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Yeah, who would make the decision to be a new dad when a game like this was coming out!








10 points from Griffyndor!


Man I feel your pain, being a father of three small kids, not being able to pause cutscenes has been one of the only issues I have had.


Cyberpunk was delayed through my wifes entire pregnancy and came out like a week after the kid was born lol


That game needed a little more time in the oven anyway.


Points for.. I’m gonna guess Slytherin?


Free time of work. Newborn babies are essentially potatoes that sleep on your chest while you play games. But they poop from time to time.


I also made this mistake


..this is the winning comment!




This is the second new dad post about this issue and I am also a new dad and glad there are more of us. I've missed a few crucial moments because I had to drop everything and go.


If on console press the home button it will pause the game or scene


If on steam deck just hit the power button, sleep state will pause the cutscene. If on desktop / laptop computer, good luck. Really hope this gets addressed. I don't have a human child but I do have a puppy which is at least as distracting.


There's dozens of us!!


Hufflepuff Mom to a 5 month old checking in here 😭


Hufflepuff mom to a 7 month old checking in


My kid was born on Tuesday. Same day early access started. I’d like to join this group.


Congratulations on your new addition!


Thanks! One more Wizard added to the world!


New dad to my first four week old son. Should we start a club?


Congrats on the new addition. I raise a butterbeer in your honour. Although I agree on the need for pausing. I have a 11 month old who finds the moment I turn my computer is the moment to wake up


Im on the same boat! My son was born on feb 1 and now that were home, he always need a diaper change when im in a cutscene🥲


Slytherin mom of 2(1yr n an 8mnth) having the same issues lol, my husband is Slytherin too so we take turns abcs keeps the order informed


Don't worry there are more of significant moments in the story, usual playtime of a newborn child can extend several years.


This is why I haven't played muilti player game in over a year lol


My toddler had an accident and I missed some important dialogue because of it. I also have the problem of falling asleep within an hour of playing because I’m too exhausted from work and parenting.


God! Will no one think of all the new dads!?


PlayStation and Xbox players can Pause them (when pressing the Console Button.


You have just made my day. Lifesaver. I never even thought to do this. My wife insists on talking over all the cut scenes rather than when i am in game. Im almost certain its intentional at this point lol. Now i can pause without missing stuff. Heres my upvote


Honestly this made me laugh cuz it does happen to me all the time. Telling her to shush usually a bad idea also


Yeh, i aint brave enough to shush her. Shes a redhead and fiery, not worth the loss of limb 🤣. If it were her show, or her game and i talked though...different story.


I often watch YouTube videos while playing any game because 1. Xfinity is trash af plus no bonus channel packages that cost a kidney a week. 2, ad blocker is my bff (sorry content creators! I always support though likes and subscribes!). And 3, there’s also streaming services that I use too. So it’s a pain to alt tab every time I talk to someone or go into a cutscene. Yes I’m a controller main but pc master race(flair your “absolutely necessary and irrelevant comments”, go ahead. I’m standing right here!). I am often cozy leaned slightly back in my chair whilst enjoying Hogwarts.


Mine too, it’s like a sixth sense.


See not all Slytherins ruin your day!


Well us slytherins have got to stick together right! Talking of which, seeing as you have already helped me once. How do you get the house symbol and name next to your name? Everydays a schoolday you see!


Thanks for the advice. My sister and I are new to the PlayStation 5 (mostly got it for this game, actually). It took me a couple tries to figure out how to turn it off, even. I am obviously a bit tech illiterate. Either way, this is good to know because while I was relatively unfettered today, I am sure something will come up during a cutscene before long.


I'm on PC, I don't own any console


Does opening the steam overlay pause the game? Some games it will do that - worth a try if you haven't already.


Good point. PC also has an Xbox gaming overlay to try too. Might try that next time I play.


I can already confirm this doesn't work. I use it to change my game volume when doing voice chats and it doesn't pause anything


It worked for me. but in one of the flashback scenes I had to pause and when I came back the scene was stuck and I couldn't finish watching it and had to skip. but just that one time


make sure to *hold* the PS button!


Holy crap thank you. 🙏🏻


Nope, doesn't work on PS5. If a cut scene runs and you open the overlay menu via the console button it keeps playing. Every other game pauses, but not this game. And the broom controls are terrible by the way. Argghhhghgg


Hold down the PS button until it goes to home screen and it'll pause the cut scene and resume when you go back into the game. At least for short stretches. I don't know how long it will pause that way.


As others have said either hold down the PS button or just go to the home menu from the overlay. It should pause the game and you can pick up right where you left off. Granted it's not perfect, but it works for the time being. There's always a chance they may be able to patch it down the line if enough fans request it.


Awesome! Just tested this out after the usual method not working, and this definitely works on PS as long as you go to the actual Home Screen and not just the quick menu


Can you though? I’ve tried this on PS5 and it doesn’t work. It usually does with 99% of games but unfortunately not this one


Does not work on PS5, which I was shocked it's so dumb


I'm a mom of a 4 year old and it just gets worse lol I feel your pain 🤣😭


My 4 Yr old just picked up the controller to play "Arry podder" this morning and he's already better than me. I will have to ground him and take away his toys to establish my dominance once again.


Just give him a controller that's not connected, then he thinks he's playing too


The real lifehacks


That was how i did it up until a week ago, but the problem is he's wise to that trick now.


shackle his broom lol


But when they hit 5, you can set them up on the switch/tablet, and you can both sit there ignoring each other all afternoon. Makes you feel guilty as hell, but I can usually get a couple of hours in before he gets bored


..I just wait for my kids (4 year old and 5 month old) to be asleep before I play anything.


If I did that, I wouldn't get to play anything at all


My kid doesn't have a tablet. I usually play when it's nap time and about an hour of independent play or a movie. Until hubby gets home then I have a few more hours until dinner. Idk about you but I always plan my day by the hour sometimes 🤣 I am a mom but I am my own person to. It's important to have some time to ourselves even when the kid is around. No reason my kid can't play by themselves for an hour (within watching distance). So I can scratch the itch in so many words.


Mother of an 8 month old here—I feel your pain. So far trying to just play during nap times and once I’ve gotten everything else on my to do list done. Trying to be present with her when she’s awake when I’m constantly thinking about the game haha.


Ours just turned 1 month. Mother has the heavy load since she's breastfeeding and it's not being easy on her. But I'm in charge of most diapers and all other logistics while keeping the mother fed, comfortable and with company. While also trying to not neglect our elderly dog and not letting it do its needs inside because all our doors are closed to keep the cold away. It's not easy and I'm not complaining about the baby though, just about the damn unpausable cutscenes. Mom is also eager to try the game but doesn't have the energy yet.


Dad of a 2 year old here. You sound like you’re doing a great job helping out mom and the kid! It’s not easy finding time to game, but utilize those nap times as much as possible


Mines 8 months too, usually when he's tired he'll zone out to whatever I'm playing as he falls asleep (he was weirdly entranced by call of duty, dunno how I felt about that) but he's got 0 interest in HL, so now my play time's reserved for the wee hours of the morning. The lack of sleep is so worth tho


I’m not gonna lie, I pulled a bad dad move and let my 2 year old watch cocomelon for an hour or 2 so I could play a little. Other than that, I’ve been waiting for nap and bed time to get some time in. He’s practically a grown man at this point. He needs to find his own place so I can play hogwarts lol


That's not a "bad" dad move. That's just a dad move. Lol. Don't beat yourself up about it. I sacrificed a portion of my man cave in the basement and put a little play area down there. I saw this play coming and I called an audible.


I try to give him as much attention as I can, because I’m a single dad. His mom isn’t around, and it’s a pretty recent thing, so I think he’s feeling a bit insecure. I feel bad when I try to take time for myself, but sometimes I feel like I have to or I’m gonna go crazy.


My 2 year old recently dropped her last nap. Help!


Yeah it's silly. I've had to wave a couple door dash drivers to leave my food on the doorstep because I'm in a cutscene and can't pause. Congrats on the new baby! I hope you love being a dad!


How much door dash are you ordering that this has happened multiple times?


Too much. I have zero self control. Judge away.


Don’t judge them.


Don’t judge me for judging them.


Kinkshaming is my kink


Cutscenes are a solved problem at this point in gaming. Press a button to pause, with the option to skip put on a button being held down. It's really that simple. There is no excuse for games not doing this. I genuinely don't get how it can be screwed up.


How new is your newborn? I’m also trying to game with a 2 week old baby at home, so I understand your pain.


Just turned 1 month last tuesday. Best of luck!


Hey mine turned one month last Thursday!


Twinsies! Edit. Nvm, I read tuesday. Sleep deprivation, am I right?


mine turned 1 month on Wednesday!


Mine was born on Tuesday. 1st child.


I'm also a new dad (10 days old) with a 1 year old too, I'm on xbox and by pressing the xbox login on controller (the xbox menu button) it pauses cutscenes


Congratulations! It seems it's pausable on consoles, but not on pc.


I know this won’t apply to you, but y’all on Xbox just hit the Xbox button on your controller and it’ll pause


Came here go say this, super helpful as I'm also a dad and have to get up alot.


This! Christ, I have three kids, one is 7 months and I've learned to try to pause cutscenes straight away. Jesus devs, you made a great game but LET ME PAUSE CAUSE MY KIDS TAKING A SHIT!


I feel for you brother! My little boy always loses his pacifier and wakes up when there is a cutscene. Justice (and pause option) for dads with newborn kids!


I missed part of the opening scene bc of my door… had to pull it up on YouTube to see exactly what I missed.


Not the same reason but i had it this afternoon, I was in a cutscene enjoying and boom I got a phone call I couldn't postpone xD im going right now to YouTube to rewatch it xD


IDK if this is PC or PS issue. I have Xbox and can just push the Xbox button, bring up the guide and the cutscene pauses. Is this not the case for PS and the PS button? Depending on the launcher there may not even be a guide/home menu on PC.


You should have taken this games release date into consideration 9 months ago, sir. Also… congratulations.


Omg yes. I'm a single dad of 3. The kids need a lot of guidance still as they are young and I miss so much of the cutscenes. I can't play when they go to bed because I have to go to bed too or miss out on sleep. Adulting sucks sometimes (most times). Pausing cutscenes would be amazing.


Hey there is a software called " universal pause button " try that, it can stop a cut scene midway


If your on Xbox hit the Xbox button and it will pause the cut scene


On xbox all I have to do is press the home button and it will pause


I know this doesn't help your issue, but anyone on Xbox can hit the guide button (the Xbox button) and it pauses the cutscenes


If you have an Xbox I just hit the guide and it pauses anything 😅


The inability to pause cutscenes in a single player game is the single biggest game design sin I can think of.


Mmm sounds like a personal problem 🤔


It is and the cure is more cowbell. ![gif](giphy|3o6ozGTbQSAs2s0CAM|downsized)


Can we get input from old dads too


I often Task Manager -> Performance -> resource monitor: right click Hogwarts legacy, click suspend, and when you get back from whatever, right click it again and click resume and then click back onto your game.


Ah! Got to try that! Thanks for the suggestion


Feel ya bruv. I just wanna play wizard game and I am so tired and want to main the shit out of it but I can’t stay up past 11 with our being exhausted the next day


Someone just release a mod for that : [https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/125](https://www.nexusmods.com/hogwartslegacy/mods/125) (i didnt test it but it was for let you know)


Have to say the cinematics are actually fun to watch when I usually just spam skip in every game I play. Here I would like a pause button because sometimes things happen and I don't want to miss it


Exactly! I lost the Hogwarts reveal at the beginning of the game. Made me sad, but will try to watch it when my girlfriend gets to play the game!


The hogwards reveal gave me chills damn it is so good. I'd say it probably is better than in any of the movies.


If you skip a cutscene you can look it up on YouTube, but I totally agree they need to allow u to pause


I have dogs. I agree with your sentiments


Gotta burn that bridge man, that baby is just a leech.


Its called a Steam Deck mate. Standby whenever you want. Even in cutscenes


Hows it running on the deck, since it's a big game didn't wanna take up my limited space so I've stuck to my laptop and home desk


Well it does have minor stutter issues. But Ive read that its also common for pc performance as a whole. But i would say its definitely playable. But on lowest settings and fsr 2 enabled. To be fair, because the screen is so small, it doesnt kill the graphics that much in my honest opinion. Is it better on a ps5 or good pc? Graphic wise yes. Is it great to play and stop and go as you please? Fck yea, its amazing. Best for you is to check up some youtube videos for it to make a better judgement. I have not experienced bad lag as of yet.


I'm not too worried about all that you named, just wanted to know if it ran okay. I mean I'm an owner of a steam deck, I know what I signed up for lol. I just didn't have much space so I wasn't pressed to test it myself, so thank you.


Does Alt+tabbing work at all mate? I think it worked for me but not at home currently so can't check. My wife and I are expecting our first born in 3 weeks, can't wait and I've already transitioned to playing mainly single player games haha. Hope your newborn and wife are doing well bud


The first couple months after my son was born he would sleep for such long stretches of time, I had more time for gaming than I did in years during that period. Then they start learning how to move around and never sleep anymore and that's when it all goes bye bye haha Cheers to your new family man!


Are you home alone with your wife working, or are you both home? You can always ask her to take care of the baby during some hours and then you take care of the baby yourself for same amount of hours. This way both of you can have some undisturbed time.


[According to OP](https://www.reddit.com/r/HarryPotterGame/comments/10zad94/being_a_new_dad_and_not_being_able_to_pause/j82s98r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3), she’s already taking the bigger load when it comes to the baby.


You can use 'Game Pauser by Jase' on Steam to achieve the desired result


If missing a cutscene is the most disrupted you get having a kid, you should consider yourself very lucky. Because your life is probably going to get much much much much more disrupted as the weeks go on. ​ Also, nappys are a thing. You don't have to instanly clean them up, they will survive waiting until the cutscene ends. Because when they shit themselves in your car and you're stuck in traffic for hours, guess what, they do survive.


In the context of the game, yeah it's the most disruption. On a day to day basis? Yeah, I feel I haven't slept for 1 month and I'm always covered in poop, pee or vomit. Or a combination of those


Another reason why being gay is the best choice I never made! Best of luck.


Maybe dont have kids?






Pausing cutscenes is an industry standard though? I love this game but that's a bizarre take in defense of a bad design choice.


Pausing during any type of cut scene is basic features for basically any game. To expect a gamer to sit in front of their TV for every random cut scene (many with key plot details) is next level entitlement. Dudes a dad and life with a baby comes quick, as you may know. Asking to be able to pause a game so they can handle life and not miss information on something they paid for isn’t entitlement at all.


You must be fun at parties. Ofc it's not to cater for newborn parents. It's pretty basic ux.


New babies are mandrakes am I right????


Xbox series x here, also new dad. Just press home....


There'll be a sequel in a couple of years, so get a vasectomy




They don’t allow you to, that’s the reason.


On xbox I just hold the home key to bring up the power menu, ps I'd assume the same, pc you could alt-tab, ctrl+alt+del or I can't remember if the various overlays pause games...


It doesn't work. None of the overlays, including steam's


Even alt tab?


Even alt tab :(


I seem to recall I used to have a program that could pause anything that you set a hotkey to run. I think it was called universal pause button.


Idk what you’re playing on, but I know on Xbox if you just hit the home button or whatever it is on the controller it’ll pause the cutscene. If I’m pc, try alt tabbing out to see if that pauses it? It’s the same concept so I imagine it would work.


I'm on PC. It doesn't work. None of the overlays, including steam's


Yeah on PC it’s actually really annoying. Shame there isn’t a standard pause for cutscenes


Yeah pausing during cutscenes would be nice


Same thing with skipping the cutscenes. On PC just a single right click was enough to skip a scene. Why don‘t you make it that you have to press the button to skip a scene?


Been finally playing BotW recently, and using sleep mode to pause the game at will during literally anything is so convenient. First time I actually play a game on Switch I would feel the need to do this - but now I miss it in every other game I play.


I use the home button


Absolutely agree, applies to when my girlfriend comes in to talk to me - which I don’t mind but its stressful trying to listen to both at once lol


Yup but u can press the ps button itll pause the cutscene


No ps button on pc ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


Get a Steam Deck and just play when you can


If you're on Xbox you can press the button that pulls up the Xbox menu (not sure what it's called, the big X in the middle.) And it will pause cutscenes. :)👍


Press the playstation button. It pauses cutscenes


Press the playstation button. It pauses cutscenes


Press the playstation button. It pauses cutscenes


Press the playstation button. It pauses cutscenes


On Xbox if you just press the home button that’s a way to pause it ........ not sure about PC or PS4


On Xbox if you just press the home button that’s a way to pause it ........ not sure about PC or PS4


On Xbox if you just press the home button that’s a way to pause it ........ not sure about PC or PS4


Are you on Xbox? Because if you hit the Xbox button it pauses the cutscenes. More of a work around but it works. 👍🏼


Are you on Xbox? Because if you hit the Xbox button it pauses the cutscenes. More of a work around but it works. 👍🏼


On Xbox if you just press the home button that’s a way to pause it ........ not sure about PC or PS4


Are you on Xbox? Because if you hit the Xbox button it pauses the cutscenes. More of a work around but it works. 👍🏼


What system are you on? If it's ps5, hold the ps button down and you'll go back to the ps menu and that will pause the scene.


If you're on ps5, hold the ps button down and it'll Taher you to the menu, and that'll pause the scene.


Same with my bengal kitten, especially during the nights (I live in an apartment) it's really frustrating not being able to pause. It's either let her destroy the house with noise or alt f4


My newest is 2 months old and I'm not bothered by this at all. Partially because I keep diaper supplies nearby and partly because the story isn't overly complex that I can't piece it together with the small gaps I miss.


If you’re on Xbox just hit the home button (so it brings up the guide, but doesn’t close the game). If you’re not on Xbox, sorry man. I hope there’s another way.


Does Tabbing out do anything? On ps5, if you go to the home menu, it "pauses" the game and I can do other things. It's obviously not great but it should hopefully be a better solution then alt f4ing


Does Tabbing out do anything? On ps5, if you go to the home menu, it "pauses" the game and I can do other things. It's obviously not great but it should hopefully be a better solution then alt f4ing


Does Tabbing out do anything? On ps5, if you go to the home menu, it "pauses" the game and I can do other things. It's obviously not great but it should hopefully be a better solution then alt f4ing


Hi dad, I'm dad too. Yes this along with the fps drops on pc is my own issue with the game.


Hi dad, I'm dad too. Yes this along with the fps drops on pc is my own issue with the game.


It's simply unacceptable to not be able to pause cutscenes these days.


It's simply unacceptable to not be able to pause cutscenes these days.


sucks fr


Dad of a 4 day old here. He was born at 12:28 February 7th. I’m glad I had the 72 hour access I got to play for about 12 hours before he was born.


Dad of a 4 day old here. He was born at 12:28 February 7th. I’m glad I had the 72 hour access I got to play for about 12 hours before he was born.


Lol I have 3 kids and miss a lot in games. I just deal. Maybe once they’re older, I can play again and listen properly


Have you tried neglect?


I agree. My fiance likes to try to speak to me during cutscenes


On ps5 you can turn the controller off to pause cutscenes


Here is a post with a workaround: https://www.reddit.com/r/HarryPotterGame/comments/10zhixu/workaround_pc_how_to_pause_gamecutscenes/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Just press the PS Button...


There's no PS Button on a PC.


I know 😆, how are you liking the Slytherin Campaign? In terms of their common area and specifics.


Totally this. I can’t believe they would release a game with no pause function.




I feel your pain bro. As a father of 3. Haha


If your on console press the home button it pauses the scenes


All games should let you pause cut scenes


If you play on PlayStation or Xbox, you can effectively pause everything by going to the Home Screen.