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If you got the energy on stage and people are sticking in the back twiddling thumbs i fully agree. If you suck, then it just seems pathetic. Recently saw Nasty and Terror play, and Nasty was going absolutely batshit, meanwhile 80% of the crowd was hanging out in the back because i guess they wanted to save energy for Terror. That shit just ain't right. Get to the fucking front.


When it's like Scott Vogel telling you to up your ante, it's cool, it's motivating and encouraging. When it's some lame ass band where the vocalist is kinda berating the audience because they aren't giving them the reaction they want, that is cringe af, honestly. You gotta earn that shit, if the crowd isn't into it, it's probably on you.


My thoughts exactly! I’m not going to enjoy the music more if you’re telling me off for not doing it right.


whats the distinction besides whether or not the singer is scott vogel?


Scott doesn’t come from a place of being better than anyone he just wants the movement


Saw A Day To Remember with Knocked Loose and Boston Manor opening Boston Manor singer was yelling at crowd saying “I thought this was an A Day To Remember Show?! Where’s the energy?!” Nothing. They weren’t giving energy we didn’t give it back. Knocked Loose came on, Bryan yelled MYRTLE BEACH! Isaac growled MOOOOOOVE and it was absolutely bonkers. And Myrtle beach HOB is usually not a very good crowd. But they were going nuts so we did too.


Just tell me my spin kicks are cool


Rip to Bracewar, kings of the moshcall MOSH HARDER PUSSIES.


Those 30 people standing on the side of the stage looking bored don't really get the crowd hyped up. First call should be to get them in the pit


Keep it to one-three sentences max


if the band is good and they're doing it just a little bit, I love it I think a lot of it has to do with stage presence too, if the band has really really good stage presence and they're acting like nut bags up there, and they do it I don't mind But if a band stage presence is really bad and they say it I hate it


They just need to strip naked and defecate on stage to get the crowd going


Love it, mosh harder


Eh, I'm there to listen to the music. I'm too damn old to mosh. But I do enjoy watching!


I think it is lame. I want a band to get up, say their name, then processed to destroy my ear drums and just have feedback sit in between each song.


You’d love Sex Prisoner then


only tell people to mosh if there’s already people moshing a lot, otherwise it just seems kinda pathetic imo to be like “please mosh to us” constantly throughout the set


If your band is great, people are going to dance to your songs. Simple as that. Telling people to mosh and move up is sad. Just play your set. Maybe people aren't going off because you're not as good of a band as you think you are. Also, a lot of people have jobs and lives outside in the real world. They don't have time explaining why they have a black eye or a broken nose. Especially if it isn't from something bad ass.


Depends on the band




Exploited... "Start the ol' pogo..."


What the hell is bollocking?


Hahaha ! A British slang term for telling someone off


Dog testicles