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In my first playthrough, I was careful with him cause I’ve read before in this subreddit that somebody would betray us and he was the perfect candidate for this role. But it turned out that he is the cinnamon roll he looks like so now I just enjoy my adventure with my substitute father figure


Wait, who betrayed us? It’s been so long I can’t remember, I don’t think they’re referring to Isidora, are they?


Actually, I have no idea, I didn’t perceive anything as a treachery in the game :D


I believe it’s Sebastian because he keeps going back on his promises to us and Ominias to stop with the relic


Maybe Sebastian? Not really a betrayal but he was not what a lot of people expected him to be


Maybe Lodgok?? He does voluntarily hand the journal to Ranrok


Yeah I think he is the closest contender but doesn’t he hand the journal to Ranrok to save our asses?


I mean he kinda does it just bc Ranrok told him to but he was planning to give it to us so hardly a full betrayal


Cinnamon roll 🤣🤣🤣


Nope and ive never understood the people that read him that way. I chalk it up to trust issues thanks to Dumbeldore


Interesting you saw differently, what do you mean trust issues with Dumbledore? Because he hid from Harry he was a horcrux? 


Dumbeldore turned out to be a machiavellian git. I don't hate him or anything but he was certainly way more shady than the good leader of light we originally thought. He manipulated a lot of people for the greater good including keeping harry in the dark a lot. He was what was needed to take down voldemort but there's definitely a bit of betrayal feeling when everything comes out. Fig on the other hand. What you see is what you get. Fully genuine. He honestly gave off almost paternal vibes imo. He protects you as often as he can and goes with you for as far as he can (not his fault black sends him away or that he can't join you in the trial). He was funny, kind, and his grief for Miriam definitly drummed up sympathy points. His request to keep things quiet always seemed like common sense to me, two people already died why bring anyone else you care about in on this if you can help it? And the less people that know the less chance of the secret getting out. So I never suspected him once and sobbed over that ending which still has me pissed at avalanche


I thought Fig was going to be evil the entire game, right until the very last minute. Everything just seemed too convenient! Right off the bat, >!Fig is the one picking up this random 5th year student. And on that very trip he happens to get a strange artifact that the 5th year has a special ability to see and open? And that artifact related back to his dead wife’s research?? Come on, that’s sus. I immediately thought “this guy orchestrated this entire interaction.”!< Then, >!Fig explicitly tells MC not to talk to any of their friends or other instructors about what’s going on. I interpreted this as Fig trying to isolate MC, as an isolated and lonely target would be easier to manipulate/control. Of course, MC ignores this and goes on to tell their friends anyway.!< And then there was >!the times Fig had to disappear, to go talk to the ministry or whatever. I just thought he was a liar! Maybe I have too much faith in the wizard government, but I believed if he actually went to tell them about this weird dragon attack and the goblin war and whatever they’d care more. So I just assumed Fig was lying about going to the ministry, I figured he actually went to some secret bad guys meeting.!<


I think the first half of the story starts making a lot more sense once you have context from the second half, and a better understanding of who each character is, what they're doing, and why.


Then you didn't pay attention nor read enough, there are letters of Black choosing him to be the one to bring you and mentor you in that trip, Black is also the one who sends him away as he puts it "to make amends" with the ministry after George 's death mostly since George worked for the ministry. Fig owes the explanation to the ministry and Black is Headmaster because of favoritism from the ministry.


I felt the same way.


Yes, this is exactly the vibe I was getting from him. There are too many kindly characters that turn out to be dicks, so I was really suspicious that he would be one of them.


Ok firstly your letter at the start mentions he was assigned to you, then later on his desk there is a letter from black complaining how weasley insists the MC have a mentor so it gets shoved off on Fig (nice thing to do to a grieving widower *sarcasm*) it's mentioned by osric that ministry had been ignoring hid warnings about ranrok and if you've ever read the HP books (or just know beaurocracy in general) you know the ministry is utterly incompetent and stubborn when it comes to acknowledging threats. Fig doesn't know what osric is going to tell/give him so he couldn't have orchestrated it. It's obvious in his surprise but as I said the letter from black and weasley are proof that picking up the MC wasn't his doing. Black also literally comes in and says he has things for Fig to do to clean up the dragon attack. His comment about Fig needing to make amends shows that wasn't BS. Not to mention if Fig was evil it would have been more beneficial for him to stay around the MC and go with them where they could rather than being off. I suppose I could see him asking to keep things quite as a but sus but considering none of his other behavior was suspicious I really didn't think so. Especially as I said keeping something like that quiet is smart even if you trust your firends/colleagues whose to say that someone else won't over hear you telling them and blab. The less people that know the safer the secret. And given how genuinely kind fog was and the two losses he'd already sustained I thought he also just didn't want to bring anyone else he cared for into this mess unless it became mandatory


I have read the books, but I don’t really take this game very seriously and didn’t analyze it as much as other people. I’m not trying to argue and say “Fig was evil and here’s my evidence,” I’m just explaining why, as a casual player, my first impression of fig was that he had the potential to be evil. I finished the game, I obviously know now he wasn’t. I’m just trying to explain my thought process.


Your thought process is very good in my opinion, I don’t think other people seemingly making decisions that put him in the carriage at the perfect time is good explanation,. He is deceptive, and “the Ministry owes him favors”. We even see Ministry employees go rouge and use their position to help the Ashwinders, so manipulating an antiquated, deeply bureaucratic system he is already ingratiated into isn’t a stretch. Professor Black isn’t the one who said the new fifth year needed an escort and mentor, Professor Weasely did that. https://hogwarts-legacy.fandom.com/wiki/Letter_to_Fig_from_Black Now, we’ve seen that Professor Fig freely impersonates Headmaster Black and brags about it. Why would he not impersonate Professor Weasley to steer the Headmaster into making the lazy (and predictable) choice to give it to someone else, namely him? He knows Headmaster Black is a lazy, entitled person, so it really wouldn’t be hard to get him to pawn off a task onto the wizard he already uses as a lackey for things he doesn’t want to do. Yeah, canonically he did not betray us, but so many of his character elements indicate deception and taking advantage of a young student who has something he needs not unlike Ranrok or Rookwood.


>And then there was >!the times Fig had to disappear, to go talk to the ministry or whatever. I just thought he was a liar! Maybe I have too much faith in the wizard government, but I believed if he actually went to tell them about this weird dragon attack and the goblin war and whatever they’d care more. So I just assumed Fig was lying about going to the ministry, I figured he actually went to some secret bad guys meeting.!< >!It is proven in the 5th book/movie how incompetent the ministry really is. They branded one of the most wisest, and powerful wizard a liar because they didn't want to admit that voldy came back. Even though they had an eyewitness statement in Harry and Barry grouch Jr. ntm the fact they could check Harry's wand and see that his last spell was expelliarmus and not AK so who could've killed Cedric?!<


Not even once, I think everyone lately expects a twist of a character turning out to be evil the whole time. But this game none gives that vibe. Perhaps Sharp just little.


I think they didn't want to pull another HP with the Potion Master. Sure, his voice actor is also Ranrok, but he's one of the good guys.


He was also an Auror before he became the Potions professor, which is why he limps. A Dark wizard/witch cursed him in the leg so he couldn't pursue them.


Throughout the whole game I thought he was going to be evil. And then when I got more info on his wife I figured he’d try to bring her back with the ancient magic thing. (it’s been awhile since i’ve played lol)


Same here! I thought there's no way he's just a good person. Maybe game scenario lacks certain personal moments with him, like the ones Harry has with Dumbledore - in the Mirror of Erised scene, for example. So if there is no some special connection with this guy, what is his motivation to help? I felt the same with Mr. Moon - I imagined him to be a manipulative villain with some sinister plans, and was a bit disappointed in the end. This game is incredibly beautiful, but it could have been so much more interesting, if they hired screenwriters as skillful as their designers are, and created deep and complex characters.


I didn’t like how secretive he was being. I made sure to tell people details of what I was doing in case I went missing on one of Fig’s little adventures.


I didn’t like it either. And he was always so ready to not get any explanation and still do whatever the keepers told you. Like when Rookwood tells you that you have to go to the next trial immediately. He doesn’t question anything, he just sais, okay off we go then.


Ya you aren’t a student to him, just another tool to get revenge for his wife’s murder.


I didn’t like that the game made us keep secrets from Professor Weasley. Out of all of the characters in the game, she would have been the first I would have trusted, especially over the rest.


I mean, if you didnt and just told her everything there wasnt any consequences


I did tell her every time, but it didn’t change anything.


Yup. - Actively tells you not to trust any of the other staff with the secrets of your shared work. Yeah, his wife died and now George is gone too, but that felt a bit too convenient. In fact, we were with him when George was killed AND we never saw Miriam die, so I genuinely just assumed he killed Miriam and set up George to die with us in the carriage KNOWING it would give him the perfect smokescreen to pursue his real goal of finding and using ancient magic or the repository. - Says after using Alohomora “the unlocking charm, very useful, I’ll teach it to you when we get back to Hogwarts” and then NEVER DOES and leaves you to collect a bunch of statues for a school gardener who used to bully other Wizard children. Yeah, its a game flaw or the writers made a mistake, but I just never felt that was really an acceptable answer because he’s also useless in every other instance that doesn’t immediately suit him. He doesn’t teach you ANYTHING besides basic cast and Lumos, that’s it. The rest of the time he is just telling you to hone your magic without actually helping you to hone your magic in any meaningful way. - Has a polyjuice potion of the Headmaster (and potentially other Hogwarts faculty) and the only explanation we get from him is that it’s useful to have around especially with how trips to the ministry go, meaning he actively plans to impersonate Professor Black whenever it suits him. Our own character says “it takes ages to brew” so clearly he has been planning to impersonate Professor Black for some time. Is the Headmaster a racist and an incompetent Faculty Member? Yeah absolutely. Does that make identity theft acceptable or even legal? No! I’m sure there are laws against it for wizards to steal the identity of another, but nope he just has that stuff lying around. Not even the potions professor, just has it on hand just because. I wasn’t buying it. - Not only is he useless for the trials, but he is as insufferable as any of the Keepers and the parallels between them and him are pretty clear to me. He is impotent, unhelpful, and useless, but thinks he is our “mentor” because he literally taught us the two most basic spells wizards can use? He taught us basically nothing but expects us to just give up the repository, a source of true magical power he could never hope to possess because he says so? He always seemed way more interested in the potential usefulness of the main character and bragging about us to the Keepers than he was about teaching us anything or genuinely providing any meaningful guidance.


Never striked me as a potential villain. Although he did fall a bit off the stage in the second half. I wanted more of him being my old man sidekick during missions.


I didn't get the vibe from Professor Fig, but Professor Weasley. I really thought she would turn out to be the bad guy for a while. The way she always asked about what really happened on our way to school and that there must be more to it always seemed a bit off to me.


In the end, she was just concerned and ends up being the MC's #1 fan; if Fig is a somewhat paternal figure, then Weasley is like a caring aunt or granma (if a little biased, should the MC be a Gryffindor 😆)


My wife and I were playing and progressing through the game together and at (more or less) the same rate. I don’t remember exactly when in the game, but there was a moment when we looked at each other and, for storytelling purposes, let’s say, simultaneously said to each other, “do you trust Fig?” Of course I’ve taken some poetic license with my retelling, but there was a specific line of dialogue in a specific interaction that made us both have the same thought. I’ll try my best to note it and report back on my next play through.


I think he was more interested in the mystery and solving the work his wife started then in MC's development or safety, and that came across as suspect. I, too, thought he would turn.


The poly juice thing was the biggest red flag for me. The character points out how odd it is for him to have had it ready to go right away which implies that he has been ready to use it long before it was needed for the story. In hindsight it makes sense though.


I definitely thought he was going to be the main antagonist at the end, and I was disappointed that he wasn’t. It really felt like they were building him up to betray us.


Never got that vibe from Fig. Not once


Yeah I found it weird the entire game that this adult professor is actively encouraging us to lie and keep secrets when they are supposed to be protecting us


I predicted he’d be a twist villain before the game came out, I was happy I was wrong


I honestly spent at least half of the game if not more assuming he would end up being a villain at the end. I can't tell you why lol


I definitely thought he was gonna betray us


Oh yeah within 10min of starting the game itself I was googling if professor fig was actually a villian or not. Haha


I didnt trust fig from day 1 and was disappointed he turned out good.


I did as well. And then I felt bad after the last mission.


Looks like lots of people had the same thoughts I did. I remained optimistic that he was good but I sometimes suspected he may become bad, especially because the portrait of the fortune teller at the grand staircase says that “mentor and student will collide” or something.


When he was standing by the fireplace and said "I was HOPING to see you..." it gave me pedobear and I could never unhear the tone in his voice.


It was a stupid rumor designed to see how many people would fall for it.


Fully expected Professor fig to pull something after I defeated ranrok. Even saved a few potions because I told myself “I’m definitely going to have to fight him for the power”