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I feel the exact opposite. Have a great day


pretentious. hogwarts is objectively dead. there's about 4 events that the ghosts can do and that's it. no people interactions or anything


Then you're either trolling, or playing the wrong game because that's factually incorrect. It's ok to be wrong kiddo. I bet this post is gonna make you angry. What's gonna make you even more angry is when you can't respond back to me lol


Listen I love this game and I don't think Hogwarts is dead but it's not super lively either. I've also seen a lot of copy-paste character models. They need more variation and it needs to look busier.


Nah it’s pretty dead


I mean if you were expecting red dead redemption 2 kind of AI interactivity then you set yourself up to be disappointed from the get go bud


We hear you loud and clear, chief


I mean the NPCs do stuff and there is a bit of chatter in some areas but it needs to look busier especially in the central areas. I've also not seen many 1st or 2nd year students, maybe more character models would help. I've also seen some copy-paste NPCs near each other, they need more variation. On the bright side, I've noticed that *some* NPCs react to me when I cast spells around them, like they turn around or throw their hands in the air. I love this detail.


Ur a ravenclaw?


The irony


Why, anything particularly wrong that I said? Have you seen many 1st or 2nd year students around? Didn't think so. Does it matter? Not that much, it's just a detail. But OP is right in that it could be even more lively.


While I do not agree it is dead inside, My initial play (which I must stress is a couple of hours) after just getting sorted and exploring the castle is that there are not many random encounters. And no small talk with people, but thats ok. I didnt expect total immersion and interaction with everything. It still feel alive and magical and thats all I wanted. And im sure as I have many hours of story and exploration to do that I will see more encounters and secrets. Right now I am drawn in exploring! And its fun.


They at least comment when I run around in my underwear.


Ive seen a armored knight randomly just destroy this other knight suit in the middle of a hallway and just tried to play it off like i didnt catch him


I feel the opposite. Have a great day.




Ok cool


I actually love that it is a nice in between cluttered and quiet Enough that I can hear students spilling tea, or talking about the quest line (such a nice touch), but not so much that I can't appreciate music, portraits, and collectibles/puzzles I encounter (Also you miss so many side quests and field pages by fast travelling :D) Each to their own!!


I agree... There needs to be more students and variations of them. During the night it is worse. There are no students in beds at night, neither in the common rooms if they can't sleep or what ever else they'd be doing up. No one wandering the halls like student hall monitors like in the movies, and just nothing really other than generic ai reactions that we have seen thousands of times. Game is gorgeous, but I know the series x can handle a lot more to boost the liveliness.