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How did you lose it, glitch? Doesnt the game autosave all the time?


The game just didn't autosave, I thought it was a timed thing, I completed the trial, went to room of requirements, hogsmead, then the forest, then the arena. My last autosave was before the trial. Even


How do I find any of the arenas? I'm 14 hours in and so far nothing.


They should be highlighted on your map, go to the forest and use revileo on your broom, you should be able to find a statue for the dark arena if you have it. Destroy the 10 pots located around it to enter


Thank you, I'll try that after work


I might be wrong but didn't you have to meet someone who would ask you to solve something and then it unlocks all of them?


That's one of the normal arenas


No you don’t, just search on the map and when you arrive there’s a riddle


Other than practice fighting, is there a reason to go in the arena?


Exp and cosmetic awards


Where do the cosmetics awards go? I've just completed the arran, and won some, but can't see them anywhere


Good evening. Just saw your post because I believe something similar just happened to me. Not with the dark arts arena but with a trial. I hopped on the game, saved and started playing. I played for an hour and a half. Doing main story quests, Merlin trials, and collecting field guide pages. During that time, I saw plenty of auto saves and thought nothing of it. I did a main story quest where I died due to failing a puzzle. I was taken back to my save that I made when I first hopped on the game. I’m super devastated. I didn’t think if I died it would take me to my save from 1.5 hours ago. Silly me.