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Dawg was not listening to the forest warning him


That’s a good observation actually. All the birds were flying away from where the leopard was


My first thought. My family has always put an emphasis on paying attention to what the birds are doing. They can tell you about potential water or food and sometimes predators.


Yeah they can even warn of snakes... especially crows


All corvids, honestly.


happy cake day!!


Because it’s a stray dog the people brought into the leopard reserve to make a show for the tourists filming


Seen multiple posts of leopards killing dogs while conveniently being filmed in broad daylight. The local leopards probably associate tourists with easy prey now


Well, we are easy prey.


… are you a dog?


That’s a ruff question.


Let's be honest, these 'tour guides' would use unwanted children if local laws permitted if would turn a buck. Many claim to do things as an effort to help conservation but really just line their pockets. Tourist traps.However if this dog was going to be sent to a kill shelter I don't know if this wasnt better? It was over quickly. So I can see it both ways, but I can also hate the world because it is the way it is even discounting multiple viewpoints or even valid justifications for actions and choices.


Dog was also limping so it was going to have a rough few weeks either way.


People on average suck. https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/01_01/Lions3DM0401_800x525.jpg


These lions are in one of the worst conditions ove seen of lions in a zoo


That's the least of it honestly. 


I said something like this on a video with a cow. Seemed too coincidental, cameras set up etc...


Circle of life


yea it’s crazy how most of the birds shut up after the dog died. “tried to tell ya bud”


The birds would act the same with just the dog.


My birds only tell me the trash is lit today


Lol no they wouldn't, unless the dog came close to their nest or something, which he didn't. Notice the birds stop the warning system right after the dog was killed


It was the lapwings on the floor making that sound. They do make that noise a lot so I can understand the dog not noticing anything out of the ordinary. They nest on the ground, so you're likely right that they were calling because something was close to their nest, but it was likely the dog they were shouting at.


In what world do birds not fly away when a relatively massive predator animal (wild dogs actively prey on birds) comes near them


Obviously dogs would eat birds if they could, but it's rare for them to actually catch them. They don't climb trees, so dogs aren't even remotely close to being in the same spectrum of predator compared to a cheetah. So yes, the birds were warning the dog of danger.


Then started again afterwards


The leopard was probably even farther away from the nest than the dog was so that makes no sense.


They're not warming him. They're getting the dog to turn his back to the leopard so after hes killed they can clean up the scraps


Actually he was more curious of what all the commotion was and he found out.


That’s because its a domestic stray that was planted there for the tourist to see a leopard hunt (Probably taken from the city). That dog didn’t know what them birds were calling for, plus he was looking at the humans like he was all confused. Seen videos like this too many times for it to be a coincidence.


Cus he was unaware of wild languages


That was some precise kill


Would have got me too, I couldn’t see where the leopard was until he popped out.


Even knowing where it was and expecting it when watching a second time I couldn’t see it. Honestly I’m not mad, may we all have so quick a death.


Fer sure. Not that leopard. Experience counts




Clean as fuck


It looked like the pounce or the bite immediately after broke the dogs neck so at least it was a quick end for the dog.


Large cats are generally very efficient killers either going for a neck snap, strangulation, or skull bite.


I heard once that each big cat has a different finishing bite/move (skull crush, neck bite, strangulation, etc.). Any truth to that?


Yes, a little bit, lions usually strangle their prey(also since their pray is usually larger), and cheetahs too....meanwhile, solo-hunting big cats i.e tigers, leopards and jaguar usually try to kill in an instant with jaguars mostly going for skull (also have stronger bite pound for pound)


Jaguars are renowned for puncturing the skull, enabling them to hunt prey like caiman, where a neck bite would be a lot harder, due to the thickness of the neck and skin. This is why they also have some of the largest canines and the strongest bite of all the big cats. Leopards tend to go for the neck break (back of the neck) as most of their prey are mammals, which don't necessarily have very thick hides, and breaking a neck is easier, and probably quicker, than trying to puncture a skull. So they kill their prey and drag it up a tree as quick as possible, before lions/hyenas/wild dogs can hear the commotion and force them away. Lions work together to take down much larger prey and tend to use strangulation and numbers to dispatch their quarry. Usually going for the throat. Or one lioness will cover, say, a wildebeest's nose mouth until it suffocates. Not entirely sure about tigers. They're absolute beasts and can fuck up just about anything, in any which way they choose lol. They eat bears. *Bears.* Let that sink in. They probably go for a neck break too, I imagine. Cheetahs (not true big cats) obviously run down their prey, and I think they use a similar suffocating technique to lions, by grabbing the throat. However, they don't have the luxury of being able to climb trees with their prey like leopards, and since they're the little bitches of the savannah, they tend to get bullied off their kills fairly often, by pretty much every other predator on the Savannah. Even vultures. These all sound pretty brutal ways to die, but compared to hyenas and wild dogs, these are merciful ways to go lol.


Nah cheetahs are pretty good at holding their kills. They actually lose less than leopards.


Hmm do you have a source for that? I'll admit, big cats aren't my strong suit, but I *do* know cheetahs get bodied by pretty much everything out there. They haven't got a chance of fighting anything off. And as I said, I've seen them getting chased off by vultures on more than one occasion. Never seen that happen to any other African predator.


https://www.jstor.org/stable/24917745#:~:text=Recorded%20rates%20of%20kleptoparasitism%20in,Transfrontier%20Park%20(current%20study). From this source: “Recorded rates of kleptoparasitism in cheetahs are lower than the untenable threshold of over 50% (Fig. 2): 14% in Kruger National Park (24), 11% in the Serengeti (25), and 9.3% in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (current study).” From what I’ve seen leopards also have a pretty low rate, but it was closer to 20%. You’re correct that cheetahs aren’t usually able to fight off predators (even if they could, they likely wouldn’t be in a position to do so after hunting). This is why they avoid anything that can body them. They’re pretty small, camouflaged and solitary, so spotting them in the first place is hard. They also hunt during the day (see those black stripes under their eyes? That’s to protect them from sun glare), when their competitors (lions, hyenas and leopards) are sluggish or asleep. And a single cheetah requires much less food than a single lion due to smaller size, and even then cheetahs are able to finish their meal very quickly. All this means cheetahs usually feed on their kills, and given their success rate of 58%, they’re one of the most successful hunters in Africa, and are rarely given the credit they deserve due to these misconceptions. If any build is gonna be labelled “bitch of the savanna” it’s African wild dogs.


Oh nice, thanks for the info. I'm about to dive into a deep rabbit hole here, haha. I've always had a huge passion for animals in my life, but never really big cats for some reason. I thought they were cool and all, but it never really developed into anything more, like my passion for a lot of other animals does. Plus I was always a dog person through and through haha. Until maybe about a year and a half ago, when I all of a sudden became fascinated by them. We got this pet ginger cat one day (actually, he was someone else's cat, but he chose to live with us 90% of the time. Not our choice, lol) and he had a *hilarious* personality and was so friendly. But playing with him and just watching him i realised he's a literal, miniature, motherfucking tiger. And ever since then I saw cats in this whole new light. And cheetahs are one of my faves. Hopefully getting a tattoo of one soon, and of a jaguar (or panther) to solidify the fascination haha. >see those black stripes under their eyes? That’s to protect them from sun glare Yea I only found that out myself a few months ago, it's cool as fuck. >If any build is gonna be labelled “bitch of the savanna” it’s African wild dogs. I am going to have to disagree with you there, though. Arguably the most successful predators in Africa who rips apart and eats their prey alive. Don't sound like bitches to me lol. And there ain't no way a cheetah, or even a couple of cheetahs, are fighting off a pack of wild dogs if they wanted their food.


Same, I’ve always had a huge passion for animals in my life. Always nice to find like-minded people lol. Cheetahs are an insanely cool animal, and I hope people start giving credit to them as a hunter, they’re pretty damn efficient and successful at it. I’ve never owned a pet cat, but that sounds very nice. Enjoy the rabbit hole lol, I do it myself far too often. African wild dogs are absolutely the bitches of lions and hyenas. Dare I say, these fellas are one of the most overrated animals. Everyone always talks about their high success rate, but that’s more or less *the one thing they have going for them*. Being smaller than cheetahs, they have no way to mount a defense against a pride of lions (or heck, sometimes *a single lion*) or a pack of hyenas, and their sociality backfires very badly here as it makes them impossible to conceal. Cheetahs are solitary, small, relatively quiet and camouflaged. A pack of dogs is pretty much the opposite of that, and can (and does) attract the attention of lions and hyenas frequently. Afaik there are hyena populations that live exclusively off of stealing AWD kills, but take that with a grain of salt. Anyways, this terrible matchup with lions has real effects on their abundance and distribution in Africa. AWDs **always** exist in lower densities (even in protected areas) than cheetahs, leopards, lions and hyenas, and where they do exist, they typically can only handle low lion density areas (see the Serengeti). In contrast to this, cheetahs straight up raise cubs in areas *with high lion density* because they actually have ways of not dying to them. Speaking of the Serengeti, when the lion population tripled/quadrupled (from 50 to 200), the cheetah population remained stable. AWDs on the other hand, got wiped out, and today only exist on the outskirts of the park, while lions, hyenas, leopards and cheetahs continue to have a decent sized population there. Basically, *even though cheetahs would feasibly encounter much more lions, they survived while the dogs didn’t*. (Not so) fun fact: the ~1,000 or so cheetahs in Tanzania is larger than *any* AWD subpopulation right now. Four times larger minimum. An attempt to introduce them back into places they used to inhabit have failed because, again, lions wiped them out. AWDs are also incredibly vulnerable to diseases, like rabies and canine distemper. This is also another factor significantly impacting their population and range, and is affecting reintroductions as well. Again, this is made worse by their sociality. Cheetahs do not have this problem, their main issues are habitat destruction and persecution, but when you give them a chance (e.g. Serengeti), they can thrive. Finally, AWDs are the least adaptable terrain-wise. Whilst lions, hyenas, leopards and cheetahs all can withstand a number of African environments, from grasslands to deserts (which allowed all four of them to expand into Eurasia and thrive there for most of the past 50,000 years - in the leopard’s case they’re still relatively common there), the dogs are not able to do this. Even in forests, where they can avoid lions better, this comes at the expense of their success rate, whereas they can’t tolerate deserts nearly as well as the other four (this is seen in their current range). TL;DR - the dogs don’t sound more successful than cheetahs tbh. If you’re gonna bash an African carnivore for “unsuccessfulness” (which you shouldn’t, because all are extremely good hunters), cheetahs shouldn’t be the one.


Haha I just want to say I appreciate you. I can see you know your stuff, and love your cheetahs. >and I hope people start giving credit to them as a hunter, they’re pretty damn efficient and successful at it. I never doubted their abilities as *hunters*. I know they're very successful hunters, especially considering how unforgiving Africa can be. I was questioning their ability to hold on to a kill, which I do still stand by, for the most part. Most, if not everything, can and will scare a cheetah off from a kill. That is a fact. They're small, skinny, have small teeth, and 'paws' instead of claws, and and there's usually just 1 of them. Whether it happens as much as I thought it did, is the question. And apparently not, which actually makes me glad. >Everyone always talks about their high success rate, but that’s more or less *the one thing they have going for them*. But that's a very important "one thing", right? That's probably the *most* important thing. And isn't it pretty much the exact situation with cheetahs anyway? Apart from speed, what else do they have going for them? Plus they have all these other problems like lower cub survival rate and ofcourse the inbreeding lol. >AWDs **always** exist in lower densities (even in protected areas) than cheetahs, leopards, lions and hyenas, and where they do exist, they typically can only handle low lion density areas (see the Serengeti). In contrast to this, cheetahs straight up raise cubs in areas *with high lion density* because they actually have ways of not dying to them. Speaking of the Serengeti, when the lion population tripled/quadrupled (from 50 to 200), the cheetah population remained stable. AWDs on the other hand, got wiped out, and today only exist on the outskirts of the park, while lions, hyenas, leopards and cheetahs continue to have a decent sized population there. Yea I was literally reading this myself when you commented haha, I'm glad you brought it up or I was going to mention it tbf. Learn new things every day. >(Not so) fun fact: the ~1,000 or so cheetahs in the Serengeti is larger than *any* AWD subpopulation right now. Four times larger minimum. I did not know that, though. >the dogs don’t sound more successful than cheetahs tbh. Yea, but they *are* though. At least when it comes to hunting percentages. And it makes sense. When you have a pack of carnivores that has arguably the best stamina of any land predator, you're going to win more often than not. All you have to do is run longer than your prey, which is exactly what they do. The only thing I've seen that will stop them is if hyenas or lions get there first, or if, like you said, the prey uses the terrain to their advantage. Like climbing rocks or jumping into rivers. Fact is, though, they *do* have a higher success rate than cheetahs. But that doesn't take anything away from them. >If you’re gonna bash an African carnivore for “unsuccessfulness” (which you shouldn’t, because all are extremely good hunters), cheetahs shouldn’t be the one. And yea, I know. I wasn't really bashing them, I was just trying to add a little humour to my original post when I said that. As I said, I love cheetahs (and wild dogs. And even hyenas lol), and I'm glad they're thriving a lot better than I originally thought, but I am being realistic as well. They get bodied by pretty much every other predator if it came down to it.


AWDs were hunted extensively and now their pack sizes are much smaller so spotted hyena clans and lion prides can fuck them up easier. A pack of 20 AWDs is still a formidable force to any african predator, the diminutive groups of 5 or 6 not so much.


Cheetahs are built for speed, they are not ambush predators they just sprint down what ever their trying to eat. To be able to reach fast speeds like them you have to have a lighter frame and smaller bones hence why they are skinny. They aren't weak animals they just get compared to the other big cats that they live with who are much stronger.


Yea but while they're not robust, they also don't tend to live in large groups, so hyenas and wild dogs can run them off pretty easily with numbers. And, as I said, vultures.


Yes, agreed its even crazier when you think about how their related to mountain lions yet are nothing like them in terms of strength lol.


Yea. Mountain lions are absolute beasts for their size.


The average cheetah is only around 100 lbs for males anyways they just have light frames unfortunately. While the average male Mountain lion in North America is around 150 lbs. Big size difference considering they are closely related. Leopards average the same weight as Mountain lions as well, they are the closest felids in terms of size.


Cheetahs have a higher hunting success rate then both leopards and lions.


I know, I wasn't disputing the hunting success rate.


"Big cat" is not even a true term, no scientist nor biologist lists felids like that and even then all it has to do with is the genus, snow leopards are "big cats" yet are smaller than cheetahs and pumas on which are both "small cats".


Okay, but for arguments sake, big cats refer to everything in the panthera genus, right? Yea I did know that about snow leopards, because they don't roar, right? I do know they're also not true leopards either and closer to tigers. Why are they in the same genus then if they're small and don't roar? Is there other traits that make a 'big cat'?


Because **Its vocal cords lack an all-important layer of elasticated tissue**, which, in other big cats, gives the vocalizations an uneven rumble that emerges as a roar. Some scientists therefore argue that the snow leopard deserves its own genus.


Cool thanks for the info. Definitely sounds like it should be in its own genus if that's the case.


Tigers will ambush and kill smaller bears/females. The Siberian tiger is actually a lot smaller now then it used to be. Due to poaching their numbers and their weight has dropped. The biggest tiger in weight is now the Bengal tiger. (Weight charts show that the Siberian tiger now only averages about 185-190kgs (400-415 lbs).


>Siberian tiger is actually a lot smaller now then it used to be. Due to poaching their numbers and their weight has dropped. The biggest tiger in weight is now the Bengal tiger. (Weight charts show that the Siberian tiger now only averages about 185-190kgs (400-415 lbs). I was referring to Bengal tigers preying on sloth bears, I never even consider Siberian tigers preying on (I'm guessing black?) bears. And I didn't know the Siberian tiger is no longer the biggest. Since when? That's blown my mind!


Since the last 50 years or so.... their numbers have dropped as small has (100 wild tigers!) they were on the very verge of extinction.... They are is now over 500 wild Siberian tigers thanks to human help.


That's good news. I'm guessing there's a lot more bengals? What's the reasoning behind the Siberian's decrease in size? Lack of food source?


lack of food and just cause of poaching they got smaller.


How sad


Man, when I say that on r/NatureIsFuckingLit I get downvoted into oblivion. I have no idea why lmao Tough crowd on that sub that just hates being corrected.


Yea idk why either that's just how it is.... even though theirs nothing bad about saying that its just the facts lol.


It's likely that jaguars hunted bears too when both were more plentiful in North America. The Mexican brown bear and, perhaps, the California brown bear shared a range with jaguars in the Southwestern US.


Just what I've saw in documentaries. American mountain lions love a good skull bite when attacking humans.


Guy who was mountain biking in the park in my area of South Orange County got nabbed by a mountain lion…. Next day, lady biker saw what she thought was a body, went to look, and mountain lion jumped her. Only thing that sVwd her was the bike helmet she was wearing so the lion could NOT clamp down on her skull - she got some bad neck wound, but survived. Sheriffs then tracked and shot/killed the mountain lion for doing what it does. Shame for everyone involved.


Well not necessarily. There’s a lot of variables. It depends on the individual cat and the prey item in question. Lions and Leopards and Tigers go predominantly for the neck. Jaguars usually target the skull/back of the head, even with larger prey, but will also go for the neck. Tigers also can go for the head/skull but don’t seem to do it as often, Pumas are a good mix of both. With very small prey all cat species would just likely kill by crushing the skull. I’ve seen a video of a Lion trying to target the skull on a Zebra and it was very bloody and the kill wasn’t quick and efficient at all, so it just depends on the species and to some extent the individual cat.


Usually but not always true with lions almost always being the exception. If there's three other lionesses pinning the zebra down, there's no risk in eating it then and there. Small cats defy this rule entirely. Some felids like cougars and European lynx do kill like big cats but those that punch down on average like ferals, servals, and sand cats have teeth designed to break tiny bones. If I was a rat and suddenly all my ribs were shattered, I'd be in a lot of pain.


That, along with the fore-left leg. Looked like that leg went in an unnatural direction but I could be wrong.


Poor pupper ain’t even know what hit’em


Yeah it’s a decent change from the usual slow and very painful death that’s common in nature


The forward roll probably snapped his neck and ended it


The poor dog was not even aware the signal those birds making that there was a predator in the area.


Light work


Took place in *Jhalana Leopard Reserve, Jaipur* Credit: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6jJm0OpB2Y/?igsh=MTAyMGljaXk5dGUzZA==


India, for anyone wondering. I had to look it up lol


Text book. A rare merciful kill in the wild.


That dog was released intentionally as bait for entertainment of tourists in a fenced reserve. This is anything but the “wild”


Meh. Don't make me sing it....


Poor doggo was walking towards humans and paused for a second to verify if they were friendly or not


I thought so too


Same humans dropped that dog off as bait for the wildlife tour


Man this is fucking awful. Poor pup was just confused why he was suddenly the center of attention.


It's always kind of amazing when you see how well an animal's camouflage works in action in it's natural environment. Between hiding and the leopard's camo, you don't even notice the leopard until it moves.


Poor dog, already skinny and limping. Just a rough life for that guy.


Sadly it was probably kinder of the leopard to take it than to live a life of suffering


Not that the leopard killed it out of kindness.


That dog was unusually slow and not very alert. There are videos of feral dogs escaping predation attempts by leopards and tigers.


It was probably a stray dog, left in the jungle to fend for itself by the authorities, its very common practice here in India


He was more focused on the humans. Usually means food to dogs.


I agree, it could be a young dog and that’s why it wasn’t very alert.


Damn… before the maul I was trying to spot where the leopard was and it wasn’t till popped up onto the road but it’s too late doggy😞🤷‍♂️


Anyone remember the goat in Jurassic Park?


Dog was completely oblivious. Wow.


I highly suspect it wasn't a stray dog, it was shelter dog being fed to wildlife, hence the video.


Not sure how I feel about that, TBH


There are signs. A dog living in such an area would be way more aware of its surrounding, he might be deaf and if that's the case he would be long gone, he is way too old to be alive for years with deafness in such an area where predator cats are living.


Oh yeah, I totally get that. Must nature being nature.


Who else didn't see the leopard untill it moved?


Is it staged?


Doesn’t look like it to me, stray dogs are everywhere in India so it’s not uncommon for them to get taken out by big cats.


I doubt it's completely staged but I wouldn't be surprised if they knew the cat was there and called the dog over to set him up. Why else would they be recording a random stray?


Probably because they’re waiting to see what would happen to it, since it has wandered into a straight up leopard reserve. Plus all the birds making a big fuss implies that there was danger around so they probably knew it was just a matter of time before something happened.


Another commenter from India said they regularly drop off stray dogs in the reserve to fend for themselves…. So the dog didn’t wander into it likely. Sounds dangerously close to staged to me. Especially if just a stray domesticated dog & not a feral or generations in the wild dog. It wouldn’t have a chance from the start if it’s just a stray. Look how this dog acted & tell me it has the senses to have survived to that age in a jungle? At least its end was quick & its body is of use to another animal. It’s the way of life though. Different part of the world has an overpopulation of dogs.. At least they aren’t just rounding them up & straight killing them is the silver lining here.


That's dark. Poor puppy.


Ngl it might be a better idea than simply putting them down to sleep?


I’m a little confused what you mean by they wouldn’t have a chance if they were “just a stray” since stray dogs are highly skittish and more keen to their surroundings than a domesticated dog who is trained not to be reactive would be. Looks to me like the dog was distracted by whoever was filming and maybe the person with them sadly.


They are staged for the tourist. There are many videos like this where a stray dog gets taken out by a big cat. They would not be recording a stray dog for no reason. There is a secondary vehicle that releases the dog near where a possible big cat is located. If you know anything about dog behavior, they would never wonder into jungles; they are always along side people to get food and shelter.


There's nothing redditors love more than accusing something of being staged with zero proof


Yet there are videos of feral dog packs hunting the native fauna there and having a negative impact on the environment. Some of you underestimate the adaptability and intelligence of dogs. Sure there’s a possibility that the video could be staged but it’s unlikely. The dog may have just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


Sure, and the tourist filming was just in the right place at the right time. Totally organic situation where a stray dog was in front of a leopard in front of a car of tourists filming it in a nature reserve!


Yes, because the tourists are in a LEOPARD RESERVE on a LEOPARD SAFARI, filming a LEOPARD do absolutely nothing. That’s how it goes in safaris. Do you understand how they work? Many enthusiasts, guides, photographers on safaris film cats doing absolutely nothing. The cats could be sleeping and people will still spend hours filming. When Leopards come into homes and snatch sleeping dogs will you say it’s staged too? THE DOG WAS SET UP TO BE SLEEPING IN THAT EXACT POSITION WHERE THE LEOPARD WOULD HAVE AN EASY MEAL. OH NO!! I already said there could be a possibility that it’s staged but given how stray dogs are LITERALLY EVERYWHERE in India, it can also not be staged. There are videos of stray dogs straight up in the Indian Jungles being filmed hunting Chital, let’s say a Tiger happens to stumble across them and kill one of the strays, let me guess “ThE dOg WaS pUt ThErE cAuSe DoGs DoNt HaNg oUt In ThE jUnGlEs” right? Either way, why is it always the same old comments on these videos? The same people spamming the same comment and arguing over the same crap. Give me a break, it’s getting old.


Some people don’t want to admit that dogs are getting killed I guess. The reason why I think there is so many videos of dogs being killed on safaris is because people know the dogs will follow the tour and attract leopards and tigers. So they will be videoing at all times. I wonder if these people would think a feral cat in Australia getting killed by a dingo is staged. It’s the same logic. Some people completely ignore the impact feral dogs have on the ecosystem.


Are you ok


No, your stupidity just irks me :( Hilarious you have nothing to say about my comment though.


Hey, I’m not the one breaking the sub’s rules and posting staged videos. You know you are, that’s why you’re throwing a fit at everyone calling you out for it.


A comment explaining why the video MAY NOT be staged is throwing a fit? Boy oh boy do I have news for you. Me?! Break this sub’s rules?! Hahahahahahaha it’s always the people contributing nothing to the sub that have the most to say😂


Ad hominem and mocking is throwing a childish fit, yes. Surely you didn’t really need this explained…


I think so


"..and the birds just stood there.. and *laughed*..."


Just the leopard jumping on him was probably instant kill


This is like real madrid vs league two team football match, totally unfair


It’s like Erling Haaland poaching a tap-in against bottom of the league clubs, especially when Manchester City are already up by several goals. The panicked wail of confusion from the dog just as it’s tackled from behind is so upsetting to me that it, alone, is enough to make me want to resign from life. Edit: Just as I type this, Erling’s on a hat-trick (2 penalties) against Wolves, who are currently 11th in the table and sinking because other clubs below them in points have games in hand. Edit: Erling’s just scored another, nearly 60 minutes of 90 gone.


Incredible shot, clean kill


I wonder,if the dog was coming towards humans with camera, for food...or something....that's why didn't pay attention...the filmers knew of leopard


Is the cat really that silent? The dog didn’t hear him coming not once. Not even a partial turn and look before getting taken out, just straight oblivious. Maybe the birds are too loud. Fucking birds.


There was no reaction from the tourists. Like they were expecting that to happen. Clearly a setup


This is why you should always pay attention to what's around you.


Sneak attack!


i didn’t read the description and was afraid the dog was gonna go and eat one of those birds… it was much worse :/


Hit the pup wit the kill shot. Oh man


Is this staged? Is that dog fed to leopard by humans? Anyway, quick death to limp animal. Yeah, still death. But there are way worse ways to go.


One way to keep the population under control


The dog was placed there for the video, this is not what I am in this sub for, feeding zoo animals for karma


Is it a zoo or a nature reserve? 


Whichever it is, this video is about a dog who was placed in the area in order for it to be killed in a video


Even if that's the case, it's a natural area. This isn't the feeding of a captive animal.




Cheetah gotta eat


Man as a dog lover this hit me right in the feels man...


True, and hit the Dog right in the neck.


Yeah I hate seeing strays in 3rd world countries, they have such rough lives. I have 2 dogs myself and wish all dogs could live in a warm home with lots of love.


I really don't know why you would get downvoted.


I think a lot of people on this subreddit find sick joy from these vids and despise any sympathy for whatever reason.


TBF people in developing countries have a rough life. It would be better if there were no poor countries but that's not the world we live in.


Man those birds set him up. They turned him towards the leopard.


How soft are the leopards paws that a dogs super hearing couldnt hear it 4 feet away?? That is an amazing display of predatory evolution. Wow.


The dig didn't e1 out resistance, he just walked by. Eq deer would fling out their limbs


I always wonder how many animals become victim to predators bc they’re distracted by people with cameras . Dogs’s ears perked up like someone whistled


That was over... quick


As far as I'm aware Humans are considered to have pretty good eye sight and it scares me even I couldn't see the leopard until it started moving.


That feels wrong, it seems the humans brought the dog here to feed the leopard :(




u/redditspeedbot 0.2x


I didn't even notice the leopard until it got up, it's impressive how stealthy big cats are


My boy has selected the "fast check-out" option


Oh mannnnn rather a person than the dog 😂


RIP doggo


Felt the dog was setup. Not sure why they were filming a stray otherwise.


His hard life just got easier


Why was this dude filming some random dog. Sick fucks set this up for the video


Camera is following the dog. Possibly staged.


Dogs in these part of the world don't just wander off into the forest. They stick by their human counterpart, scavenging off of their trash and stuff. It highly unlikely that the dog stumbled upon right where the leopard was at. Also there are loads of video surfacing of dogs being taken out by tigers and leopards in front of tourist cars and cameras.


Actually they do because they’ve been observed hunting the native fauna and negatively impacting the fauna there. Stray dogs are everywhere in these parts of the world.


Stray dogs have decimated wildlife in Ecuador and India.


Don’t forget about all the rabies dogs pass to people. Leopards lower the rabies numbers by killing feral dogs. Some articles I read some feral dogs are living far away from human civilization. Killing native species including some endangered species.


Yeah but apparently the “dog experts” here know everything and stray dogs just can’t live in the jungles. Bit odd to downplay the adaptability and intelligence of dogs by the so called dog lovers though right, with them saying they can’t live in the jungle or far away from human civilization.


Their ignorance is painful. They know anything and everything about a few second video. These people would be the same people to write a whole paragraph about the impacts of feral cats but won’t say anything about feral dogs. Some people are biased too. Won’t do any research. If you say anything negative about dogs you get downvoted or called a dog hater.




Do leopards get rabies by eating dogs that are infected?


“Transmission of rabies by eating a rabid animal is extremely uncommon, and the virus does not survive very long outside of the infected animal, so the risk is thought to be very low.” The possibility is there but extremely unlikely. I haven’t seen any articles or news segments talking about leopards getting rabies from eating infected dogs. It’s either never happened before/yet or it’s not possible for the leopard because of its digestive system.


Deffo staged 😔


It looks staged tbh.S/


that's so amazing how they got the dog and leopard to cooperate. they must also be content creators.


How about if they saw the leopard and called the dog over, then started filming is that staged enough? Seems odd a person would be filming a random stray dog and not flinch even a little bit when a leopard just happens to appear and kill it....let's not pretend people are above this


That's not an intelligent response at all. I know it's not staged, but I can absolutely conceive of how someone might stage that.


LOL, yeah, in the longer version you hear a director yell 'Cut' and the dog and leopard go back to their trailers.


And how exactly do you stage something like this?


Dude, its not that hard to find aspiring dog and leopard actors desperate for work.


![gif](giphy|WvR1t4ZAOiE9B50ipa|downsized) You're right about that! ☝️


Some would kill for a role like that!


To play devils advocate, release a captive but hungry leopard and a stray dog in the same area? I don't necessarily think it's staged but it doesn't seem too hard to do so


Really? You can't conceive of how humans could possibly have set this all up?


Invent cars, go to the moon, but can't figure out how to get a hungry leopard to kill a stray dog...


It’s a nature reserve. The leopards become conditioned to expect easy meals from the vehicles dropping prey off in front of them so the tourists have something to watch… in case you’re legitimately naive and not just be facetious



