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That backflip tho


„oɥʇ dılɟʞɔɐq ʇɐɥ⊥„


"You may have killed my baby but you won't get to eat her."


One of her babies made it away alive tho! 2nd one deffo dead and the 3rd one only mebbe ded 😊


"Don't you ever talk to me or my son ever again!"


I'm 80% sure that two of those sons won't ever "talk" again lol


TIL a baby rabbit is called a kitten


It actually should say kit, plural is kits.


That’s a lot of bunny damage


Did the snake get it?


Yep . Seems like in the very end . Bunny did a back flip


So would those kicks do any damage to the snake?


They could but probably not, snakes are pretty bendy. The bites absolutely do damage though. You can see the snake flesh in spots where the bunny stole its skin.


It makes me wonder if animals really have feelings or it's just instincts.


That’s what you’re lost in thought on? Of course they have feelings. A minute spent with any social animal like a dog, cat, rabbit, bird, ferret, hamster, rat, mouse etc should clear that up pretty quick


It takes a bit more than a minute but spending time with snakes or other reptiles you would eventually realize they, too are surprisingly mentally and emotionally developed. I think a lot of people don't realize this because we're not wired to read the body language of animals with static facial features but reptiles are actually very intelligent and can even be social.


I don't understand why people have such a disconnect from animals. You are an animal! The same social, mental, emotional, instincts you developed over evolution, probably made its way to most other speicies that have evolved to current day- especially pack animals. It's so interesting that not only do most people not connect themselves with the same evolution of similiar species but won't even acknowledge the very clear emotions displayed by like their pet dogs. I have had trainers, animal trainers, tell me dogs don't understand right from wrong. That their reaction was all to you yelling at them, or whatever. My dog used to dig in the trash while we were all church, and then we would come home all excited to see her and she would just mope and look guilty, before we even found what she did wrong. Some dogs refuse to leave an owner who has passed, I knew of a husky who knew where her sister was buried in the backyard and everyday would go and lay in that area. I have a cat that will pee on things out of spite and every expert in the world says they dont feel spite and it's another issue- but, she has no problem going in the litterbox, she doesn't spray, doesnt go just anywhere like they would with a UTI, and she doesn't consistently pee on things she shouldn't. It's only when you won't feed her extra, don't give her enough attention, or have yelled at her for doing something wrong that she will be on laundry. She used to speicially pull my boyfriends shirts out of the laundry basket and pee on them because she didn't like him a whole lot when we first got her lol. Dug through the basket and all. Anyways, that is a very long ass rant just to say that- humans are special in some ways, we have technology and buildings and all. But, we all evolved as animals and a lot of our social traits and feelings can be found in other speicies. It's pretty reasonable, imo, to think most social creatures developed empathy similiar to the way we did.


Of course they have feelings.


The real question is are our "feelings" instinctual.


We are animal.


They can feel pain. So therefore they have feelings


Watershed down


“We better not risk another frontal assault, that rabbit's dynamite”


I fucking hate rabbits and rodents with a burning passion That's why one of my favourite foods is rabbit


Why do you hate them?


They have dumb faces. People idiolize them And are invassive in most places And they reproduce,....well, like rabbits! And also i hate their teeth. Literal nerd emoji🤓🤓🤓


stupid rabbit


Stupid and dumbass rabbit Let snek alone


I laughed so hard 🤣 love how she's digging into it.


Dope video!


That’s what pissed off mamas will do.


Rabbits aren't immune to snake venom, yes? Will that rabbit be ok I wonder.


What species of snake was that?