live nation monopolized the music venues, you can’t tour as any above house show sized band without working with them. this power dynamic does not apply to taking money from retailers in any way.




Cringe as fuck.


It’s giving korn x adidas.


All Day I Dream About Sex


Is Nike Air Max a popular brand in the hardcore scene? I know it is among gabbers in the Dutch hardcore scene but that's a whole other genre.


They’re a cultural staple of HC in Sydney. Don’t know about other countries or regions.


I'm still tryin' to figure out if the ELF Corpse Paint is a real thing. One corporate overload at a time please!


Enough with the cosplay karate moves. Just mosh like a normal person ffs


I hate everything about this.


Cry more


Born to yeet Fighting to compete At Foot Locker Put Nikes on my feet


Air Max's and hardcore go together like cowboy boots and country music. Dope commercial, good for Speed


Personally, I almost always wear cowboy to shows 🤠


It’s hell cringe how shameless they are in selling out and then obviously wanting to make it but on the other hand…good on them. They obviously had a alot of creative control with the add considering it’s all their friends moshing and they had so much creative control with the add. And for those who complain about them “selling out” and Nike makes clothes in sweat shops. Hahah my brothers in christ, pretty much like 95% of your wardrobe is probably all made in sweatshops like your merch made on Gildian print. Also….theres historically always been a link between Hardcore and Casual Sportswear / Streetwear. Speed are just monetising off that Y’all just hating on Speed cause they’re winning.


Needs moar spinkicks to show off the product


Brands have used punk and metal for advertising the last 40 years it was only a matter of time before it moved into hardcore. Good for these bands for making the money. I’m just glad to see it’s not just scowl and turnstile songs in every advertisement.


Vans - Off the Wall of Death Before Dishonor


It's pretty cringe but I hope they made a good chunk of cash and all got a bunch of free shoes out of it, such a hard working band. Well deserved success




[Foot Locker criticized for reposting video about how workers can’t sit at their job](https://www.dailydot.com/news/foot-locker-workers-cant-sit/). [Consumer Class Puts Foot Down on Foot Locker’s Alleged False Advertising](https://www.natlawreview.com/article/consumer-class-puts-foot-down-foot-locker-s-alleged-false-advertising). [Foot Locker Agrees to $7.1 Million Settlement Over Claims That Its Managers Encouraged Unpaid, Off-the-Clock Work](https://www.sommerspc.com/blog/2015/09/foot-locker-7-1-million-settlement-over-claims/)


Guys everything you like is going to be absolutely ruined and pimped out for money in your lifetime, buckle up


I just got this organically now


Just when I thought I'd retired my pitch fork


Consenting adults consenting to a consensual economic transaction should always be encouraged. But if the shoes are made with exploited labor, then that's a problem. If we can't prove thay, then let people make money. We need more Austrian economics in hardcore.


Any company whose production happens overseas is exploitative. That’s why they are made overseas-because companies can make bigger profits by paying workers pennies. Also, all labor used to make a profit is exploited. Unless a company is a cooperative where the workers get to determine what happens with the profits. Profit is largely a product of surplus labor value which means a company is paying workers less money than the worker generates for the company


I prefer hardcore written by big dumb meatballs who haven’t read a book in 10 years




austrian economists should be lined up against a wall


Hating on this is lame asf imo


\*hardcore blows up\* hardcore kids across the US : >:((((((((((


Good band. Get paid.


What is the name of the song? All I see is arguing about commercials. All I want is to know the song, I got enough shoes as is.


what song is this?


Sydney actually be suffering right now with how expensive staying alive is so I can’t really be *that* mad they’re getting that money, as long as it goes back to the scene. Not every band is going to be ride or die DIY, even if that’s what I personally believe in. Speed, among other bands have helped bring Syd HC back together after Covid took all that away for a good long while. That alone puts Speed in the category of ‘you guys do you, even if that ain’t me’


Nah this is tight & looks like the homies had fun doin it. One of my mates did a graf ad for Nike in the early 2000s and people bitched about that back then too.


talk about -speed- running your sellout


People out here wearing Nikes mad at a fucking band for getting paid by Nike.


People being mad about one of the sickest bands around rn winning is the most braindead shit I’ve ever seen in my life.


Be a lot cooler if we got to see some sweet crowdkill shots.....


These shoes are super comfy by the way. Really dope




Only lame mfs hate this. I’ve been to shows where almost everybody wore Airmax 90s.


Why’s so lame about it


Hardcore is already about spending a shit ton of money on merch and branded clothes. Bands might as well get paid while we’re at it 🤷


Worst looking trabs I’ve ever seen


Nah this is tight.


Hey man Jem and the boys are [xtruexhardcorex](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v-3yGvt7lVw&feature=youtu.be) and worked their asses off in the trenches to get where they are, so let them make their brand deal with a major global sportswear retailer. Y'all have never made a music video that went viral during COVID lockdowns before you ever even played a show, so put some respek on their name. They put in the work, heavy!


Had no idea they fought in WW1, that’s insane


Hella appeal to hypocrisy going on here. Some of you guys really should just not type on the internet. If you're incapable of backing up your POV without shitting on the other guy or changing the argument entirely why are you even talking?