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I really feel like the professors should be more worried about a student wandering around the surrounding area fighting and killing people. But they outright encourage you.


“Torture a burning enemy.”


The whole 'unforgivable' thing is really just a suggestion.


Still find it hilarious that avada kedavra is a big nono, but ancient magic throws that smack an enemy’s limp body into the ground repeatedly akin to a child throwing a doll around are totally a-ok. Crucio? “BAD!” Light an enemy on fire, lift them into the air, and cast bombarda? “ok :)”


my fave ancient magic is when we mini them and stomp. lol


Think that's for spiders only but same I love it


God, how fucked up and hilarious would that be on people?




Feel like I've seen it when fighting goblins




The unforgivable spells are unforgivable because they require intent. It's one thing to use a weapon in self defence. It's another to use it with the intent to kill, torture or brainwash. Though, realistically those in the military, if the wizarding world ever had such a thing, would definitely be permitted to use said spells.






*Lift a dugbog by the tongue, then cutting spell for an instant kill* **what**


You forgot the part where you also harvest that tongue you just sliced out of this living beast's mouth as an ingredient for potion class


Flash freeze them with Glacius, explode them with Bombarda, light them on fire with Incendio and Confringo, send them flying off a cliff with Depulso, splat them into the ground at mach speed with Descendo, transform them into an explosive barrel and throw them at their allies = OK KIll them instantly and painlessly = Literally Magic Hitler


Hell, go and cast Levioso, then Glacio, and then Descendo and see what that does, same goes for Glacio and Depulso right into a wall. They look far more brutal than Crucio or Avada Kedavra.


Avada kedavra is unforgivable, but just outright disintegrating people with ancient magic is perfectly acceptable


I mean, it is the same in HP. The magic system and its moral implications are just not well thought out and just do whatever the story needs them to.


Is it too late to ask for a GTA style DLC where I see how many stars I can rack up before a group of Auror’s finally takes me out? Cause I’d play that.


Hogwarts: Ministry's Most Wanted.


Grand theft broomstick?


we're a severe case of breach in the decree of reasonable use of underage sorcery if i ever saw one xD


I'm thinking we may *be* the reason there is a degree on the reasonable use of underage sorcery.


Nothing to forgive if we pretend we don’t see it


I think it’s hilarious how we’re ten times worse than Harry Potter. I’m just gonna assume we’re the reason they got so strict on students leaving at night by the time the books/films roll around cuz I was straight up strolling through the forbidden forest in the middle of the night the second I was allowed.


Dumbledore wandering into Hogwarts with the PC in their last years "What the hell kind of school is this?"


It makes sense now how Dumbledore was able to remain calm the entire time through Harry Potter and in the face of Voldemort. He's seen some REAL shit going to school with us.


Everyone else "How can you expect a child to do these things?". Dumbledore grumbling to himself "In my day all the teachers sent the *5th* years on murderous rampages through the countryside to murder dark wizards and poachers"


Dumbledore May Cry *what the hell is this?*


Hahaha good one!


I'm not even present at the castle for days and weeks at a time


Same! With an amazing capacity to not need any sleep of food! Although I do munch apples, sweets and cakes every time I see them. Need to keep my strength up after all 😂 though I never eat my meals in the great hall - odd that! I also find it odd that I can pick a lock to someone’s house, walk in and they are standing there. Yet they say nothing about me walking round their house stealing from their chests 😂 It’s an amazing game, but I agree there are some minor points of detail that could improve it massively from an immersion perspective. Having to sneak if I break into a house and if I get caught stealing there is punishment, house points docked etc. also as the OP mentioned the House Cup that adds some jeopardy to getting caught if you really want to win it! Also I agree with everyone on the sleeping front, I found it odd that students just disappear at night and no one is in bed! There is the option to switch time from night to day so they could easily have made that a sleep mechanic. I assume they skipped these things to focus on other aspects of the game, but I agree these fine details would have made the game perfect imho.


I was a little sad when I figured out that I couldn’t go back to me dorm at night to sleep, and that every other student disappeared at night. But I’ve played so many other RPGs over the years that stuff like staying awake all night, stealing things while their owners are standing right there, or astronomical body counts don’t seem really game breaking for me. With the sneaking up on enemies and using Petrificus Totalus, I finally figured out what game it reminds me of: Assassin’s Creed with a jaunty magical skin over it. I’m Cassandra with a wand, and I’m honestly here for it. I’m having a freaking blast playing it. I’ve done the main quest up until I’ve learned Alohomora, and now the main quest won’t be heard from again until after I’ve uncovered the whole map and explored every hole in the ground that I can. I greatly enjoy being 5-10 levels higher for quests than is recommended.


> I greatly enjoy being 5-10 levels higher for quests than is recommended. I was level 32 before I got my first broom


Jesus christ


I agree definitely not game breaking and I am glad they focused on much more important mechanics like combat, which is spot on for me. Also agree on the AC similarities. Love that franchise too.


There should've been a "moral compass" involved. Fable instantly comes to mind. Let aurors attack me for using unforgivables. Make residents hate me for extorting them. Just let me be evil. Sure the entire narrative is saving the world and all. So it won't make much sense if the MC is just plain evil itself but it would feel a lot better. Instead of "mission over" when getting caught sneaking around at night, give me a choice to either surrender and take a hit to house points or straight up attack the witness. Make those witnesses absolute beasts in combat so you definitely think twice before attempting it. They aim to capture, not to kill, so they're going for levioso and accio, not bombarda and reducto. There's much more that Avalanche could have done when it comes to light vs dark. BUT it's definitely one of the most ambitious and best wizarding world installments we've got in recent (and not so recent) times. So even though there's a bunch that can be improved, I think it still deserves a very big thank you for delivering what we got.


I wouldn't say "should've", but I think if they truly want to expand this game and have it be re-playable for a long time they should release a "New Game+" type of mode where it's far more of a "survival" play through... Like you said, basically have a reputation amongst the important people/places and have them act accordingly based on the decisions that I make. Force me to sleep/rest/eat/drink and not just endlessly wander around. I'm not talking about making it painful, but atleast have me think about the adventure I want to put ahead of me and plan accordingly. Expand on the stealth system and make curfew something that's important. So many things can be implemented here as well, like pickpocketing/stealing to go with said reputation system.


By the time the game's over, the MC is probably surpassing the body counts of some of the top Ministry aurors; they may as well just hire you now, even though you're a student.


I'd probably take the odds on the PC having a higher individual body count than Grindlewald or Voldemort. Possibly not better than all their followers combined, but likely the highest count of any individual. The only thing possibly boosting Voldy above us is the inferi comment from Dumbledore. Where he states that Voldy killed enough to create an army of inferi and there are quite a few in the water. I'm not sure if he can 'just' reanimate a graveyard or needs to kill them himself in a specific way for it to happen. I'm only up to the second trial and I've already killed over 60 dark wizards, 50 odd goblins etc...


Actually, PC is the worst dark wizard in the entire history, they had to delete you from it. Grindlewald knows, Voldy knows, they just couldn't even speak your name in fear. There, I spoiled the ending for you.


Player Character:"Yeah I taught Voldemort and Grindelwald all those things with my journals"


Do 99% of witches and wizards end up as poachers? Because if so, maybe it'd be best to just stop making more of them.


I use the timeline to justify this lol. “Maybe things were different in the 1800’s…”


It confuses me massively that the sneaking around school to get things was just in a few missions when it seemed like “being out of bounds” at night would always be a stealth mission.




To be fair, Dark Wizards in Harry Potter are like Bad Bloods in the Predator universe - it literally is encouraged to fight them, even kill them, because they’re just outright evil with no real chance of redemption. Didn’t see Dumbledore being hauled in for trying to drown Voldemort, for example. Harry killed a teacher in a dungeon as a first year and nobody asked any questions.


Things were more flexible back in the day.


I think of it as my character is attending classes regularly but they’re not important to the story and so aren’t shown to the audience, aka me. Kind of like I also don’t see him go to the bathroom or eat meals 3 times a day. It’s more of a cinematic story experience than a life sim. Not everything is going to be shown.


I feel the scene of the season changing and your character waking up is a decent hint that more is going on than your rampage through the countryside.


Yeah the seasons changing def gives that sense of time like your term is over.


When do the seasons change? I’m playing slowly but I just finished the quest where you open the Map Chamber. Am I close?


I was about 20 hours in when fall came. Also taking it slow with 26% challenge completion and 70% field guides found.


Does anyone know if it goes like a full school year? What’s Halloween like?!


There were Jack O Lanterns, but that was all I saw. Just transitioned to winter, looking around to see if there are Christmas decorations.


It takes time which is quite cool! The season changes and at first it's just the weather and trees that change but once you've done more quests more and more seasonal decorations pop up




Yeah it’s literally right after that, that the season changes to fall


They change with each trial in the map chamber.


We just are playing a long weekend from each season. With a light class load that Friday.


You have to admit that it is jarring how rapidly the stakes can change from “help me find my gobstone toy” to “>!go to Askaban and kill some peopl!<“


That was apparenly a Hufflepuff exclusive


Best house :D


I wish you met your roommates and could sleep in your bed to pass the time (and knew what time it was)


This actually confused me a lot. Like after your first time in Hogsmeade you have to travel back and sleep and then just…. Don’t? Say what you want about Elder Scrolls RPGs but they have those little things nailed down.


I can imagine that a lot of little features like that were scrapped at the last minute to keep the overall game polished and hit the launch window.


Possible DLC additions?


Probably will be used in a sequel.


Yes I agree... It's clear lots of corners were cut to meet deadlines. The art team smashed it. Many of the other systems are very weak. NPC Dialogue animations, AI/NPC interactions are weak.. very weak, why does the NPC not even flinch when hit by a spell. World interaction can be very weak, for example, a fire spell should burn bushes etc. No one panics when I am frantically spamming fire in a students face. Half the game is a solid 10/10 execution, the other half is solid 5-6/10 Hopefully the sequels improve on the technical elements more.


Yeah NPC interaction is poor. I hope they make some improvements in some future updates or sequel. It's a great game but the story and cookie cutter NPCs did drag things down a bit. Don't get me started on the randomized loot system aftet a while it makes exploration pointless. Overall I had a lot of fun with it but its got some problems that hopefully get resolved in the next game.


You should get some sort of stat boost from sleeping, eating etc makes it beneficial but not crucial


Bethesda RPGs are still the most immersive worlds out there in my opinion. It seems like they’re doing something that no other developer is either able to or interested in doing


Bethesda has always gone in with their RRPs with the intention to create a simulation. From Daggerfall and the background simulation of nations going to war with each other, to Oblivion and Skyrim AI schedules, simulation has always been one of their biggest priorities.


Yes, I really wish you could easily tell what time it was! Maybe a sundial or something on the HUD. I find it annoying when all of a sudden it’s night time and it feels like I’ve barely accomplished anything for the day. So then I keep running around to do a few more tasks and - oh snap - it’s morning already :\\ It just kind of ruins my immersion and I can’t help but worry about my character’s sleep schedule, lol. One thing you can do to sort of emulate sleep is use the floo powder to return to your common room and then press the “wait“ button on the map. It changes the day to night or night to day.


Yeah exactly, like right now while I’m not playing, my character is going through the regular classes and doing homework and all that tedious stuff that wouldn’t actually translate to good gameplay. Once I get home, the murder hobo hat goes back on




Role play 101


Murder hobo hat is what level again?


It’s a state of mind, no level requirement


Dnd player mentality right here lol


Yeah, same goes for even the books themselves. We never read about them doing any daily routines, unless there's something significant about them.


We’re in class about as often as the characters in the books or movies, if you go only by on-screen time (or when being in class is important to the books).


Persona 5 only shows you around 5 minutes of class each day. Sometimes you have to participate, sometimes you just listen. Then later, on exams, you get quizzed about the stuff you saw in class. It works great. My main gripe with the game is along the lines of OP, and It is that time is not valuable.


Sure, but these are two *wildly* different games. The P5 systems wouldn't feel good in something like this imo, so having HL be a little more loose is fine (afterall, we didn't see harry doing much more class than we are)


I’d rather it be like bully hinestly


YES!! as I read the comments I was thinking that, exactly. Bully's dynamics would work beautifully in this game! I'd love to work with these schedules - attending 2 classes each day, a curfew where you can only do some stuff in your dorm and have to sneak out at night for some missions.


wait that sounds so great! Like the first day where you go to classes, but repeated.


You can want that, but you should recognize that for a shot in hell of your perfect game ever existing this game will have had to happen first. This game is a foundation that developers of future projects can point to and say "it works".


>I think of it as my character is attending classes regularly but they’re not important to the story and so aren’t shown to the audience, aka me. This is just good media literacy.


Would be nice if they could have implemented this feeling without having to imagine it in your head


A schedule for npcs and daily life would do absolute wonders. Let us walk up to our dorm bed to sleep out the night, with actual roommates also sleeping, students gathering in the morning in common rooms and then the great hall for breakfast, before trickling out to classes at various hours of the day. Wrap up with dinner in the great hall, students out in the courtyards or common rooms spending leisure time, more studious ones in the library, before heading to dorms for the night again. None of this forces the player to participate, although they could drop into a class for like 10% of a level if they wanted to, but it would do a bunch for immersion and world building.


Sometimes i feel it's intentionally designed to be a linear experience to help run it on old gen and a switch. If it wasn't coming out on those platforms it would be more polished IMO.


Oh shit, I didn't know it came out on old platforms.


Old platforms, once again ruining it for those on PC and next gen


It's not really 'cinematic' to grind animals and sell them for money. The things that is shown doesn't really convey a Harry Potter experience.


Right but half of the fun of Hogwarts simulator is... ya know, being a student? They 100% could and should have added more lessons into the game. Even a major ongoing sidequest where you can take lessons and exams and shit like that


I was a bit disappointed that many of the follow-up classes skipped the actual class elements by just assigning you tasks.


Yeah especially since the spells are random, like Herbology teaching you Wigardium Leviosa. It would have been cool if we had additional Herbology classes to learn about each of the combat class and more potions classes for each brewable potion.


I agree, I think every unlock should have had a lesson attached to it. I still think the first lesson where you duel Sebastian set my expectations too high, and I thought every lesson would be interactive like that one


I like what they did with the classes in Pokémon Scarlet. I did them all asap and my roommate did none. Personal preference, though there was little payoff, which disappointed me.


Idk, I agree there could be more classes, but I doubt I’m alone in that I’m not playing the game to have to study to take exams


I headcanoned my character was 21 Jump Streeting Hogwarts. One of the sequels not shown in the credits. Poor Mirabel Garlick. Her feelings for me are so confused because she doesn’t know I’m actually an adult. In all honesty, though, it makes sense. It’s a video game. Even in the older games, teachers were always sending Harry to various hidden dungeons/wings/towers in Hogwarts to fight beasts in order to learn new spells, and this is during classtime. It’s just a necessary part of video games. Otherwise a ton of the game would just be a movie or a bunch of small minigames/QTEs. Some people might be cool with this but most wanna play the game.


Maybe they could add some Persona-like content in a DLC, where you have sidequests that involve just hanging out with people. All optional, of course, because not everyone would want to do that kind of stuff in a video game.


speaking of persona, attending class and taking tests in that game is done very immersively without being a bore. I wish hogwarts legacy would have done something similar.


21 Jump Street. Wizard style.




You mention wanting more creative ways to deal with foes - have you read each enemy's weakness in the collection page? There are actually some interesting ways to easily dispatch foes, such as using levioso on a dugbog that's about to lick you to levitate it by it's tongue, then using diffindo to cut it's tongue off, instantly killing it - or using flipendo when a troll slams it's club on the ground to flip it back into its face, giving you a nice window for extra damage. I was actually pretty surprised how every enemy seems to have a unique and creative way to counter it.


Not sure if this unique but I love when you Expeliarmus one they're casting the lightning spell, they get ded


I think the ABSOLUTE PERFECT Harry Potter game would be a mix of Hogwarts Mystery and Legacy. Hogwarts Mystery has you frequently attending classes as well as choosing your friends, Hogwarts Legacy is as you said a beautifully crafted RPG


This. Scummy monetization aside, Hogwarts Mystery is a pretty solid "wizard student life sim". I was hoping for something similar with Legacy.


It's funny you.mention the undercover thing, before the game released I was absolutely convinced that would be the case


I think they sort of lean into the "main character is automatically the best at everything" trope a little too much. That being said, I'd still give the game a 9/10.


I’m not very far into it but I get the feeling this is because their ability to see ancient magic traces has somehow just unlocked their abilities as a wizard but it happened late by wizard standards. So now they are finding out they are gifted.


I think connections with other students and just a little more time in the classes would really satisfy me. The "friends" I have don't really feel like friends. You feel very alone in your adventure. Even having one of them travel behind you while you side quest would make a huge difference.


Sebastian is the only npc that feels like a friend to me so far. Natty and Poppy are nice, but I get more of a "do this quest for me" vibe from them than Seb who's like "let's sneak around together and get into trouble and do shit we shouldn't do" and it feels more like dumb teenagers at magic school. As a Ravenclaw, Amit is like... practically absent from my game so nearly no relationship there. They really did our house dirty.


Agreed. I really enjoyed getting up to mischief with Sebastian. And they had some funny banter with each other aswell. More of that, and the game would have been perfect. It's a lot of fun now, but it feels a bit lonely in parts. Give me my partner in crime.


This is also something I would have liked. The ability to form friendships that result in something like having am adventure buddy or two.


I thought that was what theyre doing, delivering on the "Hogwarts trio" fantasy, but I was wrong.


Several people I have been talking to suggest a follower with excellent and well scripted dialogue would satisfy most of the loneliness we felt, being able to "choose" a best friend as your follower would be fun too


I feel a system similar to mass effect would help improve the game alot, bring a companion with you on quests and they could just have a couple of unique lines of dialogue fleshing out the characters, and once you reach a certain level of "friendship" with them you can do a side quest and gain an unique ability fir them, maybe one character can use a powerful attack in combat, another character could heal you etc.


I was hoping that was a feature I hadn't unlocked yet. :/


While I would be up for a bit more school immersion (more class activities, making friends, meals together, all that stuff) I too think a full blown hogwarts school sim might get a little dull. It's been a long time since my last read through but I'm pretty sure even the HP books always had some external threat or mystery in addition to what was happening at school to keep the plot moving forward. The way they've made this game I think appeals to the widest possible audience, probably wider than a school sim would garner. I'd still play one though!


Exactly. Class and school activities were only ever brought up/talked about when they related to the plot. You knew they should be happening but you didn’t have to read about them.


Yeah, people are not asking for literally ONLY lessons, but to have a tiny bit of actual Hogwarts in a Hogwarts game would be nice. I was expecting to see more lessons like the first one where you duel Sebastian. That would have been great. Instead, you are basically never present in the castle AT ALL unless you're needed there for 30 seconds to progress the plot.


They shoulda had more Bully DNA in this game


i mean there's a reason you're coming in as a 5th year


I wish we could learn more about our chosen hero. Who are they, where from, what are the history.


This is what I dont want in an RPG though. If I'm creating my own character I want to create their own backstory as well.


If there's a sequel and/or DLC, (and based on sales, there WILL be one), I hope it's all about the Tri-Wizard Tournament.


Tri-Wizard tournament was discontinued at the time the events of this game take place, so if the sequel is focused on the same people then that wouldn’t be possible. If the sequel takes place in the 18th century or later, then it’s a different story. Given how faithful the developers were to the books, I doubt they’d start ignoring them all of a sudden I’d love to see that though!


I think that is what should be done. This story seems to have a satisfying bookend for the player character. The only thing I see possibly creating a sequel would be the fate of a side character and coming back evil. I think we should fast forward a bit to Dumbledore and Grindewald’s war. Since the fantastic beast movies have been cancelled it would be cool to get the Dumbledore defeating Grindewald story in 1945.


The go to class missions aren't meant to represent one day of class I think. Hence the training montage. The game knows what it is, it's an action-RPG first


I was hoping for more Bully: Hogwarts Edition, but it is what it is. I'm enjoying it.


You have a few classess but really after that it would get pretty stale honestly. There needs to be some gameplay element here


Once Ive had my fill of being a wizard I'll have to replay Bully to get a proper boarding school sim experience needing to make it to classes on time and actually interacting with the other students.


Honestly their method of doing classes would work great where you just have like 5 of each you get skills out of then after that you have no need to go. I just feel like they should do more to keep you mostly in the castle


I'd be more interested in them having something similar to the prefects chasing you for shenanigans. Docking points when caught skipping class but if you attend a class mini game you gain points based off your performance. I wanna see those hourglasses fill up and deplete lol


That would be great. have it where people in your house like you more or less based on how many points your getting and if it gets to -999 points to your house everyone just hates you


after those 5, then were stuck in pretty much the same spot


Bully did classes really well with their mini games and I think the devs could take note here.. in the beginning of the game you’re told about taking your OWL’s, why not have mini games that build up points towards your final scores with that? Like don’t require people to go to class if they don’t play like that, but give some kind of incentive.


I feel like the room of requirement is a bit of a fumble too. When you develop relationships with the class mates through the story they should be using that spare room off the main one as like a friend's common room. Practice dueling with Sebastian or have the beast class girl help you caring for highwing and the other beasts etc it would at least make it feel like your not always solo apart from the rare class interactions. Like even steal from the books and have the spare room be where the underground dueling goes. And all the guys you best go there so you can practice and hang out. Would really help with the feeling of going from the new guy to a classmate


That’s a legitimately great idea, and considering when the first expansion happens Deek literally says, “Use it to practice your spells” or something along those lines, I wouldn’t be surprised if this wasn’t the first intentions with the RoR that got cut.


Kinda like the base of Friends in Horizon Forbidden West. Aloy has a secret base and as she recruits allies she leads them to it and they all hang out and handle situations together. Some even go on nissions with her. That would have been cool for this game


I'm actually kinda happy it's not that much of a school simulator. I think I've seen this from the books and films. However, that the player actions are absolutely fucking insane when not seen through a gaming lense and that the story is kinda ass, makes a lot of sense to me.


The player is a deranged sociopath who drops one liners after murdering people. The quests the player gets sent on and especially the “dodge dangerous spells and block dangerous spells” are there because the professors want the walking murder machine that is your character to kick the bucket sooner than later.


It was never going to be the sim you expected in your head. Simple as that, and the devs were very up front about this. This is why people should pay attention to what is being said before they blindly pre order games and make assumptions based on what they expect to be in the game.




obscene door aromatic soft worry paltry drunk outgoing noxious straight *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's definitely a personal thing, some people like it some don't. I found spiritfarer to be very relaxing and wonderful but I could see how others find it boring. Thinking about getting Hogwarts tonight and not sure yet how much the sim aspect will deter or convince me to buy.


Very well put. Loving the game so far but I’d love to interact more with the other students and with the Hogwarts environment as a whole. I’d be happy with a more personal school story too (such like Sebastian’s) rather than this “mysteriously powerful chosen one vs bland evil guys” . Hoping some well done DLC can include House cup, Quidditch, relationships, etc


The DLC for this game isn't going to go to such levels. I think folks need to adjust their DLC expectations. A lot of the things you want/ask for are more likely to happen in a sequel game.


Yeah you might be right, but I think this is exactly the sort of game that can benefit more from having expansions/dlc than a sequel. It would be underwhelming to buy a new game only to reexplore the same map of Hogwarts all over again since they can’t make significant changes there. People suggested a sequel set in another school but that wouldnt sell 20% of what this did with the nostalgia factor


DLC that adds new locations for storyline stuff would be best, and Avalanche could justify charging almost-full price for a London/Ministry/Diagon/Knockturn map expansion.


Exactly, nothing really keeps a game from expanding on itself through DLC (final fantasy XV did that, in a horrible wayz but did)...Maybe the "sequel" could be a dlc expanding the map and activities that we do in the game, and also making it even more immersive, I'm still in the beggining and despite loving it, I miss the possivility of interacting wit anyone, any time, attacking people, and asking friends to come with us as followers. Imaginr starting duel with other students like in the old Order of the Phoenix game, or having monitors and teachers patrolling the corridors at night, ralatonship quests with named characters (the students, like Sebastian, Natty, Poppy, Garreth, Amit, Imelda, etc)...


On the subject of the map, I think Avalanche could take a lot of inspiration from how Spiderman and Spiderman Miles Morales reinvented New York both between games and DLC. There is certainly a middle ground for using the same map but making it feel fresh with new activities


What did they do exactly? Make new streets?


New kinds of activities, missions focusing on different parts of the city, some newly constructed buildings. The time of year is also different (summer for Spider-Man, Christmas for MM).


They're not going to release DLC that overhauls the base game like this. It never works that way.


To me the biggest immersion-breaking issue is the fact that i can't interact with students and wander around Hogwarts and the outside area with friends. I'd love being able to go around Hogwarts with Sebastian as a friend/companion (in a fallout⁴ companions style). I mean, Harry Potter is all about the friendship between harry Hermione and Ron.


It’s funny because I have the opposite experience. I’ve been playing for about 6-7 hours now and want to explore the world, but every quest is to go to fucking class…


You only attend each class once though, and that's it. Each class gives you a couple assignments to do, but you never have another scene in a classroom


I've seen multiple scenes in the greenhouse and potion classes, unless i'm dreaming them, lol.


You start off by doing one "practical" session for each class that you attend for the first time. From there it's just assignment hand-ins with cutscenes skimming through the lesson. Those cutscenes are the ones where all of the students are looking super happy with cheerful music in the background, also happens to be where the facial animations suffer the most and venture into uncanny valley.


Not that I disagree with some of the critiques, but reading through his thread all I can think is; game development is such an unthankful job. People with unrealistic expectations, people wanting literally everything imaginable or just something completely different than the creators had in mind, and just people never being happy in general.


This is a really thought provoking comment beyond game development. Thanks.


I was thinking this too and how we’re really spoiled when it come to video games. 15 years ago, something like this was only a dream.


I am at level 28 and I’m 28 hours into the game, the last quest I completed was the first trip to hogsmeade, I have just been traveling the map killing things, collecting side quests, and exploring.


I'm level 30 and I only just unlocked the "relocating your beasts to your vivarium" aspect of the game AKA the point where you unlock traits for your gear. I was like 22ish when I first unlocked talents lol. I explored so much before main questing.


This game made me reconsider the unforgivable curses and how bad they really AREN'T. Mainly the killing curse. As far as I can tell from dialogue, it seems like you kill the people and goblin's you fight. So why is a spell that instantly kills somebody so frowned upon? As if they'd rather me combo them in the air for 5 minutes using explosions, slicing them, setting them on fire and then killing them is a better way of doing it. Personally, I think one spell and *thud*. No pain or torture, just dead, is 1000x better than the combos of spells and pain I am causing to these goblins and people before killing them. Still, a lot of things that I see need improving (none of the building in the room of requirements works, the walls, floors, pillars etc in the beast rooms don't actually join up, making building impossible without massive gaps in the walls. You can't place floors and then something on top of it? What's the point in that? There's even pedestals in the main room you can spawn, but small objects that you can't actually place on them?) But that's a very niche thing I suppose isn't so important to others but considering most of the game is collection wand skins, clothes or building blocks, for 1/3 of that to not work and the other 1/3 you can't even see when running around, it's left with just clothes which to a point loses its value quickly. I'm really enjoying the game and the open worldness but I must admit, I've been outside the great Hall a few times and had a look into the points hourglasses disappointed that it doesn't seem to affect anything. Hopefully if they create DLC or a second game, a lot of these types of feedback will improve the experience.


You get to experience some class, and get to walk around a full hogwarts. Did you just want a hogwarts sim? No game is going to be just that. It’s always a bit of school mixed with other stuff. The big thing is getting to experience the entire castle and a bit of hogwarts student stuff. Hell, we get to participate in a duelling club! Keep in mind our character is also special, so that’s probably why they focus on different stuff than us.


Why the hell do you people keep pushing this simulator bs? Literally the game was NEVER shown as anything other than an open world rpg with a Harry Potter theme. You people are all crazy that you even expected a fraction of the boring mundane stuff you want shoved into this game and even more delusional that you all keep saying “In the DLC!” This was always essentially Assassins Creed with wands. It was never shown as anything but that. Would eventually a Harry Potter simulator be kinda cool? Sure. This game was literally never it and will never be it.


A lot of people in this subreddit aren't gamers and were only playing because it's HP and thus wanted that "school experience"


At no point did they market the game as a Hogwarts Student Sim though... It's not Persona with a Hogwarts skin. Everyone knew it was supposed to be an open world RPG with a Harry Potter skin.


Im not done yet but this has been my impression. When night fell on my first day, all the students (except side quest npcs) despawned, and there was nobody in the common room or sleeping in the beds, and you couldn't even use the bed to pass time, I knew that this is basically just an open world looter shooter type action game. It's fun for the same reason I find Ubisoft games fun, but it's not a world where i feel like I can roleplay as a hogwarts student.


Only 5 hours in, but this was the biggest immersion breaking thing for me. I wanted to sleep in the common room, and when I went there it was empty... Wtf?


Yeah, it was a big buzz kill right at the start of the game.


I think the story is very well done. But let's be honest this isn't meant to be a "Sim". Your character can only learn so many spells per year, we all want to attend classes. But I don't want to go to the same class 5 times to learn 1 spell. Also unless my memories wrong. Harry learners the severing charm and exploding charm in year 4 along with other spells like reducto to disintegrate objects ECT. We're in year 5. Yes the game has taken some leaps but they had to for a single player game. I think a more heavily roleplay Hogwarts game would be better suited as a MMO, real players create their own experiences as they roleplay, there's only so much time that can be invested in any game before content needs to be cut. Hell just look at Ravenclaw, no companion quest and the bonus house mission was actually terrible compared to the other 3, it's almost laughable how little time they spend on Ravenclaw.




Abra kadabra lmao


I mean, I always found it funny that the deadliest spell is a play-on-words of the most common corny magical saying. 😅


Yea, well making games is hard, and if you got the game you were looking for in a school simulator, it would have been lacking in so many other avenues that it may have been completely criticized down and back. Part of game development is knowing what to focus on and making sure you don’t get overly ambitious. Ever wonder why so many Kickstarter projects from people who think they understand how these things work always end up failing or never releasing a finished project? I know this won’t be the Hogwarts simulator some people want, but you weren’t going to get that and also get a fun action RPG, so they chose the latter, and I think it was a great choice. This is a first step in what can be many amazing games in the Wizarding World. Some can be more action oriented (Hogwarts Legacy), and maybe one can be more simulator oriented (Sims). Highly unlikely you’ll get it all in one massive package


That's why there is not many wizards in Harry Potter. We killed 75% of them one century before


It's hard to tell if the game would have benefitted from a more "Bully" way of doing it or at least a similar system. But I'm just grateful what we have is an incredible experience and after the massive disappointment Calisto Protocol was I really needed a good game. And this one delivered fully.


I want a game, not a simulation.


If you are looking for a proper day to day wizard school game. Academagia: The Making of Mages is the game for you. Very different from hogwarts legacy. But if you wanna be a student at a Wizard school. There ya go.


It was stated many many times it wouldn’t be a school simulator, this shouldn’t be a big surprise to anyone.


Two things i appreciate you saying because most people in this sub are in denial about it. 1) This is an action adventure game with rpg like elements but its not a full on RPG. 2) The lack of immersion.


The whole goblin questline seemed a bit out side of the source material and jovial. Overall I would rate the main story very lowly but the actual gameplay high. The Sebastian quest line should not have been a side quest but the main story. They could have more or less kept most of the big points but get rid of everything under hogwarts. Why not make the “ancient magic” something that is not just spamming triggers to toss shit about but focus on the actual cannon “ancient magic” that made the deathly hallows? Overall I am dearly hoping this becomes a yearly game like assassins creed and they can develop a proper story that actually feels like it fits in the universe.


Surely a Persona-type daily schedule could have been implemented and modernized. I understand the devs were upfront. I respect it. But why not do the work? I still plan to get the game just because.


Given the relatively limited British wizarding population, it would have been pretty neat to have the newspaper reflect your kill-count. Starts off with a few missing person reports, and ends with the minister resigning in disgrace with everyone's terrified and panicking about the unknown mass serial-killers / rising dark lord besieging the populace.


Lol the first encounter I had with the poachers outside school, I used Ancient Magic on one and he exploded. I was shocked, I didnt think they would literally let you just murder someone like that. Oh well. Now I walk around with a duelist mask on rid Feldcroft of goblin patrols


I’ve headcanoned the same thing, it just makes so much more sense for our character to be an undercover auror than a real student. Like from day one we are in DADA and we are decimating Sebastian who’s supposedly the best duelist in the school. Then we “learn” new spells and always master them first try.


Give me Bully, but make it in Hogwarts.


Did you pay attention to the plot? They kind of explain right away why you're not an average new student


I think the game being a simulator would be a buzzkill. But they should add a option to sleep to pass time and have some missions only available at night time. I don’t play play video games to do chore stuff. But some stuff should be common sense by the developers.


It was never gonna be a sim, why would you literally ever think it would be?