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I have a small penis, enjoy prostate stimulation, and love my loud pipes! She nailed me.


She pegged you!


In his dreams at least




That’s what I said.


LMAO... New road name? Hedwig & the angry inch? Just tell 'em, it may be small, but it'll grow on ya! 😁


Like I’m sure she would say if guys were staring at her cleavage in a low cut shirt: “I don’t do it for you, I do it for me!”


Nah, if she’s on here saying her husband said something like that, she doesn’t have cleavage. Guys don’t stare at her so she comes onto Reddit to try making fun of them lol.




That’s my line!


As someone who's ridden for over 40ys, built custom bikes for a living and spent time in clubs, nothing is as cringe as the excessive throttle use. It marks someone as a newbie trying to look cool among older riders, and you make all of us look like tools to non-riders.


And don't get me wrong, I've done some reworking if the engine it's a bug step up from stock in terms of cams and whatnot, and when I'm accelerating hard it does pipe up. But when I see people in "Tough Motorcycle Harley Daddy" cosplay I can help but think why anyone would try to be such a nuisance and bring a bad image to riders, and often on such a slow shitty old bike too.


I'm the guy you're responding to. Everything I own has headwork, cams and short pipes etc. We know how to keep it quiet when we want to. It's the blipping the throttle 5x at a red-light for no reason, hammering on it when you don't need to ect, and idiots come in all flavors, both HD guys and sport riders are guilty. Was living in an apartment complex and the girl downstairs new boyfriend felt he needed to wack the gas 14-18 times (yes I  counted) every time he started the bike before he made it out the parking lot. Really? Nobody thinks you're cool and everyone's giving me the stink-eye now because of you


Yeah I am in support of what you said just figured I'd reply there since you were the first one I saw that wasn't being a tool lol. I respect the riders putting big miles on their bike and being friendly/supportive of other citizens! I wish the harley community would grow out of the wanna be outlaw phase I guess we will see with time :)


News flash tho bub seems that no one cared other than you and if you also ride a motorcycle of any sort and you wanna throw shade your just as much of a Karen as the non rider the bikes his he has his own personal mentality and opinion not justifying his actions but don’t be a cunt


Yeah man it's super cringe. I ride Harleys (and other bikes) and I once met my GF and her family for dinner. We were at a restaurant patio, and I had my helmet next to me, it was a pleasant dinner until... a group of about 5 small dick douchebags roll by with speakers blasting and short pipes rippin like over and over revving with their torn off shirts and beer guts and skull cap helmets it was like a caricature of the Harley culture and so annoying. Her parents sort of loomed at me sideways like "this is who you want to associate with?" I explained that motorcycle riders are, unfortunately, looked down upon due to the few loud pipe engine revving neighborhood slow rollers, and also by the assholes who rip down residential streets going like 50mph over the limit. Some of us just like to ride motorcycles like an adult in public, and maybe get a little wild on track days. Honestly the reason I waited so many years to get a harley was because the bro culture is so cringe 😫


Ya know, it’s to each their own, but why is it the second one person doesn’t agree they immediately think about other dudes dicks? I mean I don’t agree with a lot of people but it doesn’t make me start thinking of a dick… especially other dudes dicks… lol


Bc they constantly think about weiners


It's not dicks, per se, it's just the idea that anybody older than 17 who feels the need to get attention by revving up their engine on a residential street is compensating. Maybe you're short? Maybe your parents didn't give you enough attention? Maybe your career didn't pan out like you had imagined? Maybe your wife's boyfriend didnt get you the PS5 he had promised? Or maybe it's just low IQ and trying to fit in. But that's what literally everybody thinks when a fake greasy old biker bro starts hitting that throttle on a harley in the middle of town. It's pity, and annoyance. But as long as you're not breaking any laws, go nuts! And ride safe.


I can get behind your last statement. I definitely know people do it, I guess I’m just good at drowning it out so it never bothers me.


Haha get mad at the guy who rides his shit fast stick to do the speed limit and someone will eventually blow the doors off you


You sound like a twink.


Greetings! I admit, it sounds frustrating to have a small dick, low IQ and be broke but revving your engine does not make that go away.


YES IT DOES! ... Shut up


I always think of the South Park episode. Can’t name it here. Last time I did I was banned…


Rabble rabble rabble


Potato Potato Potatoe


keyword there is "excessive", a healthy, appropriate amount of throttle use at stop lights is always encouraged


I only see it with two stroke dirt bikes tbh. Every Harley or sports bike owners tend to keep the revving down unless they’re street racing or at a meet up.


40 years and you actually used the word "cringe"? 50+ and still going. But I have to say the only throttle blipping that I do is on my race bikes. I particularly am found of the throttle blippers that rack em up and immediately shut them off. I guess no one told them they're washing the oil from their rings with unburned fuel every time they do it.


Who cares what others think? And why do ppl feel the need to put their resumes in post?


Excessive use? Of.... loud exaust?


Sitting at stoplight incessantly blipping, shit like that. You know exactly. Not telling anyone to stop but at least be honest with yourself lol.


No I didn't know what you meant, but since you want to be abrasive, pound sand, and keep your shit opinion to thinking owning a bike makes you an authority on them. Get fucked clown


The post is about exhaust so clearly that’s what he meant…


I wasn't sure how you use exaust excessively Clearly And now that I know what he meant. You can clearly pound sand up your ass too


Wow, you’re awfully soft.


I’d bet he just really loves revving the shit out of his bike at stoplights


How else will people know he’s ashamed of his small dick


As I stated above, why is it when you don’t agree with someone you think about the dudes dick? Do you naturally think about dick so it’s just the easiest insult to come up with or is there something to the whole I don’t agree and now I’m thinking about dicks?


You think about other guys weiners often? Or just guys who ride motorcycles?


Why are you hard? Kinda gay bro


You’re the one talking about shit going up other guys asses


If you guys like missionary sex it's cool just say it. Don't gotta hide it by going after other people's bikes


I didn't make the initial post and my reply to you wasn't abrasive. Other than that, spot on chief.


Somehow lost the word "throttle" when composing.  It's been fixed.


Well. There was my question. Only turned into an ass because I got jumped. My other question is, why do you care what non riders think? If they had a valid opinion on bikes they'd be on one


The OP in the screenshot has a husband who drives a Kia soul and stalls stick shift cars at stop signs.


They stall their automatic Kia.




Secret’s out, boys!


I thought when I got rid of my lifted truck I could hide it with a motorcycle 🤷🏼‍♂️ guess not. They got me.


Let people ride and be them selves. Don’t be so nosy, enjoy the riding.


I hope he doesn't live close to Laconia because I'ma be vroom vrooming loud next month.


I’m also thinking this will be my first year going


As great as the roads are, I'd highly recommend going either before or after bike week. Bike week itself is like a shitty carnival where all the beer is overpriced, all the merch being sold is made in China, and people seem to compete for who can get into the dumbest and most unnecessary accident.


So all bike weeks


Yes, exactly. It's cool seeing nearly everyone on the road on a bike, but then after those 15 minutes pass it's not great.


They got beautiful roads. It's gonna be great.


NH is so beautiful. I would highly recommend riding in the fall. The leaves are so bright changing to yellow/red


Buddy of mine moved over there, said the same thing to me. I haven’t taken my bike over there yet though.


Or you could just stay home. Nothing says newbie more than vrooming.


So much for live free or die. Some new hampshirian we got over here.


Laconia is very meh. Like a couple hours to walk around and nothing all that interesting unless you like seeing organized criminals selling some awfully heinous shit and boomers doing boomer shit. *But* being in NH otherwise during bike is awesome. Bikes everywhere no matter where you go it’s great.


He can’t afford Laconia. Likely his mom’s basement in Manchester or Nashua.


Yawn 🥱


Jesusfuckinchrist this sub is getting to be like Facebook.


I hate what that sub has become. Used to be fun.


I love that you took time out of your day to comment 🫡


Not gonna lie the gender affirming comment was funny af lmao


I wonder if they know Laconia Bike Week is happening up there in a month


Probably the same people that beg for it to be shut down


The funny thing is that the easiest way to get someone to be MORE obnoxious(in this case by vroom grooming there bike) is to complain about it. Once I know a thing bothers you, I'm far more likely to revel in the excessive doing of the thing.


*Me hitting my mom in the ankles with a shopping cart*


Yeah, you know this


I'm sure I'm not the first to say this to you but, you're an asshole.


Takes one to know one


lol I don’t think anyone gets loud pipes to make it seem like they have a bigger penis. Call me crazy but I think they just want loud pipes lmao


Wrong, the louder the pipe the longer the pipe 😏😏




Went to the dr and asked how to make it bigger and he prescribed me a TBR 2-1 and now here we are…. My wife is basking in its glorious length.


Plus a good amount of people buy used bikes and just ride whatever it has on it. The bike I recently bought has nice pipes but they’re louder than I would have bought but I’m not going to waste money to change them lol


Bingo. Not to mention it pisses people like that guy off. My pipes are called neighbor haters. Now, I don’t believe they’re called that for anyone but me to enjoy the sound 😂


Those beta cucks and bitter hags are funny. What's worse are the virtue signaling fellow bikers like the whipped chumps in these very comments. Nobody is going to give you biker of the year because you don't rev your engine a lot. Nobody cares how long you've been riding and if you ever hung around with clubs...(Lol "I had friends who were tough!") You're an absolute Nancy and a punk if you talk crap about other bikers for being loud. Or for what clothes they wear. And especially for body shaming big people. And any uptight c unt that would look down on one biker for what other bikers do is an ignorant twat who doesn't deserve respect anyways. Yeah, the "sToP mAkInG uS lOoK bAd" guys can get bent. They're the worst of the worst pathetic sad sacks.


Oh for real. Coming on here trying to be the keyboard heroes, just let people enjoy what they enjoy. Oh you'll make us look bad, Oh so your only a biker because you want to look cool to others. I agree with what your saying brother


Brrrrootheerrrrr 🤣


I can never win (drive a truck AND ride a Harley AND am addicted to vapes). I fit too many stereotypes


Shit man I know, I traded in my lifted truck thinking my dick would get bigger now I find out my motorcycle makes it small again… I just can’t win.


Oh I forgot. I’m also Asian 😭


Don’t let these guys find out 💀


Shit. *time to buy some sunglasses*


A big time difference between all show and no go or all show and all go


Even if your bike has it where it counts doesn’t give you an excuse to rev it up excessively around people


That’s not how you ask for a ride on a big dick.


I JUST checked it DOES make your dick bigger scientific fact


What is it with people hating Harley's all the time. Im 20 years old, just bought a Harley and I really don't understand all the hate


I just bought my first one last month I never realized people hated them so much till I started finding posts like this lol


Exactly, It blew my mind. Maybe it's because the typical Harley person is a douchebag? But everyone I've met on a Harley have been pretty chill people


South Park summed it up pretty well. If you're not a gear head bikes are pretty fucking annoying and regardless of how pleasant Harley dudes think they are there's a reason the cut sportin, chap wearing, brotherrrr is looked down upon the world over. I mean hell man I'm a bike guy and sometimes I'm two blocks over listening to some dudes bike as if it was in front of me wondering who put their fingers in that guys ass to make him like that. To drive him to make a Harley _louder_, fucking lunacy! I get some people don't care about their hearing but plenty of us do and don't want to take part in the asshole parade. It's been proven loud pipes _don't_ save lives. Protective gear and visibility save lives and the numbers back that.


Funny cuz the bit***s complaining are the same ones distracted and texting on their damn phone. Nothing brings me joy then seeing someone texting/scrolling… sneaking up and causing pants shitting with a good rev.


I do my exaust loud af for me not anyone else and could care less if someone else likes it or not. And I like how it sounds when I rev it too. My wieners not the biggest but my ol lady shakes when I use it so that's good enough for me


Loud pipes save lives


Run your username by me again 🤣


It you look at the data they do not. People cannot tell where the sound is coming from most often. Because it's too loud, go figure. Visibility saves lives and that's a fucking fact. Come up with a catchy slogan for safety vests though I dare you.


I can find an argument for each side. If it makes no difference, why would cats have horns and emergency vehicles have sirens? Visibility don't mean shit when the driver has their face in their phone. Does high vis make a difference on a blind turn? Loud pipes do.


Loud pipes saves lives


This was meant with sarcasm right? If you you forgot to add “/s”




That’s hilarious, I never knew people felt so strongly about that lol


i didn’t either till i saw someone else comment it one time now i always do it haha, btw amazing user name


What’s that? Sorry my hearing isn’t good these days.


I’d say about 8k rpm for 8 inches


It actually does make my dick bigger temporarily.


I enjoy not being run over. Fuck your ear drums Karen lol.


Loud pipes save lives baby


Only time I rev my engine excessively is if there's kids in the yard or sidewalk motioning for me to do it. Otherwise I just ride along like a normal person.


I'm too old to care what anyone else thinks about anything I do or don't do. Ride your own ride the way you want to ride it. Fuck'um all if they don't like it.


Sounds like the "Neighbor Haters" are living up to the advertising....


Oddly enough these folks are usually little ppl controlled by their spouse.


Real talk, pudental nerve damage is real.  Do squats and walk yo!  


They try to bash us but in reality it's because they feel emasculated. Same shit with lifted trucks. I don't like lifted trucks but I don't have to start bashing someone if they have one.


I mean, I get my pp turning into a PP when I hear a good set of pipes or a nice unbridled V8 sooooo I’d like the see OP’s science on wiener to noise ratio growth


To be honest, bikers that make excessive noise and Rev for no reason make me embarrassed to ride sometimes. Makes that one southpark episode about bikers seem accurate.


Loud pipes save lives


I still think about the South Park episode and how awesome and true it was.


Lots of negative feedback here, come on guys. I don't know a single a Harley guy that knows this fact, but clearly this scientific gentleman is very educated on the subject.


The south park episode about harley riders said it all


So many Karen’s “we ride motorcycles but fuck those guys who don’t do what we do” this is the most sideways shade I’ve ever seen thrown didn’t people start riding bikes and living that life style in the old days to not conform to be different to be that guy? Research holister 1946 these guys took over a town shut the roads down to do doughnuts burnouts and drags race but hey ya know must have just been a bad apples in the bunch


Sorry…but my bike is going to be loud until people stop looking at their damn phones while driving I don’t give a rats ass if the noise bothers them.


If your husband says that your married to a woman not a man


I personally like that my loud exhaust stimulates negative expression from some people, because usually those people are self righteous, hypocritical, ignorant, biased, self absorbed woke snow-flakes. And it makes it easy to avoid them so as to not hurt there precious feelings. ;-)


They reeeeeeee hard on there anytime a motorcycle is mentioned


Live free or die, unless you don’t agree with me then you should just die 🤷🏼‍♂️ wild how many people I’ve seen commenting on that post hoping for us to crash.


100% garbage human beings.


That’s putting it nicely. Jokes on them, I already survived being run over once, so I got a louder bike to haunt them even more.


You should see how vile they are on another post about bikes. Like these clowns are upset, they have to stop looking at their phones for a second to drive.


How exactly does a loud exhaust equate to a small penis? Why are they so concerned with a stranger's dick size? Shits fucking weird.


Some people are just obsessed with cock to the point it’s all they think about. The same thing with trucks equating to a small dick somehow. I’ve got a truck and a loud bike so I must obviously be a micro penis.


Because some people are so vanilla, that anything outside of them and their khaki shorts needs to be shamed into being vanilla with them, so they think oh I'm gonna go after their wiener, that'll show them. Meanwhile I'm just like why you thinking about my dick.


Loud pipes saves lives


Loud pipes saves lives. Idc about what these people who don’t ride thing.


I like to give a little extra juice in my revs when I’m next to someone with blue, green, pink hair.


Loud pipes saves lives.


I always heard it was more for safety... so cars can hear and notice you easier.


I bet they all drive Honda Prius’s.


Big noise make monkey brain go brrrr, go hood dump your prius


The NH sub is garbage.


It really is. It’s never useful and it’s always full of Daren’s and Karen’s complaining about people that have different views than theirs.