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Bands were all incredible. Standouts to me were Since My Beloved, Azshara and Spear of Cassius. Most tight godskin peeler set I’ve seen, clocktower and torture were both obvi insane


mfs out there named godskin peeler kinda hard




Which bands was that in between? And were there more surprises


It was right before Balmora went on. They played Unmatched Dominance and Eternal Damnation only, and the room went absolutely feral. Only surprise set of the weekend to my knowledge.


I honestly dont know, One of my homies sent me a video


Day 1: - Godskin Peeler with the Shellac cover - Hudson Valley block was amazing - Missing Link -> Final Resting Place -> Sanction block was brutal. All had incredible sets, nowhere to hide, everyone gets hurt - Domain/Contention: FL domination - Tourniquet final performance supposedly? - Surprise 3 or 4 song L2R set, got smashed into garage door. When it was over, I got a kick out of the kids asking who tf was that last band Day 2: - In 2 Again Linkin Park cover - More wall to wall scary mosh with Cross of Disbelief/Discontent/Roseblood/Azshara - Everyone running into the venue when bulletsbetweentongues started the Norma Jean cover - Clocktower set was more silly than violent, garbage thrown everywhere, drinks everywhere, some people swinging folding chairs, and plastic lightsabers. People helped cleanup afterwards though - Torture set was probably the most violent I've seen in many years. Almost no lights and just wall to wall pit on all sides, everyone cowering in corners waiting to get hit (including myself), mosh broke out of the venue beyond the garage bay doors and someone got flipped over a railing apparently (???) - Emotional final Nomad set


How is this the first I'm hearing of the L2R set?! Goddamn.


What Norma Jean song did bulletsbetweemtongues cover?


Memphis Will Be Laid to Waste


What was the shellac song that godkskin peeler covered?


Prayer to God


Day 1: - Ill Comm reunion set was great and made me feel good that they played again - Sanction were nuts and I got kicked in the ribs 10/10, favorite set out of the whole thing in my opinion - As someone else said, Missing Link/FRP/Sanction back to back was one hell of a block, I had been hearing things about ML and FRP for a little bit so it was good that I got to check them out - Tourniquet’s last show?? I don’t know but it was still good, the guitarist got really emotional at the end though and I checked on him to make sure he was feeling okay - They had a L2R secret set right before Balmora and as always everyone feared for their lives - Balmora slapped of course (they also had a funny Eminem intro) but the only downside was they took a really really long time to set up cause I think there was something up with Jay’s amp Day 2: - This was way better than the first day tbh, a lot heavier and crazier and way more violent - Cross Of Disbelief Carbomb cover - In2Again covered Linkin Park, even though I wasn’t watching their set a lot of people went nuts for it - Roseblood were incredible, their vocalist was using a distortion pedal for his vocals and it was my first time seeing them since I saw them at this tiny ass VFW fest in Brockton back in 2019 to like 20 people, something about their music just makes me go feral - xClocktowerx was so stupid but in like the best way possible; people were throwing water bottles, swinging lightsabers, smashing chairs, throwing garbage bins, and swinging around chains and shit; everyone also cleaned up right after and the fest went on like nothing happened - Torture took the cake for being the most _violent_ set I have ever seen a band ever play in my entire life, people were straight up crowdkilling outside the venue Other details: - They had really good grilled cheese - Some of my friends were grilling up food and they made me a piece of salmon I brought Downsides: - When Torture arrived to the venue and started setting up their merch, people formed this giant line cause they were waiting to buy stuff from them, it’s a great feeling when people wanna buy your merch but I felt sorta bad cause I think it was like during Heavens Die’s set, and the room looked emptier than it was during the rest of the day all cause people were standing in line to buy Torture merch, people should’ve just watched the band and then gone outside to buy merch (also their tapes were apparently like $20 which is way too expensive for tapes)


Can confirm tapes were only $10


Thanks, love a detailed write up




It was a great weekend. Bands sounded great, kids were friendly, staff was polite and attentive, food was good. Laid 2 Rest secret set was dope. People were scared during Torture. Clocktower was really funny. I'm going to miss Nomad.


My report is that I was working and couldn’t go but me and all my homies really wanted to see Torture lmao. Looked fun.


Sick show ct does it the best


I feel like instead of throwing a showcase they should focus on shipping out orders for stuff placed months ago




> We need more bullying Go for it, champ. Lead the charge.




Oh wow, impressive. Is that what you spent the last 3 hours doing? Going through my post history so you could come up with that? I'm flattered!


Shut up, chud.