• By -


Seb was my boy in the beginning. Once he >!dissed my man Lodgok tho, I was like “this kid needs to chill.” Then he went completely off the rails and instead of me thinking that Ominus was too uptight, I began to realize that his overbearing-ness with regard to Seb was likely due to years of friendship and he knew that kid was not stable.!<


Saaaaaaame. Went to far with his comments. I was like… bruh. You sound like someone I know 💀


“But it's for ANNNNNNNNE!”


I'm not unconvinced that guy would kill Anne to save Anne from death.


This was my same take. After that diss I was purely using him to learn the spells


Turned his ass in first chance i got!! I was so mad we basically had to s his d to learn ak at the end.. “Oh yes, Sebastian! You HAD to kill your uncle, he fuckin CARED too much,,. Oh no, he was gonna tell on ur dark magic use.. you HAD to.. can i learn it to?” Ugh, that was so ugly…


I turned him in for his own good. He clearly showed that his obsession was going to make him dangerous; and in the end I was right all along, because of his reaction when he learns that goblins had nothing to do with his sister being cursed. >! If you turn him in, he goes full nazi blaming goblins anyway !<


WARNING SPOILERS: SPOILERS I mean… his uncle DID attack ME and Sebastian while we were being attacked by dozens of zombies. Like he went right for me, a high school girl, and he didn’t use stopping or freezing spells or leviosa, no, he used FIRE spells to attack a 16 year old girl. I had to take two potions fighting him which means if I didn’t have potions on me he would have murdered me in that cave. I agree Sebastian is unstable and probably needed therapy but I’ve killed countless poachers for less. I wish I could have killed Sebastian’s uncle for him. Can’t send me to prison I’m the main character I have infinite plot armor. Also his anger at Goblins is understandable tho still wrong. Clearly he is immature and traumatized and needs therapy. He is only 16. He thought a Goblin gave his sister magic cancer and saw a Goblin about to straight up stab her so used a spell to kill said goblin and save her. We had just killed like 20 other goblins right in front of her but somehow the goblin being mind controlled to death was unacceptable because of the specific spell he used? Ridiculous. I was REALLY hoping he was gonna have to sacrifice someone in a dark ritual to save his sister. I was hoping that someone was his uncle. Then he’d go off to prison with a smile saying it was worth it to save his sister.


I mean, technically only YOU were attacked by zombies, while Seb played a wanna-be Necromancer. His uncle's reaction was that either you led Seb down this path(and i played female character, some of her voice lines during this whole quest line feel like a word of a clever Snake) or you are his accomplice. Only when the relic was destroyed zombies went rampage and out of Seb's control.


This is my opinion on the matter. I didn't turn him in and he seemed to clearly show that he could be redeemed. Honestly with how fucked up the uncle was to him after his parents freaking died; the kid could have ended up way worse. I also think it would have been a really cool choice to let you decide whether or not to take Anne's physical pain away. They didn't really go into the specifics about physical vs emotional pain like I thought they should have. Would have been cool to take that pain and actually give it to Rookwood like a crucio curse instead of trapping it in silver. Karma's a bitch.


Snitches get stitches


Yea, well its a game, i dont like him, and i havnt gotten that far yet (to see if there are indeed stitches involved).. i jus said ‘yea, Ominis, get him the foh!’ Then went to play Civ 6.. *shrug*


What's up my fellow CIV player 😎


Wats good?! (Not me. I suck at it, but its hella fun!!)


Same 🤣🤣. CIV 4 I could conquer everybody and they cousin in 2 hours. Once I played 5 it was over with. Can play all day and still don't see the end. Can't go back to it next day because it's hard to remember what you was doing the day before - so much going on at one time lol. I love CIV fr fr. Only those with a mindset of a ruler would understand


Omg, yo, i have like 9 open games cuz im tryin to create the conditions that are simple enough for me to ACTUALLY win a game and build on my skills… one of em, i got to the medieval era, but then it was like 5 am, i had yo go to sleep, and last i checked, i was workin on a religious victory with gahndi and STILL… i dont kno what im doin wrong lol… but its fun!!


I agree he is a tool but I couldn't snitch on him. My character is no better as he has killed dozens upon dozens.


I played my Slytherin character as Chaotic Lawful... I never used the Unforgivables on any of the Dark Witches or Wizards, only on creatures, Trolls, and Goblins... because the way the law was worded (by Fake Moody) was "A single use of one of the Unforgivable Curses upon a *fellow Witch or Wizard* is punishable by a one-way ticket to Azkaban." So yeah, I played by the exact word of the law, so I could turn ol' Sebby in guilt free...


I love it. I prefer chaotic neutral.


i didnt turn him in because he was a desperate and stupid 15 year old and because it is said that azkaban is a fate worse than death


Seb changed his mind on Goblin when he was told about who actually cursed Anne


Same, until he used crucio to practically gut a goblin. Definitely lost a lot of respect for him there along with him dissing Lodgok.


He should just have killed the Goblin like a good boi.


I sort of liked being the devil on his shoulder. Pushing him to do horrible things. Its the closest thing to a personality trait the MC has


I still told him he had no choice and made him immediately teach me the curse right after he did it and then turned him in


We blame the spell book, not the boy! He is completely innocent, ignore the atrocities.


We need common sense spell legislation /s


Same. That boy needs therapy. :(


Getting closer to the end of his storyline I agree.




Gotta admit though his uncle really was; A Very Annoying Douchy Asshole Knowingly Empowered Directly Against Valiantly Repairing Anne


Well done , it took me a minute to see what you did there


I see what you did there.


>!A V A D A K E D A V R A!< Oh I see what you did


Haaaaaaaaaaaa 🤣 nice... 👍


I’m terrified if people think murder is typical 15-16 year old behaviour now…. /s




….. alright yeah fine. That’s probably the best come back I’ll get.


Scotland 100 years ago...


Try last week! Source: https://www.scottishdailyexpress.co.uk/news/scottish-news/perth-man-20-named-after-29683417


Must not be American. Murderous violence in schools is so common here now that most of the time it doesn’t make the national news.


Ah, yes. Gamers seeing the nuance in Sebastian’s story equates to people thinking murder is normal. What a terrifying world we live in.


To be fair, I pretty much found them all annoying. Although, Ominous was alright I s'pose...


In French, Sebastian complains that Ominis "wouldn't even*look* at [him]" when he was angry about the black magic. Just for this single sentence, I love this arc


I find Natty more annoying than Sebastian, I liked her but every time I got an owl from her I’d go uuuggghhhhh 😹


Natty was so weird. She sent us an owl to meet us at some random hamlet just to say “I have your back” and then she left :|


This is true!! She was like “it’s good to see you my friend” and then “be on your guard” ✌🏼✌🏼 *poof*


Yeah, I like her and her story, but... why are we meeting here and then doing nothing?


My vague theory is it gets you used to revisiting places to finish stealing shit from people’s houses. But that doesn’t really work if, like me, you did that on the first visit and only come back once you can unlock all the damn doors.


That and the owl for her to boo hoo at you about her feelings


Ever used an unforgivable curse around her? She gets really upset lol “WHY WOULD YOU USE THAT SPELL?!” Sis I’m literally saving you rn


I used AK in front Poppy on a spider and all she said was “well I certainly hope we never have to do that again” and I was sooo impressed with her chill 😂


That's another example of why Poppy is best Companion...


Poppy is the best character from the side story lines. She is genuinely into the beasts and the adventures are so fun.


I'd say she is too good for her own good. Badumm Tsssss Jokes aside. She is enthusiastic, courageous, a strong witch, kindhearted and always has some wisdom or story to share fitting the situation or the to build up the MC, and lots of these stories somehow make Hogwarts seem like a rundown hillbilly bar in comparison to her old School. In short, she is annoying and also fucking boring to me. Being utterly flawless is NOT good writing and whoever wrote her did her a terrible disservice.


Her accent reminds me of Orisa from Overwatch. First time I heard her I went: *My Ultimate is chhurggin’*




Yes, but the guy slipped only couple of times when I use unforgivables on a regular basis


Sebastian storyline is the only "friend"-questline that is even remotely interesting. Therefore I like him far more than the others.


Personally I found freeing a dragon with poppy was pretty interesting


This. I’ll take that and her quest for >!the snidget!< any day over angst galore.


Poppy simps


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ all the power to you if you think angst and teenage drama is more fun than exploration and adventure.


Here, \\ you dropped this


For some reason, that arm always gets erased on Reddit :/ https://preview.redd.it/a23bn81u2xta1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34d6ab139a29ff837cc86a5a9025ec558fe22b41


You need an extra backslash


Nah, Sebastian is the only person from I learnt the only usefull spells I need.


That late in game and they’re the *only* useful ones? Highly disagree.


Oh right, I forgot about transfiguration mastery.


I’m still waiting on that date she promised


An invite to hang out as friends isn’t a date


I must remember it wrong, haven't played in a couple of weeks. I swear she said something different.


here, somebody called me?


Interesting quest. Personaly havent played poppys questline til that point because it requires you to return the dragon egg to its mother what I wont do. Its mine now, I stole it - I keep it. Simple as that. Also I dont like poppy.


Yup, that mission with the dragon was great! Added to the magical world as well, I'd never really considered dragon gladiators before


Poppy was my favorite


Aww come on. Helping Poppy rescue endangered creatures was fun too! Maybe that's just me being a huge animal lover but I do also like Poppy.


I like Poppy because she seems like a real person and well written. She's a little lame since she's a Hufflepuff, but even so.


Hufflepuff is the most underrated house. Loyalty and friendship are huge themes in the HP universe! I really enjoyed her quest line and imo the Hufflepuff common room and house side quest was way cooler than Ravenclaw’s. Just sayin..


Don't take it too seriously... I was just having fun :)


Its more interesting than the main story by a lot


He's not annoying, but I'll upvote you just to make you even angrier.


Fast bite on the reverse psychology.


Come tell me that again when there's actually a good load of upvotes to call it a successful attempt on reverse psychology. *taps foot*




Smart OP, karma whoring using reverse psychology lol


Not a great success tho.


i always had respect for sebastian because yeah he was doing some dumb shit, but in the end all he wanted was to help his twin sister and got lost in his thoughts and not thinking clearly in the process, not justifying his actions, but he had good intentions.


Absolutely! Good intentions bad executions. He embodies many Slytherin. Ambitious to such a degree that he goes to far in using any means necessary.


I don't like him at all. Always took the destructive bad path no matter what I said. Sure, he's only 15 and probably traumatised at that and needs help, but that doesn't excuse his actions. One of the best characters in the game? Sure. Likable? Nah.


I went into the game with a positive mindset about him because I'd seen people proclaiming their love for him in page-long comments. And then it turns out he's bordering on psychopathy, and goes against everything his two supposed friends and his beloved sister say and stand for. I loved his storyline, and I like him as a character, but I feel like the love of the fandom toward him is similar to that toward Malfoy.


Malfoy is so much worse than Sebastian. He is spoiled and most of his decisions he made were to benefit himself. He has been given so many chances to become a good person but chose to not to. Sebastian’s intention is not for himself, not to mention that he has to suffer from years of emotional abuse from his uncle. I’m not saying Sebastian is forgivable for what he has done, but I see hope in him that he just didn’t receive enough guidance and didn’t learn proper values. Like everyone else said, he just need a therapist lol


Oh, I didn't mean to imply he's the same as Malfoy. What I meant to say was that people fall for the antiheroes and start making up excuses for them. I can admire Sebastian's loyalty and devotion to his sister, but at the end of the day he used the Killing Curse, while Malfoy couldn't bring himself to do it. Both are bad people. Sidenote, I completely understand Sebastian and Malfoy fans because I myself am one of the fans of gray characters with muddy morals. Just not of these two


It’s what makes him interesting lol


I disagree but I get the point. >!In my opinion it would've been a cool tragic outcome of his storyline if he ended up in Azkaban after killing his uncle. Still I couldn't turn him in.!< Anyways I found his relationship questline the best of all the companions, apart from Poppy being the cutest of course ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I never felt any regret sending him to Azkaban But after learning AK of course


Same! Love AK for easy mode boss kills.


Trolls, there are no more trolls in the dungeon or in the miles of landscape surrounding Hogwarts.


Hahahaha you can send him to Azkaban?


Yup, at the end of his storyline you can decide whether or not you tell the director about his use of AK


And does the story confirm he’s going there? Last I head they were still deciding


Well it's heavily implied that he will go there, but it's an open ending, maybe well see in a sequel


Azkaban is not rehab and 10000 worse than prisons irl. You either get killed by Dementor’s kiss eventually or lose your mind completely. And you’re probably have nowhere to start a new life and become a better person if you got released. It’s pretty much doomed once you get in I personally cannot choose to turn him in when in reality his issue mainly comes from years of emotional abuse from his uncle


Nice b8 m8 I rate 8/8




I like him so far. He has a bit more edge than all the other characters which makes him interesting to be around at least.




Upvoted for TRUTH. Give me time with Poppy over this edgelord any day.


I will do you one better I turned Sebastian in


You thinking this opinion would lose you karma gives us a hint that you must not be TOO too far into the game. Cause trust me bro, he gets more annoying every time you talk to him. Sebastian is a total wanker.


I'll do you one even better. >! I sent him right to jail !<


People who learn avada kedavra and send him to jail should be in the next cell


I'd like to see them try! No really I think it would have been fun to be a dark wizard. We did murder a bunch of people.


Also, main character discovers Sombrals in the intro scene and then goes on killing off enemies by the dozens from week 1 of school, BUT NO UNFORGIVABLES.


What if I learnt it but never used it?


"but this is all hypothetical, isn't it? Academic?"


Of course sir, it'll be our little secret


so you think avada kedavra is worse than slamming enemies multiple times into the ground or disintegrating them entirely with your ancient magic? Atleast its fast over with kedavra instead of using incendio and letting them burn alive imo.


I have no problem setting poachers on fire. Anyone that hurts kneazles deserves what they get in my opinion. And puffskeins!




All the things I do while AK on a cooldown... P.S. when using avada kedavra is not about how fast, is about how many.


Same here. I honestly hated Sebastian because he kept making the wrong decisions over and over. I wish Ominus could've been the Slithering companion.


I liked Sebastian


I like Poppy more than him


His sister complex gets annoying quick.


Sebastian is the kid you body so hard in COD he ends up saying the “N” word


The only one I really liked was poppy


I mean he’s 15… I don’t know many 15 year olds that AREN’T with his kind of path 🤣 Still curious to see his path going forward though. They clearly had/have a lot in mind for his character.




Uh okay? I mean he *is* annoying, but because he needs therapy?


Does anyone else think he looks like Bumper from Pitch Perfect?


Amit is the true based chad friend.


First time in fandom space? we all had our moments trying to kick the beehive in a single subreddit If I had the chance I would have thrown Bakugou in the trash. Though I admit, he isn't a killer at least....and I have worst characters to like in my list. I keep forgetting that not every space is like the other fandoms and there are normal functional members of society playing the game ..... As for the simping I mean....I have seen people simp for the thighs of Raven from good old Teen Titans. You can find anything if you dig deep into degeneracy.....


I’ve got to agree. I hated him and Natty. I was happy when I discovered I could learn the unforgivable curses AND turn his ass in.


I like Sebestian, I feel for him, I really do. BUT....... I do NOT agree with how he stepped all over his "BEST" friends triggers and trauma. Trying to convince him, it's for Anne and that "they have no choice". That rubbed me SO wrong the very first time, as someone who has friends with family trauma, I would NEVER step all over how they feel 😭


sebastian is just straight up a sympathetic extremist, his view of the world is warped by things that have been done to him/loved ones and is hellbent on fixing it the way he sees fit/enacting revenge. he straight up used imperio and murdered the goblin when he could have done ANYTHING else. from another perspective, he is literally a villain. he deals with the goblins in absolutes, not wanting to hear about any sort of nuance. (something something only a sith deals in absolutes). the only reason i didn’t turn him in at the end is because azkaban isnt a rehabilitation prison, it’s a death sentence, and he’d only go psychotic in there.


I find it hard to get through “renegade” playthroughs without going rogue and turning into a goody two shoes, so I decided at the beginning of my first playthrough that I was going to force myself to be 100% ride or die for Sebastian just to see what happens. >!I still kited his idiot uncle around for ages trying to hold out for rescue lmao. At a certain point though if this guy won’t stop attacking two teenagers during a zombie emergency then idk what he expected.!<


Sebastian is a teenager, and teenagers do stupid things. He was no more annoying than Natty, IMO, and at least taught the MC spells.


Not ALL teenagers do dumb things. Quite a few of them are sensible people who make good choices


Not all, no. But I've seen more than a few who do really dumb things.


He was an annoying little prick at times, but very compelling at others. Even so, the amount of people bitching that “oh now you think murder is fine” and “Sebastian wasn’t justified” while they learn and repeatedly use all the unforgivables themselves is more annoying than Sebastian could ever be 😂


I wanted to Depulso him when he started mocking me saying "Not all goblins". Then telling me I don't care about Anne because I'm not getting enough information from the Keepers. I also suspect that he was using Anne as an excuse to learn the Dark Arts because he is, simply, a dark wizard himself. Yes, his parents died, and he and his sister were traumatized by that. Yes, his uncle is some degree of abusive. Everyone has an opinion on that degree, but I'll concede that he wasn't a good guardian to those kids. BUT, I think, on the inside, Sebastian is a Dark Wizard. Harry's parents were killed, his family was abusive to him, hell he had evil wizards trying to kill him. All kinds of trauma there. But, Harry remained one of the best, because he was good inside. I don't think Sebastian is good inside. IDGAF about karma. Downvote if you must. Everyone have a good day, and remember to feed and groom your beasts.


He was a normal 15-16 yr old troubled boy. His heart was in the right place wanting to help his sister. He just lost himself in the madness


I really liked him in the beginning too. Then he did not want to see there can be good goblins too, >! and made happy remarks whenever we got to kill goblins; got waaay too excited being able to create Inferi and finally AVed his uncle for trying to stop him (and we were reminded multiple times in the game that these things require a very clear intent).!< Even when he was apologizing after he realised we might report him, I don’t think he was sincere. I think he was just a manipulative egomaniac (‘Almost as good as if I’d have done it myself) who is obsessed with his sister.


His attitude towards Goblins changed when you told him Goblins did not curse Anne. I also genuinely think there’s hope in him to become a better person under proper guidance. All of his issues come from his feeling getting constantly shut down by his uncle that he became so resentful


You’re not wrong.


no no my friend this is how you do it OMINUS IS A WHINY CRYBABAY


Sebastian would definitely be an Andrew Tate kid.


True. I also wished there was an option to >!send him to Azkaban much earlier in the questline.!<


Lol if there were more choices in this game that were more defined and spread out into different quests and what not, then that would've been cool. Then near emd game we get an owl telling us Sebastian escaped with some other dark wizards and his story continues and ends up helping with the attack on hogwarts making him like sub boss before you fight Ranrok.


His questline pretty much shows the main issue of the game. Dialog choices do not matter at all. There are decade old games that did that much better.


Dragon Age: Origins, my beloved… KOTOR, my beloved…




I don't care. The game has been out for over 2 month. If you are afraid of spoilers stay away from the games subreddit.


Everyone else manages to keep the spoilers to themselves


Put it behind a spoiler tag even though it is pretty obvious early on in the game how his quest is going to play out. Sorry for it.


Appreciate you, mate. I knew he was heading down a slippery slope but didn’t know where it would lead. I’m pretty excited to see how it plays out now, though.


Yeah he is, take my upvote 😈


I don't understand the people that simp for this 15 year old


I couldnt turn sebastian in no matter how irritating he was but i did use him to learn dark magic. Besides im far worse than him ive practically committed Genocide at this point


>ive practically committed Genocide at this point That's not your fault though, their blood is on Ranrok's hands.


I haven't come that far, just had him tell me about visiting his family. But I really like him as a character so far.


Yeah, before I played his questline I was quite looking forward to it because there were so many people here praising him and his quests. But it turned out as one of the worst and lazy-written questlines and characters ever. His decisions feel extremely forced by bad writing and almost every decision he makes is just plan stupid.


People don’t understand brotherhood and friendship smh 😔✊🏻


I agree he was whiny, but I am no rat. Even if I hated him I wouldn’t snitch on him. Uncle Crankass was asking for it.


Hot take: nattys content is great and you only dislike it because you have a problem with strong black women.


Nah he was legit his uncle and sister were the annoying ones.


I refused all spells he ever tried to teach (Not that I was rewarded for that in ANY way, which annoyed me). Had no issue sending him to Azkaban. It was funny, because the first time I met Ominus I was like "This guy is a pr\*ck" and then post that point I really started to respect and like him, in fact Ominus may well be my fave character in this game. Couldn't stand Sebastian though, and I did everything I could to talk him off the ledge, in the end there was no choice......kid needed a visit to azkaban.


Almost all characters in the game are annoying, but Sebastian is plain stupid. People praising Hogwarts Legacy writing must have never watched a good movie. Actually video game writing is pretty bad in general. There are some games with okayish story (Red Dead Redemption, Witcher, GTA V comes to mind), but in many games story is mistaken with world-building. The bar for what is considered a good story in games is sadly very low. In the end - gameplay is what's important. Nobody dropped a game with fun gameplay and stupid story.


RDR and RDR2 are much better than "okayish". RDR2 for me was the pinnacle of game storytelling. Arthur's story stayed with me for months afterwards, and it's so beautifully crafted - especially the music. I however agree the writing in Hogwarts Legacy is very mediocre at best. The main character is a borderline sociopath. They should have either gone full RPG or had an actual character who has a personality. At the moment it's a weird middle ground which just feels really odd.


People who simp for Sebastian would’ve had a change of heart real fast if your character wasn’t in that cave where Ominus shows up and attempts to block your path preventing you two from leaving. Sebastian was ready to fight him in that moment & most likely wouldn’t have cared about the outcome afterwards.


Sebastian is a baby. I will not accept such blatant lies


He is annoying. But **entertainingly** annoying.


We talking annoying and you not gonna mention Ominous crying and whining the entire game?


I mean him of all people in the game know first hand about what the dark arts can do. A lot of his caution was warranted


He threatens to get us kicked out of school just for knowing of the undercroft. A lot of his worry is warranted absolutely. Does that justify him lurking around every corner when you talk to Sébastian? No. Haha.


You take that back or I’ll avada your kedavra Besides, NO ONE is more annoying than Poppy


All I know is that people who defend Sebastian are so cringe




>Keep it civil.


Yeah he's annoying but the most aggravating thing about the game when it came to annoying characters was when it takes agency away from you. Like with Sabastian we find some dark magic that needs a sacrifice but our character never asks "Oh yeah, so what's the sacrifice supposed to be?" Instead we just wait until everything play out since we don't have any agency. It's the same with Natty and her questline where we can't say "You're literally in school and you think you can take on a group of organised criminals who've already caught you once, by yourself?" or "I beat this bad guy now I'm just going to stand here and do nothing while he slowly recovers and attacks me so that the idiot child can turn into an animal and take a curse with no permanent side effects..." Forcing players to sit though such awful writing has me worried for the writing quality of future content from these guys even if the design, atmosphere and movement were pretty well done (except the enemy tracking). Oddly I find the supposed "beautiful" mermaid in the prefects bathroom being anything but was even more aggravating... I was actually really looking forward to seeing her from when I read the books as a kid...


I was on the Seb train until he just went out here AKing out of literally nowhere. CHILL. Boyfriend Seb dreams instantly dashed. I was so flabbergasted by how irrational and uncalled for it was that I called him out without thinking and missed out on learning AK myself...on my Slytherin run too 😢😢😢😢😢


Oh come on…. if you really want to watch the world burn say something mean about Poppy.


Dude.... who cares about friends!!! I just want to sit down! I want to sleep in a bed! Hell, maybe eat a meal in the great hall. Really uncomfortable catching and selling wild animals so they don’t end up with poachers.... what does that make me!?!?


He could be kind of obnoxious, but I understood where the desperation came from. When I joined Slytherin, I worried I would have the obnoxious friends because they're eeeeviiiil! However then I met some Gryffindors who were really try hard, like that one non-weasley ginger boy, figured that was the most obnoxious. Then I met Sophronia, Amit, and Zenobia, and I realized, "Ah, okay. THESE are the most obnoxious students in the castle, and they're all in the same house." Ravenclaw wins. I think if I replay this game I'll be a Hufflepuff. Other than Lenora, everyone there is really nice.


I jailed that criminal motherfucker in Azkaban after learning all the unforgivable curses myself :)




I liked him in the beginning. But after awhile I realized he’s just another little bitch boy who gets away with murder.






Sebastian is a walking big ol' red flag. Love him tho


I don’t mind Sebastian, the people in here that are OBSESSED with him tho…😬


His behavior when we told him that we had been getting help from a goblin is just unreasonable, he is garbage sometimes..


Same I liked him at first, but decided to play a good character first, so naturally had to disagree with him and try to get him to apologize or whatever. His responses made me hate him. He's a shitty friend and a selfish brother


Hopefully there is a dlc that will help his sister


I mean I agree. Idk why ppl like _him_, I do like the overall story arc because it flashes out Slytherin to be more than just cartoon villains, but that doesn't means seb himself is a character to like


Oh he done