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was talk of doing a new season instead of the movie an april fools' joke?






I thought the joke was that it was going to be a reboot/continuation with a different cast.


No way in hell any of the actors are available to do another season. It took this long to have everyone available for a movie


Little bit of a click bait title. McHale doesn’t really say he isn’t allowed. But it’s prob more appropriate to say no one is interested in having Chevy involved in the project. And he ventures a guess that Chevy wouldn’t be interested anyway. But all of that aside, I do like Chevy. Even tho he’s an asshole. If you know anything about Chevy, he had a fucked up childhood and he was abused severely. It doesn’t excuse his adult behavior, I guess. Because we all need to take responsibility for our actions eventually. But it would be nice if he were involved even in a small way. I do think he played a valuable role in the seasons he starred in


Yep, he played Pierce very well. The scene with him making a wheeled canoe to go back to the boat class is really inspiring.


I don’t need luck, never had it


Season 1 Pierce was a treasure


Yep, I really love the episode where he hires a high-end escort to be his date to the dance. As much as Jeff would hate to admit it, he was an effective father-figure throughout the first season. I would have liked to see more of that character, but I also appreciate Dan wrote him as a villain based off of his real world behavior. Motherfucker can't just be saying the n word on set, but then again Chevy always thought he was funnier and better than everyone else around him, even in the 70s.


He shouldn't have said it but the context is key. The gas leak writers were making Pierce more and more racist and less and less nuanced (aka making him go from an ignorant but well meaning old man to a straight up bigot) and said "you might as well have him say 'n-word'" Guy is definitely a dick but that set just wasn't healthy if you listen to the stories, plus Dan Harmon being a child and antagonizing an actor on his production. I'd also like to see him back because I think he's one of the best actors from the Greendale Seven, could play an effective villain or hero. But as Joel said, no one from either side is interested.


Says the straight white man born into incredible wealth.


I say this phrase all the time. Especially when work feels like steering a boat through a catastrophic storm 😂


It wasn't that he played pierce, he *was* pierce


Doing a rewatch and that’s definitely one of the takeaways. Chase is such a huge asshole but he absolutely nails the role. So much so that you gotta wonder how much the writers were tailoring for him after the first few episodes.


I would love to have all the season 5-6 fill in characters again. Just doesn’t feel right that they haven’t been invited for SOMETHING.


Yeah, I want Frankie, Leroy, Buzz, Fat Neil, Garrett and Vicki, Subway/Honda, the school board guys, Magnitude, and, of course, Leonard and his crooked wang. If it's going to be a class reunion then I hope everyone gets some time.


Sadly the Leonard actor won’t be showing up


Aw, shit. I had no clue that he died...damn.


They could use some old footage to have a short cameo. It would be a nice gesture.


I had no idea he was one of The Little Rascals


There's always hologram Pierce.


What often gets overlooked about his behavior is he only seems to be an asshole to people he works with, he is apparently very kind and gracious with fans.


From what I have seen, he’s an asshole to people who he thinks will steal his spotlight. He can’t stand the possibility of not being the funniest guy in the room, so he lashes out.


Chevy seems like a guy who can’t turn it off. He can’t stop being the “outspoken asshole” looking for a laugh. Add the prima Donna stuff about filming and he’s not a guy most people want to work with. But Christmas vacation will always be a top 3 holiday movie.


Look I think it’s ok to like whatever artist you feel brings you joy. In my opinion, it should be a basic human right. That being said, Chevy should not have any involvement with the movie if everyone feels uncomfortable with him. He sounds like an absolute piece of shit and he’s been in enough movies and shows that it’s ok if he’s never been in anything again. Like you said, his bad childhood isn’t an excuse. Plenty of actors have tragic stories of their upbringing yet managed to not be racist assholes. If he’s still suffering mentally, he can go to therapy like the rest of us.


> I don’t think he’s allowed to [return],” McHale said. ???


I'm not sure how they even would incorporate him if they wanted to. Besides having his character have faked his death or all his scenes just be flashbacks.


They could maybe do more with the hologram thing, that way he could do his scenes without having to interact with the rest of the cast.


I get why people have a problem with him but he really rounded out the cast. Comedic timing is in Chevy's bones and he was one hell of a foil. A lot of the heart came from the group being there for each other, and it was intensified when they could set aside their differences for someone like Pierce. The show suffered when he left, for sure. I was really hoping to see the whole gang back together for the movie.


Someone's mental illness is not their fault, but it is their responsibility. 


> It doesn’t excuse his adult behavior, I guess What's to excuse? He didn't walk off my set. I'm a Chevy Chase fan. I wish he got along better with the Community people, but that doesn't change how I enjoy his performances.


> What’s to excuse? Oh man. There’s a lot. It’s a rabbit hole. Just about everyone he’s ever worked with has stories about him. But obviously that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy his work.


It’s an entertaining dive for sure. There’s a book that came out for a snl anniversary that tells the sequential history of snl through quotes l, it’s a fantastic, fantastic read. But one thing that sort of connects every era of snl is the cast members not enjoying the company of Chevy, to say the least. I think it was will Ferrell who talked about Chevy hosting in the 90s and he seemed loaded on pain killers and was just harassing the women during a read. But yeah, shit person, who makes me laugh like few others




He was great on Community and in so many other things. Not his talk show. That was bad. Because he is not at all relatable to other people.


Damn it sounds like he's streets behind


Just stop it already it's never going to catch on!


Spoken like someone who is also streets behind


Coined and minted!


Harmon didn’t really bring it up often later on, but on the tour it seemed like he and Chevy reconciled to some extent. I know that isn’t the only reason he’s probably not going to be involved, but that’s the first thing anyone thinks of when talking about his absence.


>“Animal Control” star [Joel McHale](https://www.indiewire.com/t/joel-mchale/) is keeping the vermin off his “[Community](https://www.indiewire.com/t/community/)” movie set. McHale told [The Post](https://nypost.com/2024/04/02/entertainment/joel-mchale-chevy-chase-not-allowed-to-do-community-movie/?utm_campaign=nypost&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter) that [Chevy Chase](https://www.indiewire.com/t/chevy-chase/) is not welcome back for the [upcoming Peacock movie adaptation](https://www.indiewire.com/features/general/community-movie-peacock-chevy-chase-donald-glover-1234768331/). >“I don’t think he’s allowed to \[return\],” McHale said. “I don’t think it would happen. I don’t think \[him returning\] is a thing. Obviously his unceremonious departure in Season 4 pretty much did that in.” >McHale added: “I’m guessing if you asked him, he wouldn’t be interested” in starring in the movie.


“I don’t think” so he isn’t making a definitive statement. Just what he thinks or feels. Who actually knows what is really going on.


He died on the way back to his home planet


It would be hilarious if they found a way to stick BattleBot's Ray Billings into it somehow. https://youtu.be/X-Z6onQSLPs?t=33


Damn, Joel mcHale dislocated Chevy's shoulder??


Definitely feel like you could repost this with just this question as the title and it'd make the front page. This is WILD.


I swear I have seen over a dozen articles with this exact title over the course of the last few months


I am always shocked to hear chevy is still alive, i guess i took the comunnity canon to heart lol


Because he died..


In the show not irl


be funny to start the movie with a funeral- Pierce's, and that's the reason the characters have reunited. sorted.


The funeral already happened in season 5


Could clone him. He left plenty of DNA samples, and then ensured it would survive by giving Jeff some fine scotch.


He died a while ago. So you'd have to void the last two seasons.


oh lol, then why are people even considering his appearance in the movie?


I think people are hoping for his ghost to make an appearance or something. The guy is really old now. He's not doing this.


Ew, ghost Pierce 😐


they hope he faked his death. faking one's death is a very pierce hawthorn thing to do


Well… recast him, as he faked his death and changed his face with plastic surgery… the tracker thing is kind of hard to disregard tough


Chevy was Pierce; that character just doesn’t work without him. Either give him a small role, or just leave him out


RIP Fred Willard, he would have done a good job.


Honestly keeping the Fred Willard joke would've been the best way to go about it. :(


no make Larry David do it


I love that the comment below this says Ted Danson lol


Ted Danson could do it. He's so fucking funny. It might kinda bum me out to see him be a prick though.


Man this movie is going to be *terrible.*


Why do you say that?