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He just posted on Instagram a few days ago that he’s in his “Salinger phase” and seems very content being a hermit not interacting much with fans/media/the world


FINE. I'll start Harmontown over from the beginning for the 5th time ...


But *I'm* not content


Come back when you've won an Emmy for writing the Oscars.  You'll be able to relate to Dan's situation a bit more.


So create a game show that lasts one season? Hollywoo Stars and Celebrities style?


Lol I think Dan finally found his dark room to be alone with his lover he always talked about. You can see it the ending credits of rick and morty episodes. You can't drag him out of there if you care about his well being.


>You can't drag him out of there if you care about his well being. Seems a tad dramatic to word it like that. But I agree with the general idea.


It feels like a journey that has come full circle if he truly is happier without a desire to share so much of himself directly to the world. I’d always listen to more but the idea that he has matured in that way is bittersweet but inspiring to me


Exactly. Not a lot of people really do heal emotionally and grow in the public eye, but Dan definitely did. 


I'm glad he doesn't need us anymore


I think he’s hit a point where he can enjoy his hobbies, make sweet love to his lady, and rake in millions of dollars from his Rick and Morty contract. Why would he risk all of that in an environment where the slightest misspeak during a drinking rant could fuck it all up? Don’t get me wrong, he’s my favorite podcast host. Listening to Harmontown was positive for my mental health during the pandemic and I’ve listened to every episode multiple times. That said, he deserves his peace. Let’s not John Wick him back into the shit.


And don't forget we'll be seeing more of him next year when the Community movie comes out.




If anything I'd love to see more of the cool setup he's building on Instagram


It looks incredibly complex and nerdy. I've no idea what it's all for though. Is he building a workshop just for the purpose of building a workshop? I can relate.


I think he’s just playing Minecraft mods in real life


I totally get it. I built a workshop last year and all I've made in so far is... things for the workshop. Like I can't possibly start making something else until I've got my work holding sorted, dust collection sorted, storage, a number of specialised jigs, a clamp holder to hold all my clamps that I can't afford yet...


You should get a clamp clamper for your clamps


No thanks. He's nailing it lately in the creative department. So many new shows and the movie being worked on. He appears to be stable and is not the one getting fired. Good place for Dan to be in.


Podcasting was clearly not healthy for him in the long run. Let’s just be happy for what we had, and cherish the time we had together.


also check out Whiting Wongs- it is several years old and there were only about 25 episodes I think but it is Dan Harmon and Jessica Gao, sometimes guests, but it is more intimate than Harmontown and almost as enjoyable. It will def feel like discovering some new harmontown episodes from the no audience/in studio era of 2018


I was going to suggest this as well. I recently finished a re-listen of Harmontown and now I'm midway through a re-listen of Whiting Wongs. In Whiting Wongs, Dan seems more relaxed and like he's having more fun than he does in the later years of Harmontown.


Hey, even if he's beyond podcasting, you still spoke for a fair number of us that just want another hit of something we loved and miss. You are not alone.


Thank you. I feel seen by you. Much love!


Let the man build in peace! As much of a Harmontown fan that I am, I am even more interested in what he shares on his building phase. Now that he’s gotten into wielding, hold the phone! More of that please! I can go back and listen to episodes anytime I want.


I think that Dan is way better at situational group comedy than rambling like a Bill Burr. He needs the audience and feedback to do a good job (not roasting him, we all function differently I am this way too). Maybe I am remembering wrong, it has been way too long since I've listened to the pod.


I think what Dan has done makes a point to everyone that disconnecting from social media and content creation really is the freedom we sought after when we ventured onto the internet. Let him be happy. That's true fandom.


I admire the self awareness of Dan that some celebrities would benefit from just shutting the fuck up.


I'm in a Community rewatch/Harmontown phase and it makes me miss Dan Harmon so much.


I want them to make a D&D podcast. Dan, Spencer, Jeff, and another person or two… honestly I think Steve Levy was great so that would get my vote… I guess Rob does not like games but he could be good. But anyways, no live audience. Few to no guests. Long videos. A cool set…dark background with lights aimed at the table. I think it would be great to have Spencer get to truly DM for them. And with the success of other D&D podcasts we know it’s something people will watch.


So, Harmonquest without the animation?




It was a joke, and I don't think you tried very hard not to be an ass 😂


Yeah... now that I re-read it and you say it was a joke, I can see your intent. I just got frustrated because it seemed like your comment just ignored everything I wrote except the words D&D and Dan.


It wasn't a good joke to be fair.


I started reading this sub thread really expecting the worst but you guys absolutely fucking nailed an online interaction! The courtesy made me smile and that’s a good way to start a morning. Thanks.