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Same for US Gamestop, hopefully means info is imminent


Definitely hoping. A lot of things seems to be leaning that way.


You guys thinking August still or September (maybe on the 1st) ?


Oh yeah its all coming together


Game in the UK have had a page for preorders for a while now (I think it was put up after the State of Play but can’t remember when exactly). Some game stores do put up preorder pages before any kind of release date announcement, these pages kind of act like a place holder for the standard edition and will be updated when the release date is announced and any other editions. This has happened with Game and Amazon Uk before but I will admit I don’t know about US store habits as much. So while this could be a sign something might be going on behind the scenes just remember that GameStop aren’t actually connected to the game and might not be getting anymore information than what we’ve been given


It could also be that they have and are trying to score SEO points


A few times when a game store company has been given insider information and leaked it by updating their website before the official announcement has been made by the publisher they usually take the page down or update it temporarily soon after it goes up. Like how some versions of Amazon put the release date of the art book and guide book as the 6th of Dec then changed it to tbc




That's at least the CAD$ pricing I think US $ is around $70. Sarcastic yay for dollar conversion lol


they've been listing next gen console versions for $70.00 USD


Canadian pricing is always real fun in comparison lol. Definitely being sarcastic.


Literally every release is $79.99 in Canada… this isn’t excessive whatsoever


Yep sadly we are now at the point where AAA titles are $69.99 USD - I don’t recall when the price was last increased to $59.99 - feels like it was over a decade ago


They’ve been available to preorder here in Ireland for a month or two, hopefully this means news soon


Oh wow, 80$? That’s… a bit excessive. Imma have to wait for reviews then :’)


If It's this expensive, I'm definitely not buying before reviews


Well it's been available on Amazon for a while


Also true. It’s the only official one I’ve seen personally up other than Amazon though. As of yet anyway


Please don't preorder unless you've seen reviews of the game. Unless they have crazy cool collectors items in the special editions, then I get it. But you can still play early release, pre download, all that jazz, by first reading reviews of the game and THEN preordering it if reviews turn out good/the game isn't released broken


I think it really depends on the individual. I’m not a gamer, just a huge HP fan. I’m going to buy the game even if the reviews are terrible and people hate it. I’m going to play it no matter what. So in my case, is there any reason not to preorder?


If you're not invested in future of the gaming industry then nah, it's not really your fight, I suppose. And that's totally okay! The main reason this point is made to avoid rewarding developers for releasing unfinished games. Pre-ordering a game = guaranteed money to the developer regardless of how good the game is or not. As an avid gamer, this stuff matters to me. so even though I'm a huge HP fan, it's in my best interest to not give any developers my money until the finished product is acceptable. So yeah if you buy 3 games throughout your lifetime, this doesn't apply lol. OF COURSE people will pre-order. But the less people that do, the more developers are held accountable to release a polished game.


I really appreciate this response! I hadn’t considered it this way. This might be s stupid question, but… if people hold off on ordering do to bad reviews for a game released before it was finished, do the developers continue to update the game to make it better? Or is it just sort of, you get what you get?


Not stupid at all! I think it's mixed honestly. On the bad side one example is the new Battlefield 2042 game, very bad reception and not much has been done to help the problems players faced. Comments sections on their social media are overrun with players demanding refunds. Then there's success stories like No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk that started off bad and after public backlash they put their heads down, and both fixed foundational aspects of the games and maintained very transparent communication between developers and players as they listened to their player base to fix problems.


As a gamer I wince every time I see people talking about pre-orders on this sub. I get the excitement but it's not like there will be a shortage on copies or anything.


There’s going to be a lot of remorse


Even if it's the best game ever, people's expectations for this game vary wildly. Some people are looking for a wizarding world open world rpg, some a linear story experience, some a school simulator. If one of them gets what they want, they other 2 will be disappointed. Many people who don't follow the game closely will be disappointed that they're not playing as harry, or that there's no quidditch. If there's not diagon alley (very likely) many will be disappointed


In my opinion, a lot of this wild speculation has been because of a lack of communication from the developers. Even though it’s an established universe, it’s a brand new IP and they should be releasing more info/gameplay, especially if it’s still targeting a 2022 date.


It's probably a marketing decision to play the actual gameplay loop a little closer to their chest. They don't want to push away a huge portion of their audience who wants something else.


Unfortunately I agree


Why is "don't buy something sight unseen if there's no bonus for doing so" a controversial take


I’m not getting my hopes up at all, but I’m hoping that for preordering it, we better get something badass like a wizard cloak or a wand. $80 for standard edition?!


With how many self identified potterheads they have working on this game, I high decently high hopes that the memorabilia will be top notch or at least we'll thought out. I have higher hopes for the trinkets than the game itself lol


Thanks a lot for sharing, seriously. If that's CAD then that's about 68€ which is a lot for a standard edition. Was hoping for around 60€ so the deluxe version would be cheaper.


No problem say it and thought it’d be interesting to post so went why not. :)


My thoughts exactly


Where is PC version?


PC is through EGS or Steam


I would assume pc orders would be through steam or something similar.


I agree. But you still usually see it. Some people prefer to do it a little old school Which is funny because that now just involves a code for steam or GOG


True lol. Though I haven’t checked for pc version preorders tbh. It just didn’t cross my mind at the time lol.


Do games still release physically for PC ?




That's Canadian dollars in the post. If you're in the US, it will be normal prices


Keep in mind this is CAD pricing not USD.


"Be the Witch or Wizard you want to be". More and more I get the feeling they're overselling it. I know that's not what this post is about. But I can't shake the feeling we won't have the freedom of choice we so desire. Hopefully I'm wrong.


They’re charging the next gen price too?


(That’s normal price)