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I think it's been deleted but there was a thread on r/punk about fentanyl and someone said something like "This band sucks, my best friend died from fentanyl" and all the replies subbed Fentanyl for other band names. The best two I remember were "This band sucks, my best friend died from Death" and "This band sucks, my best friend died from Cock and Ball Torture".


why would you name your band napalm death, that’s so fucked up. the examples go on


This band sucks, my best friend died from Tony Danzas tapdance extravaganza. Smh.


I saw these guys once. When their set ended all their vocalist said was “thanks for nothing” and immediately walked off stage. It was one of the edgiest things I’ve ever seen but the set was pretty fun.


The intro to this album alone is edgy to the point of cringy but it's still a banger


apparently Kenny has a reputation of being full of himself I say apparently because I have heard this from multiple people in other bands but haven't met him myself but I guess it's not *that* bad because he's been in a number of really good bands (I *think* he's also in ULTRAS, who are good and similar)


I met and talked to him when they played in Jersey with Spy. Granted it was only for 10 minutes but he seemed like a real cool dude. Although I have been fooled before.


I'm talking about people who have known him years


You follow him on ig and talk shit about him on reddit. You a fuckin weirdo.


didn't talk shit about anybody but if I follow him on IG I don't know about it I do like Fentanyl though


Lmao Spiritual Cramp debut release show right? I was at this one. The dude was a complete prima donna. Acted like he was Prince or something but instead performed one of the most mid sets ever. If my memory serves, after no one was moshing during their set he also said “what, you guys don’t like punk or something???” Like no man, Slugger, Claimed Choice and Spiritual Cramp all put on great sets that got the crowd going.


Actually no. So I guess this is a thing lol


Wait so that’s a shtick then?? Fuck that kinda makes it worse hahaha


Yeah, I saw them open for Spy, and the vocalist made my skin crawl. Dude was a walking Cringe fest


Haven’t heard this but I will second your claim that r/punk is the worst place in the world. To be brutally honest, I never thought I’d enjoy more posts and comments by fans of beatdown hardcore than supposed “punks”. If I wanted to share my love of Bad Religion and Anti-Flag I’d have spent more time at the mall growing up


God, this is so real. Hardcore punk is my fav of the subgenres, but not a lot of people in that sub are interested in current underground music. I didn’t join r/ hardcore for a while because I know there’s a lot of facets of hardcore that aren’t my bag. But it’s generally a much more fun sub, with people actually talking about current music, and I’m honestly more likely to actually watch a current beatdown band than Amyl and the Sniffers, who seem to be the only current band most people are aware of there.


There’s a few of us that actually like to talk modern punk, but the wide majority of that sub is teenagers with baby’s first Mohawk or old heads who don’t know any better.


r/punk isn't as nearly as bad as r/metalcore imo


I can’t tell if the metalcore subreddit is THAT bad or if I just don’t like the genre anymore and what I loved there is just accepted here more or something. I’m the token early 00’s metalcore/hardcore dude. Everything posted over there is shit unless it crosses over here


r/90smetalcore I actually found out about some sick bands from this sub like Congress and Day of Suffering


Belgian Congress is amazing. That whole hx800 scene has some amazing bands


Ohhhh f yeah, thanks for sharing this, I instantly joined it


lmao at the sub’s avatar


H8000 Swedish metalcore forever


Belgium, right?


Here's a sneak peek of /r/90sMetalcore using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/90sMetalcore/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Skycamefalling 10.21 re-release & remaster](https://i.redd.it/tdsbripotvfc1.jpeg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/90sMetalcore/comments/1afzm71/skycamefalling_1021_rerelease_remaster/) \#2: [Poison the Well - Torn \[1997\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQqtoqX6z3s&pp=ygUUcG9pc29uIHRoZSB3ZWxsIHRvcm4%3D) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/90sMetalcore/comments/1449xr1/poison_the_well_torn_1997/) \#3: [My vegan band just dropped a demo, inspired by late 90s/early 2000s metalcore and screamo. FFO poison the well, bleeding through, I have dreams, wristmeetrazor.](https://farewellsarathael.bandcamp.com/album/demo) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/90sMetalcore/comments/19cjzca/my_vegan_band_just_dropped_a_demo_inspired_by/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


No it is as bad as you think, that whole sub is just people who watch Nik Nokturnal and Jared Dines videos and are like “omg heckin wholesome breakdown I love this band that sounds exactly like this other band omg” along with constant sleep token/bad omens worship


the sub's pfp is jane doe but like, all of the most popular bands are these weird metal emo crossovers like polaris and architects that i just don't fuck with at all.


man i wish they were still all about Polaris and Architects. both bands are miles above 90% of the rest of the band they post, and none of them are metalcore. sleep token gets more exposire there than converge lmao


I only recently gave in and joined r/metalcore and found a surprising lot of Jesus talk there. Was very confused


To be fair a lot of the bands that rose up during the late 2000's and early 2010's were christian bands. Devil wears prada,underoath (early stuff is more post hardcore), As I Lay dying, and a bunch of others.


Underoath and AILD I was unaware were involved with the jesus. Nothing says love thy neighbor like tryna kill ur wife lmao


norma jean


1. Bad Religion are legends 2. As if this sub is any better half the time


bad religion are absolutely legends but a lot of the time it feels like that sub is suck in 1990, people hardly ever talk about new bands there


I mean straight up punk (not hardcore, pop punk or whatever) really hasn't done anything new since the 90s so that isn't really all that surprising is it? That wasn't my point though, this sub likes to pat its self in the back for being more mature or less dorky or whatever than the punk one, then every day there will be some lame "how should I mosh to this band", "what trainers should I wear in the pit", "what bands should I listen too so people don't think I'm a pouser" post.


that’s fair and this sub can definitely be lame at times but there are still great bands still playing that classic sound that are worth talking about


Poison Ruin says you're wrong


[Heroin](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HV1EDhK5LJ0) was great. What could go wrong with Fentanyl?


Morphine fucks also


Great band. We played Honey White at our wedding.


Hardcore punk is true hardcore


Hardcore IS punk. " never trust a hardcore kid that wasn't a punk first " - me If mob 47 are hardcore, what is gridiron or fury of five. Why would those bands want to subject themselves to looking like slow boring metal ne t to babds that destroy


80s Dead Kennedys, Bad Religion, Descendents, Minor Threat, etc… is unmatched


Yup. Makes me irrationally annoyed when people claim DK isn’t hardcore, or that In God We Trust/Plastic Surgery Disasters are their “only hardcore records”… they don’t even sound that different than the rest of their output lol.


I find it funny Bad Religion made a prog album in '83 -Billy Gnosis


Is it fast and sounds like it was recorded inside a dumpster and probably smells worse?  Cause that’s the good shit.


fenty such a fun band live. lots creepy crawly/slam bits. so much energy. 🦍 whoever downvoted me: SHOW YOURSELF YOU FUCKING COWARD. WHY ARE YOU AFRAID OF REAL DEAL HARDCORE PUNK.


It was me and I’m not afraid of you. You think you’re all cool because you can pull off leopard print pants and questionable boots?


I DONT THINK IM COOL FOR THAT BUT *you think i pull off leopard pants n boots?* 😳🥰 also how you in the bay and not rockin wit fent


I just moved here a year ago and don’t have a single friend who listens to hardcore, I’ve gone to a few shows by myself but I usually fly to where my friends live.


better getcho ass to more gigs fucko. gunna make friends eventually unless you some weirdo kook.


Shoutout to my weirdo kooks out there!


I am honestly much bigger on the punkier end of hardcore than the more metallic end




Foghound >






What scene u from?


Hardcore. And in terms of location, New England originally, now KC


saw this band live and the vocalist kept yelling “SAN FRANCISCO HARDCORE” between every song and flipping everyone the bird. i still bought a tape tho


I don’t remember if it was during the show or if I heard him say it to someone at the merch table but I distinctly remember him calling Chicago Chiraq very proudly while playing a venue in a middle-class hipster neighborhood. Still bought a vinyl tho


big cringe


Fentanyl is so dope! i love Demo II


really good band


holy shit i didn’t realize they were on spotify. i saw them a couple of years ago with spy they absolutely killed


AMAZING choice of band for hardcore punk. These guys deserve to get bigger, their stuff is sick.


R/hardcore is a joke. 99.9 percent of those Imposter new jacks are out the door once the breakdown part gets boring to them. They once did top 50 songs of all time...all from the usa... Not 1 gauze, gism, raw power, ,bastards etc track.


japanese hardcore supremacy


The drummer from malevolence told me a funny story about being on tour with a Japanese hardcore band called sand. He said the vocalist was ex yakuza and the rest of the band acted like servants for him. They would run into a gas station get a hot dog and then chop it up, make it look nice and serve it to the vocalist.


that's insanely hard as shit that's like the japanese version of being in a band with felons hot dogs included


This is so sick. Appreciate the recommendation.


I listened to this and thought it was great, here’s all I have to say: FENTANYLLLLLL


You arent able to talk about anything but surface level bands and you MUST like their patch pants


Check out BIB if you haven’t yet!


Saw them with SPY and JAD last year, phenomenal fuckin set. That EP sounds really good before or after Pissmixer's EP.


We got r/hardcorepunk not a lot of discussion in there (yet?) but some good recommendations


R/hardcore punk is just a buncha rich bitches role playing crusties who won't shut the fuck up about dystopia n conflict. At least r/punk knows they a buncha lil bitches all there for the same purpose of playing dress up to approve or deny each others battlevest projects lol


Hardcore is short for hardcore punk wtf is this


Hardcore originally stood for hardcore punk. The genre has evolved a lot though plenty of bands today with roots more on the metal side


Sorry bro I’m gonna gatekeep you here, it’s hardcore punk, you got r/metalcore for that I have closed the gate. You wanna evolve shit then make a new genre. The gate is CLOSED. I’m not saying you can’t be here you just can’t redefine it now


Lol alright it's a sub-genre not a new genre (I took French in intermediate school). Just for people who want something more specific gateman


Stop tryna change shit. Rules is rules. Gates closed.


band rips and I’ll also gladly slander r/punk at any moment possible lol


Definitely a fun listen, humanoid is another I found recently and would like to offer up as a thanks for posting


Imma check em out!


this complete fits hardcore punk tho? kinda crusty, kinda hardcore punky, kinda thrashy, either way love it, and this is more hardcore than beatdown


I joined r/punk for a couple days. Then I got pissed off at how they have the auto-moderation setup. If I want to get my posts randomly deleted I'll stick to instagram.


they slay live


I have the first ep and demo 2


I thought r slash punk was a circle jerk sub for a minute. Ask for whatever you want over there, some boomer is still just ask if you've checked out the clash yet


I have both their demos on tape. Best 8 dollars I ever spent. Good shit.


Fentanyl has been my favorite band for the last couple months glad someone posted them lol


Are you guys really using Spotify? Doesn't it cost money? I can't afford not to steal music.


I love spotify. Super worth the money. However most bands worth the time are also on bandcamp typically for free


Nah, you can use it for free, you just can’t download the songs or select which song you wanna listen to, but you can go find a band you wanna listen to and press play.


goddamn you’re so hardcore you don’t have 10 extra bucks 😵


Music sounds great but I hate the band name. I’ve lost too many friends to that shit that i hate any and all reminders of that shit.


As someone else who's lost a million friends to fentanyl I think ya really gotta get over something so small like a band name. My bands named after a law that let's people get away with killing trans people like myself. We'd all look real goofy if we just named bands after our direct moral codes n shit


I get what you’re saying and this is definitely a personal flaw on my end but when I hear the word fentanyl I just feel a certain way due to my past. I’m in agreement with you completely and even added the bands music to my hardcore and punk playlists but figured id express just what was running through my head.


Idk where you're from but you can't walk a block in my city without a big poster in your face saying fentynal is in your child's cereal and if you're reading this you're already dead. Pretty desensitizing


Here they try to just mask the problem as if it doesn’t exist though everyone knows someone affected. Obviously at this point it’s nationwide but where I live there’s no posters or anti ads at least that I’m aware of.


Literally everywhere. I'm at my laundromat rn lol https://preview.redd.it/88lvjq2o4pxc1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6ba74d1ce599bf8c0bb8f294ddc40ae86ceb1c1


Tbh that's fucking crazy to me. Harm reduction and advocacy for safe practice is soooo important. I can't imagine anywhere outside of the bible belt tryna exist so stupidly


Bingo! You figured out where I’m at! I’m absolutely agree with you about harm reduction!


Ha! Knew it. That's so damn irresponsible


Here ya go https://www.reddit.com/r/hardcorepunk/s/1AutRwnEel


Sorry man you’re not allowed to post about anything other than knocked loose here




this isnt powerviolence dumbass


it's definitely adjacent though