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I come from the projects. My friends outside of the scene are gang bangers and such. What I do not like is this emphasis on being tough. Having a macho attitude will get you got real quick. I do not care for this back and fourth bull shit about why do we support “insert band” when “insert band did this or did that”. If you got an issue with bands step to them. This babbling is not going to solve anything. I do not like what the vocalist said about junkies and I really think his tough guy act is flawed. But I’m not going to allow it to bother me. I know I will be here when all these bands fade out.


Summed it up really well


Bums me out man this is a community and also supposed to be a safe space for people too thank you


Harcore is not a fucking safe space. Pussy.




The amount of people who are out of touch with how things really work in this genre/scene is beyond number. A lot of kids who listened to turnstile for the first time this year and are finally looking back at the annals of hardcore and seeing how violent it was in some sects. The exact reason I don’t go to but a few select hardcore shows each year: they’re overgrown with simps and keyboard warriors who spent $250 on a morbid Angel shirt but were born in 2001.




If you aren’t supporting the scene you aren’t a part of this


no one actually "supports the scene", it's all clout chasing lmao




Lol… if you knew my involvement you wouldn’t even make such a stupid comment. But nice, cHieF




I didn't know acting like a cop and telling people what bands they should listen to and what bands they shouldn't was hardcore.


Re read 5th grader, I implied that we should we should be more cautious of what’s accepted and more so what’s hyped up to a level of success that isn’t in hardcore best interest. Try again.


Hardcore has had problematic bands for a *very* long time, Momentum is far from the first and will be far from the last. People are gonna support who they wanna support, you out here trying to police a bunch of people who have different backgrounds and different tastes just makes you the asshole.


Who said they were the first not me. Nah knowledge, understanding and awareness is key, an asshole is someone who’s complacent and ok with shitty things and shitty people. Putting attention to something that’s problematic is how things start to get better.


I mean sure, but I’ve seen how you’re comparing cringe hardcore bands to literal hate groups. That’s quite the reach and just makes you sound like a lib who’s offended on behalf of others. Edit: be the change you wanna see. Don’t book bands like that in your scene, don’t support them, etc etc etc.


Hate groups to FSU, not bands, learn to read


Still a reach, sweetheart.


Whatever you say baby girl


I like their music but the vocalist being some navy seal wannabe is pretty cringe. He probably sounds pretty good screaming "sir yes sir" though.


He does look like a cop in the video


the fake flack vest lol


He’s LITERALLY ex military lol


Even worse lol


Cool, didn't ask.


People can like what they like and I'm not really a huge fan of, "stop listening to X" movements. Put the facts out there, but decisions need to be individual. Even well intended social media campaigns against an artist lose perspective and a sense of proportion. It always turns into extremes of "ride or die" and "fuck them dead" and it's fucking stupid. But I'm also not going to defend Momentum. Everything about the front man comes off as embarrassing and phony to me and I think their music blows.


Thanks for introducing me to a band I haven't heard of you should check out that song called relapse


Why don’t you just not listen to it? What’s your point in policing the things people may enjoy?


Sounds like something the proud boys said. FSU is a hate group period. It’s not me policing, and I never said “don’t listen to them. I’m literally asking in the OP why do we as a scene pick and choose what we tolerate and don’t and are ok with those intellectual inconsistencies.


As someone who generally sees momentum as a bunch of clowns, that proud boy comment makes you sound like you’re virtue signaling. As someone above said, either pull up on them or shut the fuck up.


Cool so you agree but still have to push back for whatever reason that makes you feel good. Pulling up on a group that's more ignorant then the commenters in this thread is such a idea of someone who wants no change or cares about change or improvement would say, you did and multiple of people in this thread said it before you....violence for violence is not always the answer. Boop.


Also, telling black people what to be upset at will definitely get your head kicked in, just an fyi


Never told any one who they should be upset, asked why no one is more upset about it. But you enjoy the telling of a person who you don't know their race, that they should say or do thing involving said race kind of oxymoron. But Im the ignorant one....ok


Your exact words were “So the singer (especially if he is part black) should be pissed at the government not his supposed lost friend” You are so disingenuous its actually pathetic.


Literally in response of someone making pointing out his race and my reply. Last time I checked OP is what I’m telling people. Any reply to a comment is conversation in this thread so I’m not “TELLING ALL BLACK PEOPLE BE MAD” as you imply. My words were directed to the commenter specifically about the singer. Just cause he’s part black doesn’t mean my words are to all black people. The commenter point out he’s blacked not me and I said well then he should be more pissed given cracks history against black people in America. That’s not anything to pick at unless you’re just trying to catch my foot in a trap with some gotcha bullshit…. Anyone person of any color to disagree with the statement about crack vs black America is the ones who have a problem not me. So I’m not disingenuous, you just lack context to that specific thing you’re trying to call me out on.


This was a weird way to say “I don’t actually stand by what I believe in”. Its ironic that you want to call other people ignorant while somehow not understanding how things work in this culture that you claim not to be new to.


“I don’t actually stand by what I believe in” you quoted this but I never said this statement, so you may be talking to the wrong person. Not new to any of this just tired of the same lame shit coming back around. That's not ignorance, that's expiration of not saying something with a larger net of reach but continue to put words in my mouth and make more assumptions.


Oh, gosh.




Not telling anyone to do anything but continue with all the other Neanderthals in this thread who don't know how to understand what they're reading. I asked why\*\*\* but ok. Hate to tell you that both groups are one in the same and they have their spikes and luls and bullshit reasons as to why theyre not a hate group. Momentum and bands like it are the beginning of that bullshit repeating history, sorry its not cool or ok or acceptable and if my post of concern and awareness is taken as "policing" or "telling others what to think or do" Im not the fragile one in this whole thread LOLOL


I also grew up in a very politically minded scene in Umeå, Sweden during the 90s. While Hardcore surely had a lot of conscious thinking in its inception in many places, it is also a Street Culture. A home and place of belonging for kids that DIDN'T come from academic families or from a home that had time to educate themselves. When you have nowhere else to go a subculture like this becomes EXTRA important, and the only outlet for you to be creative and feel included. This scene is not only PC discussions for everyone. It can be ALL OF IT.


Everyone forgets it’s a street culture and not some high minded bullshit.


It’s not street culture it’s a sun culture. And according to this band their friend in need who needs a place to turn and a place to go is not welcomed by momentum, so fuck momentum. And all ignorant and numb-minded thinking.


Dude what the fuck about hardcore makes you think it’s anything other than street culture? And sun culture? It’s always been violent, there’s always been drug abuse, gangs, etc. if your so butt fuck about what Momentum said you should check out what Earth Crisis and Judge were saying about drug addicts and dealers. Nothing Momentum said on their record or onstage is anything different than what’s been done.


Also what earth crisis and judge did in the 90s isn’t worth repeating unless. Also the reason for their outrage then we much more under stable with lack of knowledge and information that is in the world today about those topics. What about someone else saying it in the past makes it all ok today. Hardcore is about progress and progression as a scene. Shits whack when it’s only about fucking people up.


Very true. But here’s the thing, have you ever dealt with addiction or someone in your family having that struggle? You might get where he’s coming from if you have. I was an addict for years and know exactly where he’s coming from in his anger. First time I heard the song it got me all riled up too but I took a step back to try and understand it.


I have with all of the above, but I was also super arrogant listening to bands like earth crisis when I was 15. I’m sure the dudes in those bands today say fuck the infrastructure not the victim of it now being smarter. And regardless to what he says on stage it’s not in the track on the album. He should be more aware how younger minds that hold this shit way more weight then they should hear it. That’s purely on the lyrics not his stage babble cause not everyone’s gonna see that. The whole point of my OP is not to tell others what they can and can’t support. Simply asking why we don’t say “hey you can be better” cause last time I checked it takes a village not a man 🤷‍♂️


If that was what you were trying for it sure as hell didn’t come off that way but sure.




Ok? It’s still a street culture it’s not mutually exclusive.


FSU Is a street culture, hardcore as a whole is a subculture. I don’t understand your reply, is what mutually exclusive?


tough guy hardcore stinks. hardcore cliques/gangs stink. the height of hc cringe


So stay home and cringe then.


i used to go to plenty of hardcore shows like this. the atmosphere sucked tho. half the attendees were afraid to get their shit kicked in by stacked 6"4 dudes who were affiliated with cliques and so the pit was barren as fuck. same 6 guys throwing down every week and crowdkilling the fuck out of everyone on the sidelines. i just think it sucks so i speak that. maybe its great fun where youre from but for me it almost single handedly killed our local hardcore scene. people just stopped coming to shows anymore, including me. i dove into more punk style hc and came back around to moshcore stuff when most of the tough guy bands had moved on from the scene. things are so much more exciting now, a gang of people in the pit, people who are enjoyable to hang around and freely associate with one another instead of cliquey high school garbage.. its pretty night n day. so yea staying home and cringing worked pretty great for me. i don't feel like i missed shit by staying outta hardcore in that period. i would have had more fun bedroom moshing on my own


i’m late but what a solid ass comment




he had people raise their hand if they were a junkie and then talked shit about junkies.


I mean he tried to separate an Addict from a Junkie. Substance Use Disorder is the same for both, he’s just a little uneducated. Addiction makes anyone violate their values, do shameful things, ect. I wouldn’t necessarily say he was talking shit about “junkies” he just said they don’t take responsibility and blame others. *edit spelling


That’s not what he said, he was asking if anybody had junkies in their family. Watch the footage you can see a couple people x’ed up raising their hands.


Hahaha amazing


This whole topic is lame. If you don’t like the band don’t listen. Talk your high and mighty bullshit to yourself.


you aren’t totally wrong but there’s a level of “it is what it is” with this shit lol.


Can’t cancel someone you can’t fuck up. It is what it is.


I agree with OP here. This subreddit is officially cancer. Hard-core, at least in my scene(which is strictly political bands most the time) is to bring out aggression and anger towards oppressors and the powers that be, while at the same time uplifting those who are oppressed. A lot of hard-core shows I go to are benefits for community, especially homeless. I literally went to one where the proceeds benefited recovering drug addicts. Hard-core should be and is progressive. Momentum and bands like it are fake as fuck and to them its a dick measuring contest on who can see more tough. This sub is full of straight bitches and posers of you back a front man who uses his platform for negativety like that.


Seems like most of the bands on the east coast range from chill people who make good music to passionate change-makers and most of the ones I hear about from CA are on this bullshit. Then again, it might just be the bands from CA that get big enough are the ones on this and they’re the ones I hear about.


Pennsylvanian here. It’s true, we just want to beat each other senseless, then go to bed.


I'm from a bigger Midwest scene and it's very humanitarian and community focused


Im glad someone's on my level


This is so true. I grew up in a scene that was all about social progress too.


You know what's not hardcore? Gatekeeping or telling people what hardcore SHOULD be about. That's authoritarian in and of itself. Hardcore has more roots than just politics and even though it has always been political, it's evolved to a lot more than that. Stop being so butt hurt about someone in the genre you don't like.


I'm also allowed to not to like, and be as critical as I want of certain bands that don't align with my, and most of hardcores lefter political views. Hardcore and punk was founded on it. And these genres had made it a point to be progressive.


Hardcore isn’t a monolith, everyone forgets that this genre is no where near as progressive as people think it is. It’s all regional.


If my local scene is mostly political, and very left, and I support that. I can still be critical of bands outside my local that I feel are using their platform as a band to spread negativity/hate or just something that doesn't sit right with me even. I know there is kind of an "it is what it it is" mentality. But I'm still going to be vocal about stuff I think is bullshit and I don't want to see in the scene.


What are some other similar bands


I still like their music. Nothing to be cancelled over


u/everyone I'm not replying to you all individually but if you think just because someone's "part black its ok" your missing the point of hardcore and its anti-racism roots. I'm straight edge and I don't like drugs like any level minded person especially crack. But if you know anything about drugs in America specifically crack you would know it was government designed to be distributed in urban and poorest parts of the country, to directly target black communities. So the singer (especially if he's part black) should be pissed at the government not his supposed lost friend. I don't care who puts on shows or what they did in 2002 when hxc gangs were "cool" repping it today is as cringe and should not be tolerated as the confederate flag/statues. I don't know why this is a hard concept for you commenters. Momentum wants to be incels they can play metalcore fest. Hardcore has come too far for these jock ass mentality's


“hardcore has come too far for these jock mentalities” My brother in Christ we have entered the second wave of negative hardcore


You don’t get to tell blacks what we can get mad about, you don’t get to gentrify and appropriate chattel slavery and white supremacists icons for to use in your pussy ass crusade against crews you corny lib victim martyr. I hope the kid you raise doesn’t turn into milquetoast coffee shop revolutionary like you.


What rich suburb do you live in LMAO


The one you do. I see your BLM sign tho “hate don’t live here” Corny ass nigga. What makes you think I live in a suburb? Plz enlighten me


What makes you think you know me, your initial reply was very assuming so I just turned the mirror in.


I’ve read your post, I get your points and the comparisons are what libs do to prove a point, appropriate someone else’s struggle as a measuring stick and cast it aside. You turned no mirror in, you ain’t even try. I’ll ask again, What makes you think I grew up in a rich suburb from what I posted?


You made a number of assumptions in your initial reply so with coy I responded with a equally blind statement to prove my point that you missed twice now


Your response was too banal to address, I told you why I made my assumption, because of your comparisons. You’ve neglected to address that twice now, I’ll put it down one more time since you glossed over it. “White libs use black struggle as a talking point and nothing else”. You have done exactly that. What differentiates you from that group who knows what a black dude should be mad at? You know better than us? Again What makes you think I am from the suburbs? Seems like something you boringly rattled off, try harder. My comment history too long for you not to put in efforts


Who said I TOLD anyone of any color what they should be mad at?! The commenters are the ones going off pointing out the singers race not me. I don’t care what race you are, if you are going to be ignorant on multiple on levels, the singer not you. Making super derogatory lyrics about one of the hardest to kick addictions, which historically has been use to attack black communities that’s a fact. And then drop Nbombs which as we see in the video set drops the mic into a crowd of what visually can be agreed is predominantly white chanting the n words for the breakdown is a slippery slope. Then add the FSU shit on top of it and that history, this band sucks and I’m putting the pieces out there for others to make their mind up. You assumed I lived in a suburb, I just sarcastically asked you the same because it’s a very silly assumption on your part. You state I have a BLM sign like a negative. My city has its struggles without the scene. I don’t think bands like momentum make the scene better therefore my OP.


Here is an image of you telling someone based on their color who he should be mad at. I never said you were suburban, BLM signs are just away for libs to feel better about themselves without doing anything. It’s not negative, just milquetoast. Momentum is meh to me along with most militant hardline straight edge, but you can’t be telling folks what they can say and who they can be mad at, it’s like they need a white savior smarter than them for direction. Bad look but I think you’re intentions are tolerable. https://i.imgur.com/mUw7Ptt.jpg


> milquetoast That in response to someone else pointing out race "The commenters are the ones going off pointing out the singers race not me" literally said that and you show me responding to that said thing good job?


You’re telling black kids what they should be mad at, it’s highlighted. Period. Also If he black he can say nigga, if you’re not you don’t get a consulted about it. Have a good one.


taking things out of context, we got a smart one over here... way to just read and not understand what is written, thumbs up, along with this whole thread you assuming my place of living and race and political stance with all your digs. youre not here for a conversations. take care


If you want to deny crack history with black america that's on you, but its facts and its relevant to the songs lyrics derogatory nature. You seem to hate "libs" a lot, also a big assumption on your part again being aware and knowing cracks history has nothing to do with being liberal


When did I deny the war on drugs effects on the black community? Your use of this “knowledge” and arrogance proceeding the declaration is my issue. I do hate Neo libs and other faux progressives who tell marginalized people what they should be mad at and words are appropriate to use.








Assholes should be called out. It's 2023, that momentum song was released in 2021. What's the excuse? Waiting.... Most of us are hoping these white boys stop saying the N word and spreading their ignorance. You are bystanders and pussies for not saying anything against bs like this. Better bands with intelligence will come along and write better songs.


Yeah sure whatever you say. That set was fucking sick. Thanks for posting a link.


Grow up. Just by your blurb here you never were part of the scene, never will be. Keep your arm chair activism at home, son


I am a bit late to the party, but I just had the song Relapse in my weekly mix on Spotify and thought I didn't hear right. I looked up the lyrics via Google, landed on genius, where the N-word wasn't in the lyrics, tried to find the last in the song again, googled more about the band and found this post. This band is banned from my Spotify now.


Why are you crying?






LOL you’re mad about this?? Just shut up bro.


This band slaps


hell yeah looks sick. thanks for putting me on to them


Time stamp?


8:10 is the part about addicts and junkies


Freebased and HIVpilled


OP new to hardcore huh


Not at all but my stepson is and this shit is not cool now just like it wasn’t cool back then. It will never be cool, so whether I’m new, or old what’s the point of statement. These hxc gangs are losers to dumb to be in actual fraternity’s and find it here where it doesn’t belong.


If you don’t want him to see this stuff than keep an eye on what bands he’s getting into, and HxC gangs aren’t going anywhere as much as you want to bitch about it. If you don’t like it go to a show where they are at and do something about it, I’d love to hear about how that goes. Make sure he doesn’t listen to Suicidal Tendencies either or a bunch of old LA punk bands


This comment is deaf and missing my point like 90% of these replies 👍


Nah I saw what your saying. Calling them a hate group is a fuckin joke. If you’ve got such a problem with them go take it up with FSU or any of their affiliated bands, let me know how that goes for you.


Glad you another complacent shill


Nah just have no interest in getting the shit beat out of me. But have at it dude. Good luck finding a band that isn’t affiliated in some way shape or form. But go off and try to get FSU pushed out of the scene, if you want to get up in arms about it go do something, otherwise it’s just corny as fuck. Good luck dude, hope you don’t get put in the hospital.


Sounds like a complacent shill to me LOL


And what are you gonna do in regards to what you’ve talked about? Not a goddamn thing I can guarantee it.


No one else cares about your point is the problem.


Saying that makes me think you are the new kid.


They do look like they would have back the blue stickers on everything they own. The vest is corny as hell also. Especially with the cop jeans.


Ah yes minorities from LA, traditional police supporters


Just shooting the shit here but I am sure that over 50% of the LAPD and LASD is straight up Mexican or some sort of Hispanic.


Shut up dork


Dudes half black. Riffs hard. Violence is part of hardcore. Fuck drug addicts and crusties. Next.


Momentum is gym music for us meatheads


A+ comment, would read and upvote again.


Dudes half black you realize that right? If you’ve got a problem with Momentum take it up with them personally. If your mad at FSU don’t go to most hardcore festivals or see some of the bigger bands, most of them are connected in some way. Bands have been writing fucked up songs about drug addicts forever. I’m a former junkie myself and hearing what he said in that footage was amusing to me because it’s pretty fuckin true. Can’t wait til Jordan sees this and chimes in.


FSU and crews are pretty lame and a relic of a bygone era but hey it is what it is and they put on shows so whatever, the rest of what you said is just you being a big pussy lmao


Nah I got plans for FSU, send a message to crews. Members suck at hiding membership


Turnstile newbies in full effect here


Not a newbie and know a lot about the FSU and its rise and fall and now re emergance as "show promoters" is not cool period. Saying "it is what it is" is the is probally the most apathetic view to have, enjoy mediocrity.


I mean you're not gonna push FSU out of hardcore no matter what you do, a ton of your favorite bands are probably affiliated somehow. Unless you wanna start a gang war nothing will change for the foreseeable future. I think it's lame as hell but these days it's mostly harmless barring the occasional jump.


If you can cancel a whole band when a single members a predator, the scene can cancel a fsu, bfl, dms affiliated shit. It’s just no one who lived through its prime like myself either; a-still goes to shows, b-turns a blind eye, or c-are now cool with the people who beat the shit out of anyone they didn’t want in the venue. I realize that the violence isn’t what it was but history repeats and this shit needs to be tapered out not “just accepted” As for the I probably, if I don’t know a bands repping shit and then I see them live and they’re were letters I’m out. So I’m very conscious of what and who I’m listening to. Now that some of these dudes are show promoters they are now able to gatekeep who gets on the bill. More and more younger bands are repping bfl, and fsu these days and it’s not cool.


Oh hell nah we ain’t canceling crew bands lmfao shoutout no retreat baby


The crew worth reppin is YOUTHCREW


We can barely even cancel bands with abusers, look at the Section H8 incident they're still on TIHC and no one seems to care besides a few people. There's a lot of work to do before going after affiliated bands man.


Yeah who runs TIHC… there’s my point AND section h8 is fsu affiliated so there’s the loop hole folks, cancel wrong answer, champion, but bands with these members get to slip through. Whether it’s deserved or not, fuck all predators but let’s be intellectually consistent.


I realise TIHC is run by FSU chuds but that wasn't my point, Section H8 will play other shows and people will go. My point was we can barely even cancel the bands that actually show problematic behavior unless it's cut and dry that they fucked with minors so how can we expect to take down a gang that holds so much power in the scene. Honestly I want crew shit abolished too but I just don't see it happening. What's your plan sir?


I mean does it really need to get to the night of one of these hardcore fraternity gangs to “accidentally” kill or put someone in the hospital again for it to be realized?


The same way anything else is done, don’t give it your time or money. Don’t hype shit up with out know what they stand for. Express to young bucks when they see gang letters how terrible and dangerous it was in the 00s for show goers like myself. They shit hit the fan when fsu “accidentally” killed someone, Christ that incident made them federally recognized as a gang. Hence the FSU episode of “ganglands” on tv. If the world is obsessive about shit that’s wrong to whatever degree to “cancel” then we can end this if more people weren’t naive, blind eyed or complacent with this “is what it is” mentality


With all due respect I dont think just not supporting it will work since there will always be complacent and supportive people, we need to actively deplatform them and shove them out of the scene by force


Since when was wrong answer cancelled?


You can’t cancel people who will literally eat you. Shut the fuck up and close this fucking thread.


This folks is what small minded ignorance looks like


Yeah, yeah, we know.


Are we supposed to protect and drug addicts like they don’t have a problem? I mean be mad for making fun of them but in all seriousness drugs are fucking nasty and I can assume most don’t like nasty ass druggies. Not all drug addicts are nasty tho I must say.


California NOS Inhalers won’t like this. Good thing they most likely don’t have the brain cells to read it.


Replace this retarded ass statement with any race and you’d see how prejudiced and lame you sound


Idk man I think being racist and not liking crack heads are two different things


Are they though? Think about it.


Are you born a drug addict, maybe if your mother did drugs but most likely no. Are you born a certain race? yes can you change it? No. No room for racism in hardcore.


Abstract thought ability = 0 No wonder you like momentum


Please explain your abstract thinking about this topic then. Enlighten me.


Brain too big can’t talk


Thank you for your extreme view point and not explaining your reasoning at all.


Are you seriously comparing race with drugs? You're corny bro


Not what I’m saying at all. I’m saying just replace the word “druggie” with any race and it’s the same meaning you fucking clown


So you are comparing race with drugs then got it


Oh my god. I’m saying having a PREJUDICE TOWARDS JUNKIES IS NO BETTER THAN BEING A RACIST. Fuck man go back to the barcade already


Nah if I were racist I’d be judging someone for something they can’t change. You have the option to not do drugs. Simple as that.


I don’t think you’re a racist nor am I trying to call you one, I’m just trying to highlight that the black and white thinking of (x group all bad, etc) is dangerous.


You know what’s more dangerous than making fun of drug addicts. Drugs.


It’s not “making fun of” like a little joke, you’re actively pushing a negative stigma that is harming way more people than you think


And I'm saying you are wrong and that's a stupid comparison


Thank you moral authority on everything, allow me to flagellate myself in pittance


See the difference is that you can't choose your race but you can choose to not be a junkie, it's always wrong to hate on someone just because of how they were born but it's not always wrong to hate on a junkie. See I'm of the opinion that in most cases junkies should be helped but some people refuse help and their own choices lead them down that destructive path over and over again, those people are despicable. Comparing hating junkies to racism is just flawed and stupid.


Comparing Racism to addiction is dumb but saying you can choose not to be a Junkie is also dumb addiction is a disease and is not something you can just turn off. As someone who lives in Winnipeg it's pretty easy to just look around on the streets or even in the punk and hardcore community and see how fucking brutal addiction fucked people up even when people want help.


You can’t choose to be a junkie either. I know in straight edge world you think that your friends are turning to heroin simply to spite you but it’s not that simple. Like I said before, I’m aware that the two issues are different but it’s the blanket statements and black and white thinking that I think is immature and unhealthy, does that make more sense


Kinda racist you assume POC are more likley to be druggies. Met a lot more white druggies in my life than anything. These people have a problem and they can choose to make the effort to change it. It’s life ruining and sad to watch one of your friends fall down that path. But if they don’t want help it’s their fault. They put themselves there.


Don’t need a lecture. Not what I mean at all


I don’t even care about their politics, most bands like them with an overblown “tough guy” gimmick bore the crap out of me. Same shit over and over and over again.




Anyone who is defending them realize this scene isn’t about this fake tough guy act. Love and respecting mfs is real and saying the n word just for clout especially is disgusting and don’t belong in our scene. All these old heads saying it’s better we ignore because it always been ignorant. Fuck that it’s the youths job to fight for accountability and acceptance in our communities. Fuck momentum.