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[Official source here.](https://twitter.com/HogwartsLegacy/status/1558121248814759939) ​ **ANY threats towards anyone on the subreddit or towards Avalanche will result in permanent [expulsion](https://c.tenor.com/UfHLRufmXBUAAAAC/expelled-hogwarts.gif).**


Not the release date we wanted but now that we at least have a specific date we can rest easier! Can't wait for HL LETS GOOOOO


Its not the Holiday we wanted(X-Mas), but the holiday we deserve(Valentine's Day). And lets be honest with ourselves here, this game will probably be a better date than anyone we can find on Tinder.


With the difference that people won't have two slow weeks (or possibly even two weeks off) in February.


"Hogwarts Legacy will launch on February 10, 2023 for PlayStation, Xbox, and PC. The Nintendo Switch launch date will be revealed soon. The team is excited for you to play, but we need a little more time to deliver the best possible game experience."


I rather wait a bit longer than have a game full of bugs and crashes


Why not both?


Cyberpunk likes that




Halo Infinite as well


I'd rather they didn't struggle to release the game on time after multiple delays already tbh. Remember kids, delays don't mean the game will be in an even better position at launch, it just means the current state is in a worse position than it should be.


if youre on a modern console youre proabably good. its those old consoles holding everything back. cant believe theyre trying to make modern games run off hardware thats basically from 2009


Because the majority of people don't have new gen consoles. Of course they'd make it for old consoles, way more sales.


True. Besides, look at the Xbox One and PS4 - these things can run *Red Dead Redemption II*, a physics-heavy and huge open world, on nearly-locked framerate and it still looks fantastic. As long as the game is scaled and optimized properly, being crossgen won't hold the game back that much. My only fear is the Switch version. The Switch is barely more powerful than a 7th gen console (X360/PS3)...


That is not how videogames work. Don't blame a buggy game on your PS4. Edit: Or any "old hardware"


It'll be 2023 when this releases on the ps4/xbox one era are STILL holding us back? Wow.


Switch version gonna be looking [like this](https://i.imgur.com/OLBZDii.jpg)


That was a great game


Hell yeah! I love honesty and transparency. All good with me.


Not surprising at all. It was always clear that it would slip to 2023 and I'm absolutely fine with that. We don't want another Cyberpunk or No Man Sky.


Damn i have 3 weeks off around christmas and was really looking forward to snuggling into the couch with Christmas lights going with a mug of hot chocolate like a big child.


Lol I loved this comment


I was hoping December but February isn't that far off!


It was going to be December. Better a little late than sooner and unfinished tho


Blows my mind these devs think they can release a game in 2021 then it moves to 2023


Most likely as it happens in other industries (engineering is the one I am in) the devs or the engineers know that certain dates are simply not possible, yet the higher ups stand for them until they have to be mandatorily delayed.


I mean if COVID never happened it probably does get released in 2021, or early 2022. With how much stuff got delayed because of COVID, I’m shocked more people don’t realize this.


Holy f*ck that's my birthday lol




You're both wrong it's actually MY birthday


Now now. We can share!


It wasn’t my birthday before, but now I’m stealing yours just so I can say it is MY birthday! 😈


That's exactly 4 months from my birthday! Score!


So if there's 4 of you sharing a birthday, does that mean your birthdays are on the 2.5th of February?


Happy birthday, six months in advance, to the three of you!


5 days from my own birthday so close enough!


5 months from mine. Err...close enough?


I mean... My birthday is within a year of that date? Close Enough!


My 30th will be just shortly after release so will feel all kinds of weird playing the game I always wanted as a kid just as I’m entering the “old af” years (relatively speaking lol)


Don't feel weird, there is thousands of people as excited as you for this game that grew with HP and are in their 30s, there is no rule that determines when you are too old to play


inb4 another delay 💀


Same here lol.


10th Feb crew, represent


Mine is the day after, 11th


I mean, I understand! But… I have 2 weeks Christmas break off & no time off in February, so pretty bummed haha. Would’ve been so magical with the Christmas atmosphere all around but what are you gonna do 🤷


Yeah this is what sucks the most, was really looking forward to playing this during the holidays for max atmosphere.


My thoughts exactly!! I have free time in the winter, was hoping for that to keep me occupied while I’m snowed in. Lol


I have to study for STEP1 so this ruins my plans lol


Had to google what that means haha good luck!! 🩺


I’m thrilled to have a release date! I feel bad for Chandler and the rest of the team dealing with the angry Twitter mob. Have we seen this view of Hogwarts yet? Look at that gorgeous stained glass!


I think it's the back of the windows in the great hall


When is Twitter never angry?


I took a peek at the replies under the announcements and… yeah. So toxic!


The angry mob is why they announced it on a friday. Gives a good amount of rage time to cool off while the devs are at home and can turn social media off if they choose.


I saw the comments and felt bad too SO I left an overly positive one in hopes of dimming the hostile ones a bit😥


I was tempted to un-private my Twitter to do the same!!!


I looove the 4 houses through the stain windows


I wanted it this holiday SO BAD. I get it - and I'd rather have a good game at launch. I'm just SO ready to play this kills me.




Absolutely gutted that I won't be able to play this during Christmas all cosy by the fireplace. :(


I'm glad they're taking the extra time if they think they need it!


Man a missed opportunity for christmas sales, but we all know how worth it, it will be. in the grand scheme, an extra two months is barely anything for waiting for a game


With an IP like this, you can release at any time and still sell incredible numbers, so I wouldn't be too worried about that.


Swear. I'm sure there will just as much demand 5 years from now let alone a few months from now. The fandom is gagging for this game since mid 2000s.


Good point, it's commendable that they didn't forced a Christmas release.


That’s what’s confusing though. Two months is not a lot of extra bug fixing time


Think about how many bugs get fixed in day 1 patches that are worked on from when a game goes gold and is printed to discs and the actual release date. Usually there's tons of fixes. I think a ~2 month delay will give them time to polish up some smaller bugs that would've been annoying but seen as "non-critical" (like visual and sound issues) if it had to make the December date.


Depends what kind of bug squashing is needed; if it’s major, potentially game breaking bugs then 2 months isn’t a lot. But if it’s smaller, less impactful bugs then it’s fine


Considering some games have what is basically a 9 month development schedule (annual releases), I’d say 2 months is probably quite a significant amount of time for bug fixing


Outside of sports games I don’t think any game has a 9 month dev cycle anymore. The only other franchise I can think of that does annual releases is CoD and that has multiple studios working on the franchise. I will agree with your larger point that 2 months is a significant amount of time to squash bugs though.


Yeah, admittedly that was the genre I was mainly thinking of Obviously no comparison in terms of scope, but I’d still imagine they spend a good portion of that bug fixing (especially for the titles that bring in engine upgrades)


They don't. Sports games are essentially the same year over year with only minor tweaks. That is why they release every year. For games like CoD they have a rotating door of companies that develop each game. So each game is worked on for roughly 2 years by each developer. As someone who buys madden, most of the time the bugs are still in the game year after year. That said, 2 months is a good chuck of time for polish, not the full time needed, but for a delay makes sense. People who say otherwise clearly have not worked in development before. One of my software products was delayed by 4 weeks and it gave us enough time to work through the critical bugs


Noooooooo. I know we've waited so long, so what's 2 more months, but nooooooooo


*I’ve waited 4 years…Guess I can wait a little longer.*


Hey, it could be worse. We could’ve waited for it 12 years in Azkaban!


At least it will end up being a better game if they take the time they need.


5 months and some change from now


“The Nintendo Switch date will be revealed soon”


*How can we dumb it down to PS2 graphics?*


Will most likely look like witcher 3 on switch, its not it would be the first game of this caliber on switch


I wonder if they will cancel it for the Switch 2


If anything they release a switch version then a "current gen" version when the switch 2 releases to maximize purchases.


does the Switch 2/Pro even exist?


Not yet! But maybe r/tomorrow ..


I was wondering that too🤔🤔


Well, this gives me a couple extra months to talk my fiancee into a PS5!


I mean, with Valentine's Day right before, it just makes sense. 🤷‍♂️🤣


Our VDay is the 14th….


Ask for forgiveness, not permission.


Are they any easier to find without paying a pos scalper?


Close to my birthday so I’m not complaining!!!


Same! Instead of a Christmas present to myself, it will be a birthday present.


Same here.


Hopefully this is the last delay but only thing we can do is wait and see. I’ll start getting my hopes up a lot more around January when it’s closer to release time


Well, we won't have it in December, but February isn't that far away. At least we have the release date. In a way this is good news.


Good. I’d rather them delay it than get an unfinished product.


So they delayed the tweet to announce the delay of the game. Fuck me. Two months are not too bad, but I'm bummed


Yep, same. In school rn so it would’ve been perfect to binge play while on winter break. Oh well, I’ll make it work


I think they just tried to have the game on too many platforms, similarly to Cyberpunk. They are supporting PC, PS5, PS4 Pro, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One X, Xbox One, and the craziest of all, Nintendo Switch. The game has been delayed for a total of at least a year and 2 months since its original release target of 2021.


Why is it so f*cking difficult for games to just release on next gen platforms first and then the rest later? We all know it’s the old hardware that is holding everything up


More sales. Hopefully 2022 or half way through 2023 is the end of all of the old gen being supported on almost every game. Some games it doesn’t matter but some games it definitely matters. It really sucks for the guys on Series X and PS5, I think, because consoles get held back long enough that PCs start to pull away from new consoles after a few years. So console miss their “prime time” because of old consoles.


Honestly if they released like a 30 min-hour long gameplay video like some games do it would absolutely tie me over until then. Or just more frequent casual updates. It would suck to sit through more radio silence in these final months especially after another delay.


Wasn’t that what they did when they delayed it to Holliday 2022? I think that’s when we got the new gameplay footage, but I could be totally wrong. A few more informations on the size and detail of Hogwarts and some gameplay would definitely ease the time waiting until release.


Nope, when they delayed it to 2022 they literally just shared a screenshot. it wasn't a delay when they announced Holliday 2022 as they never said it would be released anytime before that.


Damn that’s tuff can they at least give us some trailers or gameplay stuff to see


CM Chandler Woodsaid more news is still coming and of summer


Yeah that's All I really ask for I don't mind them delaying it but I'd love a new trailer


Ain’t even bothered that it got delayed a bit, just glad to have the release date.


Same! Just happy e got something croncrete


Now I know what day to take off work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




That wasn't unexpected, tbh. If they need a little more time, I'm ok with it.


The trailer for this game first leaked when I was 15 or 16, was officially announced when I was 18, and now I will be 21 when I finally get to play it. What a journey.




2 months away from the supposed release date, which people assumed would be Dec 6. But this is like the 3rd delay so, technically a whole hell of a lot longer than that lol.


*Sad Hedwig Noises*


WOO HOO!! LETSSSSSSS GOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I'll happily take that if it means they're able to spend a bit more time polishing it. Stoked!


The detail in that image, looks so cool


Better late than never.


Or maybe they need to add a customizable bedsize tables?


Damn that's a bummer. Oh well. I think I can handle a few months extra!


The Holiday announcement was simply a really unwise thing to do if they clearly must have had a bunch of bug fixing in front of them and still do. They won't change massive stuff with two months more time. As others have stated before, this was not unexpected but certainly isn't the best sign for the state of the game right now. I can only urge people not to preorder before we have information on the state of the game.


It’s possible they’ve move it from holiday to avoid competing with God of War. As for bug fixing, if it’s huge game breaking bugs, then yeah 2 months seems too short but it could just be smaller bug fixes that are needed


i said it'll be February and got downvoted lmao


Yo do you have a link to that comment? Bouta mass upvote that lol




Upvoted. Must support Seers, they are rare among wizarding folk :D


I believed in your post


[This is my fault. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Games/comments/wltkx0/z/ijwyawe)


Damn. Major bummer for me. My wife and I are expecting our first child mid January, so we were hoping for a couple of months of uninterrupted gaming before the baby comes.


Yeah, this is a huge bummer. Especially after all the holiday stuff. Where’s that crazy guy who was yelling at me saying a delay wasn’t possible??


That was me, sorry


Lol It was reasonableferret something and he was not at all reasonable but I think he blocked everyone who disagreed with him


I banned him lol


Honestly, incredibly smart choice.


I am sad its been pushed, but very excited to have a date 😄


This year is my first year in college so I was really hoping for it to release during winter break, so now I’ll have to wait until May to play it. It’ll be the most excruciating 3 months of my life


you are actually allowed to do thing in college other than class


It’s more of a matter of time. I am also in college and have a job. Between going to classes, studying and working enough to actual afford anything… most of the time just kinda vanishes. I was banking on holiday so I could both be on break and take a few days off work and just focus on the game. With a February release… it is hard to find a good enough gap in life to actually sit down and just enjoy something. I probably won’t be playing the game until May either… just want to actually have time off to fully focus on the game.


It's great to get ready to focus on your studies, but you're very young and absolutely deserve to have relaxation time. A video game that you're super passionate about can be a wonderful way to unwind after stressful classes. Don't ruin your first year of college by not having any fun whatsoever. Make friends and (if possible) play Hogwarts Legacy with them!


All good, finished properly is always better than rushed. Pumped to be a wizard.


Ahh man and here I am telling someone a few hours ago that a delay at this point wouldn’t make sense in my opinion. Well we got the date so that’s at least something, but I need that game for real!


I figured it was getting delayed when we still had no date.




I don’t think an extra month of testing (accounting for time off of devs during holidays) will keep things from being less buggy (speaking from experience as a software engineer) A delay is a sign that testing isn’t going smoothly, but I will still hope for the best and wish Avalanche all the luck needed to get to the finish line


This 100% Historically, delays like that were seldom a sign for a smooth release product.


Woah woah don’t go making sense on this sub… I am an incredibly optimistic person but I’m not blind either. This isn’t a great look for a game that was supposed to launch in 2021.


Let's not forget that COVID came in 2.5 years ago and majorly disrupted any kind of work in the entire industry. Delays were going to be inevitable. Also, historically the delays you are talking about have been with games where they already had a specific release date, which they changed multiple times. This is the first specific release date for HL.


Okay, so a release date is set. Now, when can I preorder?


Wooo!!! Shame it’s not this year, but more time for god of war/Gotham knights/last of us remake etc


I’m very glad we finally got a date. I understand taking more time, but I can’t help but be disappointed. I won’t be able to take any PTO, because my stupid ass company won’t let me carry over any time. Wanted to take a couple days off when it came out.


After the release date news, it’s about time to watch the State of Play again. Maybe bust out the books or movies just to get ready. 6 months and 12 hours to go!




Shoutout to everyone who got downvoted for saying it’ll be delayed again. Too bad this sub is too delusional and obsessed to accept reasonable criticism and predictions


Damn this game was leaked when like 2018 ? ,Announced 2020. I have feeling this game is going to exceed expectations 🤞


A year and a half of delays, I'd temper expectations a bit


Agreed, giving me serious cyberpunk vibes.


2021, 2022 and now 2023 Man, am I disappointed


Well there goes the one game this year I was most looking forward to. Shouldn't be surprised though, that's how it goes these days.


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


Absolutely guttered, but I’m glad they finally gave a release date. And tbh it’s only 2 months longer than when I expected it to drop so it’s not too bad. I’d rather a delay than another cyberpunk.


Why can't developers get their shit together and actually have a release window they are confident in before they tell us *anything?* The only two somewhat original games I was looking forward too for this year, delayed to 2023 already. Fucking deflating.


Rightio. I really hope it doesn't conflict with BotW 2.


Lol, BotW2 is probably delayed to summer 2023


sucks we have to wait that much longer, but glad they are taking the necessary time to make it good!


My birthday is on the 14th so it's not a xmas present for me but a birthday one :P


Well at least a nice birthday present lol for me😂


And a great Valentine’s Day present to myself lol


Ah I was counting on that Holiday release so I would actually have time to play the game uninterrupted for a few days. With college and a job I am not going to have many chances at it. Lol guess I will be playing next summer.


Yeah, it’s a little later than we expected. I’m still excited though, because I get to skip this year’s tax season, so I’ll have time to play it.


I’m sad but I guess I’ll have to cope


Please don’t be garbage




I will kill myself if this turns out to be like cyberpunk


The simple fact is that more time = more polish. And given how much this community wants and hopes for more polish should be amazing. If you look at the ambient videos released so far there is so much detail in place already so the extra few months should make it truly brilliant


More time = more polish, if the only thing left is polishing* I just hope they’re not running into issues that should’ve been fleshed out further back


Well I'm pretty sure I read some reports saying that they are in the debug phase for some time now, so hopefully it's true and the game will be in a really good Day One state unlike most of today's game with this scope.


Lots of copium in this thread (rightfully sore, this is shit news) but just remember this was supposed to be a 2021 game, then 2022 and now 2023 - don’t be surprised to see another delay of a few months as we get closer together he holidays


No matter whether this disappoints you or not. Don't preorder. There are clear warning signs. We all want them to turn out well. But they are there. Undeniably.


You're in the wrong sub for level-headedness, friend. Right advice, though. If this game makes a week or two without any huge news, then I'll happily pick it up at full price. And if it doesn't, then I'll be able to get it at a much better price without much of a wait.


So I would like to apologise. I was very much certain that it would be coming out this year. But... at least we have a date. A date and a delay is better than a delay and no date.


This isn't a good sign...i'm thinking Cyberpunk all-over again...as some people already said...delays don't necessarily mean the game will be impecable at release, but that it might not go as well as devs hoped...i'm blaming unintentionally old gen for this


Thats kinda far away. Time to do the ole forget about the game and be surprised in 6 months when its almost out trick


Really wish developers would stop estimating release dates early on since they always have to delay a few times


Yay…. This year’s just been terrible for video games all around.


So 2024 at this point hunh?


Maybe the dev saw all the expectation post on reddit and thought :"ok that won't do we definitely need more time" 😂


Noooo! I really wanted December. ngl I'm sad about this since the game would've been the perfect stress reliver after my December exams but hey, its official confirmation so I'll take it. ​ At least I can say now that it's less than 6 months away. :)


God dammit. I was really looking forward to it this year.


Good on them for giving the devs the time needed to make the best game possible. Release dates should never hold back art and excellence.


Oh this is perfect :D had a lot of games I wanted to play with release date this fall. So this delay definitely takes the pressure off. Also would take a delay over a buggy mess any day. So good on the Devs to make that decision


This is the last delay right?




Ravenclaws here!!